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Australian Filmmaker knocks back Al Gore’s request for firestorm footage

Good on you Chris Tangey.

Chris Tangey captured moving images of a dust storm picking up a bushfire.

He’s turned down some income to stand on his principles.

Al Gore wanted to use the awesome shots of a dust devil picking up a bushfire, which happened on Sept 11, 360km southwest of Alice Springs at Curtin Springs Station. When Al Gores office asked for rights to use the footage, Tangey knocked him back. He felt its use in a climate change setting would be “deliberately deceptive” and that it was “difficult for me to imagine a fire event less relevant”.

“I am aware that you may have missed the reporting on the very localised nature of this firestorm,” Tangey wrote. “However, in any case, I am confused as to why you would offer to buy a licence to use it at all unless you had conducted even elementary research which might indicate that this Mt Conner event had direct linkage to global warming/climate change.”

Joel Lisonbee, manager of the NT Climate Services Centre, agreed and said he would not link such an event to global warming. “This event was better described as a dust devil within a fire. Most of us have seen dust devils and know they are not uncommon,” Mr Lisonbee said.

“You need hot, dry conditions but you get those in desert-like conditions everywhere, regardless of global warming.”

From The Australian (paywalled I expect).

Al Gore wanted to use the footage in powerpoint presentations for up to five years.

People wonder why there is a point in discussing the science when those who foist “The Science” on us pay no attention to the data. But in a thousand small ways, it matters. In this case, one filmmaker in the distant Australian outback understood that there was no science involved, and would not allow his work to be used to deceive people. Gore has plenty of other scary footage, but Tangey’s scored a news story reminding the world that Al Gore is not concerned about the science, only about PR.


The youtube of Chris Tangey’s extraordinary footage.

h/t Climate Depot


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