- JoNova - -

Thanks for the clicks, links, tweets and stumbles

Where would we be without the internet?

The Skeptics Handbook II was released on Nov 20. If you google the phrase “Skeptics Handbook II”, there are 19,200 hits. Even I am surprised. That is a very specific phrase.

Site traffic has been spectacular in the last two months. Thank you for your help.

For the full year of 2009:

Visitors:       238,435
Page views:  868,491
Comments:      11,852

For December: 66,000 visitors, 270,000 pageviews. About 3000 people each day.

To put this in perspective, New Scientist has 170,000 subscribers, but when I hit back at them I’m reaching 15,000 a week, and it’s salubrious company. Ex-IPCC reviewers, NASA-Apollo program people, DoE experts, Engineers in California (and Florida, and Norway, and Canada) Surgeons in Sydney, Lawyers in London and a whole host of independent thinkers and people who are searching for answers.

Thank you to all those who have helped to inform me, add research, or edit my work. Apologies if I don’t always manage to thank people, sometimes it’s because I’m swamped by the emails.

Thanks to all the people who emailed their political leaders, and just as much to those who emailed their friends. It’s sometimes more work and far more scary to send emails to people we know.

Happy New Year to everyone.

May the internet always be free…

UPDATE: Jan 5, 2010. Traffic hit an astonishing (and expensive) 280Gigabytes  in December!

Google hits for “Skeptics Handbook II” rose to 19,700

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