- JoNova - -

Heartland International Climate Change Conference 6

Heartland is offering people the chance to see and possibly meet some of the heroes of the skeptic world in Washington in June 30 – July 1, 2011, Washington D.C. (I hear this may possibly be the last of the Heartland Climate conferences. I hope not!)

Unfortunately I won’t be able to get there, but Bob Carter, Fred Singer, Harrison Schmitt and Steve McIntyre will, the great Craig Idso will be.
Heartland 6th International Climate Change Conference

Click on the images to enlarge them and read

Heartland 6th International Climate Change Conference

I thoroughly enjoyed the Heartland conferences I have been and highly recommend getting yourself there if you can. You meet the best people. 🙂

Click on the postcards to enlarge them. Use this PDF if you want to print and post!


The poster image was apparently a draft, and Steve McIntyre, alas, won’t be speaking. (Drat!) I’ve updated the image to the correct one.

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