- JoNova - -

Bingo! We’re back… :-)

There are many details to iron out, but thanks to some pesky hacks, I now have a bigger support team, a larger network of shared expertise, a much larger server and eventually, as we work through the site, a more efficient, faster site, that is more resilient, more stable, with a better back up system. I’ve also had a few very helpful donations.

We’re not protected by a soft media, a large public purse, and we don’t hide behind a censored fake debate as so many do.

They can attack, but it only makes us stronger.

More soon…


Please report things you notice here that need a fix.

We are aware of the thumbs up, and a few missing image links. Tell us how the service works for you.

The Temporary site is still up, and may stay there indefinitely. So  if you had a comment or conversation there: Not there yet, Still not there yetI needed a holiday and  “Sunny Days” . Thanks for your patience.


Australian Environment Foundation Conference in Sydney

Meet like-minded people and be a part of some rational science in Sydney on Oct 20 & 21.

David Evans is a keynote speaker, along with Stuart Franks, Alan Oxley, Walter Stark & David Stockwell too. I’ll have more to say on this conference soon. Book your tickets now! Late bookings will miss out on the Harbor Cruise.



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