- JoNova - -

While the Cat is away……

Of course it is really great that Jo has some leisure time! Jo has mentioned us “unsung moderators” before but she also left us with keys to the shop. So maybe we can have some fun while she is away. Pick your topic. Post anything you want (within reason*) and see what happens!

When Jo gets back she can decide if this stays or is erased forever.

From all of us moderators, have a HAPPY NEW YEAR !

Many thanks FROM the unsung moderators TO all of you for the comments and great thinking that makes this possible.

P.S. It might be time to upsize your chocolate commitment 🙂

* Ad hominems are still likely to disappear from the thread.

LATE NOTE from Jo: Yes, Happy New Year to you all! Thanks to the volunteers behind the scenes, and thanks to all the people who have put links to this site in an email or on a discussion board. It may seem futile but editors of newspapers notice when the comments don’t flow the way they expected.

Please post notes here about the kind of stories you are most interested in, or projects you’d most like to see. The comments counter for the most popular articles is not always the best way to measure the popularity or success of an article. If it helps, the Archives or the Index are not far away…  — Jo

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