Good news! The Skeptics Handbook has been translated into German and now you can email all your German speaking friends (or enemies 😉 ) with a link to this page or the German site it’s on.
It’s a first. Thanks to the power of the internet, and the passionate international resistance to propaganda in science, I’ve now written a book I can’t read. (No seriously, it’s a measure of just how dedicated are the army of unpaid volunteers willing to donate time and effort to spread the word. Thanks!)
“Das famose “Skeptiks´ Handbook” der australischen Umweltjournalistin Joanne Nova liegt jetzt in deutscher Übersetzung vor!… Frau Nova ist jahrelang überzeugte Anhängerin der Treibhausthese gewesen, bevor sie endlich Argumente und Gegenargumente auf die Waagschale legte und erkannte, daß Begriffe wie “Treibhauseffekt”, “Extremwetter”, “Klimaschutz” etc. reine Fiktionen sind, die aus politischen und finanziellen Beweggründen von Interessengruppen in die Welt gesetzt wurden. Und dass deren hartnäckiges Bestehen allein der mangelnden Aufklärung der Bevölkerung zu verdanken ist, die per Auflage und Wahlverhalten in unseren Medien-Demokratien das gesamte Geschehen bestimmen. “
Being a nation of people who get-things-done, I was swamped with offers to translate The Handbook from sprechers des Deutschen – more than any other language. Though there are also other translations on the way and very close (French and Norwegian), and I’ll report each one as it becomes available. Anyone who wants to do a Spanish, Italian, or other version please email me: joanne AT
A big Thank you to Hermes and to Henric Willberg
for their work in translating the text and artwork.
I like being ‘Frau’ Nova. It could catch on…
Printed copies of Das Skeptiker
The Germans will probably be the first to get a translation of the Handbook printed. We are working out details with The Hayek Institute, which has generously offered to organize to print and post copies. Watch out here for more news.
We need help to get copies out to the UK
The land from where the native language of The Skeptics Handbook originated may well get printed copies of the Handbook after the Germans do. We’ve got interest from the UK, and some support, but are looking for a sponsor who can assist with the rest of the printing and distribution costs. Do speak up if you have ideas or contacts, or even better, money. (Yes, we’ll take donations specifically to enable British politicians and journalists the chance to be exposed to some logic, reason and basic facts of climate ‘change’ 😉 )
Thanks to Derek Tipp for launching the idea and finding at least one potential sponsor…
Find the English speaking version here.
Das ist wunderbar.
Sehr gut Joanne! et tres bien fait pour la version francais!
Ich hoffe, dass die folgende Version des Skeptiker-Handbuches den ausgezeichneten Herr Doktor Tseuschner bezieht.
[I hope the next version of the Handbook will reference the good Dr Tseuschner.]
[Ein Fehler. Ich entschuldige mich für den.]
Sounds wonderful! 😉
Ausgezeichnet Joanne! Das ist genial!
Weiterhin die gute Arbeit!
Die meisten Menschen nicht verstehen Dr. Tscheuschner. Er ist zu geistigen für die meisten Schwarzseher Idioten.
[…] die per Auflage und Wahlverhalten in unseren Medien-Demokratien das gesamte Geschehen bestimmen.
Das ist ein Mitleid, Krueger.
Die Jugend der Tagnotwendigkeit, die Arbeiten von Ralf Tscheuschner zu lesen und die nicht Dummköpfe mögen Michael Mann.
Das ist leider wahr!
Mit Michael Mann, eine Person erfährt verdrehter Wissenschaft.
Michael Mann war des hinsichtlich korrekt von der “Hockey Stick” Diagramm; jedoch.
Mann hatte einfach das gedreht Diagramm.
________ /
Didn’t print correctly.
Mann had the Hockey Stick diagram correct, it was simply printed upside down.
Sehr gut, wunderbar – hoffentlich bald anderer Sprachen?
Ckeptikni kniga?
Die folgende Version erscheint in der Klingon Sprache.
Ich glaube nicht, daß auch noch so viel wissenschaftlich saubere Widerlegung den Klimaschutz-Hype der Ökoverbrecher stoppen kann. Es ist das große und schmutzige Geld, das den Karren weiter in der Dreck fährt.
Wenn wir dasAGW-/Klimaschutz-Geschehen nicht als politisch gesteuerten Prozeß begreifen und bekämpfen ( ein schwacher Versuch dazu hier: ), bleiben wir weiter wehrlos.
So wichtig auch die wissenschaftliche Aufklärung sein mag – und auch Ihnen, sehr verehrte Frau Nova, ist dafür sehr zu danken – politische Lügen müssen politisch entlarvt werden.
Herzliche Grüße an alle mutigen Aufklärer!
Konrad Fischer
Wirklich skeptischer Skeptiker
Looks like the Germans voted against the Greens and against the Socialists too. The FDP came out of the election looking rather favourable. By the way, the FDP also call themselves “liberal”, they support lower tax, less military spending, and reducing regulation on business.,1518,643586-2,00.html
Might be interesting to see how this affects Germany’s position at Copenhagen…
Thanks for the update Tel.
Looks like the word “liberal” could turn out to be one of the most confusing in the English language.
Konrad Translated (sort of): I do not believe a scientifically clean refutation can stop the climate protection hypes of the ecological criminal. It is the big and dirty money which drags us further in the mud.
If we do not understand that events of AGW and climate protection are a politically driven process and fight that (a weak attempt in addition here: http: // http://www.konrad fisherman / 7argus.htm), we remain defenseless.
So the scientific clarification is also important – and also to you Mrs. Nova revered very much, is to be thanked – political lies must be exposed politically.
[This is my favourite bit…thanks to SDL free translation.. apologies to Konrad]
Kind regards to all courageous reconnaissance planes!
Konrad (I think) I agree very much with you.
We won the science a long time ago, but no one knows because we lose the “Science Theater”. The marketing and PR game. Time to get serious. Thanks for your support.
Good to know:
Merkel was one of the main managers of Kyoto treaty. She was at that time secretary of the environment department and so responsible for the nuclear power (which is the main source of the CO2-hype and fake since the 70s), doing all to spread the eco lies and income also in her job as chancellor.
The German liberal party is traditionally filled up with lobbyists of the nuclear complex and banking.
So we await a enforced power for the CO2-emission trading, enforced focus on the so called climate protection by legal measures and – naturally – all bad for the coming Copenhagen treaty.
Best regards
Hi, i’m german and i just wanted to make clear: “Liberal” in german de facto means “libertarian” in english! The american “liberals” should best be translated into german “sozialdemokratisch” as i see it. So the FDP in germany is a market-oriented party.
Dear Joanne, we are distributing within our network your homepage and the German edition of your book. If someone is asking and does having any doubts or is less informed about the climate affairs, your book is the answer to help him to understand. I have to explain who I am and where we are. Have a look on to these homepages., (translated in to 8 languages) (only in German it means “the devilish staat” this book is written by me) we have founded a new party last year, it means: “party of good sense” (some articles in English) and we have a very close relationship with EIKE. I would like to meet you, if possible. From 25.Feb to 15.Feb, I will be in Australia. (In Melbourne and Adelaide) If I could contact you it would be very great, maybe you can send me the phone number and/or your e-mail address. I would be very happy to hear from you
Best regards
Hey friend, was just searching through the www and looking for some infos and go to ya blog. I am impressed by the infos that you’ve on this website. Shows how you understand your subject. I’ve bookmarked your, and will come back 4 more infos. Guy, you, ROCK!!!