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Climate Scientists who were right 30 years ago?

Stephen Goddard has found a gem of a news article. 1979 : Before The Hockey Team Destroyed Climate Science.

Drs Leona Libby and Louise Pandolfi projected world temperatures in 1979 for the next 70 years and got results that, 30 years later, appear to have been broadly correct if out by 5 – 7 years. Ironically, they used, of all things, … tree ring data (going back 1,800 years). The critical difference was they assumed that the climate changes in natural cycles.

St Petersburg Times, Jan 1 1979

Prediction: Warming trend until year 2000, then very cold.

Climate Predictions 1979
St Petersburg times news 1979

Visit Steven Goddard’s blog to read the full news story.

Their work fits in reasonably well with the Syun Akasofu graph we posted here for the world to see:

Where are those researchers now?

Jimash in comments on Goddard’s site found the bio of Leona Libby, who unfortunately died in 1986, but appears to have notched up a seriously good career as a scientist. “Dr. Libby was the first and only woman member of the group that built the first nuclear reactor.”  He also found one of their tree ring papers in Nature. (According to Jimash, Libby also apparently worked with none other than Leo Szilard and Enrico Fermi. Her second husband won the Nobel Prize in 1960.)


Mark in comments points us to this graph of Hadcrut temperatures since 2000.

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