- JoNova - -

The DRAFT(?) petition the Convoy will carry to Canberra is available


The final petition will be released NEXT WEEK. Thanks to commenters for feedback here, it’s been very useful and passed on to all the people that matter. It’s been decided that the petition will be redone. The preferential voting point has been dropped and I think the rest of the petition will be carefully reconsidered too. Time is short, so that’s a shame, but Mick Pattel wants to do this properly. And oh my goodness, but the plans for this Convoy are becoming bigger than Ben Hur. You should hear behind the scenes! They are looking for 4 or 5 ovals in some towns in order to accommodate the trucks and cars and caravans… HUGE! — Jo

The Convoy to Canberra protest is generating a massive response. Organizers have been astounded at the number of cars and trucks joining in. Gobsmacked!  It is shaping up to be a historic event! Remember, even if you can’t drive the whole way, you can show you support and join the convoy just for an hour, especially at the start to send them on their way! 🙂

The cover of the petition is copied below for people to read. Please download the full copy, print off and distribute [or if you are not happy with it, go to the just grounds site and ask to change it, like I did].

The petition is to be given to the convoy leaders of the Coalition of Industries Convoy of No Confidence in the Federal Government. It must have real signatures – the future is in your hands now.”

Download the full petition here.

Post or give to the Convoy Leaders.

The home site for the Convoy is Just Grounds.

03/08/2011 update: Due to high demand – for those people who are not members of Just grounds Community and still wishing to RSVP for the Convoy – please email  the following only;

Your name;

Your Convoy route;

Number of people  / or vehicles;

For example; Cate Stuart, Convoy number 1, 2 people, travelling in a truck

Email your rsvp to tullochard@bigpond.com please insert in the subject box “Convoy RSVP


I’ve added DRAFT to the title! I hope we can tighten this up! Sigh, Yes, this was posted in a hurry for discussion, half-read, as I left to speak tonight, clearly it would be better with a rewrite. In the 2 minutes I had to spare after reading Brookes comment #2 (thanks John) I posted this comment at Just Grounds: “Can we drop part 4 of the petition! We don’t need to conflate different issues. Preferential voting is not to blame here. If the media had grilled Oakshott and Windsor and the Greens — people could have voted more accurately.”

The problem is the lack of real media scrutiny, not the voting system. When politicians lie, no voting system works.

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