- JoNova - -

On Carbon Sunday an ode to Gaia

Posted in comments by “Carbon Free”

I sit here in my living room with just a few minutes left before midnight & ‘Carbon Sunday’, now in my dark cold residence, using only a battery powered smart phone to blog, as I start my new low greenhouse gas existence. Already the new evening meal of beans and vegetables is starting to become uncomfortable. I dare not pass wind for fear of adding to the earth’s methane levels, and I have tried not to exhale my CO2 directly into the atmosphere, but rather store it in environmentally friendly plastic bags where it will be released into my new hermetically sealed backyard greenhouse, where plants will convert my CO2 back to pure O2 and stored carbon.

My only sadness today was having all my pets put down. My dogs caused far too much emissions for the planet. Perhaps the vegan diet proved too much for their digestion systems but the thought of any living creature eating meat is far worse. Anyway, they will make good fertiliser food for the greenhouse.

It’s very cold now without power, and my fingers are blue. I’m wondering if my actions today have somehow helped the outside (and inside) temperature of my small eco-house reach just 5 degrees centigrade. But I will now embrace the cold, knowing that in just a few short years it will be scorchingly hot. Whilst I should not look forward to warmer times, I can always read my new Gaia Bible to help keep my soul from drifting.

Also, all my own waste will now be directly recycled. This will probably mean the taste of my food will get progressively worse. But this is the new green way and we must all do our bit. I will think of you Julia when I eat my recycled food, especially when it’s been recycled several times over….

Thank you ‘queen’ Julia for showing me the path to sustainability.

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