- JoNova - -

Chance to see Bob Carter, Mr David Leyonhjelm in Perth – Saturday

The PGA (Pastoralists and Graziers) convention is on Saturday morning in Perth. It’s a great event, has a few movers and shakers going, and I very much enjoyed the last one I went too. If you want to go, email the PGA or phone them today. The normal fee for non-members would be $250, but I put in a plea for readers who might be retired, or just coming “out of interest”, and Jenni Stawell kindly offered to reduce the price — mention you read about the offer here.

Official Opening of the 2013 PGA Convention
Official Opening
The Hon Ken Baston MLA
Minister for Agriculture & Food
Keynote Addresses:
Mr David Leyonhjelm
Liberal Democrat, newly elected Senator from July 2014
Professor Bob Carter
Tax and Air—Facts and Fallacies about Climate Change
The Botanicals, Crown Perth,
Great Eastern Highway Burswood WA
Saturday, 2 November at 8.30 am
Registration desk opens at 8.00am
Guests are invited to join members & delegates
for morning tea at 10.30am

RSVP : by Friday 25th October 2013
Ph: 08 9479 4599 |   Fax: 08 9277 7311  | Email: pga@pgaofwa.org.au
First Floor, Pastoral House, 277-279 Great Eastern Highway, BELMONT 6104

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