- JoNova - -

Global Warming takes a holiday

Here in the sunburnt country, floods are running rife, temperatures are so low some people might have a White Christmas, indeed many people are wearing clothes that are from the wrong season, and all of this of course is just weather.

Luckily we aren’t getting as much weather as the UK and Europe.

This is not a real post, that comes tomorrow, but I thought it gives you some idea of the transformation going on downunder thanks to the PDO switch. If only our policy makers had seen it coming. They might not have thrown so much money at desalination plants to boost water supplies in Dams that on the Eastern Seaboard are all now suddenly full.

Bear in mind all this rain recorded above was before the current December floods

Stephen Goddard, captured this map from yesterday at the BOM.


Note the minus 12 degree colour… (That’s 12 degrees below the usual, not 12 below zero.).

To give you some idea of what it means, Binny really captured it in a comment on Goddard’s blog:

Laugh. I’m in western Queensland – ‘the fridge’ is right I just looked outside to notice my two work dogs sleeping on the lawn in full sun. That is the sort of thing you see in mid-July. Their normal mid-afternoon, mid-December position is in their water troughs with just their noses poking out like a couple of crocodiles.

No, I’m not drawing too much meaning out of one day, one flood, or one season.

Warnings for Queensland

Warnings for New South Wales

And you get the idea. The endless drought is now an expanse of flood. There is even a flood on the West Coast in Carnarvon. (That’s about 1000 km north of Perth).

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