- JoNova - -

Another pointless poll – 2% of Canadians are “deniers”? Not so. But 32% think natural cycles have stopped!

 It’s another useless question written in a another pointless poll.

Define “climate change”: does it mean the climate doesn’t stay the same year after year, or is it code for “man-made global warming”? The term is so overused, so cliched, it is a meaningless part of any survey. Since “partially” means any number greater than zero, technically I’d have to answer that climate change is partly natural and party man-made. So the survey finds that many dedicated skeptics hold the majority opinion, but that’s not the way it’s being reported. With vague questions, this survey is not designed to find out what the population really thinks, it’s there to support media headlines and the propaganda push. A cheap trick to try to convince politicians that “carbon action” is a vote winner, and a ploy to try to demoralize skeptics into thinking they are a small and shrinking part of the community.

It shows, as do many other studies, that only a third of the population believe the IPCC message that all the recent warming is due to man-made emissions. 65% of the population know there is natural component to the way our climate changes, the question that matters is “how much”.

But look out! Fully 32% think that climate change is occurring due only to human activity and not due to any natural variation.  It’s as if the orbits of the planets got stuck in a rut in 1945. It’s like the sun finally reached an unchanging equilibrium after four and a half billion years, the continents stood still, the oceans stopped slopping, and the winds stopped shifting. What do we teach people at school?


Canadian poll climate change 2012

Perception of Climate Change
Respondents were asked to choose the statement which best reflects their views about the causes of climate change. One third (32%) believe that climate change is occurring due to human activity, while one half (54%) believe that climate change is occurring partially due to human activity and partially due to natural climate variation. One in ten (9%) believe that climate change is occurring due to natural climate variation and few (2%) believe that climate change is not occurring at all. Page 26.


The headlines keep pushing the propaganda “Only 2% of Canadians deny climate change, suggests poll” [CBC]. The aim is to make people with one scientific opinion look like freaks.

He also told CityTVthat the two percent figure is similar to people believing in “little green spacemen” and that the number is still “pretty significant.” He did concede that a study will never have 100 percent. [digitaljournal.com]

The study has a 3% margin of error.

Lucky nearly 90% of the population realizes that CO2 is not flammable, or explosive, and 79% recognise that it is not a water pollutant,  but  63% think CO2 is unhealthy.


In order to understand perceptions of carbon dioxide, respondents were asked to choose which of a list of statements they think apply to the gas. Most commonly, six in ten (63%) believe that it is unhealthy, while two in ten (21%) believe that it is a water pollutant.


In other findings about half the population think fossil fuels will still be used to make electricity in 2050. About one quarter think that CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) will help “combat climate change” while more than half think that CCS “represents a safety risk in the future”.

IPAC-CO2 Research Inc. released its findings  The study was conducted by Insightrix Research Inc.





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