- JoNova - -

The Climate Brick Road song — “surrender your neurology to the church of climatology”

This song is growing on me. It didn’t grab me in the first verse, but I was definitely smiling by the middle.  A rollicking… satire.

I could see this going down very well at the right party. :- )

Thanks to James Black,  a Tropicarnival music award winner,  see his site. This song is part of an album “Songs From Inside The System”, and I hear it started as a short poem here. Support the musician who doesn’t follow the same meme as so many others, there are plenty more songs yet to be written about our collective craziness.

My favourite lines:

“Paying your carbon taxes,

paying trillions to the goldman saches,

surrender your neurology,

to the church of climatology,

that science garbology,

is new world theology.

A sermon from the book of Gore,

chapter one, verse one, agenda 21…

“Temperatures rising,

…. by zero degrees,

Head for the hills,

somewhere, somethings extreme!





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