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Ramming the scam through Parliament

This is what it comes down to:

Turnbull is sacrificing his leadership ambitions, ignoring his party members, brushing off thousands of emails, denying the devastating ClimateGate scandal and the evidence of fraud, and doing his utmost to force through legislation in a break-neck rush when the only reason for the hurry is to make Rudd (his opponent) look good in Copenhagen.

D-Day is tomorrow. If Turnbull can find six complicit senators they can pull the “guillotine” on questions, and force a vote. With their seven votes the ETS legislation could be passed, and from that instant, Australians will be poorer. Even if the scheme doesn’t start, from that moment on businesses and banks will ‘invest’ and demand compensation if it’s not carried through.

Turnbull will face almost certain wipeout the next day as leader in a spill he claims he can win, but has “deferred” from Monday until Tuesday. He is nothing but naked bluff. His determination to help the Labor Party at the expense of his own ambition defies logic and begs dark questions.

Turnbull could stay on as leader if he delays the ETS

“My office has had an absolute deluge of emails,” Abbott said.

“The phone lines have been in meltdown with people saying the Liberal Party would not be doing its job as an opposition simply to pass this thing without the scrutiny that the people calling my office think it demands.

“Even at this late stage if Malcolm was prepared to change his mind, if he was prepared to say, `Well, look, there is a case for being a bit more collegial on this issue, then I think that I’d be very very happy to support Malcolm.” [The Australian]

His party members have approached him offering to avoid a leadership spill if he just agrees to delay the ETS and allow a full inquiry into it. But what’s extraordinary is that this man who obviously had hoped to lead the country is so willing to give that up in order to pass legislation on a topic that is hardly that close to his heart (or so it would seem anyway).

It’s not like Turnbull has made it his moniker to save forests, spotted quolls, or rescue islands (that aren’t sinking). He hasn’t spent his life working with Greenpeace, or written books about saving whales. He’s an ambitious, aggressive investment banker. And that’s now looking like an ominous connection. I haven’t made a lot of his past work with Goldman Sachs, but there is an inexplicable undercurrent here.

It’s one hell of a legacy to leave the country. Turnbull is going out of his way, and at considerable personal cost to force this legislation through. Why?

He’s sacrificing his ambitions and going to extreme lengths to force through a piece of legislation that is so detested within his party that his front bench has mutinied en masse, and on what is widely tipped to be his last day as opposition leader. It’s one hell of a legacy to leave the country. He is going out of his way, and at considerable personal cost, to force this legislation through.

Maybe this is just blind determination. He’s a determined man. But it doesn’t add up. Wonder where his next job will be?

Maybe the dark shadows of the tentacles of Goldman Sachs are at work.

Which politicians will go down in history for supporting fraud?

Thanks to Viv Forbes of Carbon Sense for the list of the most useful liberal senators to email today and tomorrow. Please inundate their offices and leave them in no doubt that we are livid at being sold out to the big bankers. We will leave no stone unturned to make sure that the public know who is responsible, and we will pursue legal actions to hold people accountable.

Any senator who passes this will be seen as negligent in light of the fraud and deceit this bluff is based on.

Click on their names for emails. The full list of senators is here:

Michael Ronaldson senator.ronaldson@aph.gov.au, Senator George Brandis senator.brandis@aph.gov.au, Senator Sue Boyce senator.sue.boyce@aph.gov.au, Senator Judy Troeth  senator.troeth@aph.gov.au, Senator Maris Payne  senator.payne@aph.gov.au, Senator Kroger  senator.kroger@aph.gov.au.

Email the Labor Party too. There are good people there who may cross the floor themselves. Who wants to be recorded as selling out their nation in support of a fraud that was known to be so at the time the legislation was passed?

Labor Senators:

senator.arbib@aph.gov.au; senator.bilyk@aph.gov.au; senator.bishop@aph.gov.au; senator.carol.brown@aph.gov.au; senator.cameron@aph.gov.au; senator.carr@aph.gov.au; senator.collins@aph.gov.au; senator.conroy@aph.gov.au; senator.crossin@aph.gov.au; senator.evans@aph.gov.au; senator.farrell@aph.gov.au; senator.faulkner@aph.gov.au; senator.feeney@aph.gov.au; senator.forshaw@aph.gov.au; senator.furner@aph.gov.au; senator.hogg@aph.gov.au; senator.hurley@aph.gov.au; senator.ludwig@aph.gov.au; senator.lundy@aph.gov.au; senator.mcewen@aph.gov.au; senator.mclucas@aph.gov.au; senator.marshall@aph.gov.au; senator.moore@aph.gov.au; senator.nash@aph.gov.au; senator.obrien@aph.gov.au; senator.polley@aph.gov.au; senator.pratt@aph.gov.au; senator.sherry@aph.gov.au; senator.stephens@aph.gov.au; senator.sterle@aph.gov.au; senator.wong@aph.gov.au; senator.wortley@aph.gov.au

Who wants to be recorded as selling out their nation in support of a fraud that was known to be so at the time the legislation was done?

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