- JoNova - -

Has the time of the Rational Environmentalist arrived? AEF Conference Oct 20-21

At the end of next week, the Australian Environment Foundation is hosting its annual conference. I had such a  good time at the last one I attended (in 2009) that I’m going again, this time, not as a speaker, but just to be there. Bob Carter is attending too. This is one of the rare events this year to spend time with passionate rational people in Australia  — people who are interested in the outcomes, not just the intentions. Find out the latest developments in protecting the environment with a pragmatic, science-based approach. And it’s not just about the speeches, the conference also includes a Tall Ships Cruise, a Gala Dinner, informal drinks, and an open forum.

The conference covers the science of fisheries, wind farms, water resources, temperature records, indigenous land-management and the economics (from a former reserve bank board member) of the carbon tax.

Costs between $85 – $250 (depending on membership and the events chosen). Details: Word, pdf or  PayPal

Conference programme

Little Green Lies, by Jeff Bennett Professor of Environmental Management in the Crawford School of Economics and Government, ANU

Saturday October 20th

The annual conference will be addressed by the following speakers:

3 pm – 5.30 pm  Tall Ship Discovery cruise on Sydney Harbour

7.00 pm    Gala Dinner. Dinner Speaker Professor Jeff Bennett (Author of Little Green Lies)

Sunday October 21st

7.30am Conference Breakfast
8.00am Author of The Biggest Estate on Earth—  Bill Gammage
9.30am Annual General Meeting followed by an Open Forum

Bill Gammage’s award winning history of land management in pre-Settlement Australia

Registration Form

Best book those tickets now, so you don’t miss out on the Cruise.

Contact Name: Max Rheese

Contact Phone: 03 5762 6883

Conference registration closes on October 15th


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