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Global Warming — it’s just another joke

UPDATE BELOW:See also  the Shut Up Choir’s new song — self satire at work

Armstrong and Miller mock the Global Warming thought police as they tell us to ignore our lying eyes, and give us glossy printed pamphlets telling us what we are allowed to think.

The formerly fashionable theory of man-made catastrophe is becoming the regular butt of jokes. Bear in mind that half of the comedic team of Miller and Armstrong is known as an eco-activist (that would be Ben), and the skit isn’t necessarily poking fun at the science but at the militant marketing, and over-the-top dogma.

Possibly even funnier (in a tragic kind of way) are the comments from pro-man-made global warming fans. They think it’s funny too.

Parody is an artform too advanced…

I love this. I think the joke is more on the idiots who think a few cold winters and a bit of rain disproves global warming.

The sketch is clearly mocking ppl who confuse climate and weather, with an extra dig at the intimations of conspiracy and tyranny used to mask the lack of data that would support an argument.

Laugh til you cry. They don’t realize that a government that jails the people they don’t like for speaking “outside permitted lines” could just as soon jail them for some other spurious transgression. A tyranny is a tyranny. These fans of are the same ones who laughed at the 10:10 marketing disaster.

Thanks to Colin for suggesting it.

Update: Continuing on the theme of people silencing free speech, here comes The Hate Choir

More Useful Idiots who think they help the planet by reducing a science debate to a “shut up” campaign.

h/t to The Daily Bayonet.

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