- JoNova - -

Galvanising against Gillard

Welcome to another day in the lost democracy. The place where an elected government thinks that cheating is the answer. What was Julia Gillard thinking? This turnaround is happening so fast. She announced the Carbon Tax only last Thursday, and already former members of her own party are discussing what genre of “lie” it qualifies as, or speculating over who will take over as PM, the polls are falling, and thousands of people are getting organized behind the scenes. Even one of the star team at the launch of the Tax has had to admit he’s not completely behind it.  Worse the opposition now has a clear cause to fight for (Repeal the tax!). Rallies are being planned in most capital cities, phones are running hot, new groups have sprung into action, posters and T-Shirts are being printed. O Joy and what not, “Galvanised” is the word. People I’ve never spoken to are emailing me about their plans.

Meanwhile the Greens are falling all over themselves to help the skeptics. Please, someone – organize more mass media  interviews with Bob Brown and Christine Milne where they tell people alternately that the Greens are behind the Big New Awful Tax, and how making everyone pay more for petrol is a good thing.

Poor Gillard had tried to take power from the Greens by shifting “left”, but instead has fed the monster. She’s pumped them oxygen, and with a industrial compressor. They’re twice life size and floating. The last thing Gillard needed was to look like she was being controlled by the greens, and the last thing any of the do-gooder patchwork government needed was to remind all the voters that the rulers were quite enjoying the thought of the economic penance the public would have to pay.

Gillard’s leadership appears to be unraveling already, and how ironic, how inexplicable, it’s over the same core falsity that brought down Kevin Rudd. She’s pouring cold water over the speculation by Bob Hawke, but Hawke was speculating about Kevin Rudd’s demise a month before Rudd’s leadership was over.

Andrew Bolt has been having a a field day with reputations of journalists as he roasts Lawrie Oakes, Ross Gittins, Lenore Taylor, Phillip Coorey, and others. These are supposedly some of our most erudite political commentators, yet their fauxtrage at Tony Abbott, who merely suggested he did not tell the gospel truth in the heat of the moment is exposed as rank hypocrisy. Excuse me sir, your bias is showing…

The Herald Sun poll: With a monster 37,000 votes, three quarters of people, don’t want the tax.

Do you support a price on carbon?

  • Yes 26.66% (10076 votes)
  • No 73.34% (27718 votes)

Total votes: 37794

We live in interesting times.
UPDATE: Visit the SMH poll and let them know what you think.

More groups are gathering:

Say No to the Carbon Tax Rally on Sat 12th March in Victoria.

Revolt against the Carbon Tax

No to Carbon Tax

March against carbon taxation

No Carbon Tax

Stop Gillard’s Carbon Tax

Menzies House: StopGillardsCarbonTax

h/t to Australian Climate Madness.

Fauxtrage: Urban Dictionary despite what the Urban Dictionary says it’s mostly a word used by the left against the right. (Learnt from Mattb).

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