- JoNova - -

First recorded “casual aside” marks decline in scaremongers credibility

This is the first time I’ve seen a mainstream story on an unrelated topic where the writer assumes everyone understands how dodgy climate science is. Climatology is relegated to a joke.

For the sake of posterity, I wanted to capture this moment in the downfall of a once respected profession. Source, the Wall St Journal: Wikileaks R US

Private companies already offer solutions to protecting data systems. “Data-at-rest” and “data-in-motion” programs look for anomalies in emails and other data moving through networks or resting on hard drives. SIM (security information management) software tracks network intrusions. It’s pretty good, the way climatology is pretty good.

Ladies and gentlemen, its only a small sign, a crumb, but it’s revealing. When Daniel Henninger, deputy editor of the Wall St Journal, was looking for an example of something that doesn’t work well, he thought of climatology.

No one will suddenly announce the skeptics were right, instead we’ll get a steady stream of small advances that show that a more realistic assessment of the uncertainties involved in climate modeling have spread to the wider world.

Skeptics, pat yourselves on the back, thousands of comments left on blogs, thousands of hours spent trawling boring databases finding errors and inconsistencies… it is slowly getting through.

For those wondering about an update of Cancun from Monckton — see SPPI,  From Nopenhagen to Yes We Cancun. Basically, the shell of the Great Global Warming Gravy Train still rolls on, though the track is looking circular, and the spectators have lost interest.

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