Government wants help to think of a reason to have a carbon tax: will pay $$$

Shouldn’t the government know what the benefits and costs of the carbon tax are before they make it into law? This is looking awfully like a case of “policy first, justifications later”.

First they promised they won’t do it. Then they do it, and they ask for even more of our money so they can pay PR hacks (introduced to us as scientists and economists) to tell us how fabulous their unwanted plan is — after all, the Climate Change Commission has no purpose other than to advertise the Carbon Tax. Then there’s a $12 million advertising program. But wait, there’s more…

Amazingly, there are now $250,000 grants (how many?*) from the Department of Climate Change to anyone who can persuade the public to accept the carbon tax!

If the government had thought this through, they’d already know why they wanted to bring in the tax. (Or maybe they did think it through, but are afraid to tell us the real reasons?)

As it is, they’re only bringing in the tax because 12% of the voters voted one green member into the House of Reps, and it was the price paid to keep Gillard in power. But for most Australians that’s not quite sufficient reason to fork out hundreds of dollars per person each year. It’s a tough call to “sell” that to the other 88% of the voters.

This is not rule by the people for the people. This is the rule of the elite self-anointed superior beings who “know” what is right for the rest of us.

Where do I apply for a $250,000 grant to teach politicians and teachers the basic laws of logic and reason so that they might protect us from scams, con artists, and schemes to control the weather, issued by witchdoctors who do not even promise to “cool” the world by more than an unmeasurable thousandth of a degree?  Can someone point me to that department?

Let’s apply for a further  $10 million to make sure all Australian children understand that argument from authority is the mark of totalitarian dictators, and that those who silence dissent (by paying to promote one side of the story, and denigrating critics as Nazi sympathizers) are acting in their own interests to deceive the public.

Thank God for the Internet.


*UPDATE: Thanks to Dave in comments, apparently there is a $3,000,000 total.

Hat tip to Geoff Derrick Geology. Thanks!

5.5 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

114 comments to Government wants help to think of a reason to have a carbon tax: will pay $$$

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    Clean Energy Investment


    $12,000,000 set aside on top of the $12 million adverts


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    Opps – should read $3,000,000 set aside


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    Wha’, like for instance the local church needs some restoration work, so to get hold of some of the necessary, the vicar promises to weave a bit of CAGW nonsense into his Sunday sermons or something?
    This is getting truly bizarre.


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    Thank god for the internet is right. The only place where free speech is guaranteed anymore (unless that censorship thing gets through).

    “The program aims to help the Australian public understand the need to act on climate change and explain the opportunities and benefits of a clean energy future.” They really do think we are stupid.

    A word to those oppressive hacks in parliament. Listen to the people. It’s called democracy.


  • #

    And there’s more

    $60 million boost to fund managers (like they really need it?)


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    Just a general conversation with young kids, about (so called) Climate Change, will reveal that they are being fed much disinformation – be it via the media, the school curriculum or even from their parents and close relatives.
    It seemed to me that much of the ‘knowlege’ espoused from these children’s mouths was very biased towards the THEORY of Carbon Based Man Made Climate Change (CAGW). Please remember a theory is still unproven.

    My Husband remembers that in 1943 – while in the 4th grade at school, in his weekly reader, it taught that within ten years America would have used up all of its oil reserves…. never happened yet the kids were fed that information!

    Reading my news online I came across the following, which I believe backs up what I was thinking/experiencing. Get the children young enough, teach them what you want them to know and believe, therefore indoctrinating them, and you have the whole future society doing your bidding (perhaps?). For complete story follow the link


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    An act of desperation surely!

    Now, what kind of scheme could I come up with to get my hands on some of my taxes (got to get them back somehow)……


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    OK I’m up for it. Anybody to form one or more of these bodies? If we put up enough of them we might a) get some money, b) once we’ve got the money blow the whistle on the scam, c) just the possibility of a) and b)may result in some bunch of bozos missing out.


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    I’m no lawyer, but this offer has a whiff of illegality about it.

    Here we have a minority government offering to bribe “eligible organisations” to flog their highly contentious carbon (CO2) tax to the unsuspecting electorate.
    Will there be a publicly available list of “eligible organisations” which take up the offer so we all know where they’re coming from? — I can’t think of any precedent.


  • #

    “policy first, justifications later”.

    Our unelected PM and her unelected global policy makers have already decided for us. Democracy and sovereignty be dammed…no need for justifications to the unwashed masses.


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    “An act of desperation surely!”
    They’re resorting to paying someone else to do what they are incapable of doing – selling their policy!
    An admission of incompetence.


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    Don’t worry about this grant!

    The Climate Ready Grants have given away up to $5,000,000 for each one (closed now but they were up to round 4 – over $20 million)

    Have a look a some of the schemes in this series!

    I’m applying to grow fungi (mould) as an insulation material in my home ceiling (instead of Midnight Oil Batts) to increase the R value (thermal efficiency) and hence reduce my carbon footprint (about $100,000 Grant) and then another $250,000 to market my scheme under the above scheme to flog it to the public. WIN! WIN!


  • #

    (Explanatory note: Ross Garnaut is Australia’s Commissioner for Climate Change, or something. He’s an economist bought in to promote junk science – and it shows. Just don’t mention New Guinea…)

    If the ABC were Relevant, Part 34.

    (The Economist and the Shrink.)

    [Scene: A psychiatrist’s office. BRYAN is behind a desk. JOHN enters.]

    Bryan: Ah – Professor Garnaut! Thank you for waiting – how can we help you today?

    John: There’s nothing wrong with me, of course.

    Bryan: Of course, that’s why you’re here…

    John: It’s Australia.

    Bryan: What’s wrong with it?

    John: The people, Bryan. No-one believes a word I say.

    Bryan: [Serious] Have you ever tried telling the truth?

    John: Settle down, Bryan…

    Bryan: No, honestly – it’d do wonders for your credibility.

    John: I’ll take your word on that Bryan.

    Bryan: Go on, give it a go…

    John: Sorry, it’s not that simple. What is truth?

    Bryan: Sort of comes naturally to some people…

    John: Yes – but to a finely tuned mind like mine, truth is a complicated beast. Try, for example, to ask me a simple question…

    Bryan: OK. [Thinks.] What do you get when you add two plus two?

    John: I’ll take a stab and say seven point five, Bryan.

    Bryan: Seven and a half? Are you sure?

    John: According to the IPCC, the sum of two plus two is “very likely” to be seven point five, with robust model outputs producing values in the range between seven and eight.

    Bryan: When was this discovered?

    John: IPCC, 2007. It’s in the official report – black and white and 2000 pages. It must be true.

    Bryan: Funny, I thought it was four.

    John: Lots of people used to, but your information is obviously out of date. This was corrected in AR2, further updated in a subsequent report and thereafter in AR4.

    Bryan: Any idea what two plus two will equal by the year 2020 Professor?

    John: A difficult question Bryan but some of the best minds on the planet are refining the models to determine this as we speak.

    Bryan: What if I were to tell you that two plus two equals four?

    John: I’d have to disagree with you Bryan. It’s seven point five – no doubt about it.

    Bryan: Call me old fashioned, but I still think it’s four.

    John: No, Bryan. The value seven point five was achieved by a significant consensus of highly trained IPCC climate mathematicians and this result has been published in several respected peer-reviewed journals. Are you a climate mathematician?

    Bryan: No.

    John: Can you produce any peer reviewed scientific papers demonstrating that two plus two does not equal seven point five?

    Bryan: [Thinks] None I can think of…

    John: Then it is totally irresponsible of you to be peddling doubt and misinformation about an area you are clearly unqualified to discuss.

    Bryan: I still think it’s four.

    John: Your opinion is invalid and I will now commence calling you names.

    Bryan: Look! I’ll show you. Here’s two fingers (raises two fingers) and here’s another two. Add them together – what do you get?

    John: Seven point five.

    Bryan: [Counting] One, two, three, four. That’s four fingers! Four is the answer.

    John: Look, I’m only an economist, and am morally bound to defer to the peer-reviewed consensus of the climate mathematics specialists. If they say the answer is seven point five, then that’s what it is.

    Bryan: Surely you can do a due diligence, though? A review of the available data?

    John: And it has been done Bryan.

    Bryan: By whom?

    John: By the best authority on the subject Bryan – the IPCC. A most thorough review of the IPCC climate mathematics is performed as an intrinsic part of the reporting process. Each and every page of an IPCC report comes complete with its own due diligence. The answer is seven point five.

    Bryan: And the reason you came here today?

    John: It’s Australia. They don’t believe me.

    Bryan: You’re saying Australia needs a carbon tax – a tax on fresh air, as it were?

    John: Yes.

    Bryan: And that this tax will save the world?

    John: Yes.

    Bryan: Because the IPCC said so?

    John: Yes.

    Bryan: And it won’t cost too much?

    John: They’ll hardly notice, Bryan.

    Bryan: And, as a result, Australia, or a goodly part thereof, thinks you’re full of it?

    John: Got it in one, Bryan.

    Bryan: This scandalous assertion of theirs being based solely on science, logic and physical evidence?

    John: Exactly right – and it’s so wrong!

    Bryan: This may come as a surprise to you Ross, but that’s not an opinion – it’s a consensus. Goodbye. [Towards waiting room] Next! [John gets up and leaves.]

    Bryan: [Towards waiting room, offstage.] Ah – Prime Minister! Thank you for waiting – how can we help you today…


  • #

    It would be fair to call all that money carbon tax.
    The gravy train may be derailing:
    “ATI Asks Court to Force NASA to Produce Ethics and Outside Employment Records of James Hansen”
    Here and Here


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    FFS. $3,000,000 for some Spin propoganda using our Money?

    This is blatant CORRUPTION. Plain and simple.

    Here’s an opportunity for the government -> Can the Tax Grab you snivelling grovelling pieces of toejam! <-

    I am now going to make a point of eating as much baked beans as I possibly can between now and when I pass on in an effort to maximise my methane output. Consider it a permanent protest.


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    “What if a powerful media conglomerate, such as modern day William Randolph Hearst, controlled the media around a major University to influence students and professors to directly advance his financial interests? I have found that person, HM Lord Lieutenant Richard Jewson, who 1) has a direct connection to the British monarchy, 2) is on the board of many multi-national “green” corporations, 3) directly controls a major media market servicing EA University and other British Universities, and 4) as a member of the board of EAU (sic), has significant control over their environmental studies department.”




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    Joe Lalonde


    It would be a grand idea if the government decided to invest in good science and technology rather than the current subsidized technology and bad science.

    Guess they need money for promises they cannot keep unless the carbon tax came in.


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    Joe Lalonde


    Has the government done a study on how many middle class households on the brink will collapse if this carbon tax is introduced?


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    For $12m I could get an orphaned drug through Phase I and ready for phase II clinical trials. But giving it to advertising wankers, yes that’s real value. Don’t get me started on the 43bn the NBN will cost us (realistically 120bn given that the gummint is involved) . Imagine what you could do with that?

    I just wonder – if they were really serious about this, why aren’t they hurling money at real research in the massively underfunded faculties like physics, chem, engineering, agri/aquaculture, etc? We don’t need any more climate “scientists” to extrapolate thermometer readings – surely we need solutions?


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    Llew Jones

    Ha, ha, ha, great stuff. Looks like Uncle Tim and Steffen and Karoly (heard his pathetic attempt to justify CAGW on MTR today) and… and…etc etc, who, given this desperate cry for help in this advertisement obviously can’t explain the CAGW position in layman’s terms. Which is tantamount to saying they don’t understand it.

    Then there are all the ABC and MSM trolls who wouldn’t know their ar.. from their elbow when trying to find their way around climate or any other science. All abject failures in attempting to con your average Aussie.

    This add really needs exposure in the general media. It is a devastating admission of utter failure by the “experts” to explain themselves.

    We can happily look forward to the certainty of a skeptical demolition of the paid attempt to make alarmist AGW science intelligible at layman’s level.


  • #

    Jo, you should set up a Speedy thread where all of his satirical pieces could be emsembled.
    No comments, just thumbs and with each piece with a background introduction.
    It would quickly go viral.
    Speedy is pure comedy Gold!

    [OK, you’ve talked me into it. I’m thinking of the best way to do it. 🙂 –JN]


  • #

    You’ve missed your vocation Speedy! or maybe you haven’t.

    Absolutely fantastic, keep them coming.


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    Do you get the feeling that the government is desperate ? I mean besides the obvious having to borrow $100million+ a day, and a horrendous budget black hole.
    Minister Combet signed up to the UN Green Climate Fund at Cancun Dec 2010. While it is not completely organised yet, (they’re fighting over the yet to be killed corpse) it is a commitment coming up to COP17 in Durban. It would become a regular commitment of 10% of any carbon tax or ETS revenue.

    Also Minister Combet committed Australia to the Fast Start Financing Fund, a paltry amount of $599million dollars, that ~ $400million dollars has already been allocated for carbon reduction mitigation in Asia and SE Asia. This is a one off, start fund.
    Links to items on these subjects:-
    PM not answering the question on Green Climate Fund – Question Time
    Swann not answering the question on Green Climate fund – Question Time
    h/t Wakeup2the lies
    Julie Bishops’ page on Green Climate Fund
    SMH on Green Climate Fund


  • #

    So……..Climate “truthers” will be not be eligible! I think NOT.


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    Mervyn Sullivan

    Jesus! This is going to be as bad as the stimulus money handouts. More money being wasted on bullshit!

    Applications will be submitted for funding because it’s money for nothing. Anyone can come up with numerous programs … none of which will amount to any positive outcomes.

    The lesson of Japan is that you can forget trying to do anything about stopping climate change… and the Japanese should know after the government spent a fortune in the last six years on biomass projects:

    So if we know we can’t do anything about climate, there is no point worrying about it and we should just live and adapt to the climate as the centuries roll by… just as life on earth has always had to do over hundreds of thousands of years.


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    Dallas Beaufort

    Panic in the Green Labor ranks has set in as spending and the supporting new taxation hits the public’s tripwire.


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    I really sense this is going to be the nail in the Coffin wait for the House of reps to open again and this will be a God send to the Libs.

    I think the Labor party are sooooo gone !

    Well done speedy a priceless account!!


  • #

    OMFG! Is that for real?

    What kind of communists rules the looney tune australian government. With 15 fossil fuel power plants being proposed vs 1 hydro, 1 biomass, 3 landfill gas, and, wait for it, 1 wind. How hard can it be to get $250 000 dollars to promote like one less proposed fossil fuel power plant and another hydro instead?

    Like picking candy from deaf and blind kids in electrical wheelchairs with no batteries and flat tires. o_0


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    Has someone checked to see if this is real; someone must be taking the p..s. The gov’t is giving away a 1/4 mill to anyone who can convince the punters that ‘clean energy’ is the way to go?!

    If it is real is it on a commission basis, pro rated for every mug you convince or do you just have to slip some bureaucrat a cut and then get your grant? Money for jam I would say.


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    Gordon Cheyne

    Has the gummint never heard of S.M.A.R.T. goals? Every amateur sportsman knows how to assess the efficacy of his acts:

    How much will the temperature drop, and by when?


  • #

    Simply outsourcing for propaganda merchants , the government has scraped the last of the scum from the bottom of its barrel and is now looking for more moral bankrupts to fill the void ! . It is more than obvious this deranged govt is going to jackboot us into recession , if we had a governor general with any BALLS we may have some hope , an independent with half a brain might help , instead we are burdened with self interested low life’s , brought and payed for by our nazi govt ( see Bobby brownstains rant on one world govt ) we are being led by lunatics and traitors and if democracy fails us , as many believe it has , what are our options ? This shows us a clear agenda from a govt willing to sell it citizens out for it’s insane ideologies , it’s as if the govt has declared war on it’s own people ! Impossible to find a bigger threat to our way of life than presented by these swine masquerading as people ! Like cornered rats they will resort to anything to get there way .
    Beware one and all we are dealing with the greatest threat to Australia since WW 2 , Brown , Gillard ,swan , combet, Windsor etc are Enemies of the people and must be dispatched from govt by any means available to the Australian people !!!


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    incoherent rambler

    or do you just have to slip some bureaucrat a cut

    That is the usual way of doing business in Canberra (in my experience).


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    Raven @ 31

    While I don’t disagree with a single thing you have said, what is your answer?

    Let us never forget that Tony Abbott and the Coalition have their own version of a “carbon reduction scheme” which will cost us every bit as much (one way or another), and which, if they get the opportunity, they will have to try just as hard to “sell” to a rightly skeptical public.

    It saddens me no end to see so many people who think a change of government will in some way make all this go away. Apart from the stated “carbon reduction policies” of the Coalition also never forget that even if an election were held tomorrow and they got a landslide win in the House of Representatives, the Greens will now probably control the Senate for the next six years (short of a Double Dissolution).

    Meanwhile, it continues to get colder.

    Things are going to get a whole lot worse before they start to get any better (if ever).


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    Yes but, memory vault,
    With the Green/Labor scheme (that should be in capitols), the carbon tax is a shoe horn in for an Emissions Trading Scheme. Sen Wong (ex Climate Change now Finance ) has stated that an ETS is more “efficient” way of reducing CO2 “polluton”. PM Gillard used the words Trading Scheme just recently. And an ETS would become a legal hassle of immense proportions to undo, due to legal, contractual and financial agreements
    Not forgetting the UN Green Climate Fund that Min. Combet signed at Cancun, is to do with a carbon tax or ETS.

    With the Coalition carbon reduction scheme, it could be repealed with less trauma.

    Sen Bob Brown has stated at today’s Press conference, that if the coalition forms the next government and tries to repeal the carbon tax, he will force a double dissolution.
    At the same event he was talking about the Green’s Global Governance.

    Of course we don’t know what he has put on his Muesli besides tofu.


  • #

    Just to reinforce my comment above:

    Greens leader Bob Brown has guaranteed carbon price legislation will not be repealed despite promises from Opposition Leader Tony Abbott that he would “oppose it in opposition and rescind it in government”.

    Senator Brown predicts an agreement on a climate legislation is only about two weeks away – but says it is not going to be a “green outcome”.

    The Greens will have the balance of power in the Senate from Friday and Senator Brown says his party will not support any rescission motion – even if the Coalition is in government.

    “I can give you a rolled gold guarantee that when and if this package, after all this work on behalf of the Australian people passes our parliament, we will be giving it every guarantee for the future,” Senator Brown told the National Press Club.

    “Of course we won’t be supporting a rescission motion by Tony Abbott. This is, of course, central to the Greens.

    “While ever we are drawing breath in the Senate we will defend the outcome – unless it can be improved.”

    So, hold an election, and vote for ever you like. But understand this, the Greens are in control for the next six years.

    So much for the “democratic solution”.


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    Mark in Perth

    That’s odd — we get the Weekend Australian and I’ve just scoured it looking for this particular ad. I can’t find it, but there is another one for several positions in the Climate Change propaganda ministry. Could it be that there is a West Australian version of the national paper?

    Speedy, once again mate you’re on fire!


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    JeffT @ 34

    With the Coalition carbon reduction scheme, it could be repealed with less trauma.

    This is one of those cult-belief “mantras” that belong right up there with “Mann-made climate change”.

    Pray tell, unless the Coalition end up in power, how would their “carbon reduction scheme” ever be implemented?

    And if they “implement” it, why in hell would they “repeal” it (with or without trauma)?

    Next, where exactly did Bob Brown say he would “force a double dissolution”?

    His exact quote is in my post at # 35 above. What he is saying, to anybody who knows the current political situation, is that he has nothing to fear because the only way to strip the Greens of their power over the next six years is by a double dissolution – and both Labor and the Coalition are terrified if they do that, the Greens might just extend their influence in the Senate.

    That is why/how he can offer a “rolled gold” guarantee. He knows neither party has the balls.

    Sad but true. We live in worrying times.


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    Memoryvault @ 33
    I suppose the one true democratic thing to do would be to form a new political party based along T party lines.
    In the US this type of railroading would not be tolerated , cap and trade has failed in America , capitalism and the free market exposed it for the fraud it is , one reason for the T parties rapid rise. in Australia the Internet is the last bastion of free speech and in this we could see the rise of a new political movement , who knows , look at Greece , people don’t like it when their way of life is altered due to govt incompetence and EU manipulation . Public unrest and civil strife are not inconceivable . Spain destroyed by oxygen thieves with similar ideologies as loony Brown , yet the Internet played a large part in bringing it’s govt down . I would like to remain the optimist in the hope the big miners and Co crush these morons into the dust, they have the power , money , muscle and intelligence to deal with these thugs on their own level , they probably don’t find dictators that compatible with capitalism any more than you or I would , old Bobby brownstains and the red queen would soon have them milked dry given half a chance ! The biggest problem I can see is that the way of life in Australia is vastly superior to just about everywhere else and people do not really see how lucky and well off we are as a people and a nation .outside we are perceived in an entirely different light , hungry eyes survey our vast mineral wealth , our huge Empty by world standards land just waiting to be filled up , a greedy UN waiting in line to tap our wealth , banks drooling in anticipation of carbon trading billions and the climate goes on as usual, just as it has for millions of years . some think it’s crazy that we don’t have the right to bare arms … I agree with them !


  • #

    Bob Brown is a swine and a traitor to Australia , in any decent democracy talk of selling your country out to another power would be punishable by death !


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    Funny you say that Raven as Bob appears to be the only one concerned about selling our farms to China.


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    Raven @ 39

    Again, I do not necessarily disagree with anything you say, except the idea of forming a new party.

    In the late 1980’s I ploughed a reasonable fortune and a large part of my life into the establishment of the Citizen’s Electoral Councils (CEC’s) in QLD and northern NSW, only to see the movement shot down by the likes of, first Trevor Perrot, then Pauline Hanson, and now, apparently, Bob Katter. It is now, from what I can gather, the Australian play-child of the Lyndon Larouche Movement, which would ban all “unacceptable music” (anything but the classics), amongst other things, “for our own good”.

    I poured an equally reasonable fortune and a similar chunk of my life into establishing the “Australian Right to Bear Arms Association” (ARBA), which was similarly destroyed principally by the National Party and the Assembly of God Church. John Howard and the Liberals delivered the coup de grace.

    The only hope for Australians now is to put the Fear of God into some of these people, and the most susceptible group are the Liberal politicians. Make them accept that the world is getting colder, millions of people are now going to die, and THEY are going to be held responsible, and maybe, just maybe, we might get some action.

    Anything else is futile hand-waving.


  • #

    MV I hope you are investing in the anti-tax movement… great track record there.


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    I notice the ALP managed to keep the week minded oakshot away from the mining conference , don’t want him exposed to any rubbish like the truth .


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    MattB @ 43

    Much as I’d like to respond MattB I learned to my regret less than two weeks ago that you occupy some unassailable, above-criticism position here as the resident, in-house pet troll – the tolerated “enemy within” so to speak.

    So I’ll just ask you again for your ‘Plan B’ and leave it at that.


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    No Matt he’s only concerned the Chinese are going to mine them !


  • #


    No Plan B?

    Didn’t think so.

    Time for bed.


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    Mark D.

    Memoryvault @ 45

    Much as I’d like to respond MattB I learned to my regret less than two weeks ago that you occupy some unassailable, above-criticism position here as the resident, in-house pet troll – the tolerated “enemy within” so to speak.

    So I’ll just ask you again for your ‘Plan B’ and leave it at that.

    MV, that is better said than everything else ever put to MattB. May I borrow the quote from time to time?


    I poured an equally reasonable fortune and a similar chunk of my life into establishing the “Australian Right to Bear Arms Association” (ARBA),

    For that you earn my deepest respect. I only wish you’d have been more successful with the ARBA.

    Lastly, on an old thread I asked if you were the same author of a history of the Vikings? Perhaps you missed it?


  • #

    Might I suggest that the Dept of Climate Change be FOI’d in a couple months to see who the lucky recipients of these grants are? At that point it will be obvious that the Government is outsourcing its propoganda machine. I can’t think of any other way to describe it…


  • #

    PS> This is additional advertising money any which way you look at it. I fully expect Bolt will run with this one if he hasn’t already.


  • #

    So this is what academics think of free speech:

    Oh and look who rears their ugly head as a signatory:

    Another signatory, Australian Professorial Fellow at UWA’s School of Psychology, Stephan Lewandowsky, said he strongly endorsed Lord Monckton’s right to free speech “for example in a pub or on a soapbox or in a circus arena”.

    Prof Stefan “If you agree with me you are a legend and if you disagree with me you are a circus clown” Lewandowsky.


  • #

    Oh it gets better… in the AGW echo chamber that is the SMH:

    With eye-bugling photo of Lord Monckton with a monkey in the adjacent linked environmental article… coincidence?

    Odd to note that talk sponsor of the talk is part owner of the SMH: Ms Gina Rinehart.


  • #

    Hey All,

    Maybe we should all make applications and flood the beurocrats?

    How does this look?:

    How To make the C02 tax sellable to the masses by MadJak:

    Follow this procedure:

    1, DON’T do it

    The End.

    $250K please…


  • #

    Is this an admission from the Govt. that Garnaut and Flannery are failing in their jobs??


  • #

    Just reading more on Andrew Bolt’s blog about Brown’s speech to the Press Club. He has just handed Chris Monckton some pure gold for his upcoming tour.
    Many thought Monckton was a nutter when he first mentioned global government as part of the AGW agenda. But then he produced the UN paper and now we have Brown openly advocating it. It will be interesting to see how Monckton’s wit handles that little gem.


  • #

    Don’t forget that the bankers have also started to weigh in on this. One of my favourite business authors, Robert Kiyosaki, says the 3 biggest parasites in the business world are the 3 B’s. Bureaucrats, Bankers & Brokers. They appear to be slobbering on the sidelines waiting for the govt to put a totally artificial price on carbon.
    It seems that because the bureaucrats have failed to sell this idea to a not so gullible public, the bankers, led by the Nab C E O have stepped in.
    I wonder when the brokers will start?
    An E T S, backed by the seemingly bottomless well of taxpayers funding sounds like a 3 B dream. It will be a totally artificial market that they get to control from start to finish!


  • #
    Roy Hogue

    Here’s my list of good reasons they would do this.

    But maybe I should apply for a grant. $250,000 would sure be a good addition to my retirement portfolio. I could screw them with phony advice as well as the next guy.


  • #

    Pondering the kind offer from Dept of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, I have come up with this idea. I think it would sell well to all the Gaia loving alarmists, what do you think guys ?

    Decarbonated Water $4.50 per 500 ml bottle..Guaranteed 100% carbon free. “Do enjoy and do something for the environment”

    It needs a bit more polish though, so Speedy might be able to help?

    I just have to figure out the carbon dioxide extraction process and the Marketing and since Carbon Dioxide has been deemed a pollutant we should be able to get this through without any barriers.

    Could we not set this up as a Company and get funded by the Government and the Greens to get them kicked out?


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    and meanwhile there’s not a single satirical comedy on TV during this period of insanity. so much to laugh at so we don’t have to cry…

    the fact the Coalition has its own direct action “carbon reduction” plan, and the fact cameron, merkel, sarkozy etc are just as gung-ho on the matter, means there is, in fact, no national sovereignty already. the orders are coming from a higher level, and not necessarily the UN.


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    Mark D @ 49

    ONE: Feel free to use anything I post.

    TWO: No, I am not the person of the same name who wrote about the Vikings, though I have read some of his stuff and believe we may be related, in spirit if not in blood.

    THREE: No, I am not the “other” person with a similar name who was once married to Ita Buttrose, and made large contributions to the Labor Party back in the 80’s.

    Boy, did I cop a lot of flak over that at the time.


  • #

    Why don’t we mention the various incantations like the Citizen’s Assembly and National Consensus that were offered by Julia Gillard in 2010 before the 2 Party + 2 Independents committee of Dangerous Climate Change Advocates.


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    RJM385 @ 59

    Good idea RJM, but why don’t we go the whole hog and manufacture and sell “carbon free” kits to the cultists? These would consist of the following items:

    Carbon Capture Containers.
    A handy little set of plastic widgets that fit over necks of bottles and cans etc, with a plastic bag attached. One opens a bottle or can of carbonated drink and allows it to go flat before drinking. All of the “pollution” is trapped in the bag which comes with a handy little wire-tie seal.

    Carbon Footprint Reducers.
    A face-mask with a CO2 scrubber incorporated attached to a large bag. Cultists wear these when they go out. When they exhale, the scrubber directs the N2 and O2 back into the atmosphere, and the CO2 into the bag. That way the cultists can be seen to be taking responsibility for their own mess. You know, a bit like dog-owners with poop-scoops.

    Carbon Recycling Centres.
    Facilities established right across the nation where cultists can take their small Carbon Capture Containers and their large Carbon Footprint Reducers and hand them in for disposal down deep, unused mine-shafts (state-of-the-art sequestration technology). Think of the vast army of bureaucratic “green” jobs that would be created. We would become world leaders, and foreign students would fill our universities to learn this new profession.

    Carbon Credit Bank
    Cultists could earn “carbon credits” for all this recycled and “captured” pollution. The credits, in turn, could be used to offset the price of petrol in much the same way as grocery dockets are used today. This would have the added advantage of getting the banks involved in petrol retailing, and create some much-needed competition for Coles and Woolies.

    After all, with all that carbon to play with, the banks wouldn’t need the government to establish a “carbon trading scheme”. They would have their very own, from which they could manufacture derivatives, futures and those other useful things banks create out of thin air anyway.


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    Carbon Capture Containers, Carbon Footprint Reducers, Carbon Recycling Centres, Carbon Credit Bank.

    Way to many employees needed, way too much beauracracy and in all likelihood running costs far exceeding any economic benefit.

    Always choose the cheapest and most cost effective option. eg.

    Take 1 very deep geologicaly stable hole. Label the project Australian Carbon Sink.
    Add a couple of rolls of barrier mesh.
    Add some advertising and signage directing carbon worriers to the Australian Carbon Sink Project.
    Add 1 length of rigid and sturdy planking leading out into the Australian Carbon Sink Project.
    [snip… this idea has great potential, can we toss something else in the sink? — JN]


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    I think Ill put in a proposal for a nuclear power plant at Alice. $250,000 please. Done checks in the mail!


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    Government is the enemy of peaceful, freedom loving people. Those in the media who we have entrusted to hold them to account have been corrupted by bribery in the form of political advertising. Political journalists are nothing more than business development managers for their news press release publishing outfits.


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    Totally O/T,

    but if you’ve ever wondered where “Climate Science” students came from, check out this video of Miss USA 2011 contestants being asked if maths should be taught in schools.

    I still haven’t figured out whether to laugh or cry.

    Original link from Motl via ACM


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    I read all here with interest and sadness in my heart – that such a GREAT NATION (Australia) has come to this: being held ransom by BROWN and his cronies.

    Who is going to get the people off their butts and into the streets? The T Party movement has worked…. but we are Aussies we need something Australian of our own….. How do you do you motivate the ordinary people? Those who got Brown into the Senate etc are a small fraction…. we can show the politician we will get them out – but it has to be done visibly where media is present. MAYBE the BOOMERANG MOVEMENT (instead of T Party) You can throw it and use it as a weapon, but it can return to sender as well. It belongs to the person who originally threw it – not to some politician who determin what to do with it…….


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    Jack Taylor

    Just watch were the money goes. You can have a safe bet that it’s already been decided as to who will receive the lion’s share.


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    Kevin Moore

    A PATHOCRACY is a system of government created by a small pathological minority that takes control over a society of normal people.

    From ‘Political Ponerology:A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes’, by Andrew M. Lobaczewski.

    From Greek pathos,”feeling pain”;and kratos,”rule”.

    A totalitarian form of government in which absolute political power is held by a psychopathic elite,and their effect on the people is such that the entire society is ruled and motivated by pathological values.

    A pathocracy can take many forms and can insinuate itself into any seemingly just system or ideology. As such it can masquerade under the guise of a democracy or theocracy as well as more openly oppressive regimes.


  • #

    Just in from the Washington Times
    Worth a read
    As the United Nations wrapped up its recent climate conference in Bonn, talks organizer Christiana Figueres proclaimed that climate change is the “the most important negotiation the world has ever faced.” Faced with real problems – financial meltdowns, unemployment, war and genuine human suffering – the world no longer agrees.

    It’s a good thing human productivity doesn’t threaten the global thermostat the way the U.N. would have us believe. If it did, we’d be cooked. Countries rich and poor are backing away from commitments they made years ago during rosier economic times, before the public became aware of Climategate, renewable energy costs and genuine debate.

    The Kyoto Protocol, the only binding international agreement signed since the global warming scare began, expires after 2012. Canada, Russia and Japan have declared they will not renew; China and the United States never signed it, and the U.S. has made it plain it is not about to. And poor countries are becoming less enamored about signing on, as they realize hard economic times mean there will be little climate “mitigation” and “restitution” money coming their way from (formerly) rich countries.

    Even die-hard warmists increasingly recognize that bureaucratic solutions hatched at these conferences are rife with waste, fraud and abuse. They may enrich a few, but they are powerless to control Earth’s climate.


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    OT but interesting
    suppress dissent at all costs!!!
    There squealing like stuck pigs and Monckton has not even given his talk , it would be hilarious if it were not so dangerous ! Be afraid of these people … It’s only healthy !


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    From the above article

    Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt said he would be attending the lecture.

    “This will be a controversial lecture and I will be there to challenge him on the facts,” Mr Pettitt wrote on his blog.
    “While Lord Monckton has the right to his own opinion, he does not have the right to his own facts.”
    OMFG this should be a riot ….. 🙂


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    Maybe we need to redirect some of those awful CO2 emissions to the north end?

    Darwin rugs up through coldest June on record. It also says “the cold June comes after a record cold May”.

    Sorry, I forgot: record highs = “climate change”, record lows = “just weather”.


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    as for Natalie Latter who drafted the letter against Monckton, i just waded through 32 pages on her in a google search and right up until page 33 of the results, there were still links on the Monckton letter, including some on the oddest links on subjects such as tennis, for example –

    Rafael Nadal v Juan Martín del Potro – live! – United Kingdom – Cached
    First set: Nadal* 1-1 Del Potro A scruffy first service game for Del Potro, …. was originally drafted by Natalie Latter, a political science postgraduate …

    Ms. Latter is into politics, surprise! Natalie Latter: The University of Western Australia
    Graduate Student, Department of Political Science and International Relations
    Current research: Phd thesis on the intergenerational and global ethical dimensions of climate change.

    and has attended a UN conference on Climate Change in 2009 –

    UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 2009
    List of Participants
    Climate Action Network Australia
    Ms. Natalie Latter

    and is able to get major news agencies to cover her little “stunt” all over the world, even if they have probably never heard of Monckton –

    Bangkok Post: AFP: Australia academics blast UK lord over Hitler jibe
    The letter, started by Natalie Latter, a PhD student examining global ethics and climate change, has been penned as Monckton prepares to give a speech targeting the government’s proposal for a carbon tax…

    however, it is nice to know Natalie is concerned about students’ “sense of fatalism or powerlessness” – Teaching and Learning Forum 2010:
    Educating for sustainability
    Natalie Latter
    School of Social and Cultural Studies, The University of Western Australia
    This project examines some of the problems that can arise for students studying the subject of climate change, particularly a sense of fatalism or powerlessness that can arise when discovering the enormity of the problem and the minimal political action that has taken place. These problems are explored through a critical reflection on the design and content of a three-week section of a first year Political Science and International Relations Unit at UWA, ‘The Contemporary International System’. One lecture, one general discussion tutorial, two simulation role play tutorials and one assessed position paper were devoted to climate change in the unit. The particular format of the climate change section of the unit is assessed in terms of its effectiveness at avoiding fatalistic responses from students, and the process is then reflected on from the perspective of the teacher, incorporating feedback from students regarding what they have gained from the climate change section of the unit.



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    In the US the fight against the EU and it’s madness goes on .look at some of the finger pointers here .


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    having heard this quote on a radio news item – and knowing it would make people angry given the overwhelming public outcry against the carbon tax is so intense that the Government and MSM are in danger of losing community support – i decided to find it online to post it here. well, surprise surprise, there is but one result in the MSM, the Northern Territory News:

    30 June: Northern Territory News: Nigel Adlam: PM denies live export bungle
    (PHOTO CAPTION)Ms Gillard said exports were suspended because the outcry against the animal cruelty was so intense that the industry was in danger of losing community support
    (TEXT)Ms Gillard said exports were suspended because the outcry against the animal cruelty was so intense that the industry was in danger of losing community support and being swept away permanently…


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    Interesting proposals everyone – may I suggest that your proposals are too detailed. If you want to make this Government feel good about your proposal you must make it read like one of theirs, i.e. minimum detail, no costings and no real determined outcome.


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    If the Red Qeen doesn’t bring it’s brownshirts to heel , Australians will begin to realize the danger from within
    Greens leader Bob Brown said he believed in free speech but there were limits.
    this traitor is controlling our govt !


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    This is a scam to channel our taxes to green eco-commie groups like GETUP


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    Kevin Moore

    The characteristics of a pathocracy are:-

    1. suppression of individualism and creativity.

    2. impoverishment of artistic values.

    3.impoverishment of moral values;a social structure based on self interest and one-upmanship,rather than altruism.

    4. fanatical ideology;often a corrupted form of valid viable ‘trojan’ ideology whch is perverted into a pathological form, bearing little resemblance to the substance of the original.

    5. intolerance and suspicion of anyone who is different,or who disagrees with the State.

    6. centralised control.

    7. widespread corruption.

    8. secret activities within goverment,but surveillance of the general population.[In contrast,a healthy society would have transparent government processes,and respect for privacy of the individual citizen].

    9. paranoid and reactionary government.

    10. excessive,arbitrary, unfair and inflexible legislation;the power of decision making is reduced/removed from the citizens everyday lives.

    11. an attitude of hypocricy and contempt demonstrated by the actions of the ruling class,towards the ideals they claim to follow,and towards the citizens they claim to represent.

    12. controlled media, dominated by propaganda.

    13. extreme inequality between the richest and the poorest.

    14. endemic use of corrupted psychological reasoning such as paramoralisms,conversive thinking and doubletalk.

    15. rule by force and/or fear of force.

    16. people are considered as a resource to be exploited [hence the term “human resources”] rather than as individuals with intrinsic human worth.

    17. spiritual life is restricted to inflexible and indoctrinare schemes. Anyone attempting to go beyond these boundaries is considered a heretic or insane,and therefore dangerous.

    18. arbitrary divisions in the population [class,ethnicity,creed] are inflamed into conflict with one another.

    19. suppression of free speech – public debate,demonstration protest.

    20. violation of basic human rights,for example:restiction or denial of basic life necessities such as food,water,shelter;detainment without charge;torture and abuse;slave labour.


  • #
    Kevin Moore

    I note that Bob Brown is advocating a World Government with a democracy based on One Vote, One value.

    From ‘Mort’, by Terry Pratchett:-

    Ankh-Morpork had dallied with many forms of government and had ended up with that form of democracy known as One Man,One Vote. The Patrician was the Man;he had the Vote.


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    Thats f**king it i have had a gutful of this inept, useless, pathetic, incompetent, wasteful, hesitant, paralysed government, the [snip] said “there will be no carbon tax under a government i lead” then does the exact opposite, claims she did not mean to mislead the voters but she simply changed her mind.

    Fine ok i have changed my mind and along with it my vote………….NOW GET THE F*** OUT.


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    Hey Bob/ Julia
    what we need is about 50 billion very large plastic bags with a string pull at the bottom to be placed, every night, over as many Australian trees as possible. They need to be sealed on the trees with a series of tubes connected to a sequestration plant so that we can collect their evil pollution. Can I have the grant money now please???


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    Kevin Moore

    As George Orwell said in his novel “1984”: “When there is no one to stand in the way to protect you or stand up for you,the State can dictate directly to you”. Speak the Truth and don’t back down. The Truth will always win.


  • #

    Great quote in
    “Several people have asked whether there seems to be a concerted effort to restart the public’s wise, rapidly dwindly concern about man-made global warming. The answer is a big yes. This behavior was predicted by Leon Festinger in his book about cultism “When Prophecies Fail” back in the 1950s. Expect the level of rhetoric and anger and a stream of garbage reports along with attacks on skeptics to increase. The public should rise up against the co-conspirators in the media, academia and government who attempting to increase their power and control over all our lives through the BIG LIE.”

    Rock on!


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    Damian Allen

    “The Greens” support One World Government !
    Here is their policy from thier very own web site !


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  • #
    Damian Allen

    Can I suggest that people check out this movement for some inspiration..

    The Galileo Movement – no carbon tax:-


  • #

    MV: genuine Q. What are you after when you refer to Plan B? I have no idea to what you refer.


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    When the world gets colder what are you going to do …mmmmmmmm
    For a troll your not too bright 😉


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    JeffT # 23

    Sorry, couldn’t listen to Gillard. Even my dog leaves the room when her voice comes on. I’m not joking, my dog actually leaves the room.


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    Crakar24 @84
    Well done ..get that anger out and focus , their are enemy’s and traitors to be hounded out of office , or the OTHER ONE we can’t mention just yet , convert more people , rally more troops , these bastards have to be crushed !!! and it seems like its going to come down to the people to do it ….anger and resentment are rising , only the ignorant traitors don’t realize just how much ! Gillard , brown and the independent scum are the new War Pigs of our time ! Remember” don’t get mad get even ! ” it’s the only thing these pigs understand !


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    That’s nothing , the contents of my stomach leave when I hear red queen drivel !


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    MattB @ 91

    Sorry “mate”.

    You used that one before – about a week and a half ago.
    You gave an undertaking to “genuinely try and answer a question if one of yours was answered”.
    I answered and again stated my request for your “Plan B”, you ignored.


    I’ve posted the request for yours (and John Brookes and others) “Plan B” three times on this blog now. Each time it has been ignored at the time then followed by feigned ignorance later, when pressed.

    I’ve got better things to do than continuously cater to your selective dyslexia – a noticeable common maliase amongst cultists.

    Perhaps you should try swapping your rose-coloured (or should that be red-rimmed and green-tinted) glasses for a pair of those specially polarised ones out of Japan that seem to help with congenital reading difficulties.


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    Dallas Beaufort

    This green labor government is on remote control, you only have to take notice of what is not said, Those who continue to vote left green labor must shrug and hope their promised controls kick in, but then most on the left don’t know what they want anyway, they only know what they don’t like others enjoying and have hissy fits when seeing someone else laughing and having a good time and think well, they must have to0 much of something so they must have their enjoyments curbed and their spending power reduced via taxation to quieten their laughter down some what?


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    Heres why THEY want CO2 trading and TAX Criminal websites like this one!!!!!!!
    I invite ALL Chinese hackers to hack it.


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    Bulldust @ 52 & 53

    Interesting that Monckton’s very vocal critics are banging on about him not being qualified to speak on the issue of climate and yet he was Margaret Thatcher’s Science and Domestic Policy adviser (it was the Thatcher Govt where fear of global warming started to take hold politically, so Monckton was right there) and he has testified on climate science and economics in front of the US Congress. So qualified to advise Govts but not to be a guest speaker at an Aussie University? By that logic Garnaut should be banned from speaking on this issue also!

    He has also published “a substantial, heavily-mathematical 8000-word paper entitled Climate Sensitivity Reconsidered in the learned journal Physics and Society in July 2008” (Monckton interviewed by Arthy 2010).


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    @ memoryvault 38
    After having to sit through 1:00:38 (again) of mostly Brown’s arrogance, to hear how he would tackle recission of his beloved carbon tax, that is even now morphing into an ETS (PM Julia Gillard at a news grab), I felt it was smarter to see what is being reported.

    “Can we have an election to get rid of this Gillard Government ?”
    International – Steve Price interviewing Eric Abetz

    Point made that a double dissolution could be called with due process, which clears both houses. The Independents would be gone – Oakeshott is finished (he’s my local member), Windsor is due to retire and would have Barnaby Joyce contesting as a National candidate in that seat , and nothing would guarantee the Green numbers would improve their quota.
    With the carbon tax/ETS as an election basis, add the record of deceit by the current government including the Independents, could tip the balance. With the Greens showing their hand on Governance, asylum seekers, gay marriage could make it an ‘interesting contest’.
    Joyce’s term as a Senator finishes July 1, and he has stated he would contest Tamworth, as he has family there and would resettle there.

    I do agree with Sen Brown, to a point, about selling the farm, minerals and energy, but only as far as more control of foreign investment by the F.I.R.B. We still must gave overseas investment, but not outright sale of key Agricultural and mineral rights.


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    Interesting also that they claim Viscount Monckton doesn’t have the qualifications, yet no one will debate him.
    It should be a walkover for all those experts from UWA – LOL.

    Note on above – another typo “We still must have overseas investment”


  • #
    Kevin Moore

    Remember BP’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and read about BP Greenpeace and the big oil jackpot at:-

    Thanks,TheRealUniverse @ 87

    “…..According to the Washington Post the green group Nature Conservancy – which encourages ordinary citizens to personally pledge to fight climate change – “has accepted nearly $10 million in cash and land contribution from BP and affiliated corporations over the years.”

    Gee, didn’t Greenpeace build an entire ExonnSecrets website to expose the allegedly diabolical fact,that over a 9 year period [1998 – 2006] ExonnMobil donated a grand total of $2.2 million to a conservative think tank.

    But that’s just the beginning……”


  • #

    @ Kevin Moore,

    The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is not as remote as the US.

    Notice how this document has an Australian Government logo, and the linkage to others, Bush Heritage, Tasmanian Conservancy

    Then check out the website of the International Emissions Trading Association (I.E.T.A.) to see who are members.

    It goes on and on –


  • #

    Theses grants need to be stupid so ..I would like to apply for a grant to fit UV lights to camels arses. I would show them
    Then explain the siliggy camels arse theory, which is that The solarcycle must strongly modulate the potent greenhouse gas methane and that it is not a fossil fuel because of what happens on Mars.


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    Kevin Moore


    The tone of the wording at the bottom of the IETA [International Emissions Trading Association] membership application form sounds threatening.



  • #
    Mark D.

    Siliggy Re 105

    Clearly the methane on mars is caused by photosensitive camels.


  • #

    MV you say”MattB @ 91

    Sorry “mate”.

    You used that one before – about a week and a half ago.
    You gave an undertaking to “genuinely try and answer a question if one of yours was answered”.
    I answered and again stated my request for your “Plan B”, you ignored.”

    So there’s no question then? I’ve not seen it that is for sure. If you’d bothered repeating it here you’d have an answer in this post.

    I see above someone has said “what will I do when the world gets colder.” I have no idea if that is what you asked, but in the absence of a question from you I’ll answer this one.

    What will MattB do when the world gets colder?
    Answer “put on a jumper”. What kind of stupid question is that. If the world gets a lot colder I’ll suffer like the rest of us. I hope that wasn’t your question as it is a pretty bloody stupid one.


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    Damian Allen

    The JUDAS selling out his country and his fellow Australians for his THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER.
    You and your ilk will burn in hell (or sooner…)


  • #

    Mark D.:
    July 1st, 2011 at 2:14 pm
    Siliggy Re 105

    Clearly the methane on mars is …

    Ohrr your just jealous because my delusions of grandeur have more conundrums than yours.


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    Mark D.

    Siliggy @ 110

    Always the observant one aren’t you.


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    allen mcmahon

    @Damian; people like you provide ammunition to the AGW crowd.You make it so easy for them to characterize skeptics as foaming at the mouth crackpots and conspiracy theorists.


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    MarK D
    For a second grant I was thinking of retro fitting the walking billboard camels with dehumidifiers(modified siliggy camels arse theory). After it was pointed out by posters at the WUWT website that ozone is also created by UV and therefore also modulated by the change in spectrum over the solar cycle. If UV breaks down methane into Co2 water and ozne etc the the solarcycle effects at least 4 greenhouse gases. So to remove the water vapour after the methane from around the camel would be a more efficient way of blaming the camel for what the sun is doing. After all to make these grants work for the govt we need to keep the camels in the frame for the roll on effects of altering the quantities of all these gases. We need to hide the fact that the sun has many many non TSI ways of altering the global temperature.

    After some thought though it may be better to apply for a grant to make the phrase “record warm june” more popular. Sadly if you do a Last month” google search of the phrase “record warm june” only two hits come up. One is about the weather last year and only exists in cache. The other mentions adult sex stories. Well I have done my bit because now there should be more hits!
    Check here:


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