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Guerilla marketing – Get your sticky notes!

CanDo sticky note campaign Nice. The CanDo team have printed thousands of sticky notes with a message for consumers everywhere. Australian’s can order them and pop them on items that will cost more under The Carbon Tax (ie. that’s everything except subsidized Chinese solar panels, and bird-blending windmills.*)

Take a photo of your most inspiring spots and send it in to CanDo. People are using these sticky notes in restaurants, airports, petrol pumps, at home and in the office.

This is a chance to remind Australians that the Carbon Tax will cost them, and we will never know exactly how much.

Order your sticky notes here

Help them print and send more sticky notes with a donation.

*Actually, no I can’t guarantee that these won’t increase in price too. See Environmental tax threatens green energy research in UK.

“World-class research into future sources of green energy is under threat in Britain from an environmental tax designed to boost energy efficiency and drive down carbon emissions, scientists claim.

Some facilities must find hundreds of thousands of pounds to settle green tax bills, putting jobs and research at risk.

The unexpected impact of the government’s carbon reduction commitment (CRC) scheme is so severe that scientists and research funders have lobbied ministers for an exemption to reduce the bills.”

There is nothing that becomes easier, more efficient, effective or productive when we choose to use an energy form which costs 5 – 10 times as much. “We” as a civilization simply can’t do as much if we can’t use our cheapest energy form.

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