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Tide shifts: Canada “comes out” and applauds Australian PM for repeal bill of carbon tax

Remember how the whole world was moving to a clean energy future, and they would mock and scorn us if we did not do our part?

Statement by Parliamentary Secretary Paul Calandra on Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s Introduction of Legislation to Repeal the Carbon Tax

 OTTAWA, ONTARIO–(Marketwired – Nov. 12, 2013) – Today, Paul Calandra, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, issued the following statement on behalf of the Government of Canada on Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s introduction of legislation to repeal the carbon tax:

“Canada applauds the decision by Prime Minister Abbott to introduce legislation to repeal Australia’s carbon tax. The Australian Prime Minister’s decision will be noticed around the world and sends an important message.

“Our government knows that carbon taxes raise the price of everything, including gas, groceries, and electricity. Prime Minister Abbott has said that, in Australia, the repeal of the carbon tax will reduce the average household’s cost of living by (in Australian dollars) $550 a year, take $200 off household power bills and $70 off gas bills.

“Our government has reduced greenhouse gas emissions while protecting and creating Canadians jobs – greenhouse gas emissions are down since 2006, and we’ve created 1 million net new jobs since the recession – and we have done this without penalising Canadian families with a carbon tax.”

The tide is turning

Apparently this is the first time Canada has “come out” and admitted it was not buying the scare. Ooh. For those who deal with group decisions, and critical masses, this will hurt. Open praise for skeptical nations breaches a big taboo. Suddenly, being a sensible leader is respectable.

Naturally The Guardian reports it as if Canada is exposing a new dark side:  Canada reveals climate stance with praise for Australian carbon tax repeal

“Canada discourages other industrialised nations from following through on their own climate change commitments”

Canada has dropped any remaining pretences of supporting global action on climate change by urging other countries to follow Australia‘s example in gutting its climate plan.

The Harper government withdrew from the Kyoto protocol on climate change in 2011 and Canada has failed to meet its own international emissions to cut greenhouse gas emissions – almost entirely because of its mining of the carbon-heavy Alberta tar sands. But the praise for Australia marked the first time Canada has actively sought to discourage other industrialised countries from following through on their own climate change commitments.”

How bad this was going to be?


H/t to Michael Smith via  reader DT


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