- JoNova - -

News thread May 15 and 500th Post!

There are many comments coming in on the previous thread about the 2nd law of Thermodynamics. This thread is for people who want to discuss other issues. I’ve moved comments from the other threads. PS: This is the 500th post on joannenova.com.au!

  1. Spend more on everything says Fiona Armstrong in The Australian
  2. Australian legislation sneaks through the upper house about carbon pricing?
  3. The Australian BOM knocks back the FOI requests for the NZ NIWA review

1. Spend more on everything says Fiona Armstrong in The Australian

Yes, thanks to all who’ve pointed out the reply to my Australian article about medical research vs climate change spending. I’m delighted The Australian want to encourage this debate. I will be sending them a reply soon. I hope they provide a forum to really test the value of our tax dollars.  Bring it on!

Her reasoning is all the usual, unproven or disproven claims about what climate change causes (Storms, Floods, Droughts!), and her ignorance that deaths from cold-snaps outnumber the heat wave fatalities.

Apparently either we create money from nothing and pay for everything (and die-by-inflation) or if we want to prevent bushfire deaths and heatstroke we should take money from medical research and forestry management and spend it on installing pink batts and solar panels?

Climate action has clear public health dividend
The Australian
THE extraordinary claims by Joanne Nova that “wasting money on climate change betrays the sick”, published here on May 7, demands a response from a position

International medical journal The Lancet outlined the stark facts in 2009: that the effects of climate change from global warming “puts the lives and wellbeing of billions of people at increased risk”.

Climate change is already responsible for the deaths of more than 300,000 people each year. Five million more deaths are expected during the next decade if no effective action is taken to reduce climate risk. The direct health effects of climate change include deaths, injury and hospitalisation associated with increasingly frequent and intense bushfires, cyclones, storms, floods and heatwaves.

Indirect effects include increases in infectious and vector-borne diseases, worsening chronic illness and health risks from poor water quality and food insecurity.

There are further flow-on health effects associated with climate-related social, economic and demographic disruption.

Healthcare services in Australia are already experiencing dramatic increases in service demand from climate-related events such as heatwaves and floods.

The heatwave that preceded the Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria in 2009 saw a 62 per cent increase in mortality from heat-related illnesses and worsening chronic medical conditions.

During this five-day event, there was a 46 per cent increase in demand for ambulances; an eight-fold increase in heat-related presentations to emergency departments; a 2.8-fold increase in cardiac arrests; and a threefold increase in patients dead on arrival.

So there are compelling reasons to invest in climate action to protect human health.

2. Australian legislation sneaks in about carbon pricing?

As Damien and Val both pointed out, legislation snuck through last week — what does it mean, and can anyone find the wording of it? Is it just the equivalent of a public chastity vow — just making sure the independents sign up, and are known to have signed up, so they can be reminded later?

Damian: Under the cover of darkness the Parliament Lower House votes on carbon pricing Independents Wilkie, Oakeshott & Windsor backed the motion. The coalition & Bob Katter voted against the motion that passed 74 votes to 72. NOW WE KNOW WHERE THEY STAND!!!!!!



3. The Australian BOM knocks back the FOI requests for the NZ NIWA review

Richard Treadgold has posted a couple of interesting articles: What are the Aussies hiding? and No, really – what are they hiding?
h/ t Mike J

Update #1 Point 2 — Here is the wording on the legislation on carbon pricing.

Thanks to Linda M:

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the motion of Mr S. P. Jones—That this House:

  1. agrees that putting a price on carbon is an essential step in reducing carbon pollution and transforming our economy to achieve a clean energy future;
  2. notes that in many manufacturing regions in Australia, business, unions, government and community organisations are already working to develop green jobs and clean energy production processes; and
  3. agrees that governments must work with the manufacturing industry and communities to assist their transformation to meet the challenge of a carbon constrained future—

Debate resumed.

Question—That the motion be agreed to—put.

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

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