- JoNova - -

BREAKING Australian Carbon Tax Legislation Released

The Carbon Tax legislation has been released finally: The draft from the Climate Change Department.

It’s supposed to be a simple tax on every ton of pollution. But nothing is simple when you try to tax a basic element of life. In a true free market you only need a buyer, a seller and a product. The Australian government is running this market from beginning to end: There are 340 pages of unfree rules.

The complexity is a chance to hand out favours to “our friends our fans and our marginal seats”.

How many ways can they crony up the country?

Legal-eagles, and number crunchers, please comment here so we can highlight the points that matter.

H/t Kevin


In 340 pages there’s zero instances of the terms “global warming”, and “temperature”.
What’s this tax supposed to do??? h/t Pat

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