- JoNova - -

The Real Monckton Debate

The National Press Club Climate change debate between Lord Christopher Monckton and Richard Denniss.

The ABC appear to have lost the debate for their 10pm Channel 24 slot. Somehow I don’t think they would have lost the footage if Christopher Monckton had made a mistake…

Had he made a gaffe, it would have been on the 7pm news, and every hourly update after that.

Watch it here instead. Who needs the ABC?

Thank God for the internet.

Hat tip to Keith.

UPDATE: Keith writes that the youtube is popular today!

Just looked at the video stats..
#2 – Top Rated (Today) – News & Politics – Australia
#17 – Top Rated (This Week) – News & Politics – Australia
#162 – Most Viewed (Today) – Australia

#2 – Most Viewed (Today) – News & Politics – Australia

My thought: We should all thank Monckton greatly for his brilliant performance (and climatesceptics for helping to make this happen). I am sure there are quite a few journalists in that room who came away from the debate with “less certainty” about the skill and knowledge of their environmental reporters. It won’t be reported widely in the press, but the shift in attitude matters.

UPDATE #2:  Andre writes that this video is better quality: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ma6cnPLcrtA

7.4 out of 10 based on 7 ratings