- JoNova - -

ClimateGate – the toxic bomb hidden in plain view

I woke up this morning to find the Queen telling me to care for the Climate, and the front page of The Australian declaring that the liberals faced oblivion if they did not pass this legislation.

Oblivion? Because the Liberals saved us from being defrauded?

It’s as if the editor of The Australian has not noticed their own articles about the climate science scandal known as ClimateGate.  There is no way this story is going to fade away. The fuse is ignited, and people everywhere are burning with anger and spreading the word. There is already polished, popular satirical songs  on You-Tube (see below) and t-shirts printed with “Hide the decline”.

I’ve put in this video here even though I’ve linked to it before, because this is so relevant to the question of voter polls. This mocking slam-dunk is just the beginning. With this kind of material doing the rounds, how can ClimateGate be ignored?

[Give the Minnesotans for Global Warming a donation to say thanks.]

And since the public will find out, and since the ETS will cost real citizens, real money, the only thing guaranteed here is that the public will grow to hate it. An advance version of that is burning through the inner ranks of the Liberal Party this weekend.

“In Victoria, senior party figures began to warn that well-heeled financial donors had been explicit in their anger and had slammed shut their cheque books.

“I’ve never seen this before,” one long-term conservative staffer said. “It’s like a people power movement. Malcolm saw off a spill move yesterday, but the real revolution is happening out in the electorate.” [The Australian]

Would anyone expect the public to vote the same way after they hear the news that the IPCC science is based on collusion, falsification of data and outright, undenied criminal behaviour?

There are not many facets of human personalities that are near universal across cultures, genders, and ages, but a sense of injustice is hard-wired. There will be no forgiveness for those who tricked them, and ignorance will be no excuse.

As the news spreads, the ETS will “Go Toxic”. Voters will not just abandon the politicians who sacrificed us to JP Morgan and co, they will set land-speed records moving in the other direction.

The fire is lit.

Sign Barnaby Joyce’s Petition.

Keep sending emails. They’re working.

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