French translation of Skeptics Handbook II

What do you do in your spare time — translate scientific and socio-political texts on atmospheric physics?

French Translation Skeptics Handbook II

French Translation Skeptics Handbook II

There are those who are bridges between populations, who fight to spread information — the antidote to darkness.

This is the first translations of the Skeptics Handbook II, “Global Bullies Want  Your Money”. (And if you are wondering, this version of the Skeptics Handbook, which has been out since Nov 19, 2009,  is not just an update on Skeptics Handbook I. It is a totally new booklet.)

A big thank you again to Pierre Allemand for his professionalism, dedication and skill in translating the text and artwork. The place to go for French-speakers is to

The Franco roots of English are on display: the Tyrannie, the Risques, the Marche du Carbone!

When the Normans conquered England in 1066 they bought French words. English became a quixotic meld of common Germanic words and polysyllabic French ones. (The farm animals were German, but the meat — the beef, poultry, and pork — was from France.)

The first Skeptics Handbook is also available in French.

Click on the image to download the French version. (2.4 Mb)

(More curious, albeit, off-topic information on Etymology is here.

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44 comments to French translation of Skeptics Handbook II

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    Dorky Pete the Pirate

    Great! Now we need to send this to as many young and impressionable french-speaking school children as we can. As J always says, we need to get these thoughts bedded into their minds before their brain development reaches the point where they can independently discern between truth and lies.

    Excellent work Pierre! Très bon!


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    Lara Bickle

    Dorky Pete, I echo your sentiments.

    Thanks for the history lesson, Jo.

    “When the Normans conquered England in 1066 they bought French words”

    Really? What was the going rate for a french word in 1066?


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    The French steal words from English too:

    Le camping
    Le picnic
    Le cul-de-sac



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    Lara Bickle

    Disgraceful. At least the English were good enough to pay. The French merely stole?

    C’est un travesti sérieux !

    (There’s a little joke there for the bilinguals…)


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    Hmmm a quick bit of research shows that there may be some controversy over the 1066 invasion as being French. Some internet old timers may remember Google gives an interesting result when one types in “French military victories” and clicks the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button (try it). Following the link we get to:

    Note that Jo correctly states it was the Normans that invaded England at the time, which technically means the French were nowhere near the battlefront, or it would have been a loss for sure.

    Therefore, William’s coronation as King of England had nothing whatsoever to do with the French. As usual, they were nowhere near the place when the fighting was going on. The mistaken belief that 1066 was a French victory leads to the Third Rule of French Warfare; “When incapable of any victory whatsoever – claim someone else’s”.

    Normandy was not a part of France as we understand it to be today. Makes you wonder why the Norsemen didn’t conquer the French language too…


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    Lara Bickle @ 4

    You may have started something here. Remember too that we must:

    cachez le déclin

    Wow! It is actually 20% sexier in French…


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    Your next challenge is to write the Handbook in IPCC legalese. 844 pages long, 1.7 Gb. Remove the comprehensible bits.

    Did you see the description of the internal review AR4 Ch 9 at WUWT?




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    Bob Loves Cats

    Can somebody translate this into French for me please:

    Global Warming is a creation of the media and they keep ramming it down our throats.

    Global Warming is just a scare tactic thought up by governments to make us use less coal and oil.

    Governments don’t really believe it or they would ban thirsty cars.

    Belief in GW is a religion with fanatical followers. It is almost impossible to reason with them.

    The high priest of GW is Al Gore. He is a failed presidential candidate trying to make a name for himself after his failure in politics. He’s a hypocrite because he’s got a huge energy-guzzling house so we can’t trust anything he says.

    Anyone who believes in GW is an enviro-fascist who hates freedom and hates America. Most of all, they hate the freedom that the car has given to so many.

    GW believers claim that the scientific consensus is on their side but science is not about consensus. It’s the evidence that matters and it only takes one person to disprove a theory.

    Anyone who doesn’t believe in the GW consensus is a heretic. Heretics are usually right in the end. Just look at Galileo and Darwin..

    Over 31,000 people with science degrees have signed a petition refuting the so-called GW consensus. This shows where the real consensus lies.

    Hundreds of climate scientists have doubts about the science of GW. When lists of them are made public, some complain that they didn’t agree to be on the list but this just shows that they are afraid of losing their jobs because they would lose favour with the GW priesthood.

    In the 1970s climate scientists said that we were heading into an Ice Age. Why should we believe them now?

    Weather forecasters can’t predict the weather a week in advance so how can anyone predict the climate 10, 20, or 50 years ahead?

    Eco-fascists have killed more people than Hitler. They banned DDT, causing tens of millions to die of malaria. Now they intend to cause the deaths of many more millions by denying them cheap energy. Anyone who denies this is like a holocaust denier.

    GW is a conspiracy created by the left-green elite to tax and control us all.

    Climate scientists are part of this conspiracy. They all know one other so they can get away with this quite easily.

    The scientists invented the GW theory so they can keep getting research grants.

    A few climate scientists produced a graph called the Hockey Stick to scare us all, but they were shown to have used the data incorrectly so we can say that the stick is broken.

    Other scientists, and especially the national bodies such as the Royal Society and the US National Academy of Sciences, are part of the conspiracy.

    Most scientists are honest. The real conspiracy is in the IPCC, which distorts and misrepresents their work for ideological reasons. There is no real scientific consensus.

    Climate models are just a collection of formulae tweaked to produce results that are close to measurements.

    Climate models might be based on physics but it’s all so uncertain that the results are meaningless.

    It’s not getting warmer at all. The figures and graphs produced by the climate scientists are all doctored and can’t be trusted.

    The figures don’t need to be doctored: lots of weather stations are unreliable and in any case the Urban Heat Island effect corrupts the data. Garbage in, garbage out.

    The figures show that warming has levelled off so it can’t have been caused by CO2. It hasn’t been any warmer than in 1998 despite continued increases of CO2.

    Many places have had the coldest winter for 50 years so obviously GW can’t be happening.

    There is no such thing as average global temperature. It’s a meaningless concept.

    Average global temperature dropped by 0.7 deg. C during 2007 so we can see that GW has stopped and we can now expect global cooling.

    It has got warmer but it’s nothing to do with us. It’s all to do with natural cycles.

    It was much warmer millions of years ago and we weren’t around then so how can we be the cause now?

    The Medieval Warm Period was at least as warm as it is now. The Vikings colonised Greenland and grapes were grown in Britain.

    Mars has been getting warmer too, so it must be something outside the Earth.

    It’s electrical heating caused by the solar wind interacting with the Earth’s magnetic field.

    It’s caused by increases in the sun’s output.

    It’s all to do with sunspots. Or cosmic rays.

    The so-called greenhouse gases don’t cause warming. It’s a lie told by the scientists. What really happens is that the temperature rises first and the CO2 follows.

    It can’t be caused by greenhouse gases because they are only a minute part of the atmosphere and can’t have much effect.

    Cows produce more greenhouse gas than anything we do.

    CO2 is measured on Mauna Loa, an active volcano that spews out CO2, so how can the measurements be accurate?

    Volcanoes produce more CO2 each year than all the factories and cars and planes and other sources of man-made carbon dioxide put together so how can we make any difference?

    Even if GW is happening and it’s mainly caused by CO2 increases, doing something about it will cost far more and cause far more hardship than dealing with the results of increased temperatures.

    Greenhouse gases are the cause and global warming is a good thing. More CO2 means that plants will grow faster and who likes being cold? We should increase CO2 output!

    GW is happening but we have no idea if it will be a good or bad thing. We should just wait and see.

    GW is happening and it’s mainly our fault but we can’t do anything about it anyway. Even if we cut our emissions, China and India will more than make up the difference.


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    Yes Speedy and it is interesting to see the valid criticisms rejected out of hand by the “we” crew… presumably the lead authors for the chapter. I noted one in particular by Kenneth Carslaw for instance who made a clear case for a logical inaccuracy in the assessment, but it was simply rejected because they used the word “likely.” Shenanigans!


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    Bob Loves Cats:

    You could try the free translators on the web like Babel:

    I think you’ll find this site is a forum for discussing climate change and not a translation service, but you never know…


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    Bob Loves Cats

    Okay thanks, bulldust. Here is the playbook in French (according to the translator you provided):

    Le réchauffement global est une création des médias et ils continuent à l’enfoncer en bas de nos gorges. Le réchauffement global est juste une tactique d’alarme imaginée par des gouvernements pour nous inciter à employer moins de charbon et de pétrole. Gouvernements don’ ; t croient vraiment que lui ou eux interdirait les voitures altérées. La croyance en gw est une religion avec les disciples fanatiques. Il est impossible presque à raisonner avec eux. Le haut prêtre du gw est Al Gore. Il est un candidat présidentiel échoué essayant de faire un nom pour se après son échec dans la politique. He’ ; hypocrite de SA parce que he’ ; s nous a obtenus à une maison énergie-bâfrante énorme ainsi can’ ; confiance quelque chose de t qu’il dit. N’importe qui qui croit au gw est un enviro-fasciste qui déteste la liberté et déteste l’Amérique. Surtout, ils détestent la liberté que la voiture a donnée tellement à beaucoup. Les croyants de gw réclament que le consensus scientifique est de leur côté mais la science n’est pas au sujet de consensus. It’ ; s l’évidence que les sujets et elle prend seulement une personne pour réfuter une théorie. N’importe qui qui doesn’ ; t croient en consensus de gw est un hérétique. Les hérétiques sont habituellement juste à la fin. Regardez juste Galilée et Darwin. Plus de 31.000 personnes avec la science les degrés ont signé une pétition réfutant le soi-disant consensus de gw. Ceci montre où le vrai consensus se trouve. Les centaines de scientifiques de climat ont des doutes au sujet de la science du gw. Quand des listes de elles sont rendues publiques, certains se plaignent qu’ils didn’ ; t acceptent d’être sur la liste mais ceci prouve juste qu’ils ont peur de perdre leurs travaux parce qu’ils perdraient la faveur avec le sacerdoce de gw. En quelques années 70 les scientifiques de climat ont dit que nous nous dirigions dans une période glaciaire. Pourquoi devrions-nous les croire maintenant ? Prévisionnistes de temps can’ ; t prévoient le temps par semaine à l’avance ainsi comment peut n’importe qui prévoir le climat 10, 20, ou 50 années à venir ? les Eco-fascistes ont tué plus de personnes que Hitler. Ils ont interdit le DDT, faisant mourir des dizaines de millions de la malaria. Maintenant ils ont l’intention de causer les décès de beaucoup plus de millions en leur refusant l’énergie bon marché. N’importe qui qui nie ceci est comme un dénégateur d’holocauste. Le gw est une conspiration créée par l’élite gauche-verte pour nous imposer et commander tous. Les scientifiques de climat font partie de cette conspiration. Ils tous savent un autre ainsi ils peuvent partir avec ceci tout à fait facilement. Les scientifiques ont inventé la théorie de gw ainsi ils peuvent continuer à obtenir des concessions de recherches. Quelques scientifiques de climat ont produit un graphique appelé le bâton d’hockey pour nous effrayer tous, mais ils ont été montrés pour avoir employé les données inexactement ainsi nous pouvons dire que le bâton est cassé. D’autres scientifiques, et particulièrement les organismes nationaux tels que la société royale et l’Académie des Sciences nationale des USA, font partie de la conspiration. La plupart des scientifiques sont honnêtes. La vraie conspiration est dans l’IPCC, qui tord et représente mal leur travail pour des raisons idéologiques. Il n’y a aucun vrai consensus scientifique. Les modèles de climat sont juste une collection de formules tordues pour produire les résultats qui sont proches des mesures. Des modèles de climat pourraient être basés sur la physique mais l’it’ ; s tout le si incertain que les résultats sont sans signification. It’ ; s n’obtenant pas le réchauffeur du tout. Les figures et les graphiques produits par tous de climat les scientifiques sont soignés et can’ ; t soit fait confiance. Les figures don’ ; le besoin de t d’être soigné : un bon nombre de stations météorologiques sont incertains et en tous cas l’effet urbain d’île de la chaleur corrompt les données. Ordures dedans, ordures dehors. Les figures prouvent que le chauffage s’est stabilisé ainsi les can’ ; t ont été provoqués par CO2. Il hasn’ ; t été tout réchauffeur qu’en 1998 en dépit des augmentations continues du CO2. Beaucoup d’endroits ont eu l’hiver le plus froid pendant 50 années tellement évidemment de gw can’ ; t se produise. Il n’y a aucune une telle chose comme la température globale moyenne. It’ ; concept sans signification de SA. La température globale moyenne a chuté par 0.7 deg. C pendant 2007 ainsi nous pouvons voir que le gw s’est arrêté et nous pouvons maintenant nous attendre le refroidissement global. Il a le réchauffeur mais l’it’ ; s rien à faire avec nous. It’ ; s tout à faire avec les cycles normaux. C’était des millions beaucoup plus chauds il y a d’années et de nous weren’ ; t autour de puis ainsi comment pouvons nous être la cause maintenant ? La période chaude médiévale était au moins aussi chaude qu’elle est maintenant. Les Vikings ont colonisé le Groenland et des raisins ont été cultivés en Grande-Bretagne. Mars a le réchauffeur aussi, ainsi il doit être quelque chose en dehors de la terre. It’ ; chauffage électrique de s provoqué par le vent solaire agissant l’un sur l’autre avec l’Earth’ ; champ magnétique de s. It’ ; s provoqué par des augmentations du sun’ ; rendement de s. It’ ; s tout à faire avec des taches solaires. Ou rayonnements. Les soi-disant gaz à effet de serre don’ ; chauffage de cause de t. It’ ; le mensonge de SA a indiqué par les scientifiques. Ce qui se produit vraiment est que les échauffements d’abord et le CO2 suit. Il can’ ; t soit provoqué par des gaz à effet de serre parce qu’ils sont seulement une partie minutieuse de l’atmosphère et can’ ; t ont beaucoup d’effet. Produit de vaches plus de gaz à effet de serre que quelque chose nous faisons. Le CO2 est mesuré sur Mauna LOA, un volcan actif qui répand dehors le CO2, ainsi comment les mesures peuvent-elles être précises ? Les volcans produisent plus de CO2 tous les ans que tous les usines et voitures et plans et d’autres sources d’anhydride carbonique synthétique remonté ainsi comment pouvons nous faire n’importe quelle différence ? Même si le gw se produit et it’ ; s principalement provoqué par des augmentations de CO2, faisant quelque chose à son sujet coûtera bien plus et causera bien plus de difficultés que traitant les résultats des températures accrues. Les gaz à effet de serre sont la cause et le réchauffement global est une bonne chose. Plus de CO2 signifie que les usines se développeront plus rapides et qui aime être froid ? Nous devrions augmenter le rendement de CO2 ! Le gw se produit mais nous n’avons aucune idée si ce sera une bonne ou mauvaise chose. Nous devrions juste attendre et voir. Le gw se produit et it’ ; s principalement notre défaut mais nous can’ ; t font n’importe quoi à son sujet de toute façon. Même si nous coupons nos émissions, la Chine et l’Inde davantage que composer la différence.

    You’re welcome, bon mot!


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    My eyes are bleeding ;_;


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    Bob Loves Cats

    I forgot the most important bit – the introduction! Sorry. Sorry too for the formatting of previous. I blame translator.

    Comment Être un Sceptique de Réchauffement du globe
    Vous pourriez vous demander si vous devriez être un Sceptique de Réchauffement du globe et j’ai cru qu’il pourrait être utile de vous montrer comment facile il est.

    Choisissez juste n’importe quelle combinaison des convictions suivantes.

    Ne vous inquiétez pas si vous choisissez les “faux” pour commencer avec : vous pouvez changer n’importe quel temps et aussi souvent que vous aimez.

    Ne vous inquiétez pas si vos choix contredisent l’un l’autre ou chacun que vous aviez auparavant.

    Si n’importe laquelle de vos revendications est montrée pour être fausse ou hors de propos, ne vous excusez pas ou admettez-le même : juste le mouvement sur un autre!

    Retournez aux auparavant discrédités chaque fois que vous aimez.

    Tout dont vous avez besoin doit manquer de n’importe quel scepticisme réel tandis que la possession d’aucune conscience de doublethink continu qui habite votre cerveau.


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    Roy Hogue

    Just for the interest value: here’s Sarah Palin speaking in California on global warming. She’s a sharp lady. I hope she get’s up to speed on international matters in time to make a run for the White House in 2012.


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    Bob Loves Cats

    Roy reckons “[Sarah Palin]’s a sharp lady. I hope she get’s up to speed on international matters in time to make a run for the White House in 2012.”

    Sorry to disappoint you Roy, but Sarah Palin believes The Rapture will take her and all the other True Believers before then.

    Meanwhile, she can just look out her kitchen window any time she wants to check on the melt rate of Alaskan ice… 😀

    Sharp as a box of busted hammers maybe.


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    Roy Hogue

    Oops! Wrong thread. Too long a day.

    Well it sounds like a good excuse anyway. Always jump before looking to see if there’s any water in the pool.


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    Roy Hogue

    Bob Loves Cats,

    Would you rather have Barack Obama? I’ll take her religion any day thank you!


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    Bob Loves Cats

    “I’ll take her religion any day thank you!”

    Well that speaks volumes about you. Did you watch her presentation to the other Tea-Baggers? I couldn’t watch past the oblivious illogic of invoking nationalistic pride in the rights that soldiers/her son etc fought for…. in order to argue that these rights should be denied where and when and to whom she feels they should apply. WTF?

    “OUR US constitutional rights!”
    “OUR rights that you sir, fought and were willing to die for to protect in our constitution!”
    * Standing ovation *
    “The rights that my son as an infantry man in the US army is willing to die for.”
    “The protections provided–thanks to you sir–we’re going to bestow them on a terrorist WHO HATES US?”

    Um, yeah, you are. THAT’S what those people are fighting for and have fought for. Now either they were/are wrong to fight for those rights, because the rights should not be. Or they are/were right to fight for those rights and those rights should apply.

    What a silly bint.


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    Roy Hogue

    Bob Loves Cats,

    We will irrevocably disagree. So don’t bother to go on because I will not respond. You are welcome to your opinion and I’ll leave you with it. But you must give me the same privilege.


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    This is a political forum now? Let’s get back to talking about the weather… oops I mean climate 🙂 I want to see stuff about climate change I can believe in…


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    Bob Loves Cats

    You’re right of course, Bulldust.

    We should be focusing our efforts on undermining the faith that people have in science and scientists, and fomenting doubt about all aspects of (so-called!) global warming and the vast international conspiracy that underpins it.


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    Roy Hogue


    If we’re to be successful the fight now must be political. Climate change has been shot to death by its own carelessness and dishonesty. Our job has to be to get that word out in a convincing way to as many people as possible, to let them know that the politicians they thought they could trust are eating their lunch instead of doing their job. Public opinion stopped the ETS in Australia but it may not stop something else nearly as bad unless people are aware of their problem. It’s stopped cap-and-trade and healthcare overhaul here in the states. And it will change the political landscape in our November elections.

    I was drawn here by global warming but now I’m looking for ways to become an effective political activist in the time I have available. I think we really don’t have a choice.


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    All Your Base

    Here’s some more facts we need to get out there:
    Fact 1: there’s no evidence of warming
    Fact 2: warming stopped in 1998
    Fact 3: warming after 1998 observed on Mars proves the same mechanism is at work there as on Earth
    Fact 4: global warming is caused by cosmic rays
    Fact 5: global warming is caused by water vapour and clouds
    Fact 6: global warming is caused by the UHI (Urban Heat Island) effect
    Fact 7: global warming is caused by air conditioners near the thermometers


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    Roy Hogue

    Whoever you are, thank you for all the thumbs down. In this case they are a badge of honor and I’ll wear them proudly.


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    Mark D.

    Bob Loves Cats,

    If you don’t like Sarah P. that is your choice. Her comments about terrorists still holds true because (obviously) the US constitution does not automatically extend to foreigners. It would be nice if all the worlds countries would pass that law so that our constitution was universal but I don’t think that would fly in many other countries.

    Terrorists if domestic (ie US citizens) may be constitutionally protected, but are also potentially guilty of treason and therefore risk the ultimate penalty. I, for one, believe that foreign terrorists are enemy combatants and should be tried as war criminals.

    I think that is what S. P. meant.


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    Baa Humbug

    Humour goes a long way. I particularly enjoyed this poem by Professor Tom Parnell.
    For the non-Aussies, Garrett is our environment minister, Penny (Calamity Jane) Wong is our CC Minister (We’re only missing a Minister for Silly Walks here in Oz) Wayney Swan is our Treasurer and ofcourse Kevvy Rudd is our PM.
    Even if you are an alarmist, put down your guard for a minute and enjoy this for what it is….a bit of humour.

    ALL ABO-O-O-OARD the “global warming” gravy-train!
    From Professor Tom Parnell


    They call me Guilty Garret and with Penny by me side
    We’re going to take you fellers for a really ripper ride.
    It’s a Global Warming Guilt Trip with repentance to the max
    An’ me cobber Kevin’s dreaming up a beaut new Carbon Tax.
    An’ then there’s carbon credits what Wayne will sell each day
    An’ lawyers’ and accountants’ fees that youse will have to pay.
    It’ll make them blighters wealthy, but when we tax their fees
    We can use the cash for raising parliamentary salaries.
    Now isn’t that a cool idea: I’m sure you’ve understood
    It really is a rotten wind that blows no one no good.

    Now this deadly global warming, wot’s ‘appening right ‘ere
    Is caused by having CO2 up in the atmosphere,
    An’ the blame for all this damage is something we must bear,
    ‘Cos it’s dirty rotten humans wot put that gas up there.
    Each time you drive or cook or smoke, and yes, cremations too
    An’ making electricity all put up CO2.
    An’ as for heavy industry, like making iron and steel,
    Iits contribution is so vast, ‘twould make the senses reel.
    Now we have to pay the penalty from which there’s no escape
    for Nature’s found us guilty of environmental rape.

    So climb aboard the tour bus – there’s seats along the sides –
    An’ me an’ little Penny will be your Guilt Trip Guides.
    Now I’ll let youse in a secret wot them other folks don’t know,
    ‘Cos CO2 ain’t really what makes Global Warming go.
    It’s caused by water vapour from the oceans in the air
    An’ us humans don’t do nothing to put that stuff up there.
    ‘So we really aren’t responsible!’ I think I hear you say.
    Well, Kevin’s sorry – yes, again! – but still you’ve got to pay.
    We thought yez orta know this – we’re on top of it – relax!
    Our cobber Wayney’s working on a Water Vapour Tax.

    Professor Tom Parnell, a university lecturer in electrical engineering in Australia in the late 1950, wrote this poem in the early months of the current Australian administration, whose leaders are enthusiasts for shutting down the Australian economy as quickly as possible by overtaxation and overregulation in the name of Saving The Planet from “global warming”.


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    Anne-Kit Littler

    Well put, Mark D! I couldn’t agree more.


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    At the time did he do an alternate version for John Howard and the liberals who also supported this policy position Humbug?


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    Baa Humbug

    February 10th, 2010 at 12:17 pm

    Who gives a chit Matt. If you didn’t get a smile out of it so be it.


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    Baa Humbug

    Maybe this will tickle your fancy, CLICK HERE to get a summary of Copenhagen.


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    Mark D.

    Baa, thanks for your sense and humor.

    Ann-Kit, we are agreeable!

    By the way, I know this is off topic but this thread is on the topic of French. What can be good about that? 🙂


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    Baa Humbug

    Brilliant! The trouble with humour is that it sometimes makes people think – I suspect you will collect a few thumbss down from our resident Trolls as a result.

    Cheers anyway!



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    Jo – Please get out thy scissors for post #33

    Maybe we should put the thumbs up/down ratios back?

    [ OK. #33 is gone, so this formerly #34 is now #33. I took out some of the reasonable but now irrelevant responses. Thanks to Baa humbug for drawing my attention to it. The site is probably being targeted — (curiously the thumbs down targeting tactic began after the pitman post). I’ll take it as a compliment. If there are commenters here who would like to help me moderate, I would like to get a 24 hour team together who could bust those really obvious comments immediately. I don’t want a lot of moderation, but stuff like #33 had nothing going for it. Email me if you think you’d be able to help, there are no set hours! joanne …]


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    Rereke Whaakaro

    Baa Humbug #26

    … the current Australian administration, whose leaders are enthusiasts for shutting down the Australian economy as quickly as possible by overtaxation and overregulation in the name of Saving The Planet from “global warming”

    John Key has vowed to get New Zealand’s standard of living on a par with Australia’s by 2012, or thereabouts. This is, perhaps, a gesture of support from Australia in the best ANZAC tradition?


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    Baa Humbug

    Rereke Whaakaro:

    Doubt it mate. I haven’t heard anything from Rudd about the Kiwis. He prolly doesn’t even know you blokes exist. But hey, you’re sliding dollar should help with exports. Send over them lovely cheeses and wines Rereke.

    To those living along the mid east coast of OZ. Piers Corbyn forecasts very large hail around 14-17 feb.
    Those in Nrth US and Nrth Europe, brace for worse storms around 13-17 Feb.
    Keep burning that carbon and stay safe and warm.


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    Rereke Whaakaro

    Re #33 and assorted responses.

    I noted that the amount of trolling on this site has increased somewhat over the past few weeks. Also the number of provocative posts and patsy questions have also increased.

    We are getting more attention from the AGW proponents.

    This is good. It shows that polite discussion of the demonstrable facts, by rational people, will make headway against those who see open and honest scientific debate as something frightening.


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    Rereke Whaakaro

    Baa Humbug: #45

    Piers Corbyn forecasts very large hail around 14-17 feb

    Don’t you just hate it when “Global Warming” dents your car.

    p.s. We are swamped by cheap Aussie red – tell you what, you keep yours, and we will call it quits. 🙂


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    Baa Humbug

    Hi Mark

    It’s not MattB. he’s not like that. It’s more the case that rereke points out. these idiots are on the run and they got nothing better to do. Jo’s articles get wide coverage, they probably stumbled on it. Pack of losers.


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    Mark D.

    I withdraw my comment about mattb as implied in 48.

    Feisty perhaps but not guilty.

    Whomever Mark_D is they are not worthy of anymore recognition.

    It doesn’t surprise me that the AGW believers have sent fourth missionaries to embarrass and confound these NoBull sites. We should be on guard for more of them. They have lost their advantage in battle and are now resorting to guerrilla tactics.


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    Mark_D has not commented before. His comment is gone. I’ve put an inline reply in at the new #33.


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    Roy Hogue

    As much as I dislike Obama (I could easily use a stronger word) the comment at 33 is unacceptable. The man’s race, skin color, religion (unproven) and ethnicity have absolutely no place among honest men and women. The word used makes it even worse.

    Mark D.,

    We’ve been beset by this stuff for some time — adults acting like teenagers. They’re very angry that their applecart has been upset. Funny thing is — it was the holes in their own position that brought it all down. We just reported on it. The light of day does wonders!


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    “The place to go for French-speakers is to”

    The problem is that this website is unavailable for several weeks. I visit often skeptical french websites, and we don’t have any news about the site owner. Does someone knows what happened?


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    Brian G Valentine

    The President of France demolished his chances to greatness by falling sway to EU fads.

    Quelle tragédie indescriptible!


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    Rendez vous sur Le Mythe climatique / Skyfal qui héberge temporairement Skyfal, en attendant que l’on retrouve Frédéric, le webmaster dont on est sans nouvelles.
