Announcing the all new Solar-Insolation Hiroshima Bomb App, thanks to Dale Kent.
Since 1998, Global Warming has been occurring at 4 Hiroshima Bombs per second, not that we can measure that rate to a statistically significant value*, or that it means anything at all. Every second the sun pours 2700 Hiroshima bombs of energy on the Earth at the top of the atmosphere.
As well as missing the big-picture, Cook and Nuccitelli show us they don’t have a good grip on cause and effect. The world may have been warming, but that does not mean that CO2 caused it. Though they would very much like you to think that.
But if you want to scare people out of their money and impress fools, the Skeptical Science widget is just the thing. As SkS say on their page: “ Put a widget on your blog to let people know that climate change is important to you. ” To which JoNova adds, “The Sks widget performs a valuable service, advertising the bloggers who don’t understand big numbers or trends, and who struggle with statistical significance. If someone wants to show they think-with-the-herd, and not with their brain, the SkepticalScience widget is perfect. I thank the team at SkS for helping us to identify the gullible fashion-victims of science.
Thanks to Dale Kent for the numbers and the widget for rational folk who are not easily fooled by Big-Scary-Meaningless-Numbers.
Alarmists: |
Reality: |
Just to help people get a grip on just how different those numbers are, I’ve graphed it below, so everyone can see how significant the four extra “bombs are”.

Warning, the thin black line representing the extra heat accumulated since 1998 is so small, subject to error bars, it may disappear, just like your money.
Are you a journalist thinking of using the John Cook Widget and PR? Here is a comment from Jo Nova you can use:
“Cook’s Hiroshima bomb units are a parody of science, not to mention gratuitously inconsiderate towards the bomb victims. An atomic-bomb delivers all the energy in one spot, while the sun spreads it out. Science becomes mindless if you mash up things like volume and area. A million square miles is not like two square feet. McDonalds sells a Hiroshima Bomb worth of Big-Macs every 8.6 days. It’s like a bomb in the same sense that black is like white, 1 is like 2, being alive is like being dead. Things can be equated-to-inanity. Cook has achieved that.
Plus there has been no significant warming in the last sixteen years, so technically the rate is almost as likely to be zero bombs a second, not four. And in any case, the models predicted a lot more than four-bombs-a-second –- a more useful App would show how many bombs-a-second the climate models missed reality by. Have you asked Cook if he can do one of those?” — Jo Nova
That quote is adapted from a previous post: Climate scientists move to atom-bomb number system, give up on exponentials. There, the figure was 1950 H-e (Hiroshima equivalents) of solar energy arriving, but that applies to the surface of the Earth, so includes losses due to albedo (where light is reflected of the planet and clouds), and 2700H-e applies at the top of the atmosphere before the losses. The pie chart above compares 4 bombs to 1950. The black line would be even skinnier with 4 compared to 2700 figure. I’m being as generous as I can…
How accurate is “4 bombs” a second?
1. Ask yourself if we can measure the temperature of the global oceans with all their churning currents to 0.01 degrees C. (Ask yourself if we can measure a lake to one hundredth of a degree.) Exactly.
2. Ponder that CO2 levels were rising relentlessly from 2003-2011**, yet there is no sign of warming in the oceans or the atmosphere during this 8 year period. Some will scoff that 8 years is too short to be meaningful. These are the same people that make Apps measured in seconds. There are a lot of seconds in 8 years, and energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so where did all those extra bombs go? If the energy was hidden in the noise, that tells you all you need to know about how accurate the measurements are. Perhaps it’s 4±4 bombs? Perhaps it’s 4±10? If the measurements are accurate, and some other factor was causing the energy to head out to space, why did none of the climate models predict this flatness? Could it be they don’t understand the climate and the forces more powerful than CO2 remain a mystery to them? It could.
3. Remember that the 4-bombs-a-second crowd are 95% certain, based on these numbers, that you must obey them and pay them (or their “cause”) a lot of your money. If you ask questions about the numbers, you’re called a denier. If you don’t pay, they’ll put you in jail.
UPDATE: I added the caveats below, but made the font too small, and evidently people didn’t read them. So I’ve boosted them back up, added some bold, because they matter. Please read them all. :- )
*Significance. See here for more info on Statistical Significance of Ocean Heat. See also IPCC excuses.
** Why pick 2003-2011? Measurements before 2003 are highly inaccurate (see “ARGO” and links directly above). Over the next 8 years 9 x 1011 seconds worth of Hiroshima-bombs is missing from the global energy measurements. It will be called cherry picking by those who don’t understand cause and effect, but it matters, in terms of global energy budgets. Repeat after me: energy shalt not be created nor destroyed. The missing joules will not be found in graphs back to 1880, they can’t vanish from 2005 and appear in 1950. Nor can they appear in 2014 either.
***Just to make it blindingly obvious – I’m not suggesting a real imbalance (if it exists) would not be important. It would matter if there was a persistent long term artificial energy imbalance like the black line in the big pie. But 1. Our measurements are not accurate enough to detect it. 2. There is no evidence that it is unnatural, or caused by CO2. The models are proven failures.
Isn’t the 4 HB/sec joke based on a Trenberthian flat non-rotating Earth balance of 0.6w/m^2 +/-17
ie.. its based on a meaningless calculation with massive margin of error, done by meaningless error-prone catastrophists.
If the left-eco-nuts truly believe that this silly “scientific” analogy is not offensive to the Japanese or victims of WWII then publish thee widgets:
The Palestine Widget: – Since 1998, Global Warming has been occurring at 1,938,462 Hamas rockets per second
The Nelson Mandella Widget: – Since 1998, Global Warming has been occurring at 12.6 billion Nelson Mandealla car bombs per second
Yeah, sure!
We could even have
The Israeli widget:- Since 1967 Israeli illegal settlements have been occurring at 2 bazillion homes per second or we could say Israel has ignored 5 trillion UN resolutions per second.
LOL we both get a thumbs down
Love the warning :-).
These people are really starting to grasp at straws in order to scare us.
It’s also highly amusing that Cook is supposedly a ‘science communicator’.
I think ‘scare mongerer’ is a better job description 🙂
‘PR communicator’ is more like it, Debbie. Again, this is ‘science’ produced for PR purposes. The conclusions must invoke fear and/or panic in order to attract the MSM journos looking for a quick headline-grabber.
No more than publicity disguised as science, in the knowledge that the ill-informed will take the bait. Then it’s left to serious critics to try and get the toothpaste back into the tube.
We live with a variable star, we call the Sun; its change in energy output during the average cycle is about the same (one part in 650, versus one part in 500) as SKS’ Hiroshima bomb figure.
We are all very aware of how much the Sun’s variable energy output affects our climate, aren’t we? Freezing cold at one end of the cycle, boiling hot at the other!!!
Anyhow, SKS is all about scaring the punters and never letting facts or reality get in the way.
just saw this:
18 Dec: WhitsundayTimes: Owen Jacques: Environmental Defenders Office suffers potentially-fatal cut
THOSE wanting to challenge mining or gas developments risk losing a crucial ally as the Federal Government’s latest round of funding cuts gut the income of the Environmental Defenders Office in each state, with most likely to now shut their doors…
Queensland’s state office in Brisbane is currently working alongside environmental activists to challenge an enormous coal mine slated for the Galilee Basin in Central Queensland after farmers and activists feared it could disrupt water bores and add to global warming.
In New South Wales, its work led to the Land and Environment Court rejecting a contentious mine at Bulga, north-west of Newcastle…
***A spokesman for Attorney-General Senator George Brandis said while activists had a right to challenge these activities, it was “not appropriate” for that to be paid for by taxpayers…
knew i’d find this…no space for a single word from the Govt:
18 Dec: ABC: Funding cut to Environmental Defender’s Offices described as ‘barbaric’
Australian Greens Senator Larissa Waters, a former EDO lawyer, described the cuts as “outrageous”.
“The cuts could cripple many EDOs completely, which is exactly what the Abbott Government wants so that there’s nothing to stand in the way of its mining magnate and big business buddies abusing our environment for private profit,” she said.
Environmental groups have rushed to decry the saving, describing it as an attack on environmentalism.
“This is not a matter of government budget savings,” Kelly O’Shanassy, chief executive of Environment Victoria, said…
“The EDOs act as nature’s lawyers. They provide legal defence for the many Australians concerned about what’s happening to our environment.”…
Cuts are ‘acts of barbarism’
Peter Burdon is a senior lecturer at the Adelaide University Law School and was until recently on the management committee of the EDO in South Australia.
In an opinion piece for ABC Environment, he described the cuts as “acts of barbarism”.
But he expressed a hope that the action will galvanise the public into supporting the EDO.
“The Federal Government has sorely misjudged the depth of respect and passion that people feel towards the EDO,” he wrote.
Mr Sydes agreed, nominating the recent re-incarnation of the Climate Commission as a crowd-funded organisation as an example of a potential revenue stream for the centre.
“We enjoy really good strong public support… there will be a way through,” he said.
AAP/Fairfax give a Govt response at the very end:
18 Dec: Fairfax/Brisbane Times: AAP: Nick Perry: Fed govt slammed for green legal-aid cuts
Australian Greens senator Larissa Waters, herself a former EDO lawyer in Brisbane for nearly a decade, said the decision was part of a wider push by the Abbott government to erode environmental protections…
Mr Smith (EDO NSW executive director Jeff Smith) said this decision was particularly concerning given the government was unwinding climate action and the Great Barrier Reef was facing unprecedented threats…
Attorney-General George Brandis said the government believed legal financial assistance should be directed to disadvantaged Australians who are most in need of legal assistance
“Rather than using public money on advocacy and lobbying activities,” he said in a statement to AAP.
“It is vital that vulnerable Australians receive the help they need with their legal problems.”
“The cuts could cripple many EDOs completely”
Let GreenPieces and WWFools fund it….
instead of them spending all their funds propagandising the IPCC and climate change.
I would suppose that if all the liberal politicians and actors and Greenpeace members where to fork over 90% of their earnings, we could go a long way in saving the planet. What’s that you say? They aren’t doing it???? What!!!! They care so much. Maybe they just haven’t gotten around to writing the check yet? Yes, that must be it. They will soon–I know they will!
An interesting thing about “celebrity” philanthropists is that the set up charities to raise money for their cause. They may contribute something to the cause, but their main contribution is their celebrity/renown which is leveraged to extract money from their fans (who have made them rich by buying their albums, viewing their movies etc). I just can’t help be skeptical about how committed to the cause these philanthropists really are.
Yes–the billionaire that wants to pillage the West with a 1000 wind turbine facility to be built in Wyoming to keep the lights on in California when the wind is blowing has a charity. It makes him look like he cares while he’s busy wiping out eagles and sage grouse to make millions more. People are so gullible they think that someone’s name or association with a charity makes them nice people. Not always.
Money spent on the Charity comes from his Public Relations budget.
“But he expressed a hope that the action will galvanise the public into supporting the EDO”
Perhaps the hapless Green supports can waste even more of their dole on donations….
.. although the Climate Commission has probably cleared a lot of them out. 🙂
That’s not quite true, but it’s in the correct order of magnitude.
The Australian National Audit Office 2010 report on “The Fuel Tax Credits Scheme” found the Mining industry was claiming “only” about 1.7 billion per year in fuel subsidies. Although the figure has increased since then it has not gone up by a factor of 6x in 3 years, as even the Paid-To-Pollute group estimates the sector’s tax grab at $2 billion per year. Strange that the Labor loons were foisting a Mining Resource Rent Tax and a Carbon Tax on that sector whilst agreeing to increase the total fuel subsidies to mining from 1.4B/y to 1.7B/y between 2088 and 2010.
An Australian Conservation Foundation study found the total claims and incentives across all industries combined was $12 billion per year in 2011. What’s the projected federal budget for 2015/16 again…a $14 billion deficit?
Quantitatively the EDO are a bit off the mark, but qualitatively it’s a good point. If the Liberal-in-name-only Party was serious about getting the government budget back into surplus there’s some very easy savings of 12 billion dollars a year to be made in removing all fuel subsidies. Maybe that’s a dose of Austrian medicine too big to swallow.
Annual fuel subsidies (and I’m rounding here) are $0.00
I guess you didn’t read the government report linked above. The fuel tax credits are claimed on Business Activity Statements, that’s why there is a comprehensive record of them and their yearly totals back to 2006.
It’s a scheme collecting excise tax from a broad base of fuel users and then giving tax revenue back to certain businesses when other users of fuel aren’t eligible to receive such reimbursements. This lowers the cost of their operations compared to other fuel customers, which functions like a subsidy to that business or sector. There is no net input of money from the government to the business, but that’s true of classic protectionist subsidies too, so there is no meaningful distinction between the effect of the Fuel Tax Credit scheme and a subsidy.
I think the governments aim here is to have more industry, more jobs and a higher standard of living rather than crippling industry, killing jobs and lowering the standard of living. Any energy taxes are evil and regressive and if the Coalition knew what was good for the nation they’d be lowering the fuel excise state government tax grab to zero for all users and replacing it with increased commonwealth grants from other income streams. Same for stamp duties, another artificial brake on business.
Australia has poor growth for a reason, even while the accelerator is pressed it’s got its foot firmly planted on the brake.
“if the Coalition knew what was good for the nation…”
Heheh, uh yeah, that’s in doubt at the moment. (Bank Levy, TPP, Indonesia, Direct Action, etc)
“…they’d be lowering the fuel excise state government tax grab to zero for all users”
Agreed, but at that point you’ve decided getting the government budget back to surplus is not the most urgent priority.
I guess that’s fair enough since tax receipts can only ever come from a productive economy.
I agree on the TPP, tell ya, I’ll be looking for the sleights of hand by the Americans and making sure I have my say before its ratified.None too confident that our government will represent us properly on it – especially on PBS, and copyright (particularly demands in the TPP to outlaw parallel imports) the TPP is just another attempt from the RIAA and MPIA to take away our rights and legalise geolocking.
As for the rest, there are ways to get revenue without the adverse economic effects of energy restriction, for example repatriation taxes (taxing money leaving Australia) or maybe a small 0.1% transaction tax. The banks do it, don’t see why the government shouldn’t take some of the banks action! I don’t like taxes hidden in the corners of the economy, I’d rather they took more income tax than hide their taxes in fuel, housing, licenses to work, drive, or to take a dump.
Speaking of the Great Barrier reef, the WWF wackos, Greenpeace goons, and other assorted coral crazies are all going troppo over the proposed port expansions near Gladstone.
The nutjobbies have hit the social media sites drumming up support for a petition. Try glancing through a few comments on this propaganda post on Imgur without boiling your blood. As a particularly good example:
Just a few bluffs I’ve seen bandied about….
Propaganda: That this project will result in a repeat of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
Fact: The Gulf of Mexico spill resulted from a leak in a high pressure oil well head, but no oil drilling is proposed for the great barrier reef area.
Propaganda: Activist-linked Facebook photo caption says “Dredging 40km off the Great Barrier Reef occurring NOW just to make money for coal mining.”
Fact: The photo is actually a photo of dredging near Dubai during the making of the Palm Islands estate.
Propaganda: Tony Abbott is to blame for permitting this to go ahead.
Fact: According to even National Geographic, plenty of new port expansions have been approved over the last few years, which means they occurred under Labor. Furthermore “As asked, Australia did commission a review panel to look into concerns over the management of the Gladstone Port early this year. But, the so-called ‘independent’ panel experts all had conflicts of interests with the current Gladstone port development projects“. In other words the Labor government had no qualms about the biased membership of the review panel either.
Propaganda: The development will result in car tires being dumped on the reef as shown in this stock photo of a tire on top of coral.
Fact: Ships don’t run on wheels!
Okay, coral whisperers, the GBR is precious, I get it. But if you have such a good understanding of the ecological threats then why do you have to make false and exaggerated claims to argue your case?
You just gotta love Joanne’s image there, the Incoming Solar Energy, and that tiny black line.
People just have no concept when something is expressed like this.
I get the same every time I link to the CO2 Concentration pie chart. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been told that it is categorically wrong, an incorrect construct.
The thin black line showing CO2 has been widened so that it actually shows on this pie chart as on this scale, It would not show at all.
Atmospheric Gas Content Pie Chart
Thanks Tony. The amount of Argon surprised me and now I wonder if we should be more in fear of global welding.
Funny thing is that I use inert gases everyday for welding including the dreaded CO2 which affects the welds spray transfer, depending on the percentage of CO2 mixed with argon.
Not once has this CO2 ever cased extreme weather in the workshop, melted everything in refrigerators, killed off nearby polar bears or created a black hole.
They did it that way to keep the Greenhouse Gases together, Water Vapor, CO2 and Methane etc.
Sorry this should be the reply for AndyG55 at Comment 6.2.
There are no such thing as “greenhouse gases”. No gas acts like a greenhouse and no gas raises the temperature of its surroundings by manipulating energy.
CO2 causes black holes now? That’s a new one to me. Yonnie, are you absolutely sure? 😉
Curious term “black hole”. I have a hole in my sock. The sock is black. What colour is the hole? If it was black then surely I couldn’t detect it. Surely a hole has no colour at all because it is an absence of anything.
Just musing.
I believe that it’s called a black hole because the gravitational force is so strong that no light can leave it. Therefore, the singularity looks black to the human eye.
OK, now I get it. Climate science must be just the reverse of a black hole. A black hole lets out no light. Climate science lets in no light.
So climate science is just a black hole turned inside out. I’d never have guessed it.
A white hole?
By the way it has been quite hot here in the back blocks of nowhere (Adelaide) i think one of those bombs might have gone off over head.
I don’t know about bombs, Crakar. But I suspect it’s just a little weather variation that exploded over Adelaide. They — those (evil?) weather variations — seem to do that from time to time.
Myself, I really wish the same month would be the same every year. It would make planning what to put on every day so-o-o-o-o much easier. Every December just like every other December would be a real convenience. No guessing about rain or clouds because you’d know in advance. And just think what a benefit it would be to the solar industry. They might actually be able to predict what you could expect to get every year from X square feet sitting on your roof.
Maybe the crybabies have a point, climate and weather shouldn’t ever change. Stop the CO2 now!
Darn! The men with the net are back again. Gotta run…
I leave the type of hole to you to figure out. I’m sure you’re more than capable. 😉
Well why not Roy, I mean the bed wetters are going to claim it sooner or later, thought I’d get in first. 🙂
OK then! You own it. CO2 causes black holes. 😉
Are you sure you’re allowed to use black in this discussion.The white or coloured holes may be peeved
What about us bi-sexual, transgender, cross-dressing gay holes?
We have rights too.
MV, did you really intend to give out that info of yourself or were you not thinking,you may have a lot more left type friends now!
Believe it or not, in my younger days, after I got out of National Service and was fit and healthy and strong, I was gifted a T-shirt by the Perth Gay Community that read:
front and back.
I used to get invited to all the gay parties, which was great, since a lot of straight girls at that time thought it was cool to hang out with the gay crowd, and I was often the only straight guy there.
MV years ago I worked the door of a Gay nightclub in Melbourne, it was the most stressful job I ever had.
If there was any trouble it was my ass on the line and I didn’t want any cock up’s. 😉
I can relate to that. I wouldn’t want any, either.
Fortunately, back in the 70’s, in Perth anyway, the Gay Crowd were exactly that – gay in the original meaning. And when I got out of Nashos, as the song goes, all my friends were getting married.
I was at a loose end.
I’d just got out, rescued a guy getting kicked to death in the Perth Concert Hall carpark, and dragged him back to the Concert Hall Tavern (Perth’s main Gay Bar at the time, although I didn’t know it). Everything flowed from there. I got free free food and drinks at public venues and private functions, simply for being there and ensuring they got to their cars and away safely.
Everybody knew I was straight and not to be toyed with. I had a lot of fun.
So you were the only “straight” guy at a gay party … of course we believe you …
Not that there is anything wrong with that ….
I’m beginning to regret having encouraged this whole thing about black holes and what it led to.
I seem to have knack for doing this to Jo’s blog and I’m wondering if someday I won’t get email chewing me out. 😉
Diabolical Hogue, simply diabolical.
I’ve wondered the same thing with my school boy humor but I think we’re pretty tame compared to what gets deleted.
You should’nt regret anything like this Roy,MV is remembering his youth,others are having a giggle( one must retain a sense of humour) and I’ll be off looking for a hole ,black brown or white (I dont care)to put AGW in.
When you find that hole let me know and I’ll come help. We’ll have a party over the burial site.
I always had a sense of humor. But you don’t realize the importance of it until the going gets really hard. Keeping my sense of humor is all that got me through heart surgery and the agonizing months of recovery that followed while I slowly got back my strength after a freight train rolled over me. One nurse told me they only have one other procedure that’s worse — I didn’t ask what it is. It’s been about 11 years now and that lesson about humor has stuck with me. It’s an essential thing for your basic sanity — more so when dealing with AGW.
So this is all your fault Yonnie you CO2 proliferator!
Hey I’ve done a lot of things but I don’t think I’ve ever ….. Oh “proliferator” err forget that.
This gets today’s gold star for best humor. No doubt about it. 🙂
My wife heard me laughing clear out in the living room.
Thanks Roy. A lot of good laughs following it too. No reason to take SKS seriously.
Thanks for the feedback. I always wonder if my sense of humor isn’t too strident for people. I try to find the humor in something if I can and I’m glad when it’s appreciated.
And that gets the gold star for understatement of the year. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Actually Tony, from a purely mathematic construct, it does have a slight error.
Water vapour and Argon should be interchanged.
Correct practice would have decreasing amounts around the graph.
Saw the Pie Chart. Realise now why you wouldn’t be able to show how much of that thin black (CO2) line is actually man-made. That said, I still like the swimming pool metaphor.
Happy Christmas Tony – and Jo!!!
Perhaps an equally useful widget would show just how many Hiroshima bomb equivalents have been accumulated by Earth since the nadir of Little Ice Age temperatures around the year 1600.
SkS may not like it, but context is important.
the Mr. Sydes in the abc EDO story is Brendan Sydes, Chief Executive Officer and lawyer at the EDO Victoria. he and Burdon (also in the ABC piece) would seem to be right at home here:
Griffith Uni: Australian Wild Law Alliance: Wild Law 2011
The Australian Wild Law Alliance (AWLA) is a national network which carries out research, education, promotional and activist work that enables the understanding, theoretical development and practical application of Earth jurisprudence and wild law in Australia
Dr Peter Burdon
University of Adelaide and AWLA SA
Brendan Sydes
EDO Victoria and AWLA Vic
Ambulance chasers, who have become advocates for rocks and spinifex. Well that’s a step up.
Oh man. I want that on a t-shirt.
On the back of a jacket.
Well of course they can. GISS, NOAA and HADCRU have been taking joules from the 1920s 30s 40s and 50s and adding them to the joules of the 2000s and 2010s quite openly and unashamedly.
So, energy can be transported in time. One just needs the right fudgustments applied to the raw records.
Baa what happens if our ancestors freeze to death because it gets colder in reality now?
Now you’re thinking with Portals.
I guess we suddenly disappe…
Thanks Roy, now I have to clean my keyboard!
And you blame me? Silligy started the whole thing. What about him? 🙂
Are you crazy,if you’re ancestors froze to death you would’nt have a computor to play with.Am I the only one with a sense of reality
Who said anything about reality? 🙂
Just goes to show that ‘homogenisation’ of original data is good for the wallet if you are masquerading as a climate scientist.
Also, use of the original data could seriously jeopardise your career prospects – and God forbid – lower taxes, plus shrink government bureaucracies and government funded NGOs.
And that’s why, boys and girls, in so many parts of climate science the data has to be routinely manipulated and the computer models are required to have predetermined results.
The preservation and growth of bureaucracies is the great cause, so called man made climate change is just a convenient excuse
The whole idea of ‘homogenisation’ is a furphy.
I often wonder what makes them think that temperatures should be “homogenous” in the first place !!!
Climate alarmists? Climate catastrophists more like. They are getting more and more extreme. The greater the extreme the more the general population will start to see through them, like the teenagers you reported on yesterday.
They keep making stupid invented claims that even a chihuahua ought to be able see are basically a load of Cowtan.
Yet, all the resident chihuahua does is sit there and yap, the poor brainless little thing !!
So many Hiroshima bombs a second is totally meaningless to just about everybody as nobody outside of those who personally and directly experienced the first two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima with a yield of between 13 and 18 thousand tonnes of TNT and the Nagasaki bomb with a yield of some 23,000 tones of TNT can appreciate the forces released.
Anybody including the half wit zealots that run SkS and come up with this so called example really don’t have a clue as to what four Hiroshima bombs a second actually mean.
In a world where over reaching hyper superlatives are thrown around with gay abandon by any small time outfit that believes it will impress anybody of average to above average intelligence with their knowledge and bravura in tackling the unbelievers is just pissing into the wind of increasing public indifference as the public sensibilities are assaulted daily by such out of reality, over hyped examples and the public sensibilities are becoming immune and cynical about anybody or any small time outfit that goes down this path.
And they make themselves look pretty idiotic into the bargain as it falls apart around them as their claims are dismantled by anybody with a modicum of intelligence and knowledge of the forces involved.
Just as we are now seeing here..
The first nuclear device called Trinity was detonated in the New Mexico desert after a delay from 4 am to a new test time of 5.30 am on the 16th July 1945.
It was witnessed by some dozens of scientists who had worked for 3 years and a lot longer for some back into the 1930 ‘s on what was to become known today as “nuclear weapons technology”
[ my source; a battered paper back edition of the nuclear physicist Robert Jungk’s “Brighter than a Thousand Suns” ]
As for four Hiroshima bombs a second why not use the Russian Big Ivan / Tsar Bomba as an example as it would be just as meaningless as using the Hiroshima bomb as a supposed calibration tool for CO2/ global warming.
The Tsar Bomba, a term the Russians now use as well, the first American code name for this Russian nuclear test was “Big Ivan” as the Americans through the top secret Russian cipher decoding Verona project knew the test was very imminent and in fact are reputed to have had an air sampling mission flown into the region around Nova Zemlya within hours of the test happening.
The Tsar Bomba was a amalgamation of four of the largest Soviet hydrogen bombs, each with a theoretical yield of around 25 mega tonnes ie 25 million tonnes of TNT so the theoretical yield of the Tsar Bomba was 100 mega tonnes.
However the Russians decided that they could have a few problems with this size blast so replaced the uranium jacket blanket around the bombs with lead which reduced the yield by about half back to 50 mega tonnes
Now 50 mega tonnes; ie ; 50 million tonnes of TNT all set off at once is about 3125 times the power of the Hiroshima bomb
From Wiki we see that the 50mega tonne Tsar Bomba was powerful enough to [ quote ]
It frightened the hell out if Nikita Krushchev’ Politburo and the Russian military and probably the Americans as well and no nuclear detonation of this size has ever been repeated since the Tsar Bomba detonation on Oct 30th 1961
So to screw a few figures around to match 4 Hiroshima bombs a second you would need to detonate one Tsar Bomba every 13 minutes or every 780 seconds.
But to match the energy flow from the Sun as posted by Jo above, you would have to detonate a Tsar Bomba every 1.15 seconds.
And thems the figures and they show just how ridiculous using something such as the Hiroshima bomb an example can be changed to show just how puny the SkS example is compared to the energy that, not in bomb bursts but constantly arrives from the Sun every second of every day on this planet.
Thankyou ROM, I was in Hiroshima and Nagasaki recently. Left me with a feeling that will probably never leave me. I’m not a religious person, but I’m quite sure I felt the souls of all those that perished. Sks has no idea the hurt those families incurred.
December 18, 2013 at 9:20 pm
I appreciate your feelings but I come from another era, a not very pleasant one. I was born in july of 1938.
The total losses of human life in WW2 which was started by Germany and her allies and Japan can only be estimated but is believed to be between 70 to 90 millions out of a then global population of around 3 billion.
Of the aggressors Germany suffered an estimated military and civilian losses of about 4.2 million
Her victims suffered an estimated military and civilian death toll of perhaps 30 million but some experts place it closer to 40 millions.
Japan had an estimated military and civilian death toll of 2.35 million
Japan and this is without the harsh occupation by Japan of the Korean Peninsula in 1910 through to 1945 plus the savage Manchurian occupation in October 1931 with it’s unknown death toll from harsh Japanese depredations against the Manchurian civilian population, destroyed the lives of some 10 million Chinese after it’s invasion of China,
Folowed by the deaths of some 35,000 Australians and 12,000 NZ who died fighting the Japanese.
Plus the records do not tell of the number of deaths under the Japanese occupation of SE Asian states such as Indonesia, the Philippines particularly and Burma and other SE Asian areas.
As an example, it is estimated that over 100,000 Asian slave labourers died building some of the Burma railroad and that is apart from the POW’s who died there .
I knew some of those soldiers and those POW’s who came back after the war
The Japanese were amongst the cruelest invaderes and conquerers of modern times with a probable estimated death toll from their depredations against non japanese peoples in those years between the invasion of China in 1931 to 1945 of perhaps as many as 12 to 15 million souls.
Those and all those innocent souls the japanese willfully destroyed for no reason except their own belief in their own total superiority to all other races are who I think of when the later generations start to get all tearful about the use of the atomic bomb on the Japanese.
Well said ROM.
Were it not for the bombs I probably wouldn’t be here. My father was on a troop transport headed to the Philippines when they were dropped. Morale on that ship was not very high and for good reason-until then.
I don’t think it was John’s intent to revise history and we need to reflect on the losses of life during war so that we are careful not to let history repeat.
Thanks Mark
And I also do not think in anyway that John intended to revise history and I thought for some time before before posting due to John’s heartfelt comment.
But the truth is that the Japanese have milked Hiroshima and western guilt emotions for all they are worth ever since the end of WW2.
They still refuse to apologise or compensate the very few “comfort women’ left , those tens of thousands or women, the number will never be known, from other Asian nations that were forced in a horrible prostitution to sexually service the japanese army forces.
They still refuse to apologise to the Chinese for the immense suffering and the more than 10 million dead not including those who died of disease and starvation due to japanese deliberate destruction of immense areas of rice harvests during their period of occupation of a very weak and vulnerable China of those times.
The allied War Crime Tribunals across Asia and China tried many more but still sentenced some 800 japanese war criminals to death following the end of the war.
The Japanese play up Hiroshima to the hilt while carefully failing to mention just what they did to deliberately destroy so many innocent lives across so many other nations.
I also have stood at the epicentre in Nagasaki (1977, and it was indeed moving. I have also read numerous books on the war and the utter depravity of the forces of evil that swept the world. That the atom bomb stopped it in its tracks (temporarily, as it turned out) was a blessing to the estimated 2,000,000 that would have died in an invasion of Japan.
Something else to consider from page 767 in “The Second World War”, by Antony Beevor (a thoroughly good read, BTW):
The first nuclear reactor
The link says “man-made” and the article does explain that nature in fact got there first. See the Wikipedia article Natural nuclear fission reactor about the Uranium deposits in Oklo, Gabon for more information.
It’s the Sun that controls planet Earth’s climate – it is as simple as that – it has been like that for ~ 4.5 billion years – only those with an IQ that doesn’t register believe otherwise. Yes that means that most “Warmist’s” are dumb, very dumb, but that excludes those “Warmists” who are making a good living out of “CAGW Alarmism” – they have a reasonably high IQ, just like us “AGW skeptics”, but they are in reality “despicable scoundrels” who have close to zero integrity.
“It’s the Sun that controls planet Earth’s climate – it is as simple as that – it has been like that for ~ 4.5 billion years – only those with an IQ that doesn’t register believe otherwise.”
The heat absorbed by Co2 and other greenhouse gasses comes from the Sun. The Sun heats the Earth and some of this heat is radiated back into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gasses including water vapour and CO2 absorb some of this heat. More greenhouse gasses means more heat gets absorbed resulting in a warmer atmosphere – Climate Change in other words.
If that is the case why has the Earth not warmed for 17 years? And please don’t claim “the missing heat” is hiding somewhere where it cannot be measured.
Then as your knowledge of global warming increases, perhaps you could explain why the Earth went into an Ice Age at 3000ppm CO2 (Ordovician), 350ppm (Carboniferous), and cooled significantly at over 2000 ppm (late Jurassic).
Your assertion that the Earth has not warmed in the last 17 years is just plain wrong (even the writer of this blog accepts that the world is warming.) A detailed explanation of why you’re wrong can be found here.
Ice Ages are most likely caused by wobbles in the Earth’s orbit. I’m not quite sure why you think this is relevant. Your logic seems to be that changes in the Earth’s orbit can cause climate change; therefore, changes in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can’t. That doesn’t seem logical to me. Anyway, if you read up more about the Carboniferous Period it might help you understand the relationship between the concentration of Carbon in the atmosphere and the climate.
New Scientist is hardly a credible source
I think you’re right. They don’t have anything about the “Big Government” or “Mainstream Media” issues and they seem to be unashamedly pro-science.
Hardly, they unashamedly print whatever press releases they are given.
They have even been known to print articles from Moi.
You mixed up your clauses. Let me assist you:
I hardly think that New Scientist is a convincing source, but even so from that
“According to the dataset of the UK Met Office Hadley Centre (see figure), 1998 was the warmest year by far since records began, but since 2003 there has been slight cooling”.
this despite rising CO2 levels.
And that is assuming that the dataset reflects reality not the “adjusted according to what it should be” state.
At which point I assume you will claim that the Arctic is warming “faster than ever” (whatever that means) and all you have to do is insert some made up figures and “proof” is here.
From your same source “In fact, the planet as a whole has warmed since 1998, sometimes even in the years when surface temperatures have fallen”.
In other words the planet is warming regardless of any evidence. A statement of belief not a scientific one.
The Ice Ages I was referring to were tens of millions of years long, not the Milankovitch cycles. As for what I missed about the Carboniferous Period, perhaps you could supply some reference (other than New Scientist or Skeptical Science). What I was pointing out was that there were icy periods in the Earth’s history at 3000ppm and 350 ppm of CO2. There are many variations which disprove that CO2 has a major effect on climate, but somehow they get ignored.
If you want to concentrate on more recent times, 9000 years ago the Sahara was green with permanent water (see Tassili frescoes). The estimates are that during the Holocene Climatic Optimum the Earth was 2 ℃ warmer than now. Later it dried out and temperatures were much lower. We have references from Roman times of vines (and olives) being grown further north in Italy than previous times, indicting renewed warming. After the Romans came the Dark Ages when the Bosphorus froze so people could walk from Europe to Asia. Then more warming with the Medieval Warm Period when the Vikings went to Greenland (and Newfoundland). The tree line in Canada was over a 100 kilometres further north than today, and farms were at higher altitudes in England and Norway than today. Then there was the Little Ice Age which wiped out the Greenland settlements (and those high country farms) and the Baltic froze solid enough for a Swedish army to march across the sea into Denmark. Since then things have warmed up somewhat (the 1730’s were noted for warm summers in England, and the Mt. Blanc glaciers were reported to have melted by 2 musket shots exposing fields littered with stones). There was also rapid glacial melting in Europe in the 1850’s and 1860’s. Glacial advances in the 1880’s to 1900’s followed by more melting, esp. in 1920-1940, when the actual temperature readings were close to today’s.
The point being that all these changes occurred despite (according to Global Warming theory) a constant CO2 level about 280ppm.
Now you come along and say “CO2 has risen so the end of the world is coming”. I don’t think so. You can believe whatever you like, even if you make a fool of yourself.
This post is more long-winded than your last one but ypu’re still saying the same thing: that there are forces other than greenhouse gases that affect the climate. So what?
So if we have had a 2 ℃ rise and at least a 1 ℃ drop in temperature in the past at a “constant” carbon dioxide level, why should a 0.6 ℃ (or less) change be due to CO2?
So what?
That there are other forces that can drop the world into an ice age is importante.
That the world came out of an ice age for no apparent reason is also important.
You’re refusing to accept that there are other natural forces acting on the world’s temperatures, and blindly focusing only on CO2. Your “so what” is unashamedly naive.
And focusing on a very nebulous item such as a global average temperature is also unashamedly naive. An average over such a diverse and wide area, on a rotating sphere with water and atmosphere, is largely meaningless. A curiosity only.
A TINY amount of warming (if it even exist outside the Giss/HadCrud adjusted record). SO WHAT !!
This warming puts the world about half way between the LIA temps and the MWP local optimum.
BRING ON THE WARMING, and let the world prosper.
Grapes (and hence wine) in northern England.. what could be wrong with that.. cool climate white wines are NICE 🙂
And maybe Russia can use its northern port again, like in the 1930’s
Let’s all hope that we aren’t headed the other direction again.. cooling would be DISASTEROUS !!!!
“MWP local optimum”
badly phased.. I was thinking mathematically, not geographically.
“I was thinking mathematically, not geographically’
Poor Will, probably has no idea what I mean 🙂
Ah! This comment explains it. You have trouble with the English language. I will assist again:
Then why, using science mind you, the temperature over the last 17 years is showing a statistically 0 slope?
That is not opinion, that is science.
@Will J. Browne
December 19, 2013 at 2:51 am –
Quote:”Anyway, if you read up more about the Carboniferous Period it might help you understand the relationship between the concentration of Carbon in the atmosphere and the climate.”
Some one on Jonova’s blog that understands the UN-IPCC climate science.
In my effort to “understand the relationship between the concentration of Carbon(sic) in the atmosphere and the climate“, I took your advice and found this graph.
Can you explain-
(1) the relationship between the concentration of Carbon(sic) in the atmosphere and the climate during the late ordovician period when carbon(sic) was 4000ppm and it was an ice age and …
(2) How is this relevant to the late carboniferous period when carbon levels are the same as now, but it is an ice age?
Did the carbon(sic) cause the ice ages?
I was hoping you would provide a link as an example. Maybe you still can?
Is the graph wrong?
So, after taking your advice, Will, it seems I am more confused than when I first started.
Please help me Will.
Of course it’s from a source. What do you think the quotation marks were meant to signify?
[That you are willing to plagiarize? When copying from another source it is customary, good manners, and required here at Joanne Nova, to provide a credit or reference to the source. No apology for your other grievous transgression? You are well on your way to the shortest lived poster yet. Go ahead punk, make my day.] ED
If somebody intended on plagiarising something they would not put it in quotation marks. If you were plagiarising something you would try and pass it off as your own writing. Putting it in quotation marks is a clear indication that it is from a source and is not your own writing. Omitting a source is not plagiarism; it is an oversight. If you would be so good as to apologise for your unfounded and scurrilous, public allegation of plagiarism, I would be happy to apologise for inadvertently omitting the source on my quotation. BTW, Your silly “Make my day” threat was unbecoming to the editor of a respected…ha ha! what am I saying?
[Pay attention there is a test. What I asked you to apologise for is your attempt to circumvent the moderation system by changing your screen name. You so far have refused to do so and, I might say, with a bit of attitude. You seem to forget that there are rules and we ultimately decide if your behavior is acceptable. So far it isn’t and I have bets with the other moderators that you will continue to be unruly. Therefore I’ll ask you how many times do you think we’ll put up with your bad behavior before you are permanently blocked?
You had an opportunity to correct your “oversight” instead of your snide comment but you didn’t. My comment was phrased clearly as a question not an allegation. I also note you still have not referenced or linked to the source either. This meaning you are shy about telling us, or what?
Right you are about one thing, I should appologise for not crediting Dirty Harry for the use of his quote.]ED
[Will, we want commenters who disagree with us (politely), the mods are not asking much, and you do need to respond. – Jo]
I didn’t attempt to circumvent any moderation policy. I don’t have to log on to this site to make a comment so, as far as I know, I’m free to use any name I want. Just for the record, I didn’t change my name, I just used a different email address. As I was replying to a comment that was a in turn a reply to something I said (and a rather snide one at that) it should have been obvious it’s the same user. If this is a breach of the rules I apologise. Now, can you point me to the section of your website that lists the rules that have to be complied with when posting comments – I haven’t been able to find it. I have also done a quick search on internet etiquette to see if I have breach any common rules on etiquette and I haven’t been able to find anything relevant.
[At the top of any page there are tabs labeled “Home” and at the other end “About” Hover the cursor over “About” and the second selection is “Rules and Legal”. here for your convenience: . Not every rule is committed to print and common sense prevails. You may find it hard to believe but we get a few really bad trolls and troublemakers. Some of these trolls try every trick to get around the moderators and filters by changing identities. Using only one name and email is as much a courtesy as a rule. Your posts will get published faster because all first time new names or e-mail addresses get caught for moderation. If you register and log in you’ll find it easier and won’t have to re-type your screen name. We don’t mind anonymity either just choose one identity and stick with it. Additionally, WordPress will assign you the same gravatar (image) so others will recognize the person they are reading. If you don’t want to register please be careful to type your name the same way each time. Likewise, using only one (working) e-mail address will help keep your identity straight and get post through faster.] ED
@Will J. Browne
December 19, 2013 at 2:51 am
Quote: “Your assertion that the Earth has not warmed in the last 17 years is just plain wrong (even the writer of this blog accepts that the world is warming.)”
So, here we have a blog (Jonova) with a post specifically about a smart phone application developed to explain the ‘missing heat of man made global warming‘, described by some as a ‘pause in warming‘, and here comes Will with a link from 2008 saying there is no pause, in an attempt to justify the application to ‘explain the pause’.
If we are not at peak stupid yet, surely Will is the signpost that we are close?
My apologies! Have another one. this is from three days ago. I can get you lots more if you want.
My post wasn’t an attempt to justify the application to ‘explain the pause’. It was in reply to someone who had discovered this big yellow thing in the sky called the sun and wanted to inform us that that was where we were getting our heat from, so he reckoned we didn’t need to worry about greenhouse gases. Judging from the amount of likes he got, That seemed to qualify as a brilliance insight on this blog.
So how does 2013 look? Not really getting warmer, is it? Lots of below average temperatures. Which would indicate that 2012 may have been an anomaly–not part of a greater pattern. The curve is headed down at the moment–I think there might be a new trend. Actually, I think all those “trends” are pretty much worthless. It’s colder now, it was warmer last year.
Now you’re using as a source of good science…
CO2 warming in the ‘Greenhouse effect’ are foolish unproven theories, unless you can find material the proves otherwise.
Belief in unsubstantiated theory is a religion, so bless you for your input.
Greetings Will. Thanks for your reply. Thanks for the up-to-date link from Thinkprogress.
That would be Joe Romm, the man who said in 2009 Australia was ‘the canary in the coal mine’ when it came to man made Global Warming desertification.
3 years later, Australia, no, the antipodes, is drought free.
Score: Canary– 1. Joe Romm/Thinkprogress– 0.
Time & space limitations here means we must move on from that non-SkepticalScience aligned website.
Another day.
Quote: “It was in reply to someone who had discovered this big yellow thing in the sky called the sun and wanted to inform us that that was where we were getting our heat from, so he reckoned we didn’t need to worry about greenhouse gases.”
Maybe there is another source of energy the earth gets it’s heat from other than the sun that you are aware of?
The 1896 Arrhenius greenhouse effect was discredited as long ago as in 1909 by Robert W. Wood
* Repeatability of Professor Robert W. Wood’s 1909 experiment on the Hypothesis of the Greenhouse Effect
* 3.3 Returning to Wood’s Experiment to Test Pouillet’s Backradiation Hypothesis & Arrhenius’ Greenhouse Effect
He’s just after hits for Joe Romms site “Think Progress”.
Since Time magazine named him as one of the 25 “Best Blogs of 2010.”, it’s all been downhill since (now about 522). Joe Romm, Tim Flannery, Al Gore etc are all like dog poo on your shoes at the moment, so any publicity for this fool is good publicity.
WLB is just a tool for links to GANG GREEN sites.
Think progress? LOL! Got any more parody sites?
Will, the global temp is regulated by the amount of cloud cover, which declined by 5% in the mid 90s. This corresponds to the only warming period seen since satellite observations began and accounts for 0.3 deg C of the observed 0.4deg C increase. This leaves only 0.1 deg (ie noise) to attributed to CO2 instead of the predicted 0.6deg C. In addition the amount of energy being lost to space increased as the earth warmed up, the signature of Shortwave forcing due to natural cloud changes and the opposite of greenhouse gasses trapping more heat.
In addition the current excuse for lack of warming that the heat is hiding in the deep oceans actually disproves CAGW.
CAGW can only occur if the heat goes into the atmosphere where its effect is amplified by water vapour positive feedback in the upper troposphere (also falsified).
If the energy goes into the deep ocean instead then this process cannot happen and increased CO2 cannot cause significant warming.
No explain to me how the world is warming when the the ice cores show that the world has cooled 3 degrees in the last 3000 years?
While your at it explain how CO2 controls temp when the 50% decline in CO2 20 Million years ago didn’t result in an Ice age until 2 million years ago? Why did CO2 wait 18million years before affecting temp?
Damn, I was enjoying the comments until the inevitable troll stuck their snout up.
CO2 ‘heating’ has a logarithmic effect; the more CO2 which is added the less ‘heating’ effect each new CO2 molecule has; see this expressed as a forcing or as a temperature response.
The link which the troll uses to ‘prove’ temp hasn’t paused for the last 20 odd years is to a stupid article which supports this contention by saying the heat has been stored in the oceans. No it hasn’t.
Oh no no no!. They have integrity. It is just well suppressed.
Not dramatic enough. Instead of atomic bombs the correct unit for this kind of scare mongering should be ‘orphanage fires’.
One A-bomb is equivalent to about 1.0e9 Orphanage Fires.
Other standard units include ‘Fluffy Wuffy Bunny Wabbit Conflagrations’ and ‘Lonely Child Dolls House Incinerations’.
BTW, Cook has converted the “4 Hiroshimas” to a new metric: kitten sneezes.
For reference, the Sun hits Earth with 5,001,195,028,680,688,725 kitten sneezes per second. 😉
How about rat farts? Because that’s what I give for the likes of Cook.
Can it be converted to the amount of grandparents prevented from freezing to death due to not being to heat their homes?
Can it be converted to the amount of grandparents prevented from freezing to death due to not being able to heat their homes?
I wonder what the earth would look like without all those “Hiroshima bombs of heat”. Probably like a giant popsicle.
Only 2 billion A-bombs since 1998, eh!
I guess that would explain why the “global temperature” hasn’t increased since umm … 1998.
2 billion A-bombs and Trenberth still can’t find ’em.
Still, it must be hard to find his (special) 2 out of 1386 billion others.
There must be a movie (of the Pink Panther variety) in there somewhere.
“The Hunt for the Missing Joules” by K. Trenberth
guest appearances by:
M.Mann as the lumberjack,
P.Gleick as the impersonator,
A.Watts as the heroic arch villain,
T.Flannery as the pooper scooper,
etc. etc… (feel free to help out with suggestions for cast members 🙂
Joanne Nova as Proxy Galore.
Jo I would like to apologize if you took any offense to my attempt at humor above.
I meant no disrespect to yourself and David.
REPLY: None taken. Cheers@! Jo
A reference to Bond.
But could Flannery learn how to scoop poop up (instead of spraying it everywhere as is his want)?
And what of John Cook? I would suggest a role, but don’t want to incur the Wrath of the Mods.
You have to remember, Flannery got his name examining kangaroo droppings !!
[snip.. c’mon… Jo]
You got my vote for that one MaxL
Of course Trenberth can’t find those 2 billion A-bombs. They are all in the deep ocean warming that up. [sarc/]
Ahh, so they’re in the deep ocean, eh?
Can you imagine, 2 billion A-bombs at 15000 tonnes of TNT each, all exploding at once?
That’d make a bit of a splash, I would think.
If Trenberth finds them, I do hope he knows how to defuse them.
I wonder if, just prior to a big splash, a few bubbles might rise from the deep saying, “Oops”?
IF you believe the Argo floats can measure temperature to 0.015 degrees consistently for 7 years,
AND you believe they really found a systematic cool bias in 2005 that had to be corrected upwards,
THEN yes the deep oceans are still accumulating heat.
data is at
but to save you the effort here’s a graph of the ARGO era totals.
Thanks for putting the widget up Jo.
Hopefully it can be put to use helping to treat the craziness out there. 🙂
Thank this man here! – Jo
Jo, Your title is off by 36%. I did a quick calculation and the real rate is 678 times as much.
And to think that man (and Earth!) is surviving such cataclysm. 😉
But as I have said before, the Cook crock has done one thing helpful. Kind of laid bare the scares of the 50s and 60s. At our height, we were only talking about a few THOUSAND Hiroshimas with MAD. The earth absorbs that much in a few minutes.
Phil, you are so right, but I decided that since
H-bombA-bomb (see Rereke below) analogies were pathetic so it wasn’t worth the two extra digits and detail. If people just remember “500 times bigger” that will be accurate enough for me. It’s not like anyone is launching rockets with this app, though I suppose people were lauching National policies…101
A correction – it is not H-bomb, but A-bomb.
The atomic bombs, dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were toys, compared to the modern hydrogen bomb.
Cook is using the A-Bomb as a “standard”, which is probably valid, since it was the first atomic device used in anger.
But nowhere does Cook mention atomic bombs (or A-bombs).
Instead, he talks in terms of Hiroshima-bombs. In doing this, he is relying on many of his readers thinking that, “H-bomb”, is an abbreviation of Hiroshima-bomb.
That allows him to talk in terms of the number of Hiroshima-bombs in his comparative approach, but imply the same destructive force as the modern hydrogen bomb, which is several orders of magnitude higher.
It is a propaganda trick of semantics, that has been used on numerous occasions.
Good catch!
Round numbers are always catchier. 😉
“Cook and Nuccitelli show us they don’t have a good grip on cause and effect. The world may have been warming, but that does not mean that CO2 caused it.” Basic science tells us that an increase in C02 will result in warming (cause). The world has been warming (effect). Can you explain where I’m going wrong here?
You are wrong first by assuming “basic science” is sufficient to explain a complex chaotic system like our massive atmosphere. Second, the modeling as provided by leading climate scientists and built upon faith in co2 effects, has failed miserably to match observations.
After those two sink into your thinking you’ll be well on your way to recognizing where you are going wrong.
An increase in greenhouse gasses will result in a warmer atmosphere.
The amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere has increased.
It’s got warmer.
Which of these statements are you saying is wrong?
Both statements.
The link between GHG concentrations and temperature isn’t that obvious, e.g. an ice age at 3000ppm CO2. Also the Earth undoubtedly got warmer around 1850-1885 and 1920-1940 without much increase in CO2.
Secondly, the Earth hasn’t got significantly warmer for 17 years (Dr. Phil Jones Hadley Institute) despite a big increase in CO2 concentration.
Would that it were so!
The only way they can show any warming is to find somewhere that there are no measurements….
then fart !!!
Point 1: New Scientist is hardly a reputable source.
Point 2: You ignore the statement from Dr Phil Jones at the Hadley Institute, who is currently working his way back towards being a reputable source (after some slight aberrations exposed in the Climategate files).
The statement is an assumption based upon an unproven theory. Some argue that the hypothesis isn’t even good enough to be called a theory. In any case the word WILL is not scientific.
See above. Or in other words SO WHAT?
Where I went to school it would have been: “It’s gotten warmer”. If you had a science background, you’d know that correlation does not prove causation. That is IF it really has got warmer. Your theory pivots on an effect outside of natural variation. Empirical evidence suggests that it was warmer recently and prior to human fossil fuel use and that it was already warming since the last ice age. For your theory to have merit, you’d need to demonstrate that any warming was outside of natural variation, then demonstrate that it is caused by changes in atmospheric chemistry. Your claim that “It’s got warmer” (even if true) is not sufficient evidence to support the hypothesis you ascribe to it.
I score that as wrong, wrong and wrong.
Please provide proof that this planet can be accurately modeled by mean of the ‘greenhouse’ analogy.
This is a fraudulent theory of little to no use when applied to climate. It is designed to capture the imagination of the scientifically deficient.
for more on the subject.
Reverse the uptick…hit by mistake…it should have been down.
Well, there are:
1. The impact of natural climate cycles which we can not yet accurately quantify.
2. The impact of agriculture, including the resulting change of albedo.
3. The impact of irrigation.
4. Varations in cosmic rays hitting the Earth’s upper atmosphere and their impact on cloud formation there.
5. Over-estimations of the forcing and feedback effects of CO2.
6. The use of linear trend lines to illustrate complex, often chaotic weather and climate.
7. The obvious cherry picking and data manipulation of some temperature data sets, most notably GISS,
8. The ‘elephant in the room’, the Sun. We all know about its 11 year cycles, but are there other ones which we have not yet recognised? It would be very surprising if the variable star, we call our Sun, did not have a complex network of longer term cycles.
9. And, of course, what caused the MWP, the Roman and the Minoan warm periods, and let’s not forget the 3,000 year long Holocene Optimum – all warmer periods than today.
10. Why was the last interglacial period, the Eemian, much warmer than today?
Because the subject of climate is so complex and people unfortunately like single issue subjects, this has resulted in CO2 being blamed for imminent Thermagddon, when in reality its influence on our climate is minimal.
What is this Cobalt dimer of which you write?
Where you are going wrong is the bit that says “Basic science tells us that an increase in C02 will result in warming (cause). The world has been warming (effect)”.
Real observations tell us that that global warming (cause) does result in an increase in CO2 (effect).
It appears that the cult of climatology is still sticking to the same scientific concensus that once taught that the earth was flat.
The title of Jo’s earlier post, “Climate scientists move to atom-bomb number system, give up on exponentials” says it all – the deliberate dumbing-down to fool the ignorant masses.
Again this misses the big picture. It is not how much the sun is putting out, but whether it has changed, that is important. Earth gains virtually all of its energy from the sun in the form of radiation, and it also loses virtually all of that energy from the top of the atmosphere in the form of radiation. Whether Earth is gaining total energy or losing total energy depends on the balance of what it gains to what it loses and why.
There is dishonesty by omission in the discussion above. What is omitted is that the suns energy has slightly fallen since the 50’s. Over that time period ENSO has been neutral overall and there have been some big cooling volcanos. So by natural variation temperatures should have cooled slightly, instead global temps have increased by a massive 0.6 deg c. This is consistent with AGW, it is consistent with measurements at the TOA of a drop in energy loss in the radiation bands affected by CO2. It is consistent with measurements at the surface of an increase in radiation from the same frequencies and it is consistent with a cooling of the stratosphere. Actual data and observations tell us that energy has increased with the only reasonable explanation that is supported by all the science is enhanced greenhouse gas forcing by extra CO2 from human emissions.
Last year the US had its hottest year on record (during a cooling la nina affected year), this year Australia has been breaking heat records left, right and centre while ENSO is neutral, the 2001 to 2010 decade was the hottest on the instrumental record and extreme weather is occuring all over the world. This is all while by natural factors it should have cooled. What would it take for you guys to accept actual data and evidence and put people first instead of money and ideology.
ENSO is not a source of heat or cool globally. You keep bringing it into your conversations but all it demonstrates is how poor our ability to measure the “global temperature” and it is a big straw that you grasp.
Co2 is NOT the “only reasonable explanation” and you are in denial if you believe that it is.
Your reliance on a poor measurement for the purpose of changing the world politically and upsetting civilization is the problem. Your belief in a grand conspiracy that we hold an ideology and for money is laughable.
So you should change your name to: Michael the Denialist-Conspiracy-Believer.
I know that, but it does affect global temperatures by moving energy around the system, but overall it will even out. The point is that over the 50 years when you look at the data the overall affect of WNSO is neutral. When you look at individual time periods you can see that el nino (that is a period of atmospheric warming globally) was strong during the 1991 to 2000 decade with one of the highest on record being your cherry picked year of 1998. The 2001 to 2010 decade was slightly more la nina but was hotter than the previous decade, so thereby ruling out a significant major natural cycle. Do you disagree with this assessment and if yes, why?
Please provide an alternative explanation with corroborating science and data.
I do not believe in a grand conspiracy, I accept the science, as accepted by every internationally recognised scientific organisation in the world and the vast majority of the peer reviewed science.
Your argument by use of a big number (solar coming in) while ignoring energy coming out is dishonest and shows how you are trying to influence a gullible public that will not delve deeper or ask the right questions but will accept your simplistic manipulation of science by omission. The same argument commonly used with CO2 by the way, when you talk about the amount emitted by nature while ignoring that absorbed.
Science 101 – It is called the Null Hypothesis. If you do not even know that much, why are you wasting your time here?
That is not an explanation, it is a copout. Provide some science, the climate is not magic. Things happen for a reason, they can measure a substanitial amount of the significant factors. We have increased CO2, science and measurements say that will cause warming and change the climate. All have been measured and occurring as is consistent with greenhouse forced warming. Is there any other reason. These have been checked, and are shown to provide a net cooling. Everything matches and is consistent and fits the science, point proved. A copout weak assed excuse like its the null hypothesis is not science. It has been investigated every way and sunday, so unless you can come up with a plausable alternative then it has been proved that greenhouse warming from mans emissions is a likely representation of reality.
Everything is consistent with NATURAL VARIATION.
Like the MWP, RWP, LIA etc etc..
We are well within the bounds of this NATURAL VARIATION. !!
So Michael the Surrealist there is an answer?
I agree you have an answer, but IMO you do not come close to finding the truth.
It is not a copout. It is called science. basic science. And if you are not aware of that, you have no clue what science is about.
Science is not magic. Until YOU prove that something is not natural, it is natural. No matter how much you want to express your incredulity over natural events. One in a million does not mean it never happens. And this is not even long odds. It is actually quite common for temperatures to rise and fall. And it is natural. Indeed, it happens every year.
Prove that it does not. Then you have a case.
And I thought you had tucked tail and run. Another broken promise. You alarmist just cannot be trusted to keep your word.
BTW – Until YOU disprove the null hypothesis, no one, not even God, has to prove anything else. THAT is science 101. And if YOU have disproven it, show everyone! Even Trenberth admits it has NOT been disproven.
Or to restate what Phil has said: Natural random variation. Neither you, nor any “internationally recognised scientific organisation in the world”, has presented any evidence that proves that it cannot result from natural random variation.
Again the old ‘climate is magic, it is something we don’t understand defense’. Which one, they have been measured, it is not ‘natural variation’. Copout with zero science, plenty of proof has been shown.
[snip insult] the copout is blaming CO2 by creating a coincidence of temperature and CO2 during a short period of 15 years or so.
There is zero science backing any link between CO2 and temperature. NONE, NADA.. ZIP !!!
You are just too brainwashed to realise it. [snip]
I suggest you look up the definition of “Null Hypothesis”, because you obviously don’t know what that is.
And that shows that you have zero understanding of the science involved. Or any science for that matter.
Not the same old “I have an answer therefore I must be right” argument?
You have what you discern as the answer but it is not the truth.
I find it strange that Michael thinks because he has “AN Answer” that it must be correct. He claimed he was a teacher. I suppose he never had a student give him an answer on a test that was wrong?
Guess Michael is learning about wrong answers.
You seem to be the only one that thinks it is magic and must therefore disobey the basic rules of science.
Again, prove it. Prove what Mann, Trenbert, Schmidt, Jones, Briffa, et. al. admit they have not and so far cannot disprove.
Not every “internationally recognised scientific organisation in the world” agree as you suppose they do.
Thy may broadly agree in principle, but they’ll disagree in the detail.
And all of this doesn’t make them correct anyway. There are many top scientists and thinkers who disagree and show their working. You’re broad statement is false from the very start.
“every internationally recognised scientific organisation”
At one stage, every recognised scientific body thought the world was FLAT..
Like Trenberth et al do.
Your argument is AGAIN.. a meaningless piece of propaganda BS !!
Apart from the fact that when people thought the world was flat was pre scientific method and pre international scientific organisations, it is not a valid argument.
Every scientific organisation now believes the world is round, do we reject that assertion because every scientific organisation thinks that? Off course not, we look at the evidence and determine on what basis that consensus has been reached.
#–No one ever said we should reject climate change because there is a consensus. Per your assertion, we have looked at the evidence and the evidence is very, very lacking. We looked at how the consensus was reached and found that also very, very lacking (but a wonderful learning experience in “how to lie with statistics).
We’ll show you ours, if you show us yours.
There has been none of your references. Show and tell MTR
I have provided references to all of my statements before. What happens now is they go straight to moderation and then get rejected as repetition. So be aware, 90%+ of the claims I make come from data from the major scientific organisations (NASA. NOAA, WMO etc) or from the peer reviewed science.
[Michael, all comments with lots of links will automatically get moderated. I only know of a few of your posts that were not set free and that was because the material appeared to be mass duplication of previous material. If you want to have better results, try including say three links or less per post.] ED
That is because you keep repeating the same old BS.
Stuff coming from NASA only satisfies the gullible.
Michael: # You don’t seem to comprehend that many of the posters here read all the information you keep posting. You’re presenting anything new. We know what is peer-reviewed and what is not. What you don’t get is that we have not elevated science to the level of a god and believe it to infallible. We don’t care how many people agree and we don’t care how many peer-reviews are attached to the information. We can what the actual data says. We know about all the different graphs of temperatures over the last 100 years, last 30 years, etc. So what is the point of your posting them again? We KNOW this stuff–we just do not agree with your assessment that this constitutes proof of a coming disaster nor does it represent good scientific method. Again, you’re not posting anything we have not read and analyzed, at least not to date.
Michael Says about ENSO:
ENSO moves nothing around the system. ENSO is the RESULT of energy moving around the system.
Yes thats right and also it does not effect global remps as all it does is move it around it may cause changes in regional temps but overall it does nothing?
You are quoting the highly manipulated GISS figures, thankfully we have the satellite figures to help keep the climate scientists honest.
This is the first time I have heard of the Sun’s emissions declining over the past 60 years, other than for its normal 11 year cycles.
Ah the conspiracy theory. Thankfully all the data sets show the same trend.
Please notice in the satelite graph how the 13 month average line is mostly below the 81 to 2010 avge before 1998 and virtually always above the 81 to 2010 trend after 1998. The trend is obvious, even though satelites have been shown to have a cooling bias and have had to be adjusted several times due to the complicated calculations involved. So do your best, pick a data set and see how long your weak conspiracy theories survive.
This is well known, and I have pointed it out many times.
I refer you to the link in Post No. 11 here.
As examples of blatant data manipulation to support the cause, this should be obvious to all but the blinkered, bolts-in-the-side-of-the-head alarmist.
As for conspiracy theories, what on Earth do you think climate alarmism is all about?
Apart from jobs for the boys, of course.
So only I have shown any evidence and science but you think your views are obvious? How about explaining some science and providing some data. You guys have so little it is ridiculous. Its just all excuses.
You are the one with the POOR EXCUSE for science.
You rely totally on the meaningless propaganda pushed at you on your little propaganda BS CD!
How about you actually go and spend some proper time getting a proper education.
Maybe after 10-15 years study, redoing high school first, you may actually come out with some basic understanding.
Strawman. You ignore the evidence you do not like. No one else is ignoring it. But evidence is not proof. They are the building blocks to proof, but so far, you have not finished digging the foundation, and you want to proclaim your skyscraper complete.
“The trend is obvious”
yes it is..
Basically FLAT from 1979-1997, then a release of ENSO kinetic energy, then basically FLAT from 2001-now
This is exactly what you would expect in a world UNAFFECTED by atmospheric CO2 concentration.
(and unaffected by pre 1979 Giss and hadCrut cooling.
The whole global warming scam was built around those pre-1979 adjustments, and now the instigators and hanger-oners are having to find places where there is no data to try to re-manufacture any trend at all.
Sorry Michael.. BUT ITS OVER !!!!!!!!!
So you are blaming ENSO? Except that it is overall neutral, so why has temps not come down. It is basically what you would expect from a world warming from enhanced greenhouse gas forcing. It goes up and then as natrural cooling factors kick in you get a flat period, not cooling because GH forcing is still occurring, and then it goes up again, and then flat, etc. That it has gone up 0.6 deg c in 60 years even though solar is slightly cooling and ENSO is flat is the proof. WHY HAS IT GONE UP???
Basic logic sunshine, try some.
Solar has only been cooling this cycle. Before that there were several very strong cycles.
You truly have ZERO idea do you, yapper.
Still the same arrogant and condescending fcukwit I see.
M the idiot wouldn’t know basic logic if it bit him in the posterior.
The guy is an ill-educated twerp.. the sort I used to come across teaching low IQ 14-16 year olds.
You have the word order incorrect again Michael –
“Basic logic sunshine, try some.”
Try some basic logic, its sunshine.
That is to say it is the sun that varies our climate!
Again, your lacking in knowledge as well as logic. The sun has slightly fallen in intensity in the last 60 years. So simplistic and lacking in science, but basically what I have come to expect.
Michael, your own NASA link says you are wrong.
Read the whole page and then provide something that supports your 60 year claim.
Additionally where do you find the “science” data measuring solar “intensity” for 60 years or more?
As you like to quote from Dr. Roy Spencer I will likewise –
And ask –
Which part of the first graph do you not understand.
I do not quote from Spencer, I point out that the satelite data he controls exhibits the same trends as all the other global data sets.
Your article is a load of half truths and misinformation. CO2 is not demonised by the IPCC. It is molecule of 2 oxygen molecules electrically bonded to a carbon molecule which have certain known and measurable properties. One of those properties is that it reacts to certain frequencies in the IR band by absorbing and then reemitting in all directions. This has the effect of slowing down the loss of radiation emitted by the earths surface. The effect is that it keeps the earth warmer than it would have been, which is good for us, but in excess it enhances the greehouse effect and causes warming that in most respects is likely to be bad for us. It is a question of balance. It is you guys that apply religious significance to CO2 with statements such as ‘CO2 is essential for life..’ etc (most elements are), etc.
Also scientists understand that the greenhouse effect does not work the same as a normal garden greenhouse. That works by preventing heat escaping by convection. You guys use arguments that are pathetic and insulting to the scientific community.
What you don’t understand about the graph is that CO2 is not the only factor involved in climate and that the atmosphere is not the only place the additional energy goes to. Your argument is simplistic and one dimensional and basically science by graphics, which is not science at all.
Wow, Michael. Who knew saying CO2 is essential for life was religion, not science. You really must post a link to the encyclopedia you’re using to describe science. Oh, wait, it’s SKS. My bad.
If scientists understand that the greenhouse effect does not work the same as a normal garden greenhouse, then why do they call this a greenhouse effect and say it “traps energy”? Are they too stupid to be able to find an accurate term? Seriously, if the term is inaccurate they should not use it ANYWHERE, including the press. How stupid would your doctor look if he starting using terms like “boo-boo” and “ouch” as diagnoses? I’d run from a doctor like that. And I run from scientists and others who are that ill informed.
Here, some real science from a guy with a degree in theoretical physics (he took a physics course, Michael, a lot of them): to help you understand how the CO2 “thing” works. He has a link to an update explaining why the effect of CO2 is logarithmic, which is also very good.
This is where all of your arguments fall down Michael. You see, as you admit, CO2 absorbs only very narrow bands of IR. There is only so much of this IR to go around and CO2 is completely saturated at around 200ppm. Thus, adding more CO2 to the atmosphere does nothing. Study it Michael, you will find that I am perfectly correct.
Well, the IPCC, the organisation charged with maintaining the Gold Standard of climate science, has said that it would require ten years of no appreciable temperature increases, to indicate a cessation of warming that was significant.
And yet I look that the graph you reference, and in particular, that part of the curve between 2003 and 2013, and note that it has no appreciable trend, and is statistically flat, at 0.19oK.
How do you explain that away?
The generally accepted definition of climate is at least 30 years. Also the atmosphere is only where 5% of the warming goes, you are ignoring the melting cryosphere, the warming oceans and natural cooling factors. It has not gone up because we have had a predominantly la nina affected decade where warming has been transferring to the deeper oceans and the sun has slightly cooled off. But even then temps have not fallen but have produced back to back record hot la nina affected years. Once the cycle shifts you will get another shift change of temps, just like has happened throughout the instrumental record. The long term trend. Its not rocket science it is simple logic, and you are only presenting weak excuses while ignoring all of the other factors.
“definition of climate is at least 30 years” (its a Trenberth definition.. ie a nonsense anyway.)
Yep and that 30 years since the introduction of real atmospheric temperature measurements via satellite is nearly up.
They will no longer be able to rely on the trend-creating manipulations of the surface station data pre-1979.
Now watch them try to extend that period. 😉 They KNOW that the next 4-5 year will bury them completely.
And even though it will be cooling significantly by 2019, you brainwashed morons will STILL hanging onto your religion.
The only the IPCC agree that “The generally accepted definition of climate is at least 30 years.”
And the IPCC’s so good for nothing.
Others know that at least 100 years is the better figure.
Maybe Michael can find out who I refer to. But I doubt it as it is not on the script.
I totally agree. The 100 year trend shows warming of nearly 1 degree c, with many ups and down due to natural variations and other factors, but the trend is very definately and obviously up.
so by your own definition you should now agree with me.
Yes, anomaly above and below the average of the average of observed temperatures over 100 years shows an increase in many of the graphs on warmest sights and others. What is not “self-evident” is that this means humans caused it and that it constitutes something to be afraid of or concerned about.
Michael the Surrealist,
Taking the starting point back 100 years and you have a problem for your dogma. The bulk of that warming occurred in the first 50 years where industrialisation and man-made CO2 was negligible. I guess that means that the climate changed without humans being involved. Now that is against your dogma …
Zealotry blocks rational thought. You are just another zealot.
Not at all non truth seeker. What global temperature graph are you looking at? As far as I am aware 3/4 of the warming of the last 100 years has occurred in the last 60.
Also industrialisation has been occurring for several 100 years.
Oh Sheri. The graphs are actual global data sets, trying to dismiss them with ‘warmest sights’ propoganda rubbish is meaningless. The globe has warmed, natural factors have been investigated and discounted. The warming fits the science along with all other fingerprints and observations.
Without an alternative source you have nothing to debate with accept your religious zealatry that prevents you from accepting the obvious.
Where did I dismiss them? I did not say there was not warming. I just said it wasn’t all caused by humans–probably very little.
Michael the “I’m not a zeolot but you are”, king of the mountain for global warming and holder of the the only truth on the planet, all while being completely clueless about science works and telling everyong their degrees are not better than his course. Again, what an ego. So sad……..
You can’t debate a zeolot is right–you just need to check the mirror to find the zealot.
Using the term ‘warmist sites’ is dismissive. Pick a global data set from any international scientific organisation (including satelites), the trends are all the same.
So then you agree there is warming, you have admitted you do not know why, I have shown you the fingerprints of AGW that are occurring, I have shown you how ENSO is neutral, solar is slightly fallen, huge volcanos caused cooling while the world warmed 0.6 deg c (not counting all the other areas of increasing energy like the oceans and melting cryosphere). I have shown you how skeptic scientists expected it to cool to the same temps as the 50’s several years ago due to natual factors. and much more.
So on what basis do you say ’caused by humans – probably very little’? This is a belief not based in science. You do not know but cannot accept the logical answer and so will accept anything including nothing as a better answer.
Your need to dishonestly put words in my mouth belie how little you have, as is normal the personal attack is king. I never said I am the only holder of truth on the planet, I say that I accept what the science, the majority of the scientists and scientific organisations are telling us. It is skeptics here that believe they know better than the experts and that they are all wrong accept themselves.
I also NEVER said ANYBODIES degrees are better than my course. As a true skeptic I sought out further information to be as accurately informed as possible. I invited everyone here to join me but nobody did.
So you base your nasty ego comment on a complete fabrication, as is typical with the majority of the arguments against AGW, such as the name change one. Totally fabricated action which is then used to deride the science. This is how you guys MAKE your own truth. When called out on it the crickets start chirping.
Where is that mirror…
Same old same old. Yawn……..
Ha Ha Michael you slippery eel, the link you provide does not say what you claim.
Solar wind and radio emissions are the 60 year low. Do you want to claim that solar wind and radio heat the earth in any appreciable amount? Paper please?
Then there is also this little gem for which I thank you:
Inquiring minds want to know: what effect a “string of unusually intense solar maxima” would have on the earths temperature?
Tell me Michael.
Michael never acknowledges when he is wrong (or has lost the plot for that matter).
So a lack of any return comment from him, means that you have made your point, and he has once more had to leave the field in ignominy.
The point still holds, that the sun is not doing anything special over the period that temps have increased by 0.6 deg c. That was all I was saying. Most solar factors are flat or slightly low, you are still left without an excuse for the warming, as always.
The solar cycles during the latter part of last century, when that tiny amount of warming occurred, were quite strong.
This current cycle is quite weak, and we are heading into a cooling phase. Get used to it !!
And you are left with ZERO excuse for the cooling that is starting to take place.
You can no longer blame CO2, because any short term coincidence in trends has disappeared.
CO2 going up, temperature going down. The MYTH is BUSTED !!!!!
You may find these reference about problems with measuring TSI enlightening –
Hopefully everyone realizes that science has yet to devise a method for measuring all TSI. We currently have a hodge-podge of instruments and methods that are cobbled together to make the widely reported figure. It is by no means the complete picture.
Typical Alarmist rubbish,funny how your “Massive 0.6c” so called rise in the mythical ‘Global Temperature’has caused massive snow storms In America,snow In Egypt and Jerusalem, and record breaking Low Temperatures all around the World.
It seems Thailand Is also having problems with the cold,see here.
You do not understand the basics of the climate bernard. Firstly 0.6 deg c in 60 years when natural factors are cooling is big. There is only 6 deg c from an interglacial to an ice age with km of snow over Montreal. Globally small amounts are significant.
But this is GLOBAL WARMING, not regional warming. Global warming warms the different components that create weather (land fastest, then atmosphere, most slowly ocean) differently and adds total energy to the system, which causes regional climate change. For instance, there have been quite a few peer reviewed articles on how the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe, this has destabilised and weakened the Arctic jetstream, which relies on the temp difference from one side to the other. This has been one area of destabilisation in the northern hemisphere.
So the old, ‘its cold in [insert place here] so climate change doesn’t exist’ argument displays a very simplistic understanding of climate. In fact the really weird weather is consistent with AGW and what they have been warning about since the 80’s.
“Natural factors were cooling the Earth”, (according to Michael).
I’d say “give us your evidence Michael”… but we’ve been through this before, and we know it comes back to bowing before your Gods of climate reports.
natural factors (ie the rather quiet Sun) ARE starting to cool the Earth…
Unfortunately ! 🙁
I’m thinking that in 20 or so years, the world will be praying for some of this “global warming”..
(and I don’t just mean by data adjustment like most of the last lot of warming.)
Notice in that link that Will keeps posting, even they ADMIT that we are most likely heading into a cooling period.
They know what’s coming and are starting to cover their assets !!! 🙂
(but of course they then say it will warm again some time in the distant future.
Have done many times, and nobody can answer it. I will try again.
[Not remotely true. We’ve answered your comments, but you make the same point many times, not just on this site, not just in one thread, but sometimes in the same comment. See below. – Jo]
**The greenhouse effect comes from over 100 years of accepted proven science.
[Yep, and I agree and perhaps when I’ve told you the 40th time you’ll remember that “feedbacks are the issue” here, not the GHG effect, which all major skeptics agree with. But perhaps you want to hijack the threads with non-points that distract from real ones? – Jo]
**CO2 is a greenhouse gas with known measurable radiative properties and its concentration in the atmosphere, as well as all the other gases and their properties are also known.
[That non-point was so boring and irrelevant, you had to say it twice? ]
**It is measured by satellite that the energy entering the planet is more than leaving, by the first law of thermodynamics this means that energy within the planet is increasing.
[Congrats, you have mastered Year 8 science – Jo]
**By the laws of physics this can take on many forms and change forms but cannot diminish. It is a planet, there are many places it can go, the atmosphere is but 5%, including land, oceans and melting ice. Use some common sense and logic ppppllleeeaaasseee!
[Same point again. I think I’ll add “laws of physics” to the moderation filter. Feedbacks MTR. Can you say the word “feedbacks”? Try really hard. Then look at observations vs models and how 98% of them use the “laws of physics” and get the climate 100% wrong. See Hand von storch 2013 (Again)]
**Measurements from satellite tells us that over time the fall in energy is coming from the same radiation bands as that utilised by CO2.
[Yawn. We know CO2 is a GHG – you have found 5 ways to repeat the same point – straight from Al Gores 2006 playbook. This does not tell us about attribution. How much warming is due to CO2? You treat this as a “yes-No” question while we discuss the numbers. – Jo]
**Measurements from the surface show an increase in energy from the same bands.
[5 times to repeat the same point….]
**The lower stratosphere has cooled consistent with less upwelling radiation as measured by the previous 2 statements.
[Do lets talk about the lower strat (again) just like last time I’ll remind you how the strat hasn’t cooled since 1996, then you will ignore me. – Jo]
**CO2 as a greenhouse gas absorbs and reradiates the CO2 coming up from the surface in all directions, thereby slowing down the loss of radiation, consistent with all off the above.
[6 times the same point.]
**We have increased CO2 since industrialisation by 40%.
[Co2 has risen. I’ll say (again) that correlation is not causation, and you will change the topic since you don’t understand logical fallacies. – Jo]
**In the last 100 or so years temperatures have increased by about 0.8 deg c (depending on global data set, some more, some less but all around the same ballpark).
[And I’ll repeat the line above (again) — it’s the same logical fallacy – Jo]
**In the last 60 years temps have increased by about 0.6 deg c.
[…. and again… – Jo]
Over that time…
—Sea levels have risen twice as fast than the previous average
—Minimum ice extent in the Arctic has fallen about 50%
—Globally ice volume has fallen
—Almost all glaciers are receding
—Ocean warming has continued to the present
—Ocean PH has fallen 30%, with evidence from around the world of species migration and corals and crustaceans under stress
—Hot day records are beating cold ones by 3 to 1
—Hot night records are beating cold ones by 5 to 1
—Extreme precipitation events by observation are up by 7% per degree
—2001 to 2010 was the hottest decade globally, on land, ocean, every continent and in both hemispheres in the instrumental record.
—2010 was the wettest year since records began
—Europes heat wave in 2003 and Russias one in 2010 were determined to be so outside natural variation statistically that they would not have occurred without the influence of AGW.
—2012 was US hottest year
—2013 Australia has broken hottest 12 months twice, hottest day, hottest month, warmest winter etc. Bushfires have started unusually early and ferociously.
—2010 to 2013 have been among the worst for extreme weather events ever
—China has already this year had 5 billion dollar weather disasters.
—2012 was the US second worst for extreme weather
—Typhoon haiyan fastest winds to ever hit landfall
—On average there is now 5 times as many record breaking hot months than could be expected without AGW
[Yawn. All causes of warming cause most of the above. No attribution value (as I’ve said before x 10). Climate “is 30 years” says MTR, except when he feels like quoting single seasons, or bad days. – Jo]
On top of all of the above actual observational evidence, we know over the last 60 years that ENSO has been neutral, solar is falling and we have had some large volcanos. All other possible natural sources for the increase put forward have been discounted on the data, such as cosmic rays. This is where the vast majority of the science is at, for those honest and with an open mind. There is not much room for counter argument there, and I have answered virtually all of your excuses, but if you can come up with another source then give it a whirl.
I will try an analogy, though always risky…Say you are a patient with cancer given 6 months to live. Does that mean the expert guarantees you will die in 6 months? Off course not, that is a best guess based on years of experience from a professional but it could be anywhere from 2 months to 2 years (I have seen both). This is because there are other factors that can influence the outcome, the patients state of mind, level of health, support from loved ones, medicines tried (even experimental), alternative medicines taken, lifestyle etc etc. Very few will die at exactly 6 months, but 95% will die within 2 years (I guess, I could be wrong, it is an analogy). So you misrepresent models repeatedly as it is the only argument you really have while ignoring all the actual real science, data and evidence and ignoring that a model is only a projection under certain scenarios, and like the patient above, have many unknown variables, such as solar, ENSO, PDO, volcanos, actual CO2 emitted and other aerosols, land use changes etc etc. They are fairly good but an average over time and we will sometimes come in higher or lower but we know for 95% we are going to increase heating to the detriment of the human race in the long run. Due to the conservative nature of the IPCC most predictions have come in worse than expected, which even if sensitivity is lower the climates response to changing global temps look to be higher.
So do you actually have any actual science or a scientifically accepted theory with data as strong as that above to point to another source other than the avalanche of science and evidence pointing to AGW.
[because he has no actual attribution evidence, he posts another repeat of the irrelevant doctor analogy. If your doctor refused to disclose data, made mystery adjustments before reporting results, and hid from FOI’s, you’d go to a different doctor. – Jo]
Someone change the stupid record, FFS .
Or shoot the parrot.
It continues to regurgitate meaningless cut and paste twaddle.
Every one of these propaganda mis-statements has been dealt with before on this forum and thoroughly trashed as the JUNK that it is
You really mark yourself as a total fool and a moron by continually YAPPING this meaningless list.
A squawking brainless parrot. That’s all you are, and all you have to offer.
Michael the Surrealist,
You say …
There is no proven science relating the greenhouse gas fraud. None. No verifiable observations, no repeatable experiments (that have not been completely debunked), nothing at all that proves that any gas can have the effect that is claimed by the greenhouse gas fraud.
Greenhouses themselves (the real ones used to grow plants) disprove the greenhouse gas fraud. This excellent analysis shows this for you.
There is no “runaway greenhouse” effect on Venus either. Venus is hotter simply because it is closer to the sun as shown by this use of verifiable observational data.
We can also use molecular chemistry to falsify the greenhouse gas fraud.
Finally we can just disprove the whole notion using proven physics, but that will definitely be beyond you …
Also, to make the greenhouse gas fraud work, they have to use a flat Earth model. Try using a spherical Earth with a day/night cycle and it all comes crashing down …
Everything you say after that is rubbish because your basic premise is wrong.
You got your intellectual butt smacked the last time you tried to go down this road. I am happy to do it all over again because you seem to enjoy it.
This is a more direct link for the “proven physics” paper that I linked to above.
It is interesting to know that he wants to base his ideas on 100 year old non-science.
Alchemy, anyone ??? Pure gold from lead !!!
Crimate science hasn’t progressed much has it.
“but that will definitely be beyond you …’
junior high school science is beyond this putz.
he has proven that time and time again.
He harps on the “basics” because that’s what he is trying to learn.
[SNIP. I can see why you are annoyed, this is not constructive. I’ll email you…-Jo]
Science that has not been disprroven for over 100 years under continual testing and attack. That makes it one of the strongest theories out there and well accepted as representing reality. There are so many cranks and 1% of science theorists in here its difficult to put together a competing argument. Most of the time you guys are contradicting each other, as well as Jo, but all completely in agreement agianst the common enemy, actual proven physics and science that does not fit your confirmation bias. That being, anything to do with AGW must be wrong because it affects my way of life and makes me accept that I am leaving a worse life for my children than I was left.
Truthseeker your claims on conduction and convection have been killed repeatedly, neither works in space and so are not the way that the planet loses or gains energy. Your argument is dead right there, as well as everything based on it. Mercury has frozen parts even though it is basically within the outer sphere of the sun, why? because it does not have greenhouse gases and hence cannot hold energy. Your claims on venus are wrong.
Models are reality….Models are reality….Models are reality….Michael is the God of climate science….Omniscient, omnipresent (sadly). Thou shalt not contradict him and his sacred texts. However, in the meantime, you may point out his parrot-like behaviour and local fallicies until you pay for your insolence in the coming ice age….no wait, warm period. Again, so much concern for others children. So disingenuous……
How dishonest of you Sheri. You know I never argue the models. I base my conversations here on the known science, physics, actual historical instrumental data and observations.
Do you agree agree with truthmakeruppers science?
Then you go on about me being God after saying I don’t have unique ideas, are they not contradictory. I either create my own physics (like you guys) or I accept the known science( as I do). So the god complexes are all on your side.
Why is my concern for future generationsdisengenious? The personal attacks really distract from your message, it seems unneccesary and makes no sense.
ALL climate scientist in every organization argue models. Are you saying you disagree with Mann, Trenbreth, the IPCC/
I believe I answered your question.
Your concern for future generation is disengenious for the same reason you say skeptics are not concerned about future generations.
How can you accept physics when you have no clue as to how it works? And tell people with PhDs in physics that they know nothing? Lack of reality, I would say.
We’ll Thruthseeker, seems the surrealist wasn’t capable of understanding the physics in your links (if he even attempted to read it)
That was to be expected. Junior high physics is about his limit.
Michael, maybe come back in 20 years of so years when you have some moderate amount of basic education.
so sheri you agree you cannot argue reality and so are manufacturing my arguments for your own benefit. So sad, not much left to say, you have no real scientific arguments, your posts are just sounding desperate.
Andy g55 truthmakeruppers main argument is that all you need is conduction and convection to destroy the greenhouse effect theory. Do you agree with him? Do you agree there are no greenhouse gases? Do you agree that Venus has no greenhouse effect? Do you believe that conduction and convection work in the vacuum of space? Do you think that the suns energy is transported to earth by conduction and convection and that radiatiin like UV or infra red have no bearing on the planetary climate.
Really I would like to understand, please explain how the planet gains energy and loses energy under truthmakeruppers theories and does this mean that you also do not agree with Jo, and most scientists, sceptic and otherwise that agree with the greenhouse effect? Is there any consistent science on this site?
Seriously, deperate postings? Try annoyed and tired of trying to communicate with a parrot. How we talk science when you have no understanding of it????
Since I am not familiar with Andyg55’s theory in whole, I cannot answer that question. Let’s see: Venus atmosphere consists primarily of CO2 (NASA). CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Take it from there.
I answered the next question in my previous post.
Physics says no, convection and conduction do no work in space. I have no evidence to the contrary. Should any be found, I will modify my position.
I believe my answer to the previous question answers this one too.
I have answered you question on the greenhouse effect repeatedly. And no, there is no “consensus” here because this is science site dealing with a complex system that no one fully understands. Disagreement and different theories are welcome.
If you understood the physics.. you would also agree with what the REAL PHYSICISTS that TS has pointed to have PROVEN to be the case.
But you very obviously DON’T remotely understand even the most basic physics. You continue to argue from a position of GROSS IGNORANCE.
“Do you think that the suns energy is transported to earth by conduction and convection and that radiatiin like UV or infra red have no bearing on the planetary climate.”
Do you think that once radiant energy is in the atmosphere there is no effect from conduction and convection ???
Gees, You really do have to go back and do some basic physics, moron ! Seems starting back in primary school might be a good start.
Your little 10 week course is not sufficient, sorry.
And why are you trying to hide away on threads many days old, yet avoid discussion on any current threads?
Does it take that long for you to get an answer back from your mates at SkS telling you what to write?
Are you perhaps hoping your wilted ego will get the satisfaction of having the last say?
So Sheri and Andy, as expected you have come out in support of a colleague (truthmakerupper), when you have no understanding of his science, and in most cases do not agree with his science. As proved you support anybody who does not agree with AGW, regardless of how hairbrained the ideas, simply because they don’t agree with AGW. A further case that any alternative even nothing makes more sense to you people than the majority accepted science that fits with the data, the observations and can fully explain what we have seen over the last 60 years. So Andy, so you could not answer my questions? They were to find how much you agreed with what truthmakerupper was saying, not what I believe in, which is well known. You proved that you came into his defense without even reading what his argument was, and you have the cheek to say that I AM ARGUING FROM COMPLETE IGNORANCE (mirror anyone).
I am on this old thread because I am subscribed to it and have merely replied to other peoples new postings, I did not start the new discussions. I do not have much time for checking out the latest science misinformation on this blog as I am currently travelling and on hostel wifi, so only respond when a comment apears on a subscribed thread. Tell your colleagues to leave them alone.
Sheri, your arguments are increasingly non scientific, probably because you cannot answer my actual arguments based on actual data and observations and so need to make up what my argument is or degenerate into a personal attack. Further down after telling me how I should spend my money you went on a rant about how you can spend your money, even though I never asked. For your info I do not care how you spend your money as long as your actions do not affect the lives and civil liberties of others. The laws and taxes are often geared to protect others such as when it is illegal for a factory to dump chemical waste in a river used for swimming and drinking, or when a person wants to physically harm others etc etc. AGW is no different. our actions are already harming people and will cause even greater harm to our kids and future generations, taxes and laws should reflect this to encourage more informed behaviour that prevents harm to others.
Michael: Where did I come out in support of Truthseeker? Exact quote please. Exact one.
Out upping your carbon footprint again, I see.
Michael: Sorry. You wouldn’t know science if it injected itself into your head. As for your objection to my commenting on your money use, perhaps if you didn’t post things on a “Fab” blog for the entire world to read, it would be your “personal” issue. Once on the net, it’s fair game. And I am using my money to save the planet–from people such as yourself filddling while Rome burns. Have nice flight–try not to raise the CO2 level too much.
Show me ONE physical thing AGW has done that has NOT happened in the past. You can’t but you will try. Maybe I could answer for you:
“More Extreme weather” WRONG.
“Increase in global average temperature” WRONG
“Faster increase than in the past” Unprovable
“Sea level rising twice as fast” WRONG
Etc., Etc, Etc. All happened before, none can be shown to have happened more so now than any time whatsoever in the past. There, saved you typing.
There you go again making up your own argument that you can then prove wrong. Show me where climate science has EVER claimed that the climate has not changed before. It is a fools question and argument. You have debunked yourself. The question is not, and never was, if climate has ever changed before, the question is WHY is it changing, and WHAT are the consequences and CAN we do something about it. That is one of the most foolish and silly arguments that climate skeptics make up.
Read my ‘why i am right’ page on my blog, it goes through that specific question and the 4.5 billion years worth of planetary history where things have been hotter, colder (even frozen), without an atmosphere, one without oxygen etc etc. Such an unscientific and baseless argument that annoys me to have to keep correcting it, and you say I do not know science? Surely its an embarrassing argument to try to make. The old the climate changes naturally so we cannot change it, oh please. Fires started 4.5 billion years ago so we cannot light one with a match?
Now I got that of my chest. Read slowly.
In 60 years temps have increased 0.6deg c
The Arctic has decreased in summer extent by 50%
Nearly all glaciers are receding
The sea levels are rising
The oceans are warming
The oceans ph is falling
Hot day records broken over cold ones are 3 to 1 and 5 to 1 at night
Extreme precipitation events are up 7%+
THIS IS ALL CONSISTENT with the science of AGW which says that as CO2 increases there will be more warming due to the enhanced greenhouse effect.
SCIENCE confirms this is happening with less energy being lost to space in the bands related to CO2.
Also confirmed by an increase in radiation being directed back to earth in the bands related to CO2.
Also confirmed by a cooling lower stratosphere as is consistent with AGW
Is there a natural reason for all this occurring?
Solar energy has reduced, solar cycles are as low as 100 years ago.
Major ocean cycles are also in cooling cycles and cycles related to pulling warm water deeper.
Cosmic rays have been investigated and are also travelling in opposite direction to that needed to contribute to warming.
So the logical, scientifically valid, nearly universally accepted by the experts reason is AGW, the consequences seem to be on the most part bad for us, and we can do something about it. You refuse to accept it merely because you do not like the answer, not very scientific or logical. You prefer ‘something not found yet’ over a scientifically valid and consistent answer backed up by the data and the observations. At this point in time it is the theory that reflects reality, it will be improved upon, sure, even changed, but at this current point in time it reflect reality. It cannot be rejected merely because you don’t want it to be true. You must have an alternative or proof that it does not reflect reality. None is avaiable.
Please WAKE UP.
Michael: Please do not misrepresent my argument. I don’t think I said “climate changed before”.
Agreed, the question is “why is it changing”? When we get an answer to that, we’ll can then react to the changes appropriately.
“Nearly universally accepted by experts” is lying with statistics. Kind of like “4 out of 5 dentists recommend”. No one actually surveyed ALL climate scientists from ALL countries. Therefore, it’s a bogus statistic.
I have read your writing fast, slow and over and over again ad nauseum. Your conclusions do not follow from your premise.
Sheri you said ‘Show me ONE physical thing AGW has done that has NOT happened in the past.’
That comment itself is implying that because natural events have occurred before man cannot cause them. There is no other way to interpret or no other purpose for that statement. On that basis alone your whole argument is illogical and unscientific.
So what part of energy balance measurements from satelites showing energy reduced from the bands affected by CO2 don’t you understand? What part of the fact that CO2 has increased and so has temperature even though natural factors have been flat don’t you understand? What part of melting ice, falling ph and the many other consistent observations that match predictions don’t you understand?
Your inability to logically process a scientific argument shows the depth of your confirmation bias. The science says it should happen, measurements say it is happening, observations match what should happen, trust me girl, it is happening. Then for all the carry on here about natural factors you guys completely ignore natural factors in all your arguments. The 60 year record high el nino year that you use to say where the worl started. The back to back la ninas of 2011 and 12. The warming of the ceans and melting of ice where are other places energy can go rather than the atmosphere. The falling solar energy. The science that has shown that cosmic rays are going in the opposite direction. The massive volcano and lots of little ones during the perios of the last 60 years. THERE IS NO KNOWN NATURAL FACTOR THAT COMES CLOSE TO EXLAINING WHAT HAS OCCURRED.
But can you guys even contemplate that the science might be right. Not in a pink fit.
Validly conducted surveys are quite accurate, they do not need to survey EVERY climate scientist. An election survey often surveys only 1000 people to determine the outcome of an election and in AUstralia was virtually spot on. So that 1000 represented 10 million people. You should know that. I have seen 3 peer reveiwed surveys that put the figure at 97%. It is all excuses and misdirection.
Presuming then, that according to your hypotheses, Armageddon is approaching and you have identified the problem – what exactly are your solutions? (Excluding taxpayers of course, as they are the unwitting pawns in this game and have not been given a vote on the issue via referendums.)
If I remember right, and I could be wrong, I believe M’s solution involved spending all his money on world travel because his prodigy will live a nasty world ruined by people who didn’t listen to his cut and paste mantras. They won’t need an inheritance in that nasty world. So he rationalized spending all his money on himself. Again, i am paraphrasing from memory and it’s been a month or so since we learned M has his own wonderful blog documenting his travels. I’m sure M will chime in if I am “misrepresenting” him.
That is your problem. Evidence does not ask for nor require an “answer”. You are demanding acceptance of a false meme based upon your superstition.
I really hope you are not a science teacher. I pity the kids.
+10 ticks if I could!
Michael’s doctor’s analogy is meaningless.
Firstly, if you look at lung cancer, there are a huge numbers of people who contract lung cancer each year. Details ofor the UK here. We also know that survival rates are low. From millions of past cases doctors can track the progress and may the unfortunate predictions.
In the case of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, it has never happened before. We are reliant on tracking from computer simulations, that have a track record of running too hot. Further, we do not know if any impacts of human-caused warming will be adverse or beneficial. Short-term predictions of things getting worse (e.g. increasing tropical cyclones, accelerating sea level rise and particularly accelerating rates of temperature rise) have a very poor track record. We do know that lung cancer is catastrophic, both for the individuals and the numbers dying.
Then there is treatment for the conditions. With lung cancer there are a number of drugs and therapies to at least prolong life, along with pain killers. All are tried and tested, with professionals able to proscribe treatment. To counter “Climate Change” there are no effective treatments on the horizon. It is a global problem, that we should “treat” by switching off lights, using the bus instead of a car. In Australia or the UK, national policies are applied in countries with less than 3% of global emissions and low growth. The switch to renewables is hugely expensive, and endangers our energy security. The policies are are the equivalent of snake oil.
The final point is moral one. All doctors that I know have a strong moral sense. They diagnose the extent of the problem, the progression of the disease, and the response of the patient due treatment. The “climate community” reminds me of the worst sort of door-to-door salesman. Selling you an over-priced piece of tat that does not work, for a problem that you do not have. You then discover this item have caused major structural problems to your home. And then to claim they have the moral high ground.
So Jo you virtually agree with everything I say and then avoid the obvious conclusion, the warming that has occurred is due to enhanced greenhouse effect due to increased CO2 from mans emissions. You have been unable to come up with accepted data and science of any alternative explanation. You also wonder why I keep repeating the basic scienctifically accepted facts because apparently all real skeptics accept them, but then ignore that the majority of posts are from people who do not accept those basic facts.
The long winded repetition of the basic science and data and observations build up the overwhelmng evidence that the GHG effect is real and is having the expected effects. Again your critisism of the stratosphere cooling sticks to the ‘atmosphere is the only place energy goes and there are no natural factors’ meme that is prevalent here coupled with the cherry picked period and ignoring of the long term trend.
So since all the basics are agreed upon, can you please provide accepted alternative science and data to explain observations and the 0.6 deg c warming over the last 60 years while ENSO has been overall flat, solar has been flat and there have been some large cooling volcanos. On a planetary scale that 06 deg c of warming represents a very large amount of energy.
Again you run away from the discussion over the greenhouse gas fraud. I gave you science in comment and you have not responded to it. You just keep parroting the same dogma over and over again. There is no such thing as a greenhouse gas. CO2 is necessary for the growth and health of plant life and does not drive any part of the climate mechanism.
You talk about layers in the atmosphere and ignore the fact that conduction and convection are the main causes of energy flows between them (and in the oceans to).
The “0.6 deg c warming over the last 60 years” is because we at the tail end of climbing out of a minor ice age. Nothing you have said is in any way scientific. You are a zealot repeating the mantra. Dogma is the antithesis of science and you are the antithesis of rational.
A quote for you; “If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through”.
It was in Blackadder goes Forth and is obviously what Michael the R relies on.
nontruthseeker, go to comment from me at
Jo agrees with the greenhouse effect and greenhouse gases. She says all real skeptics do. You are on the wrong site with your religious fervor for a molecule.
CO2 is a gas, it has properties, these properties are measurable by existing equipment and part of standard, basic physics. Yes, like many elements and molecules, it is used in the planetary system in beneficial ways, again, like most molecules and elements there are ways in which its effects are not beneficial. Your argument is non scientific.
You also prove you do not understand the process that the planet uses to gain and lose energy. Conduction and convection do not work in space, and there is a lot of space between us and the sun. Go and learn some real science and then come and have a discussion, you lack any real knowledge for a rational discussion.
Michael the Surrealist,
Let me enlighten you on something. Jo does not speak for all skeptics and using argument from authority is a fallacy that you cannot seem to get away from. That is definitely unscientific. As to your comment you referred to, it is a lot of repetition, no actual verifiable data and nothing scientific. Even Jo pulled it apart without breaking a sweat.
I gave you actual scientific analysis. It includes verifiable data, proven physics, repeatable processes and confirmable conclusions. Nothing you have said has any of these basic requirements for a scientific discussion.
The whole CAGW premise starts with CO2 being its own heat engine. That basic premise is easily disproven, which is what I have done a number of different ways. Therefore everything based on that (which includes your CAGW fraud) is wrong. You are wrong and you are too much of a zealot to understand this.
Truthmakerupper, let me enlighten you on something, you do not read with understanding but on seeing what you want to see. Reread Jo’s response, she agreed with the majority of the science, as does most skeptic and real scientists. What she did was discount the observational evidence that corroborates it while offering no alternative. So how you come to your conclusion I have no idea.
It seems like you have the ego of the sun, you apparently know more than real and skeptic scientists and are able to overturn the laws of physics without breaking a sweat. Please tell me your real name, you must be stephen hawkings. What peer reveiwed papers have you written? Have you finished the one overturning the easily disproven greenhouse effect? As nobody in over 100 years have been able to do that, there must be a noble prize in it for you.
The critisism of argument from authority is hugely hypocritical. Recent blog posts here have been about astronauts and banking experts having being lauded as knowing the truth on the greenhouse effect and AGW. The difference is that my authority are actual scientific organisations, scientists and the science, rather than people to be believed because they say what you want to hear and so become skeptic rock stars. No wonder you have so many non scientists, bloggers and the like.
You really do make it very difficult to be taken seriously. You are not proving me wrong, you are trying to prove virtually everybody is wrong.
Whoa! Make this date on a calendar–Michael had an original thought. Well, actually he cleverly used a new name for Truthseeker (yes, in response to him being called “surrealist”). I believe that may be the first truly original thought we’ve seen. Perhaps there is hope–NOPE. Wait, he still thinks any theory is better than no theory…….
Note: When you define anyone who disagrees with you as “non-scientist” and those who do as “scientists”, it shows your complete lack of understanding of science. By this definition, no one should have listened to the discoverer of the H. Pylori bacteria. Every single medical group (yes, I’m exaggerating there on purpose, folks) KNEW ulcers were caused by too much acid and too much stress. Only an idiot would listen to someone outside mainstream medicine, right? So you’re obviously in favor of still treating ulcers as stress and acid induced, right?
Accept Sheri that you missed the part where real scientists prove their theories through rigorous testing and putting it out to the peer review process for the wider scientific community to test and critisise.
So do you agree with truthmakerupper that greenhouse gases don’t exist? Or is this another case of supporting anybody and everybody that does not accept agw, even if they do not understand that conduction and convection do not work in space?
Accept Michael that you have no degree in science, understand nothing of what you preach and are pretty much clueless. Unlike you, I actually did take classes and get a degree in science. So seriously, how do still claim I missed the classes? You have no idea how stupid this makes you look, do you?
I believe CO2 can cause warming of the atmosphere. I do not think we have a full understanding of the process. Of course, I realize that you, God Michael, understand every single last tiny piece of it, so it’s pointless to have any kind of discussion with the God of climate science. You know everything. I bow to your superior knowledge. You are GOD. I will mention this to everyone I meet so they don’t accidently miss your diety.
It’s “Everything on the planet proves climate change is AGW”. Proof you are NOT using science. You just don’t understand science at all. AGW is not a tautology, but you insist on treating it as such.
Michael thinks everything proves man made warming (except anything before 1975). So glacial advances are “proof” of global warming as much as glaciers retreating. Arctic ice “proves” there is warming, regardless of its extent. Lots of snow and ice falling in Europe, China, North (and South) America in the last few years is “proof” of global warming.
Nothing you can say, no evidence you bring up, will ever deflect Michael from his belief. He will just keep repeating himself ad nauseam. Best not to respond to his vaporings as he only swamps you with illogical garbage, and when you get tired of trying to debate he will think he has “won the argument”.
Remember Churchill “a fanatic never changes his mind, nor the subject”.
I think Michael is certain he won the argument whether I “give up” and stop responding or if no one answers. If people leave, they couldn’t beat his “facts”. If they don’t respond, it’s because he’s so brilliant no one could argue with him. I suspect he will keep posting irregardless and declare himself the winner, no matter what. Is that not what climate science believers do–everything proves them right? Anyway, I’m not giving long answers but rather some brief responses. That way, if anyone reads this and is not familiar with the infamous Michael, they will at least see people responding and see there is another side. I have no intention of wasting much time with the guy–he’s not here to learn but rather to parrot. I am in full agreement with Churchill on this matter.
One or two short sentences is all the time its worth spending on this waste of space.
A chihuahua bred with a parrot, and recorded on a cracked record.
I suspect that this is a new Michael the Surrealist, because the last one promised to leave and not come back, because he was so scared of what we might do.
Surely he wouldn’t go back on his word now!
Just couldn’t help himself, which, umm, sort of proves that his claim at being so scared of what we might do was just a, er, scare campaign.
Michael, please keep your promise. Bugger off!
Maybe they have a cloning machine over at SkS.. that spits out dummies !!
To be sure, I don’t mind that he is back, he does more for the cause of skepticism than warmism.
That said, Tony, have you know a Progressive Leftist that held true to his/her word? Their world view is based upon “ends justifying means”. They don’t have a “Word” because they lack the moral foundation required to build their Word upon.
Well basically it is science and not everything on the planet. Science says CO2 is a greenhouse gas, they cause warming, it has warmed, this perturbs the climate, which is based on temperature and pressure differences within the system and the amount of energy. Observations show that we have warmed, that the climate is perturbed and that change is occurring. As predicted and as expected, within natural variations. We check those natural variations and they are not the cause, there trends are actually the opposite. The only reason you have a problem with this is your confirmation bias. You do not have another cause but are not willing to accept the cause that is consistent with the science.
“Science says CO2 is a greenhouse gas”
Science say NO SUCH THING. !!!
A hypothesis was formed and the last 20 or so years have PROVEN that hypothesis MANIFESTLY INCORRECT !!
AGAIN you show your very limited understanding of ANYTHING related to science. ie you are a scientific MORON !!
Science that is the Concensus of Climatology maybe – real observations show that global warming causes an increase in CO2.
Science also says that water vapor is a greenhouse gas, far more powerful than CO2. Why are you not jumping up and down about all the human emissions of water vapor which are many billions of more tons than our emissions of CO2?
“In fact the really weird weather is consistent with”
IN FACT, the NORMAL CLIMATE VARIABILITY that the Earth is experiencing and has .. like forever…
is TOTALLY CONSISTENT with there being ABSOLUTELY NO EFFECT from raised CO2 levels.
If you warn about NORMAL weather events.. gees… they might just happen !!!
The world HAS NOT been experiencing weird weather events.. it has been experiencing NATURAL weather variability.. its all HAPPENED BEFORE !
ps… if anything.. the last several years have actually been quite benign weather-wise.
That’s what the real data shows us to be THE FACT !!!!
Yeah US BOM on the radio this morning opened with the statement “November was the hottest global November on record”
To my amazement the ABC interviewer pressed a question (I thought he would have been satisfied with the first load of tripe) “so how does that fit into overall records”
US BOM “Well anything outside the norm (wtf is “the norm”???) we call an anomaly, in this case November is the 6th largest anomaly we have recorded”
So in actual fact, once you apply the anti BS modifier to warmist numbers its actually NOT the hottest November on record, its the 6th hottest. The off the cuff attempts at deception are just pathetic. Also I imagine the ABC interviewer will be sent off for attitude readjustment for asking that question just when the alarmism story was going so well.
The other thing the US BOM guy said which was interesting was “November stood out in the data because it comes after several years of a combination of lower than “normal” temperature years”. So at least we got that little admission as a consolation prize.
ABC Radio National 0800 news FYI
Something very odd happening with the temps in Russia. The whole of Russia has a large positive November anomaly, which is effecting the global value.
(Note, this means its actually above freezing in some places)
The rest of the world was a basically zero +/- a tiny amount.
Trouble is, being Russia, there is no easy way to check what is going on.
It should be noted, however, that all there heating is carried from central boilers through unlagged steam pipes.
Strange !!!!
Last year, was the hottest US summer on record and the second worst for extreme weather. This year Australia has broken nearly every heat record and continuing. It is likely to be our hottest year on record. Is it natural variation? Well the sun has been flat for 60 years and last year was a cooling la nina affected year and this year ENSO is neutral.
So yes natural variation is normal, the climate and the temperatures are not.
“Well the sun has been flat for 60 years ‘
roflmao !!
as soccer fans often sing about a bad decision”
Maybe you should spend less time on the floor and more time actually taking notice of the science.
MtR – perhaps you should take your own advice before dispensing it.
Oh dear.. thanks for the link showing the CURRENT low cycle that is causing the world to start to cool !!
Do you even read the links you are given ? idiot !!!
A metric like number of; record highs, wettest, coldest, dryest ect. Is guarenteed to confuse the unwary.
Australia is a young country, and there are many places. It should surprise noone that many new records are recorded often. Most towns are less then 100 years old, and the number of places continue to increase.
I could talk about snow that fell in the Eudlo, never happened in living memory. But so what, it was a localised event. Unusual sure.
If you identify the number of “extreames” to be exited over (I listed a couple at top). And consider the number of towns covering Australia, and consider that rare events are 1 in 100 year events. You should be getting at least 100 or more of these rare events happening at any given moment throughout Australia.
It is a meaningless metric.
Greg, a very good point worth repeating and is true for much of the US away from the coasts. Most of the Central, Midwest and Western areas in the US and Canada were very sparsely populated prior to 100 years ago and certainly 150.
Tornadoes, which are very common in these areas, would have been mostly unseen and since there were few towns or developments, hardly any reports of damage.
Michael should know this but even if we point it out it wouldn’t stop him from spreading this propaganda. Michael is a whirling Dervish at spewing propaganda.
Excuse after excuse. The facts are that temperatures are up globally and extreme weather is up globally, especially extreme precipitation events (rain, hail, snow, floods), heat waves and droughts. There are no natural variations to account for this. 1 in 100 year and longer events are happening more frequently. You guys treat everybody who is qualified, trained, publishing and researching in these areas as total idiots that don’t think about these things, while everybody that agrees with your limited views are gods.
ENSO is neutral, the sun is flat but Australia is hotter than it has been on the record, why? Conversely the globe is hotter than it has ever been, the 2001 to 2010 decade was the hottest decade on the record on every continent, and this has likely not occurred for several thousand years, why? You guys cannot answer these questions but aroogantly assume it cannot be what the science is telling us, because it is against your confirmation bias you cannot accept it.
@MtR – Those are lies. Extreme weather is not up. The ace for the year now ending is less than 67% of normal. A record low number of tornadoes occurred in the US (the tornado capital of the world). An almost record low number of fires and acres burned. A record low number of acres flooded. And of course temperatures for 2013 are lower than in 1998.
Those are facts. I fail to see why you feel you must lie. But I guess once you have lost all self respect, lying comes easy for you.
No it was not. Not even close.
And what about all the COLD records Michael (many more than warm)…. or don’t they count??
Sir,I must concur,that you do not understand the basics of ‘Climastrology’.
It Is all about sucking In people like yourself Into ‘Belief’that there Is some disaster lurking around the corner.
If the World has Increased In temperature by 0.6c In 60 years did anybody notice?
No! because 0.6c degrees Is negligible to all known living things on this planet that regualry go through temperature changes of at least +/- 10c per day.
Think about It.
Yes, actual scientists and people with open eyes looking at the world around us.
—Sea levels have risen twice as fast than the previous average
—Minimum ice extent in the Arctic has fallen about 50%
—Globally ice volume has fallen
—Almost all glaciers are receding
—Ocean warming has continued to the present
—Ocean PH has fallen 30%, with evidence from around the world of species migration and corals and crustaceans under stress
—Hot day records are beating cold ones by 3 to 1
—Hot night records are beating cold ones by 5 to 1
—Extreme precipitation events by observation are up by 7% per degree
—2001 to 2010 was the hottest decade globally, on land, ocean, every continent and in both hemispheres in the instrumental record.
—2010 was the wettest year since records began
—Europes heat wave in 2003 and Russias one in 2010 were determined to be so outside natural variation statistically that they would not have occurred without the influence of AGW.
—2012 was US hottest year
—2013 Australia has broken hottest 12 months twice, hottest day, hottest month, warmest winter etc. Bushfires have started unusually early and ferociously.
—2010 to 2013 have been among the worst for extreme weather events ever
—China has already this year had 5 billion dollar weather disasters.
—2012 was the US second worst for extreme weather
—Typhoon haiyan fastest winds to ever hit landfall
—On average there is now 5 times as many record breaking hot months than could be expected without AGW
and much more. Open your eyes.
There’s that list of climate propaganda BS .. AGAIN !!!!!!!
Michael the Surrealist,
Nothing that you have stated here is actually true. You have not linked any verifiable sources for any of these assertions. Just because you can cut and paste does not make any of it true or even relevant.
The problem with your list of lies is just that. All are lies. And not worthy of debunking repeatedly.
But it does make one thing clear. You are totally clueless about science.
Just a bit of climate cooling observed at the moment as Tropics Go Wintery! … Northern Thailand Declared Cold Disaster Zone … Snow In Vietnam … In Turkey “Animals Literally Freeze Where They Stand”! –
See more at:
But then it’s only weather, global weather that is!
That is an outright lie!
“You do not understand the basics of the climate”
Coming from you, that is really quite funny. Thanks for the laugh, bozo !!
To save you all going round the houses again, you can find answers to all Michael’s foolishness here.
I will save you the torment of try to get him to actually think.
Wow, I am so important I get my own website page dedicated to answering, well basically nothing. I did not find any actual answer to my main question, only mobs of weak excuses. The earth in 60 years has warmed by 0.6 deg c and you guys do not have an alternative expalnation other than that confirmed by the science, greenhouse warming caused by mans emissions.
“answering, well basically nothing”
Which is exactly what you post.. a load of propaganda BS !
And your explanation for the warming, a lot more than current (since you consider 0.6C a lot), during the MWP, RWP… was that CO2… too many horses or something.. !
and the cooling of the LIA.
and the warming after the last major ice age???
Anyway, let’s all just HOPE that the current tiny amount of warming continues, to bring us up to a more prosperous OPTIMUM world environment.
Warmth and CO2 ….. the perfect combination for biosphere diversity and abundance, and for human existence.
Maximums regulated, as they always have been, by the oceans and the atmospheric gradient.
Unfortunately, ‘Sol’ looks like she has other ideas. The cooling is beginning. 🙁
Your crass stupidity merits no special analysis, as you parrot the same old lines. No what manicbeancounter has done is to pick apart your arguments, so there is no more reason to it all again.
You are not unique in this but you are a particularly obtuse individual, resistant to change and continually parroting the same dogma.
WOW! You are so narcissistic, your ego knows no bounds!
The reason I took apart Michael the Realist’s “arguments”, with all his dancing around, was to achieve better understanding of weaknesses in the “mainstream” dogmas.
First up was the spreading of 25 years of warming over 5 decades. A simple trick that somebody with high school statistics could think up. It shows the paucity of the arguments that it is endlessly repeated.
More importantly are fundamentals that climate science ignores, but any strong academic discipline does not. This includes
– Positive v Normative. “What is” v “what ought to be.”
– Trivial v non-trivial. Michael’s “basic physics” makes no distinctions.
– Underdetermination thesis. Phenomena, like the last storm, can be explained by any number of incompatible hypotheses – or be random, events in chaotic systems. Climatologists (and Michael) cling to the explanations that suit their fancy.
– Quality of the science.
– Legal Process in reverse. In law direct evidence is given highest place, followed by circumstantial evidence. Hearsay is dismissed. In climatology the alleged opinions of scientists is most important (see the Hiroshima Bombs); the weak speculations via computer models is next; then some weak circumstantial evidence (e.g. C20th warming) is sometimes included, but not so folks will look too closely.
I have learnt from the engagement. I am sorry that Michael has not. For me they are far more important areas of interest. Micheal just contaminates the blog comments with his dogma and inability to understand. Ed Miliband, leader of the British Labour Party is blaming rising energy prices on the profits of big business. I have demonstrated that it is due to rising overhead costs, largely as a result of the Climate Change Act of 2008. This was passed whilst Ed Miliband was Secretary of State for the Environment and Climate Change. Ed would destroy a competitive industry, further impoverish the poorest and (likely) cause power cuts in Britain just because he cannot recognise his own dogma and inability to understand.
Michael should just be ignored, or blocked.
Very impressive analysis Manic, everyone should read this.
I’d like to know just what is the ideal temperature for the globe so that we can aim for that – it just seems that the climatology cult are bleeting about an increase in temperature from say the last mini ice age in about 1643 and maybe the globe still hasn’t reached the ideal from that period.
Well said James.
My reckoning is that we are currently about 1/3 to 2/3 between the LIA and the MWP
(Both of which were due to NATURAL VARIABILITY).
So what is the “optimum” temperature.????
well, certainly not the LIA !!
The MWP was certainly a very prosperous time, especially in higher latitudes… so that seems a quite sensible temperature point to aim at. Another 1 to 1.5C extra required
but then again, the RWP may have been even better.. grapes (and hence wine) in northern England.. Greenland habitable. passage around the north of Russia possible… So maybe that is where we should aim. That’s probably about 1.5 to 2C above now
The Mayan warm period before that……housed a whole major civilisation where none is possible now.
Who knows for sure though.
Anyway, it isn’t likely to happen, so let’s just hope the coming dip is not too deep.
Oh,don’t mention the Vikings to Michael… he thinks it never happened and that the warm period was colder than today and just “regional”. Never mind that it latest for a very long time and that Viking artifacts are now in permafrost……
So why is it now only the past 60 years Michael? You previously have asserted that our emissions of CO2 since The Industrial Revolution pulled the earth’s climate out of The Little Ice Age.
I am STILL waiting for your science which shows this…..
Wow, I read the entire Manic article. Fascinating.
“Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe”
and yet this year had one of the SHORTEST period above freezing point on record.
Again…………………………. you post BS and LIES .
Try telling THE TRUTH for once, you slimy piece of **** !!!
This is an outright lie. The Arctic is not warming at all. Cold as it ever was. The Antarctic is breaking all records for cold and sea ice extent.
And even with all these cold records and snow, you can almost BET it will be the hottest November.. like… for effer !!!!
Lets look at how the year ends up, in a neutral ENSO year and with the coolest solar cycle in 100 years. I wonder if temps will be back to 1956 levels like John Mcclean predicted several years ago…
Moron !!!!!.. do you really think the ocean dissipate the energy from the last several high solar maximums overnight.!
Gees you really are a Z CLASS FOOL. !!!!!!
A year is not climate. Don’t you know that yet?
“and with the coolest solar cycle in 100 years”
Following after a series of solar MAXIMUMS.
That’s why the Earth is starting to cool.
The build up of heat from the series of solar maxima in the latter part of the 20th century is slowly leaving the system.
Remember, temperatures last year were finally back up to the those of the late 1930’s, so it could still be a couple more years for the downturn to take full effect.
Sure, its taking a few years longer than McLean suggested. But do you really expect climate oscillations to be absolutely regular ??? If so.. you are even more of a moron than even I thought you were.
(is that even possible ?????)
I have lived many decades, almost into my 8th, I have seen many things and done many things. In my youth I was aware of eugenics, piltdown man and phlogiston, sadly AGW is right up there as the sham of the 20th century. It would seem that the weather gods of old are fickle and laughing at your idols, beware that they take no punitive action.
It is with a heavy heart that I feel in breaking your belief system, as the coming decades will prove the sham, sorry Mr Realist but you are unfortunately a surrealist.
Try looking at what old Sol is up to, he may change your mind about a warming future.
Short of being stuck by lightening, and maybe not even that, Michael will not change his mind. His belief appears to be an integrated part of his lifestyle, justifying how he lives his life. It’s not about science–it’s about his whole existence. He’s not going to let go. The only value in his postings is he allows more people to post rebuttals and readers learn new things about why Michael is so wrong and so is AGW. He does serve a purpose here–to bring out all arguments that question and/or disprove AGW. Plus, he’s a prime example of someone who is clueless about science. He is really is helpful to the skeptic movement.
Michael. All of your rants re. ENSO being neutral, cooling volcanoes (which you picked up from ME) etc. are all YOUR OWN interpretations. For weeks now you have been carrying this, yet not ONCE have you provided anything to back up your own assertions. Show us just ONE paper which talks about it in the way that you do…. just one.
Also Michael, how does it fit in with your meme the fact that it SNOWED in Thredbo in early December, quite heavily, or the fact that vast tracts of canola crops were wiped out by FROST in November…. or the fact that is snowed heavily right across the Middle East..?…. or that THOUSANDS of COLD record temperatures are falling yearly?
I’ve written on this–people are so gullible if you use the right, scary numbers. Any rational individual who hears this goes and checks out how much energy is dumped on the earth daily from the sun, what happens to that energy, etc. Not so rational people just parrot the statement as if it has meaning. Always ask anyone quoting numbers for the bigger picture–if they have any idea what that is….This applies to all the silly comparisons the media and con artists (which are equal in many cases) give for virtually everything nowadays.
I agree Sheri. Using “Every second the sun pours 2700 Hiroshima bombs of energy on the Earth at the top of the atmosphere. ” while ignoring the fact that the suns energy towards earth has, if anything, fallen slightly over 60 years, and secondly that an equal amount is lost from the TOA as well, is misleading. The 4 hiroshima bombs ps has meaning because it is the amount of energy within the earth increasing.
I will ask you again something you have failed to answer in the past:
If a tiny increase is catastrophic, do you go to the ER when your temperature is 100 F? It’s going up, it could get to 106F and there’s no way to know what could happen if you stay home and don’t attack the increase immediately? If not, why not?
Is that the sound of Crickets, I hear?
Cicadas actually, its too hot for crickets…
I shall tell my English friends that they lost the Ashes because the Australians were playing Cicada, and not Cricket.
That might make them feel a little better.
I suspect they are no better at Cicada than they are at Cricket 🙂
Ha Ha! That made me laugh although I’m a Pom! I think Australia deserved to win and did well.
Your analogy is pathetic. Things have been going up for 60 years, as shown earlier. The patient is showing significant and serious symptoms…(see below). The better analogy is that your patients temperature is 105.5, they are sweating profusely, vomiting regularly, and have lost consciousness. At what point do you stop saying, ‘he will get better in a minute…’
–Sea levels have risen twice as fast than the previous average
—Minimum ice extent in the Arctic has fallen about 50%
—Globally ice volume has fallen
—Almost all glaciers are receding
—Ocean warming has continued to the present
—Ocean PH has fallen 30%, with evidence from around the world of species migration and corals and crustaceans under stress
—Hot day records are beating cold ones by 3 to 1
—Hot night records are beating cold ones by 5 to 1
—Extreme precipitation events by observation are up by 7% per degree
—2001 to 2010 was the hottest decade globally, on land, ocean, every continent and in both hemispheres in the instrumental record.
—2010 was the wettest year since records began
—Europes heat wave in 2003 and Russias one in 2010 were determined to be so outside natural variation statistically that they would not have occurred without the influence of AGW.
—2012 was US hottest year
—2013 Australia has broken hottest 12 months twice, hottest day, hottest month, warmest winter etc. Bushfires have started unusually early and ferociously.
—2010 to 2013 have been among the worst for extreme weather events ever
—China has already this year had 5 billion dollar weather disasters.
—2012 was the US second worst for extreme weather
—Typhoon haiyan fastest winds to ever hit landfall
—On average there is now 5 times as many record breaking hot months than could be expected without AGW
Done it again…knocked the wrong tick. I meant to give you a thumbs down.
I made up of it by ticking the correct one twice!
Maybe I’ll make that thrice?
And yet another load of concocted propaganda BS !!
Which fact is ‘concocted propoganda’. Ignoring the facts because they are inconvenient is not scientific.
“Ignoring the facts because they are inconvenient is not scientific”
Which is why you consistently do it ! You know NOTHING of science.. Your every post confirms this FACT.
Michael; have you ever looked deeper into any of these subjects you list to see if they are indeed, correct?
They are all correct, but if I link bomb it will not get printed, anything I put a link in goes straight to the editors to check first. They are all correct and it is all publically available information and the statistics have generally come from peer reviewed science. So check NASA, NOAA, WMO and the peer reviewed science, as they are the sources for most of my information.
No, they are erroneous opinions. You should learn to differentiate between ignorant opinions and facts.
You didn’t answer the question “have you ever looked deeper” into one of them.
I didn’t ask if you accept them to be true.
And you are a teacher?
Gees Michael, is this really the only cut and paste they provided you with on your 6 day brain-washing course ?
I hope you didn’t actually have to pay to attend…………… did you ? if so, how much?
If you did actually get conned into paying.. you got seriously RIPPED OFF !!
(nothing unusual with the AGW scammers)
lol, the personal attack defense. FYI, completed the 10 week course and awaiting results, though I am pretty sure I got a distinction. I did pay so that my results will be verifiable and usable. Only $50. So the science is fairly conclusive as I have outlined, the data and the observations are consistent and natural variations have been checked and discounted. So CAN YOU answer what has caused the increase in temps over 60 years, or not?
Sorry didnt realise that you were a fully trained professional.
I am so sorry for all the things we said. We thought we were right but didnt have the training that you have received.
Michael the Realist
December 19, 2013 at 11:01 pm · Reply
lol, the personal attack defense. FYI, completed the 10 week course and awaiting results, though I am pretty sure I got a distinction. I did pay so that my results will be verifiable and usable. Only $50. So the science is fairly conclusive as I have outlined, the data and the observations are consistent and natural variations have been checked and discounted. So CAN YOU answer what has caused the increase in temps over 60 years, or not?
Wow! Can we all use our “paid for” classes to provewe’re right???? Who knew that paying for something made it the truth? Oh, Al Gore for one. I guess Michael of for the other.
Question: If my paid for class on climatology disagrees with yours, are we both right since we took a course and paid for it?
Actually, this is pretty significant, and very worrying.
Albert Einstein went to a Polytechnic University. That implies that he did not have to pay for his courses. Which in turn means that he actually had no qualification according to Michael. This probably means that the Theory of Relativity is incorrect, or even if it is correct, it probably doesn’t mean anything important.
Oh well, there goes Nuclear Energy, the Big Bang hypothesis, and dark matter, and black holes. It will also stuff up any future attempts to go to the moon (I presume that the Chinese got there just in time, before the news finally broke).
I am glad Michael told us that. The course was obviously worth what he paid for it.
roflmao.. wow a 10 week course…. seriously..
I’m laughing so hard I could almost cry.
You poor little ineffectual wannabee !
$50… yep.. you got ripped off … and also wasted your time !
still roflmao !!!!!
Sorry little boy, but if you want to play qualifications, you haven’t even stepped out of the taxi!!
That’s your major problem, you have never actually learnt enough to know when you are be sold a load of CARP !!
You pay $50 to learn a load of propaganda BS, and don’t even realise that that is what it is.
still rofmlao. 🙂 🙂
Thanks.. your JOKE has really day !! 🙂
correction. typo cos I was laughing so much.
“your JOKE has really made my day“
I suggest you find out how much it costs to do just one REAL subject in reputable degree at a reputable university (Usually 13 weeks)
Find out what a REAL education cost, not some propaganda joke. !!
still …….. roflmao. sorry, but this is B****Y HILARIOUS !! 😉
3 questions that it would be interesting to know the answers to.
How many hours a week in your little course?
What were the instructors qualifications?
Who was subsidising the course?
As you are such a master of science please explain what is wrong with Dr. Spencer’s first graph –
and is this just reporting natural variation? Just as this is –
If it is then you agree that natural variation can run to extremes
Big oops.
“…is wrong with Dr. Spencer’s first graph -”
should of course be
…is wrong with Dr. Tim Ball’s first graph –
Apologies to both for my confusion…
“suns energy towards earth has, if anything, fallen slightly over 60 years”
This is TOTAL BS !!!!!!!!!
The fools that we call “Climate scientists” failed to include that these rays go through miles and miles of atmospheric gases that are rotated on this planet. And the major gas is Nitrogen which in itself is far from being in it’s normal astronomically cold state.
Oh, the old ‘the experts miss the obvious’ defense, and I guess only you know everything.
The experts are fully aware that the rays go through atmosphere and what the components of the atmosphere are doing. It is insulting to think that the thousands of scientists globally that are working on this problem do not understand the basics.
It’s not the basics they have problems with.
True, its the massive amounts of simplistic misinformation and twisting of the basics that has made there job of communicating what has been happening to the public a lot harder.
Really? I thought it was the arrogance of proclaiming themselves infallible and then failing that was the problem.
Your considering yourself infallible. Without any science or alternative explanation for the observations you are dead set sure that we will be alright and do nothing. The consequences if you are wrong are huge, and will affect many many future generations.
When do you stop your arrogance, admit you have no wnswers and that in the absense of those answers you should accept the possibility that the science is wrong and take precautions for the sake of future generations.
If Sheri is wrong, then you must be right?
What was that about arrogance again?
Let me restate this, so save any confusion.
You are so knowlageable that you KNOW Sheri is wrong?
I don’t know Sheri is wrong. I know that she has no answers. I have asked her for an alternative and her response is that it is something we don’t know about yet. So with the science of 100 years on the greenhouse effect backing AGW, the observations and data are consistent and natural variations have been ruled out, that it seems illogical to ignore the evidence because of a ‘feeling’ (or a belief) that it must be anything but AGW. That is basically what most of the arguments here translate to.
So there is to much evidence on the science side to ignore, even if there is a slight possibility that they may be wrong. If a hurricane is heading towards you with near certainty but there is a minuscule possibility that it may veer away, you still batten down the hatches and prepare for the worst.
I have explained to Michael ad nauseum that saying “We do not know, but the current theory is proven wrong” is perfectly scientific, but since he possesses NO scientific understanding, he still just keep complaining.
AND not answering why he doesn’t go to the ER when his temperature hits 100F and is rising. It’s a disaster in the making, Michael, coming for you and you better run to the hospital before it hits 106F.
DON’T WAIT. You might die. But you don’t run there, so why should I believe you when you tell me to run in the same situation? Answer: I shouldn’t and I don’t.
And you say that you are a teacher..? More like an uneducated fool.
I think you make a good point there Michael.
The issue is in communicating what has been happening, to the public.
The public need to be told about the massive amounts of simplistic misinformation that they are being given.
And they need to know about the twisting of the basics that has been made.
The main-stream media has a lot to answer for, wouldn’t you agree?
Of course, they tend to only publish what they are told by the climate scientists, so I guess the blame must ultimately rest with them.
“True, its the massive amounts of simplistic misinformation and twisting of the basics ”
Then why the heck do you keep doing it !!!!!
And you say that you are a teacher? You write like a bogan.
The fools that we call “Climate scientists”
Now they’re called climate scientists. Before that they were bare bums in the showers crying over localised sea level rise before the physics kicked in and then they went on to global warming until the observations kicked in now they’re climate scientists – it just seems that any knuckle serated arsehole can attach that monika and get an earn out of it. I wish Chopper was still alive, I bet he’d know how to relieve them of their ill gotten gains.
Oh the old, ‘all the climate scientists are rolling in there money with houses in the hamptons and a leer jet in the garage’ defense. Of wait…thats not the climate scientists, thats the fossil fuel barons all over the world. Silly argument, most scientists are out there slogging away, taking measurements, and just doing their jobs. Shame on you.
F’ing bogan.
Their hubris gets in the way of understanding.
[…] to a tweet from Barry Woods, I’ve become aware of a post by Jo Nova that attemtps to put the Hiroshima comparison into context. Jo Nova attempts to do this by comparing the rate at which we’re accruing energy (which is […]
I followed the link above, and found Dana making the strawman argument I predicted someone would make:
My Reply:
Jo Nova says:
December 18, 2013 at 4:18 pm
Dana, Mr andthentheresphysics, I knew someone would construct that strawman. Read my whole post. See *** at the bottom. (Sorry if I made that too small). The “large irrelevant metric” is the 4-Hiroshima-bomb (can we get more publicity) App. We merely satirized your PR-grab with reality.
As for an appeal to the gut? You mean like milking an event that caused mass death to dredge up some alarm for your pet cause. Now who would do that? Oh wait…
I thought the App was the number of brain cells the warmists lose every second they continue to belive in magic and ignore facts.
Dana and Michael the realist are prime examples of the app in practice and working quite well.
Oh you mean this widget is just a metaphor???
I thought it was one of the famous climate models.
Damn Im stupid…. I cant believe I fell for the logical fallacy of analogy AGAIN!!
The Hiroshima bomb concept is certainly an attention grabber. As several comments above point out it’s the sun what does it.
Warmists claim, correctly, that the atmosphere is transparent to radiation and if it wasn’t for the ‘greenhouse’ gasses we would all freeze! Really?!
If you are a warmist then you don’t believe in thermal conduction and convection from the sun warmed surface. The atmosphere without ‘greenhouse’ gasses would be unable to cool and get hotter and hotter and life would not have evolved.
Silly and simplistic argument. Of course conduction and convection occurs and is understood. But conduction and convection does not happen in the vacuum of space. So energy enters the system through radiation (from the sun) and leaves it through radiation (mostly ir radiated from the surface). So conduction and convection moves the energy around the system but only the radiation determines how much the net energy is lost or built up. Didn’t you not know that their are 3 ways of heat transfer and only one works in space?
So this is how the greenhouse effect works, energy comes in and leaves the system through radiation, but the greenhouse gases determine how fast the radiation leaves, as the increase in CO2 slows down the loss of energy, while the amount coming in from the sun continues unaltered then the total energy in the system builds up. That is a rough summary of what is happening, there are plenty of good websites that go into a lot more detail that you can read. Let me know if you want me to point you to one.
Would you like me to show you the insignificance of your ignorance?
It would appear that the sun dumps more energy on a climate scientist’s roof every day than he can comprehend. The difference between the alarmists and reality is roughly a factor of 1,000 in favor of reality.
Where do they get their data? Well… …don’t answer that. I’m afraid I can guess and it isn’t exactly reliable.
The funny thing to me is that with either set of numbers and considering the age of the planet, if that heat didn’t all go back into space the surface would certainly be a giant lava pool by now. And yet for the millions of years we have any real evidence about, the place has stayed hospitable to life. Amazing!
I am glad you are so easily amazed. Firstly the planet has been going for over 4 billion years, and for the vast majority of that time has not been habitable for 7 billion humans. Secondly the factor of 1000 to 1 ignores the other side of the coin, as you acknowledge later on. The planet does indeed lose roughly the same amount as it gains, which is why the figure quoted by Jo is basically meaningless. she does not use the net figure. Basically what the enhanced greenhouse forcing is doing is reducing the loss of energy, hence the gaining of 4 hiroshima bombs per second. THIS IS A NET FIGURE. The total energy in the system is increasing. Do you get it? This is similar to the CO2 issue, you guys normally only quote how much CO2 is emitted by natural processes while ignoring how much is absorbed (slightly more than emitted). Therefore the slow increase is due to the accumulation of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels. Your science always only presents half of the facts.
So ice cores are wrong in that they indicate CO2 levels were so much higher in past times but not when it was warmer?
Is that your argument Michael?
Yes, Michael, I get it. You and your friends have an agenda that hasn’t anything to do with the effects of CO2 in the atmosphere and you’re going to shove it either (1) down our throats or (2) up our backsides until we knuckle under or (3) we throw the bunch of you into the nearest black hole.
I vote for the third option. Be sure to wave as you cross the event horizon. We’ll be watching for it. You could actually serve a useful purpose that way by allowing a controlled experiment about the black hole. And that my dear realist, that controlled experiment, is a hole lot more than you’ve got to show for your constant stirring up trouble about something that’s not happening.
The pun in that last sentence is intended since that little bit of humor is the only thing that makes it worth talking to you.
You quite obviously and with a less than honest intent, misinterpret what I said. You’re too intent on making a point for your cause to give the other guy the courtesy of trying to understand what he said.
CO2 keeps going up. The temperature does not. Where is this heat of yours?
I’m thinking it might be found inside your head.
Vacuums do not retain heat.
My mistake. How about inside his imagination? 🙂
What nonsense! The amount of CO2 in that atmosphere is governed by Henry’s Law. Did you ever see that comic strip about Id? What do they call the people who live in Id? I’m quite sure you are from there.
OMG! The sun has been frying the earth for billions of years! Most of the ice is melted, and there are things growing on it! You can’t even see the stars during the daytime anymore!
Yes, well the stars are holes in the firmament where all of the extra heat coming from the sun is supposed to escape. But because of carbon dioxide, those holes are getting blocked up, so less heat from the sun can escape, and that is why the globe is getting warmer.
Hey, that makes about the same amount of sense as some of the rubbish that Michael manages to regurgitate. At least my effort was creative … or not.
I see you stole Michael’s avatar.
18 Dec: Guardian: Lenore Taylor: Renewable energy: Tony Abbott signals he could wind back or scrap targets
PM says while Coalition supports ‘sensible use’ of renewable energy, scheme is ‘causing pretty significant price pressure’
Announcing modest government assistance for Holden, the prime minister also revealed he would chair a new taskforce to find ways to make industry more competitive, with reducing the cost of energy a primary aim.
Asked whether that could involve scaling back the RET, which was set up by the Howard government and requires energy retailers and large customers to source a proportion of their energy from renewable sources, Abbott said: “We support sensible use of renewable energy, and as you know it was former Howard government which initially gave us the RET and at the time it was important because we made very little use of renewable energy.”
But times had changed, he said.
“We have to accept that in the changed circumstances of today, the renewable energy target is causing pretty significant price pressure in the system and we ought to be an affordable energy superpower … cheap energy ought to be one of our comparative advantages … what we will be looking at is what we need to do to get power prices down significantly,” he said…
Newman has previously called for the RET to be scrapped because he believes the scientific evidence for global warming and the economic case for renewable energy no longer stack up.
The former chairman of the ABC and the Australian Securities Exchange said persisting with government subsidies for renewable energy represented a “crime against the people” because higher energy costs hit poorer households the hardest and there was no longer any logical reason to have them.
Newman acknowledged Coalition policy was to retain the current target to generate 20% of renewable energy by 2020, at least until the review was held, but told Guardian Australia in his opinion “the whole science on which this is based is somewhat in tatters”…
Abbott said in a radio interview he understood why people were anxious about windfarms that were “sprouting like mushrooms all over the fields of our country”…
“I absolutely understand why people are anxious about these things that are sprouting like mushrooms all over the fields of our country. I absolutely understand the concerns that people have.
“And I also understand the difficulty because while renewable power is a very good idea at one level, you’ve gotta have backups because when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine, the power doesn’t flow. So this is an obvious problem with renewable energy in the absence of much more sophisticated battery technology than we have right now.”
According to the Australian Energy Market Commission, the RET makes up less than 1% of the average household electricity bill.
Yes, they talked about this on ‘the drum’ tonight. Basically the RET actually puts downward pressure on prices because of oversupply, and that higher prices were more to do with infrastructure. THerefore prices are not expected to come down at all. Also on the wekend they were saying how funding has dried up for some renewable projects and most would not be progressed, such as the wave farm for energy to power garden island project.
So considering the government says it accepts the science of climate change and wants to increase jobs and is facing a budget emergency, its actions are shutting down one of the fastest growing industries on the planet, for no appreciable benefit to the public (accept loss of jobs), to the detriment of the future climate and they are going to worsen the bottom line by getting rid of a tax, giving the money back to their rich mates and then charging the public for an ineffective direct action policy. Is this the most corrupt, secretive, illogical and dishonest government we have ever had?
Also even if it needs gas backup when the wind does not blow and the sun does not shine (and there are ways around most of these) the savings in emissions from when it does is huge and far outweigh a coal fired power station burning 24/7. Gee can’t you guys even get that concept? Globally renewable energy supplied 19% of final energy consumption in 2011. We are behind the eight ball and getting further. It is likely that Abott and the libs will turn us into a developing country with their turning the clock back thinking to the 80’s.
Straw-man argument as there is no need “… savings in emissions from when it does is huge and far outweigh a coal fired power station burning 24/7.”
Michael The Realist, you say here:
When it comes to the generation of electrical power, you really do know very little (very very little)
Of your precious 19% from Renewables, a tick over 17% of that total is from Hydro.
Wind is around 1.5% and Solar is around 0.1%.
Without Hydro, you have almost nothing.
You refer to renewable power as:
An absolute flat out lie right there Michael.
Wind Power and Solar Power are useless, and will NEVER replace large scale traditional sources of power production ANYWHERE.
Michael you mention that you are now a Professor of Climatology after your 10 week course.
Perhaps you should pay another $50 and take the 10 week advanced course course in electrical power generation, because you clearly know almost nothing about that subject.
“Professor of Climatology after your 10 week course”
roflmao.. did he seriously say that.. the guy is TOTALLY DELUSIONAL !!
Although, that is about as far as climatology has progressed.
Please point out where I said that. Again proof of your continual quoting of your own opinions, half truths and flat out lies as if they were absolute facts. Proof of how gullible you people are is andyG55 rolling on the floor again over an absolute lie, taken in again because he fails to actually research what he is told.
Oh boo hoo Michael… boo hoo….
But its exactly in your character. Its totally believable.
And in recent posts you have basically said that you are now an expert.
and yes, I am roflmao !! 🙂
It’s likely Abbot will prevent you (?–I thought you were from Canada or America, but apparently not. Must have insomnia, huh?) from becoming a third world country. That’s what wind and solar do–return to the idyllic days of the past when power was part-time, people lived without electricity and lived at a subsistence level. It’s fine with me if you want to live that way, but I refuse to be dragged back to the 1800’s to make everyone believe I’m saving the planet when I am not. Oh, wait, you are for technology but against actual 24/7 energy. Logically impossible. But that’s never stopped you before.
All evidence (except the propaganda from wind companies) shows wind is more damaging environmentally than oil or NG. It saves no CO2 emissions and requires huge amounts of energy in manufacturing, building and maintaining. It kill raptors and bats in very large numbers. I’m with Tony–take another class, this time on power generation. Live next to a wind plant for 5 or 10 years. I mean right next to it. Go off grid and run your house on wind and solar. I would note that I really could not care less about anyone who is enamored with wind who ties into the grid. Your opinion means nothing to me if you are tied to a power line or in any way benefit from one.
“take another class, ……..”
But this time try to take it from someone that actually KNOWS something real. Not from some crackpot with an agenda.
ps.. and do try to learn to discern reality from PROPAGANDA..
you have done very, very badly in this respect so far.
And of course talking about it makes it true. Right?
You believe The Drum………..
Just received a Christmas card with the total lie of “Manufactured with 100% renewable energy” on the back. Lying on a Christmas card. It just doesn’t get lower than that.
(For those of you who may wonder why this is a lie, the manufacturer uses EXACTLY the same energy as everyone else. They just pay a fee and get to count the electricity as “renewable”. If it truly was 100% renewable, they would have gone out of business by now–what with the wind not blowing and the sun not shining for long periods. It re-enforces the lie that renewables can actually do anything except make the builders rich and the consumers poor.)
Actually Sheri, I consider all of the energy I use, to be renewable. Electrical energy may be converted into kinetic energy and heat, when I use it, but because of the conservation of energy, I have faith that the energy I have just used will one day be reincarnated into a form where somebody else can use it, making it totally renewable.
What I am trying to figure out, is why the Government is trying to tax me for conserving this energy?
I’ll agree with your belief in energy reincarnation. The question of why the government taxes you for conserving energy is far tougher. Why does the power company tell us to conserve and then raise all the “fees” on our bills to make up for lost revenue? I suspect we will solve string theory and space travel before we come close to understanding that thing we call “bureaucracy”.
May I kill two birds with one stone here?
First, the electrons themselves are never destroyed (some rule about conservation of something or other). So in a very real sense, the actual electricity (electrons) is “renewable” without regard to how the push is given to those electrons to get them to move down the wire. 😉
Second, the fees are raised so you get the pleasure of being ripped off by anyone and everyone who can get enough power to do it (not electrical). Since the beginning of humans, the strong man has exacted tribute from the weak man. And before humans the strong animal exacted tribute from the weak animal. It was just done with different coin — and still is. If you don’t believe me come take a look at the list of things riding on my back that you’ll see on my last juice bill, water bill or anything the government can tax in order to spend on some oh so worthy cause that doesn’t begin to deserve it. It’s a nightmare.
And just wait another 12 days to see all the favors the great Obama has bestowed upon us all. 🙁
Actually Roy, it is worse than that. The real scam is in alternating current.
The power companies sell you an electron, and then immediately steal it back again, so they can sell it to somebody else, and they do this fifty times a second (or 60 in the U.S). It is a scandal of scandalous proportions.
Its called RENT, RW..
They allow us to rent that electron for a fraction of a second.
It all adds up, y’know !
Yeah, now if only we could teach the electrons to do synchronized wiggling, we wouldn’t need power companies.
It’s nice to keep a sense of humor about electricity. But it’s becoming a real problem these days as we depend more and more on being able to flip a switch or push a button and get everything from light to our favorite TV shows. Almost no one bothers to write letters any more. Internet and wireless phones have taken over and the U.S. Postal Service is going broke unless it learns to compete or becomes much smaller.
We now depend so much on electricity that the possibility of long term outages is frightening. Our very lives may depend on electricity not being interrupted for more than a few hours because hospitals and other critical services can’t be self sustaining for more than short periods of hours or a couple of days at most. Try being on life support when the power isn’t going to be back on any time soon. For that matter, try getting food on your table or gas in your car.
Yet fools who can’t get it through their heads that they’re in the same boat with the rest of us still want to shut down civilization by restricting production of electricity to their approved renewable green sources.
Part of the reason people don’t fear loss of electricity is the availability of backup generators. Right now, those run on fossil fuels. I have read that diesel generators are England’s backup for windless times. Plus, there’s generally electricity just a few miles away in another area. If only we could demonstrate what a long-term outage meant. I have a friend who lives with wind and solar only–no power line comes in. We have discussed “hosting” month long electricity-free camps, preferably in December when it’s -30F. Having your cabin at 20F and trying to cook on a wood stove can be very enlightening. So can frozen water lines (assuming we even went with running water…..) and frozen sewer lines. There would be no TV, no internet (though you actually can get internet and satellite TV on wind and solar as long as your batteries stay charged) and the fun of having your wind battery controller burn out or the batteries freeze. We think it would be a very popular camp! It’s 25 miles from the nearest town and 10 or more from anyone with line electricity. Still, we could get out in an emergency. Unlike what happens if there are widespread outages.
At one time there was questions on why the government was having “zombie attack” drills. This came from an internet forum (m4carbine) earlier this year: “Why ‘zombies’? Because calling it ‘training to stop a rioting, starving, panicking desperate mob after a complete governmental financial collapse apocalypse’ is just too wordy”. It apples to a massive loss of electricity, too, I would think.
Cursed spell-check! It should read “applies” to a massive loss.
Apples might be a fortuitous mistake. They can be eaten and will keep for quite long time without refrigeration compared with many other foods. You just might be onto something there. Of course in your part of the country you’d need a way to keep them from freezing during the winter.
Most of which was HYDRO… which has been with us since the year dot.
this pathetic little Arup piece is designated “In Depth” on google news page!
19 Dec: SMH: Tom Arup: Renewable energy target faces cut by Abbott
The Coalition has vowed to review the target next year. Some large companies, such as Origin Energy, have lobbied for the scheme to be reduced because falling energy demand means the target will likely be overshot and instead mean 27 per cent of Australian electricity will come from renewable sources by decade’s end.
Mr Abbott said Australia had a comparative advantage in cheap energy that had to be maintained…
”I mean, this country ought to be an affordable energy superpower.”
The independent Climate Change Authority reviewed the target last year, recommending against a reduction because it would hurt investor confidence in clean energy projects.
19 Dec: BusinessSpectator: AAP & Staff Reporter: RET puts pressure on energy prices: PM
Mr Abbott on Wednesday announced a taskforce into the manufacturing sector which would, among other things, examine ways to significantly drive down power prices to ease the cost of production…
Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane also commented that with coal fired power stations operating well below capacity there was a need to review a scheme that would induce further additional supply into the electricity market.
“To be adding large quantities of generation into that situation has to be questioned,” he said.
“The (RET) review process will go through those things.”
He said it made no sense that coal-fired power companies were producing energy at costs cheaper than five years ago, but manufacturers were still paying double…
He said Australia should be an affordable energy superpower, with a small domestic market and comparatively cheap and abundant energy supply.
But “almost everything” in the past few years, starting with the carbon tax, had conspired to drive up local prices, he added.
Very on topic.
A friend of mine and I had the random thought a couple of years ago to go take a look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Google Street View. I thoroughly recommend it, its a very educational experience, not for the least reason that we had been led to believe for pretty much all our lives that once a place gets “nuked” its uninhabitable for like 1000 years. Well go look for yourself and see how fast man and nature return to “normal”.
Very off topic.
We also devised a game that day called “find the vehicle”. Basically one person names a vehicle in an agreed level of detail (such as make, model, colour etc) then the other one goes to Google Street View and tries to find one of the those vehicles, then you swap. The winner is the one that finds 3 vehicles in the lowest time. Its fun and amusing because while your looking for vehicles, you also see some amazing sights around the the world via Street View…The only rule we had was your not allowed to used cars in dealerships…. the most difficult “thing” we tried to find was a “bobcat”, which while not technically a vehicle, was fun to try and locate because you basically have to find some roadworks to even have a chance.
Yes I need a life :p
“Yes I need a life :p”
Sounds like you are enjoying the one you have…..
In your own way. 😉
Come on Safety, surely you have a good “Blue Angel” story which will be on topic seeing how it involves carbon and hydrogen? 😉
Actually thats a good point. I wonder if anyone has factored in the effects of “sphinctorial ignitions” ?
I’ve heard a conspiracy theory that underwear manufacturers have suppressed this information to protect their industry.
Ironically both scenarios may cause underwear to fall apart.
And you call me diabolical? WOW!
Maybe we can join our evil minds to destroy Batman?
Now it’s my turn to be glad I didn’t have any coffee in my hand.
Batman lives forever, by the way, as all comic book characters do. So we should give that one up.
How about something more useful? Let’s destroy the evil AGW bully! We could probably get him to die laughing at the rate we’re going.
Or maybe we should get our sanity restored on some far away resort island… I’m sure you can finish the picture.
Australia January, 2013
– It’s So Hot in Australia That They Added New Colors to the Weather Map
– Heat and Threat of Wildfires Blaze on in Australia
– Australia’s ‘Angry Summer’ Of 2012 To 2013 Linked To Climate Change In New Study
Australia December 2013
– Heatwave expected to hit one-third of Australia over Christmas
Therefore, TWO THIRDS of Australia IS NOT expecting a heatwave.
In 10 months Australia has gone from total heatwave to one third heatwave.
1/3 of Australia “hot” at Xmas. FREAK OUT!!
The thing I am enjoying most about living in Tassie is, Xmas is more likely to be 25°c than 35°c which I have been used to all my life.
Its summer… but I don’t suppose any of the warmists have noticed.
– Australia’s ‘Angry Summer’ Of 2012 To 2013 Linked To Climate Change In New Study
“For the study, Sophie C. Lewis and David Karoly used climate observations and dozens of simulations from nine state-of-the-art computer models to compare summer temperatures in the historical record and in the near future, with and without the influence of manmade greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide.”
My attempt at a Jo translation…
“Used climate observations, but they arnt saying in this article which ones or over what period. “Dozens of simulations” from “9 computer models”, which no doubt all contained the basic premise that as you add carbon the temperature rises, leaving only the question of which amount of carbon input will create the most alarming result to publish. “With and without manmade greenhouse gasses”, because there is no point to including non manmade gasses as they are “natural” and therefore good and have either no effect or a positive effect.
Seriously, that quote alone is like…. “We think something is happening with something and stuff may get bad if other stuff happens, which is very likely”
This year is likely to be Australias hottest year on record, during a neutral ENSO year and a cool sun. Explanation please?
“In the past 12-month period a large number of mean temperature records have fallen across Australia including:
Australia’s warmest month on record (January)
Australia’s warmest September on record
Australia’s largest positive monthly anomaly on record (September)
Australia’s warmest summer on record (December 2012 to February 2013)
Australia’s warmest January to September period on record
Australia’s warmest 12-month period on record (broken twice, for the periods ending August and September)
Indeed, Australia’s warmest period on record for all periods 1 to 18 months long ending September 2013
Two significant daily maximum temperature records were also set this year:
Australia’s hottest summer day on record (7 January)
Australia’s warmest winter day on record (31 August) ”
“Australia’s hottest summer day on record (7 January)”
The actual value recorded by the AWS at Observatory Hill was 45.3C which is EXACTLY the same as in 1939.
That’s 74 years of warming for you… NADA, ZIP, NOTHING !!!!!!!
(I have emailed BOM as to where the extra 0.5C came from, but have not received a satisfactory answer
They said something about an ‘in person’ reading, but the AWS is meant to be the final value)
And let’s not forget that the BOM record is highly corrupted and very very short.
If any weight can be placed on pre-BOM readings, then the mid 1800’s had some periods that were SIGNIFICANTLY HOTTER
Again.. your little list is a meaningless load of PROPAGANDA BS !!!!
I was thinking “Sydney’s hottest day”
but the same applies.. the climate record is woefully short to say what is natural and what is not.
But you KNOW that don’t you.. you little propaganda monkey !!
Ah the old conspiracy defense, totally lacking in science and credibility.
No it is not. We have these new fangled measuring instruments and satelites that keep track of things like what the sun is doing, what ocean cycles are in force etc. The climate based on natural factors should have cooled over the last 60 years, ENSO is also currently neutral, there ARE NO NATURAL FACTORS that can explain why this year is so hot for us.
Again with the wanton lies and propaganda. Get over it !!!
This year is no hotter than last year.. and certainly no hotter than some years in the mid 1800’5, probably no hotter than late 1930’s temps.
We are somewhere about HALF way between LIA and MWP..
ie we are actually BELOW the mid-range of NATURAL VARIABLITY for the Holocene !!!
And yes, the temperature record is woefully short..
you are way too ignorant to realise it, because YOU don’t work in the field of climate analysis. You have NO IDEA, none what-so-ever.
And one NATURAL factor over the last 60 years has been a series of quite strong solar peaks.. which of course causes a cooling trend, doesn’t it…. moron. !!
Again you illustrate that you know NOTHING except what your puerile little 10 weak course brain-washed you with.
I really hope they took heaps of money off you for that course.. because you deserve to be CONNED !!!
No, its is actual PROVABLE FACT. It is the BOM record that lacks credibility.
“The climate based on natural factors should have cooled over the last 60 years”
And, of course, you again ignore the series of very strong solar maximums.
(Just read the conclusion, its all you have a vague chance of understanding.)
(look , I’ll even cut paste it for you.. you do you what cut/paste means I think)
One of the main features of long-term solar activity is that it contains an essential chaotic/
stochastic component, which leads to irregular variations and makes solar-activity predictions
impossible for a scale exceeding one solar cycle.
• The sun spends about 70% of its time at moderate magnetic activity levels, about 15 – 20%
of its time in a grand minimum and about 10 – 15% in a grand maximum. Modern solar
activity corresponds to a grand maximum.
• Grand minima are a typical but rare phenomena in solar behavior. Their occurrence appears
not periodically, but rather as the result of a chaotic process within clusters separated by
2000 – 2500 years. Grand minima tend to be of two distinct types: short (Maunder-like) and
longer (Sporer-like).
• The modern level of solar activity (after the 1940s) is very high, corresponding to a grand
maximum. Grand maxima are also rare and irregularly occurring events, though the exact
rate of their occurrence is still a subject of debates.
end quote..
I hope that isn’t too difficult for your feeble brain-washed mind to comprehend.
No Michael, no conspiracy at all. Its a known fact that ACORN data is “adjusted”. Do you DENY that???
For someone who said they weren’t posting here anymore you sure have a lot to say. … oh wait. .. just the same cut and paste AAD rhetoric.
He’s not actually saying anything…….
Just regurgitating.
think about this for a minute, although I have no idea why I’m even bothering.
All you have is a scare campaign that you and those on your side of the debate are doing all but nothing to stop.
Just proliferating your scare campaign.
So then, compare that with what you yourself said.
You said that you were worried about what we would do to you once your real information was put out there.
You said you were scared, subliminally intoning that somehow we would do harm to you or your family, again, slagging off at us and getting the point out there that we as people who opposed your religious beliefs would stoop to actual harm against you and yours.
Tell me Michael, did any of those things actually eventuate?
Or was that you just initiating another scare campaign.
Did your scare campaign actually come to fruition?
You have nothing, in any respect. You proliferate lies, not from knowledge but from a set belief structure force fed to you by those who tell you what to say ….. here at this site.
Michael. You made a solemn promise that you were leaving this site.
Please hold to that promise.
You have literally nothing to say here, only the lies you spout because you don’t even bother to actually check for the truth that is ACTUALLY out there for our side of this debate. You don’t actually want debate, because you don’t believe the truth that we have to say.
Now, please keep your promise.
Actually Tony I only promised not to quote on that post ever again, I don’t think I said site.
Yes, to your credit nothing bad has happened, I have had bad experiences in the past where some things did.
As to debate and facts, I am the only one putting forward facts and trying to initiate a scientific debate, most other posters rely on personal attacks or non scientific simplistic arguments that do not answer my questions. There is no propaganda here, most of what I post is publically available information from the major scientific organisations (NOAA, NASA, WMO etc) concerned about the climate or the peer reviewed science (and not blog opinion sites).
So I have said a lot, posted a lot of facts and gotten very little of the same in return.
See Michael, there you go again, where you say this:
You’re still slagging off at us, still giving the false impression that we are going to do harm to you, as if anyone here, or anywhere, is actually going to waste energy on something like that.
You OWE us an apology and a retraction Michael.
And Michael, please don’t even begin to think that what you’re doing could even be referred to as debate. All you are doing is proselytising.
You say here:
You’re the ONLY one. You’re joking surely.
You venture into areas where you know nothing, claiming expertise, and when we point out FACTS, the TRUTH, you totally ignore that, because your religion dictates that what YOU think you know, (or more correctly, what you have been told to say) is the ONLY part of the story. Just think about about that Michael. That is most definitely NOT debate. You’re not even willing to even consider in the slightest what we say.
You then say this:
We have gone to great length, and great pains to post unvarnished FACTS, which you totally ignore.
Then you slag off at us invoking the scare campaign that we are going to somehow harm you.
Michael, you OWE us an apology, and I propose that until that apology is printed here at this site, that you not comment here any more.
You claim that you did a 10 week course and are now an expert on the Climate.
Michael, do you even realise how stupid that actually sounds.
I was at school for 75 weeks of trade training just to get to the Base Camp. Then, across the next 23 years I did a further 50 weeks of trade centred courses. I spent 5 years teaching the electrical trade to new guys.
All that, 25 years in the electrical trade, and Michael, I’m still learning about electrical power.
10 weeks Michael. 10 weeks. Do you even realise how stupid that sounds
Now, apologise or leave. It’s that simple.
Michael the Realist,
You said:
But you’re wrong Michael, a blatant lie:
And straight after that comment was your supposed last one:
Honour your word, Michael.
Honour his word? You do have a sense of humour!
The explanation in AGW terms is that what happens with temperature in Australia or any one place or region is irrelevant. The reason is that the warmist scientists have chosen global warming as the parameter that is the only temperature indicator of AGW.
Maybe it has never occurred to you to check other countries and regions of the earth at the times Australia is claimed to be experiencing record high temperatures. You will discover that some have been experiencing record low temperatures. Now when that is all averaged out even the AGW scientists have discovered not much has been happening on the global warming front for about a decade and a half and hence have been having fun trying to discover where all that extra global temperature raising heat has disappeared to.
Shock….horror of course it could not have just disappeared back into space…..could it?
I mean the science is settled…isn’t it?
“where all that extra global temperature raising heat ”
do you mean that 0.6w/m^2 +/-17.
Any engineer or mathematician would just burst out laughing ! 🙂
ITS A JOKE !!!!!!
I actually find it quite BIZARRE that they would publish that little diagram as it was. Its a FARCE !!!!!
It is obviously aimed at mathematical pygmies. (yes Michael, that’s YOU ) !!
Nope, that is what you guys are doing with your ‘no warming for a decade and a half’ argument. All you are doing is focussing on one parameter out of context and ignoring where the other 95% of the increasing energy is going.
Scientists have explained that oceans are increasing in heat at the lower levels and that we have had a predominantly la nina decade. Also they have explained that the sun is going through one of its lowest solar cycles for a hundred years and has slightly cooled over the last 60. They have also explained that the cryosphere is melting faster than expected and that takes a lot of energy. They have also explained that despite all this the 2001-2010 decade was the hottest on the instrumental record, on EVERY CONTINENT, over both the ocean and the land and on both hemispheres. Finally they have also explained that the Arctic is heating twice as fast as the rest of the globe and this has changed the temp difference on either side of the Arctic jetstream and that this is making the jetstream weaker and loopier contributing to the crazy NH weather.
Then you have the arrogance to say scientists only look at one thing!!! Look around sunshine they are trying to explain until they are blue in the face, but you focus on one cherry picked parameter that starts at the highest el nino year of 60 years and ignores the long term trend. WOW.
Show to us the DATA Michael. Where exactly are the MEASUREMENTS (real science) for this?
Ah – the Master Baiter is back preaching the scientific FACT (no dissension allowed) that the colder atmosphere is warming the already warmer oceans. And from the bottom up, to boot!!
Don’t get in the way of progress, folks. Next the Master Baiter is going to explain to us how we can cook the Christmas roast in the freezer compartment of our fridge, by turning the thermostat down.
And he’ll no doubt be able to
misquote 97% of climate scientists whodisagree with him.50
Ok well if the relationship is as causal and linear as your suggesting then explain this…
Almost 100 years more GHG in the atmosphere and that record stands. If its all about “long terms trends” as warmists seem to think then the longest heatwave in Australia would be a pretty good record to prove the point in terms of “cherry picking” data as you yourself are doing. But ooops, its 1923 and even the most rabid tree hugger could not attribute that to increased CO2 and if you do wish to, then you can explain why it hasn’t happened since please.
You focus on one region over one to two years and then accuse me of cherry picking!!! Can you please tell me what ENSO was doing, what the sun was doing, what the volcanic or geological system was doing etc etc. I have never claimed climate has not occurred before, or that extremes have not occurred before. What I say is that when natural factors over the last 60 years are flat to slightly cooling but temps have increased by 0.6 deg c and that the 2001 to 2010 decade was the hottest on the instrumental record and that most IPCC predictions are underestimated, that a normal, reasonable, logical human being would look at the science, examine the observations and think that we should take action to protect future generations. What is happening now, the observations occurring are global in nature.
In the last 17 years or so temperatures have not increased but CO2 levels continue to rise. Which part of this disjunction don’t you recognize.
The IPCC see it (they like the word hiatus), CRU, Hadley, etc. all see it but you can not.
Obviously you know of a special kind of ‘science’ that can dismiss finding true cause and effect, or even measurements.
BAHAHAHAHA so you list a bunch of factors you are CERTAIN would have an effect on this result, yet further up the page you state that the only possible factor worth considering as a causation is CO2.
Your a joke mate…
When you say?? Why should we listen to what YOU say? What you have to say in this regard is patently FALSE. Natural factors over the past 60 years have NOT been “flat to slightly cooling”. That is an outright LIE and is something which YOU have fabricated. You have NEVER presented one scrap of scientific literature which makes this assertion.
In the last 4.5 billion years?
Prove it.
And currently the NH has some of the coldest weather in recent times.
The US alone has broken or equaled 2,000 cold records this year.
So nothing is getting cold. Well good you can explain a little global effect happening now –
Tropics Go Wintery! … Northern Thailand Declared Cold Disaster Zone … Snow In Vietnam … In Turkey “Animals Literally Freeze Where They Stand”! –
See more at:
You don’t know? You’re the newly minted climate scientist. You should be telling us, not asking us. 🙁
And let’s not forget.. they have redefined “heat-wave” so that it now happens much more often.
Thing is… the general populace is now starting to wake up to their propaganda BS !
Not long now and Australia will be augmenting the electricity system with proper coal or gas fired power stations instead of wasting money on so-called renewables.
Once SA have a total electricity collapse, quite probably some time this summer .. people, and even politicians, will start to wake up to REALITY
Does the global temp currently used include the latest lowest temp from Antarctica
ABC News this morning, weather report. “Adelaide experiences its hottest day in over 80 years”.
Ergo. It was as hot or hotter 80+ years ago with 80+ years less GHG…. yeah Im seeing the nature of the relationship now. Its called “non existent”
But you have to love the way the media, particularly ABC cant announce anything without putting it in the context of a record.
“Its the 4th hottest Tuesday since the week before last” its laughable.
YES it does seem that Australian temperatures are FINALLY getting back up to those of 70-80 years ago.
That’s the good thing about “record” temperatures.. its really hard for BOM to “disappear” them.
The 4th hottest tuesday since the week before last?I shall have to redo maths,I cant figure that one out.
Unbelievable that people are still writing these kind of articles.
another “It’s worse than we thought” story
Yeah that does it, Im selling my VTR100SP1 and buying a push bike before its too late…
er… VTR1000SP1
The 100 is the learners model
It might really be worse than we thought but for a quite different reason than you imply.
Here’s a guy in a panic because the world isn’t exactly following some script he read. He’s thinking, life as I know it is over. He’s giving up on his children’s future.
Mt. Rainier was still there for him to climb. What’s the real problem? No one is dying of the heat. What’s the real problem? Yet not only his but his children’s lives are over? We seem to have a lot of people in this state judging by things I see in my newspaper, on TV and elsewhere. And the real problem is that he was told the world was going to end so many times that he finally believed it.
Yes, I think it just may be worse than we think.
Roy if people do start dying of heat it will likely be because renewables have put electricity out of the reach of so many people, particularly the most vulnerable such as the elderly and infirmed that cant afford to run their air conditioners any more.
I can’t afford to run anything much right now. The blasted juice bill is higher than a kite. Well, I can pay it. But the inflation in electricity per kWh since “deregulation” that was supposed to make more energy available and ease the summertime power crunches has instead, reduced the supply and made the summer months worse. And of course the price goes up along with anything they do. The Immortal Bard should have said, “First kill all the dogooders.”
I need saving from the nuts who’re saving me from myself.
It’s time to put scaremongers like the Greens in jail as they are a menace to society, similar to terrorists, and in some cases worse since they already have wasted billions, which could have been put to live saving uses.
Terrorists do it quickly, greens do it slowly. Same result.
I think the law is incapable of helping with this situation. It needs a victim, and it needs a complaint to the police. So far, the victims die quietly alone, and nobody has complained to the police.
The Hiroshima bomb was a pup but not for those who were there, humans have tested a bomb 1,500 times larger than the WW2 bombs, I think they call it progress
You would expect a blip in the global temperature record if this is true.
1,500 Hiroshima bombs devided by 4 per second. That’s an overload of the system for an equivilant 375 seconds. I so wish the atmosphere was transparent so that all this extra radiation could escape into space…
If scientists “know the basics”, then why the hell have they not incorporated them into their mathematical models?
The goof they made was to ignore everything but temperature data and add in some guessing adjustments for all the different levels of activities occurring in the atmosphere and on the planet.
More likely the so global warming “scientists” already decided they wanted to show global warming by fiddling with the models to produce the results they were looking for. This form of corrupt science is in fact easily detected, and has been by a few legitimate scientists. What really is odd is how so many other legitimate scientists are still silent on this. It will have to take some more time and perhaps some more cooling before the game is up and the global warming “scientists” are finally put to shame (preferably put behind bars but I know that won’t happen).
I think your right Peter and thats the fundamental difference between the members of the AGW consensus and ordinary scientists.
Your ordinary everyday scientist is interested in forming a hypothesis, then testing it for validity, then accepting the results of the observational evidence to either refute or prove their hypothesis or to open a new line of inquiry if the results do neither of the former or latter.
However in climate science we have a situation where a “goal hypothesis” has been “agreed to” (the consensus) then a curios process unrelated to science has been conducted whereby data is confected or created to support the original proposition as closely as possible. Any data that emerges outside of the fit boundaries is rejected and any data that appears to suggest outcomes beyond, but in the same desired direction as the goal is publicised quickly and loudly. Models are regarded as superior to observational evidence….
….and even though many reputable scientists may question both the process and the logic, they can be disregarded because the search is not for the scientific truth it is only for scraps to attach to and support the goal. Few KPI’s are established and those that are espoused are quickly (and usually retrospectively) re-jigged when they are not met. The list of utterly failed and often wildly inaccurate predictions is dismissed as “noise” and those that point out these failings are “cherry pickers” and “crackpots”. Which of course completely misses the point that in order to be able to “cherrypick” contra evidence, that contra evidence must exist. Consequently I regard the dog whistling behavior of warmists using words like “cherry picking” as solid evidence the counter claimant must have hit the mark pretty accurately.
The vast majority of us would have spectacularly failed high school science by employing these methods. But in the modern world of humans controlling the climate of a planet, anything goes it seems.
Science Teacher “So Johnny, your hypothesis does not seem to be supported by the results of your experiments”
Johnny “No Sir you are just cherry picking the data that doesnt fit”
Science Teacher “But Johnny you nearly burnt the classroom down while investigating how fast salt dissolves in water”
Johnny “Maybe so Sir but if your going to continue to deny the validity of my results I will complain to the UN”
Result = FAIL!
Its about that ridiculous in today’s pseudo scientific world.
One of the basic theorems that keeps me grounded in this debate is the Kadashev Scale
If you can understand the Kadashev Scale and still think that a species who has half its population burning dung for warmth is manipulating a planet’s climate, then you don’t understand the Kadashev Scale. Id like to think that one day we may be technically competent and powerful enough to bend this planet to our whims, but we are no where near it at this stage. I have always and continue to regard AGW disciples as being rather narcissistic in their belief we are already there. Its a bit like suggesting the ants nest near the mailbox of your house is affecting the performance of the Fujitsu reverse cycle in your rumpus room.
I agree with all what you said but please don’t use any of Richard Dawkins’ talks when discussing scientific research and understanding. He is a fool simply because he believes the Universe came from nothing but he defines “nothing” to be “something”. Furthermore, he believes in man-made global warming and the rest of the BS. He stated: “Yes. You could say that the human species is a threat to the human species. I recommend Al Gore’s film on global warming. See it and weep. Not just for the human species. Weep for what we could have had in 2000, but for the vote-rigging in Jeb Bush’s Florida.” So he once recommended Al Gore’s works!! Recently the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science stated the IPCC is surer than ever about human-caused climate change. So, please leave him out of serious discussions about science. He’s just as much a deceptive idealist as the “climate scientists”.
Well one thing I will say in defence of Dawkins as I am a pretty big fan is. He has never really put his cards on the table on AGW. He has made some minor statements and while his website certainly purports to represent his views…. finding written comments from him that accurately pin down his position on CC is not easy. I think so far he is still an agnostic who occasionally espouses support to remain aligned with the majority scientific community. I suspect form following him for a long time that he also has concerns about the evidence. One thing is for certain if he had ever come out strongly in support of AGW theory green groups the world over would have the quotes on T shirts.
They do try to have a balanced debate at RD’s sites…. but on the whole the population of followers is overwhelmingly warmists, that much I agree with.
Safetyguy66 and PeterS,
In the past, we regarded our scientists with our faith that they are correct in their pursuit of knowledge to enhance societies knowledge. They are given grants and awards for their efforts and have a monopoly on publishing. The same scientists went beyond their boundaries of education into politics. After all, it is the governments that give them grants and consultation fees. It is the media that pushes their theories as facts.
Many “green technology” poorly researched and highly subsidized were pushed into the markets as advancing society…all that generated was massive debt to the public.
I concur. The global warming mania has sucked in enough scientists to place a big stain on the cr3edibility of scientific research. You would think though that the vast majority of scientists who are at least skeptical would speak out en mass to shut down those who are willing to sacrifice the reputation of science for the sake of funding. But alas they are all only human. There’s also a lot of truth in the saying “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”, and a lot of good scientists are too silent on the matter. Given time truth will prevail as always but look at the damage that’s already done, both in terms of credibility and the lost opportunity cost to the world. The real problem is with respect to climate science, science has failed to keep to its own standards and rules and instead as you said went beyond their boundaries of education into politics. The climate science we see most often peddled around today is actually nothing but politics (ie, a lot of cover-ups, lies and power driven ideologies).
Will J, Handjive, Michael …..
And all this damage is done by an imbalance amounting to a christmas light in a column of air 1m x 1m x3km high, do this experiment take a column of air 1x1x3000m insulated transparent container open at the top so it can convect. Put a solitary christmas light at the top shining down. Put it outside in the Killowatt hours of energy streaming down each day and leave it for 10 years. Measure the temperature each day the beginning and end. You reckon the effect of the christmas light is gonna be detectable ….
I might explain also that the tiny, tiny imbalance is easily explained via other forms of energy being extracted, for example, kinetic, electrical, Electromagnetic, Chemical, especially photosythesis and Nitrogen fixing, and other solid bacterial byproducts, even building vitamin D from Cholesterol in mammals consumes energy, entropy creation through weathering, sound, breaking down the paint on your house, extracting the clorine from your swimming pool or any one of thousands and thousands of little losses, and you reckon that little Christmas light can’t be found.
One little christmas light…
HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa, gasp (passes out)
Your kitchen science is pathetic. Not worthy of a more serious response.
Your worthless little list of lies , half-truths and concocted deception is a is PATHETIC.
It is not worthy of any response except to tell you that it is PATHETIC load of PROPAGANDA BS !!
Which ones are lies, which are half truths and which ones are concocted deception?
Anyone got deck of cards !!
Just shuffle and deal 🙂
Michael your toilet science is worse
Does this mean you’re not going to do the experiment? awwww!
And a good job too!!
Shame on you Bobl for suggesting such a potentially dangerous experiment without a warning about the potential hazards.
I mean, over dry land, fair enough. But if your column was over water then very quickly the combination of the Christmas light and the trapped energy in the CO2 molecules would start to heat the water beneath it (from the bottom up) until the water was boiling from the ocean floor. This would start a positive feedback effect which would continue until all the earth’s oceans were sucked dry** as steam, up the one metre square vortex, bringing about the end of all life as we know it on Planet Earth.
** – This is known scientifically as the Clinton-Lewinsky Effect. Also known to stain clothing.
MV, I just cracked up, there’s just such a mess, coffee all over the tablet, floor, the dogs lapping it up right now. The winner of the Christmas crackupathon is……
PS. THANKS I needed that!
And you can’t blame me for this one. 😉
NO certainly not, two accidents from the same post. Have to say though MV’s posting was pure satire, while yours was funny, MV had me rolling ariund laughing for a good 10 minutes, even now when I read that post I still crack up and I know the punch line. I think it the vision of all the earths ocean being sucked up a 1×1 tube courtesy of one little cristmas light…. magic.
MV, do you do parties?
With the use of the right science Roy,you can be blamed for anything.bobl will get a bib from santa to keep his play area clean and an MV party will be a gay and merry gathering
Yes, I see. Science is even more of a problem than I thought. I’m beginning to want my own black hole to retreat into. It’s now become a matter of safety.
You get today’s best humor gold star. Beautiful, just beautiful. 🙂
You mean you can’t.
You have no script, and because you have no original thought, you have nothing!
Most of the great scientist in history worked from kitchen science, but then again they had the advantage of reason, logic, judgment, knowledge, and good fundamental grasp of the basics. Some of them even admitted as much, and said as much by citing a reference to “Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants (Latin: nanos gigantum humeris insidentes)”
“Climate scientist” are IMO just dwarfs.
Pot, meet kettle.
You can’t reply. It’s not in your script.
Translation –
That’s not on the script so Michael the Weirdest can’t answer.
This is always Michael’s response whenever he is presented with a real but simple scientific experiment. He detests real science.
I just wish I had the education and understanding to unravel Willis Eschenbach’s latest post at WUWT.
I think I understand some of it, but would anyone here care to have a go? And please in reasonably plain english for we lay people. Just a short summary will do.
I’m sure Jo and David could make it into an interesting post.
I can translate, since this is math I’ve been prattling on about on WUWT and with Monckton for a year now.
Given a warming by CO2 the net warming is supposed to be amplified by 3 to give a Net gain of 3.3 odd. Willis is computing the satelitte record for warming against CO2 rise using the warming and CO2 rise to compute the actual gain over theoretical CO2 only warming. Willis uses a forcing argument, CO2 is supposed to generate a forcing of 3.7 Watts/m
A gain (Lambda) of 1 means that just the forcing acts, and there is no Nett feedback, a gain of less than 1 means the feedback is negative and the amplified forcing is less than 3.7 W/m, and a gain greater than 1 means there is positive feedback and the temperature change requires a forcing greater than 3.7 Watts per meter the CO2 forcing had to be increased by feedback to get to the measured temperature. A gain of negative – forcing is inversely correlated to temp that is a forcing results in a reduced temperature, and at a gain of zero where the supposed the extra forcing of 3.7 watts results in no temperature change.
What Willis shows is that the feedback (Gain) in the climate varies substantially by latitude and in the tropics falls to zero, (IE temperature is independent of forcing), and that it is very different over land and water.
The major point here is that the gain (Lambda) is some inverse function of temperature, as the temperature rises the gain falls, until at about 30 degrees, it reaches a tipping point, there it doesn’t matter how much extra energy you put in, the temperature does not rise, due to a non linear negative feedback. Gain is not constant as the models show, more over it’s not linear (which means you can’t average it to a constant either).
The equatorial non linearity is really interesting, over the ocean when the surface is 30 degrees, the humidity at height rises to a point where the water must condense, so temperature over 30 degrees in the tropics reaches a tipping point that rapidly causes clouds to form. The clouds/vapor thickens to the point at which they reflect the incoming energy to the point at which the evaporation can no longer sustain the clouds, the system saturates, because the incoming energy is limited to a particular threshold value (that at which increasing surface temperature causes cloud). Over the ocean in the tropics that happens at about 30 degrees. Toward the poles it’s likely this happens at lower surface temperatures because the temperature in the troposphere is lower and therefore the dew point is reached at lower humidity levels.
The upshot is that in an earth atmosphere of 101.3 kPa, at 93 milliom, million miles from the sun, there is a hard limit to climate warming at about 30 degrees over water (75 % of the surface is water). This limits warming on earth, as the average temperature rises, the climate sensitivity falls, at 30 degrees over water, climate sensitivity is zero and warming stops.
As I said on WUWT
the “free market”, CAGW-style, is teetering:
18 Dec: Reuters: Barbara Lewis: EU regulators launch in-depth probe of German industry subsidies
(Additional reporting by Madeline Chambers in Berlin and Jan C. Schwartz in Hamburg; Editing by Dale Hudson)
Around 2,000 German heavy energy users, including chemical and steel firms such as BASF (BASFn.DE) and ThyssenKrupp (TKAG.DE), have been exempt from a surcharge ordinary consumers have to pay.
The Commission is examining whether the exemptions of around 5 billion euros ($6.9 billion) per year were unfair and should be paid back.
In a statement, the European Union executive said discounts might be justified on some occasions to prevent energy-intensive firms leaving Europe, but it still had concerns that aspects of Germany’s law distorted competition…
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, speaking on Wednesday before the Commission’s announcement, said Germany was seeking to remain a strong centre for industry and she did not see how the discounts could be unfair.
“This is about companies and when it’s about companies, it’s about jobs,” Merkel said in the German parliament.
“As long as there are countries in Europe where electricity is cheaper for industry than it is in Germany, I cannot see how we are distorting competition.”
The enquiry has prompted criticism from heavy industry and the renewable sector…
The renewables sector and green politicians also say the many months of investigation needed for an in-depth enquiry will shatter confidence…
The utilities sector, which has said renewables subsidies distort the market and mean gas-fired plants cannot compete, said an investigation was necessary but any change should not be abrupt…
Even if these GREEN Wackos are correct,
The destruction of the planet by their renewable useless endeavours are becoming real today.
The same stupid SkS Hiroshima Bomb analogy, can be applied to each renewable energy source.
Just one example is the Windmill bird shredders and bat popping contraptions, that Tony from Oz has already explained, as far as electricity production, they are useless.
CONCRETE: over 250,000 of these monsters are already erected, and currently the average concrete usage is 500 cubic meters, older ones less and the bigger new ones more. So we have 1/4 billion cubic meters of concrete. This needs 12.5 million 10 cm concrete trucks to deliver, and if you put these end to end they would circle the circumference of the earth over three times. About 12.5 million tonnes of CO2 are emitted by the manufacture of this concrete.
And in Australia, the average Windmill Farm generates $150,000/year in electricity & guaranteed $550,000 in subsidies.
This is the GREEN GRAVY Train in operation. Grab the money, pollute the landscape, and give nothing back, apart from promising to shred birds and pop bats.
The GANG GREEN GAIA’s are Criminals.
reuters’ article on this subject is dated 18 Dec, while B’Berg is 19 Dec. however, i am sure Merkel failed to stop the probe. who knows what shenanigans are to come.
our Govt needs to inform the public about the CAGW fraud, the cronyism, the exploitation of the developing nations, etc. our Govt must look out for Australia, period:
19 Dec: Bloomberg: Stefan Nicola/Gaspard Sebag: Merkel Rejects EU Probe of Germany’s Green Discounts
Chancellor Angela Merkel warned the European Union against undermining German industry, saying its review of aid to companies for energy bills may put jobs at risk.
Merkel, in the first speech of her third term, defended her government’s practice of granting discounts on a clean-energy fee to companies that use a lot of energy. She and her new economy and energy minister, Sigmar Gabriel, will “communicate very clearly” to the European Commission that Germany needs competitive industry, Merkel said.
“I can’t accept that we’re contributing to a distortion of competition as long as there are European countries where power for industry is cheaper than in Germany,” Merkel told lower-house lawmakers in Berlin today. “Germany would like to remain a strong place for industry.” …
The commission said today that it opened an in-depth review into the rebates amid concerns they may be illegal. While the current guidelines don’t foresee the possibility to grant such aid, subsidies to offset high energy prices may “sometimes be justified” by the need to keep EU companies competitive, said EU Competition Commissioner Joaquin Almunia.
“In the absence of an international agreement on climate change, the charges for financing renewables can be difficult to bear for some undertakings facing competition from third countries with lower environmental standards,” Almunia told reporters in Brussels…
Germany, where every fourth job depends on foreign sales, will focus on protecting its exporting companies in negotiations with the commission, said Michael Fuchs, the economy spokesman for Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union…
If a company isn’t exposed to international competition, then it shouldn’t qualify. Perhaps we will need to change the law. Certainly, we will need to make sacrifices.”…
Scrapping the reductions would mean that many companies and thousands of jobs would be “immediately lost,” said Ulrich Grillo, the head of Germany’s BDI industry federation that represents about 100,000 companies including Volkswagen AG and Siemens AG…
Merkel’s government plans to change the EEG clean-energy law next year to reduce costs of its unprecedented switch to renewables from nuclear energy and at the same time address EU concerns. The government seeks to present draft new legislation at the end of April for a parliamentary vote before the summer recess…
Someone here keeps mentioning about records?
But forgot to mention over 2000 cold and snow records set in the USA this past week!
19 Dec: Bloomberg: Alessandro Vitelli/Mathew Carr: EU Emission Slump Tests Broker Survival Skills: Carbon & Climate
As Europe’s recession recedes, trading via brokers in the $74 billion carbon emissions market is plunging amid a record glut in the commodity Richard Sandor once predicted to reach the highest volume in the world.
Brokers’ share of the market slumped to an all-time low of 10 percent this year, from 30 percent in 2012, according to CME Group Inc. As middlemen from ICAP Plc (IAP) to GFI Group Inc. (GFIG) lost ground to regulated bourses, fees dropped to as low as 0.5 euro-cent (0.69 U.S. cent) a metric ton from 20 cents a decade ago, said Andy Ager, the head of carbon at Vertis Environmental Finance Plc in Budapest.
The cost of emitting one ton of carbon dioxide in Europe fell 83 percent since 2008 as the financial crisis cooled industrial demand, aggravating a glut already fueled by policy makers’ handing out more allowances than polluters needed…
The decline prompted about half of London’s more than 30 brokers to leave the market in the past five years, said Louis Redshaw, the former head of carbon and coal at Barclays Plc. (BARC)
***“Brokers aren’t charities,” said Steve Drummond, the former head of CantorCO2e, a carbon brokerage bought by BGC Partners Inc. in 2011. “People need to make a living. To make a living you need turnover.”…
Sandor, who helped invent interest-rate futures more than 30 years ago and was the founder of Climate Exchange Plc in London before selling it to Intercontinental Exchange Inc., said in December 2009 that carbon dioxide will become the world’s largest traded commodity as governments curtail emissions of greenhouse gases that scientists say cause global warming. Crude oil is currently the biggest traded commodity.
Brokers handled 114 million metric tons of EU emission permits in November, 61 percent less than the same month last year, according to data from the London Energy Brokers’ Association, an industry lobby group. Their market share was 14 percent, from 27 percent a year earlier, LEBA and exchange data show. Exchanges handled 689 million tons last month, 11 percent less than the 776 million tons in the same month last year, bourse data show…
ICAP, the biggest interdealer broker, says carbon trading will only improve with tighter regulation. The system would lure more traders and investors if there was a central authority regulating the supply of permits, said Paul Newman, the managing director of ICAP Energy in London. Currently, the EU sets supply years in advance and makes no attempt to adjust it according to economic activity…
Central Bank
“This is a well-recognized feature of foreign-exchange markets, for example, and it’s an important way in which order and stability are preserved,” Newman said by e-mail in October…
“The idea that we should have a central bank to manage allowances was not supported” in a consultation carried out by the European Commission, Jos Delbeke, director-general for climate at the commission, said Dec. 10 at a Center for European Policy Studies seminar in Brussels.
At least 10 banks and brokers including JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM), Tradition Financial Services and UBS AG (UBSN) closed or reduced their emissions trading businesses since 2008, according to a report last month by the Institute for Public Policy Research in London. GFI, the New York-based interdealer broker, closed its carbon desk in London this year, transferring the business to other teams, according to two people with direct knowledge of the matter…
The number of brokerages serving the carbon market may shrink to two or three in a year, from more than six today, said John Molloy, head of environmental products at Tradition Financial Services in London…
“If the EU were to pass an ambitious 2030 framework for climate and energy policy, that would change the playing field completely,” said TFS’s Molloy. “Tighter emission targets in Europe will undoubtedly lead to higher pricing for carbon and likely garner a strong uptake in trading activities and subsequent involvement for the brokers.” …
***Emissions-trading jobs have all but disappeared, according to Peter Henry, head of front office research at Commodity Search Partners in New York…
“I haven’t worked on a carbon emissions mandate since 2009,” Henry said by phone on Nov. 8. “We’re keen for a bit of buoyancy to return to these markets.”…
As a more permanent fix, the regulator may propose next month a market stability reserve to ensure supply and demand don’t swamp each other in the future, Delbeke said…
***“With the collapse in prices, the emissions market has become a virtual tax,” said Mark Meyrick, the head of carbon trading at Eneco Energy Trade BV in Rotterdam and a trader low prices include that trading and broking desks are closing.”
Most companies still releasing unsustainable amounts of CO2—study
SAO PAULO, Dec 18 (Reuters) – The majority of large global corporations that have reported their annual greenhouse gas emissions for several years now are still releasing more carbon dioxide than they should, a new study published on Wednesday showed…
should have excerpted this para from the B’Berg carbon trading article:
– Envoys aim to adopt the package in 2015 and bring it into force from 2020, replacing the Kyoto Protocol. There’s no guarantee that deal will include carbon trading, according to Anja Kollmuss, an emissions trading specialist at Carbon Market Watch, a Brussels environmental lobby group. –
***saw the ridiculous, empty 20-lane motorway on bbc sports today. bbc spoke of a green energy future for myanmar!
13 Dec: AFP: Myanmar’s SEA Games host city baffles and delights
Reforms have swept Myanmar since 2011 with the release of hundreds of political prisoners — including 44 on Wednesday, ahead of the SEA Games opening — the promise of elections, and the opening up of the nation’s straightjacketed economy…
“The Games are not just a sporting event for our country,” presidential spokesman Ye Htut told AFP.
“It’s our chance to present Myanmar to the international community. We want to show we can hold an event like this in the new Myanmar.”
But to critics, Naypyidaw remains a monument to the worst excesses of Myanmar’s vicious former junta, which in 2005 uprooted government buildings from Yangon to the new capital. Yet the city they created remains sparsely populated.
***A 20-lane motorway — eerily devoid of traffic — arcs around the vast, gated parliament complex, while a handful of empty shopping malls and gem shops cater to a presumably wealthy, but strangely absent, elite.
***The surrounding countryside remains poor, in a low income nation of more than 50 million people where, according to the World Bank, a quarter of all children are malnourished and three quarters of the population has no access to electricity…
Myanmar’s authorities have kept the cost of the games close to their chest.
Both the president’s spokesman and a senior official in the sports ministry told AFP they did not know how much the event cost to stage.
The future of the vast purpose-built sports complexes also remains unclear, although officials say they plan a new sports academy in the city to drive sporting excellence.
to the rescue?
***more like a Renewable Nightmare:
7 Dec: Mizzima: Gordon Brown: ***Renewable Dream
Can wind, sun and hot springs solve Myanmar’s electricity crisis?
Wind and solar “farms” offer more reliable and less costly alternatives, said London-based BMI.
“The country is heavily reliant on hydropower for electricity generation – 70 percent in 2010 – and this reliance has grown in recent years. However, the country experiences several dry periods throughout the year. This resulted in lower utilisation rates for hydropower capacity, exacerbating the existing energy shortage.
“Meanwhile, the share of gas used in power generation has fallen from 62 percent to 31 percent, primarily due to the fact that gas supplies are being targeted for lucrative exports to Thailand and China.
“By developing wind energy, the government could reduce its reliance on hydropower, as well as free up more natural gas for exports.”…
Provisional agreements have been signed with Thai and Chinese firms to develop or assess potential to develop both wind and solar power projects in several areas of the country.
Green Earth Power of Thailand signed a deal with the Ministry of Electric Power to build a 50 megawatt (MW) project at Minbu 300 kilometres north of Yangon…
Meanwhile the US firm ACO Investment Group of New York signed a deal with the ministry for a 250 MW solar project also in central Myanmar, at Nabu-aing near Mingyan…
Earlier reports had said Green Earth was planning a much bigger project of 210 MW at a cost of US$275 million.
No reason for the reduction in size of the Green Power project was given by the newspaper. However, financial difficulties this year have prevented construction of several planned new power plants, the Minister of Electric Power Khin Maung Soe told The New Light of Myanmar in a separate report last week.
“Distributed solar energy generation has the potential to be more cost-effective and robust than other forms of distributed generation, particularly diesel generation, BMI said…
The minister admitted that Myanmar is currently suffering an electricity capacity shortfall of more than 5,000 MW, the worst gap in supply and demand since the country began opening up two years ago.
Electricity demand is 8,929 megawatts but capacity this year is only about 3,600 MW, the minister said…
Another Thai company, Gunkul Engineering, and the China Three Gorges Corporation, are separately conducting feasibility studies for wind power plants in several regions of Myanmar.
Only about 25 percent of Myanmar’s population of around 55 million has access to mains electricity and this is often limited to a few hours per day.
At present, China Three Gorges (CTG) is conducting surveys in Chin and Rakhine states as well as Ayeyarwady and Yangon regions, while Gunkul Engineering is assessing the feasibility of wind power in Mon, Kayin, Shan and Kayah states and Tanintharyi Region…
“According to Khin Maung Win [deputy director general of Electric Power under the Ministry of Electric Power], Gunkul and CTG are planning to build wind power plants with a total capacity of 2,930MW and 1,102MW respectively,” said BMI in its assessment of Myanmar’s energy problems…
Separately, the Singapore firm Emerging Markets Energy Limited has undertaken a project to search for underground geothermal energy in several areas of the Myanmar.
Do they make any mention of the fact that 300GW of installed wind turbines are directly taking energy OUT of the climate system, and hence also cause ‘climate change’?
And solar fields also “trap” energy that would normally be removed by NATURAL convective activity.
As well, as melting the wax in birds’ wings and also blinding them. ….. Endorsed as “OK” by Greenpeace and WWF, of course.
just noticed this para got garbled at the end of the Bloomberg carbon trading collapse piece:
“With the collapse in prices, the emissions market has become a virtual tax,” said Mark Meyrick, the head of carbon trading at Eneco Energy Trade BV in Rotterdam and a trader low prices include that trading and broking desks are closing.”
“With the collapse in prices, the carbon market has become a virtual tax,” Meyrick said. “People don’t trade taxes. The side effects of low prices include that trading and broking desks are closing.”
The mess that our scientists are failing to understand is that you must INCLUDE all things in science to have a viable understanding of the planet.
The system running on our planet is massively complex and changes every second. The system NEVER exactly replicates itself as in oscillation studies.
Water loss to space is the heating of our land masses and storing and releasing that stored heat where ocean water reflects much of it back out. None of these systems are equal on this planet.
This is another reason why when you try to reapply back a climate model to an actual globe, it fails as the globe cannot be averaged due to many processes going on at the same time.
You can individually study a process, but then DON’T make it the ONLY process going on. They are interactive processes and any one process fails, we are extinct…
Can you please provide some actual science, data and references to explain and verify this process.
Models are merely projections of certain scenarios, the science does not rely on them. Actual science of the greenhouse effect can be measured and replicated, measurements at the TOA do measure a drop in energy at the bands affected by CO2, measurements at the surface do measure an increase in those same bands. Whe you look at the last 60 years you find that by natural variation we should have slightly cooled, but that is not what has happened. We have actually increased by 0.6 deg c. The cryosphere is melting faster than expected, sea levels are rising faster than expected and the oceans are warming. As expected weather has started getting more extreme, especially in precipitation events (hail, snow, rain), heat waves and droughts. The only explanation is that of enhanced greenhouse forcing, which is what the science has said since the 80’s and is confirmed by the measurements I mentioned above. Models are used because you cannot experiment with the climate system, the only way they can try and get a handle on where we are going with what we are doing is through models.
There are many explanations, CO2 is one of many theories, and there’s always the good ole Null hypothesis you conveniently forget. If you can’t prove your CO2 warming then the Null hypothesis can be defaulted to. You just can’t say it’s not anything else so it must be CO2, scientifically you can only say, it’s not anything else so it must be natural variation. Statistically warming is well within the previous range of temperture in the current interglacial period, thus within natural variation. Contrary to popular belief you can’t exclude natural variation, and nor should you be able to unless you can do better. CO2 warming does no better than natural variation at explaining late 20th century warming, in fact the current period is inversely correlated to CO2 and the null hypothesis has won the day.
bobl–Michael has proven he is not capable of understanding science. I explained the exclusionary principle and how it tripped up Darwin, how many climate change papers fall back on the “we can’t find anything else” (i.e. exclusionary principle) and how very, very wrong that has turned out to be. He does not care. He doesn’t care about how science works and doesn’t work. He refuses to acknowledge reality, in spite of his screen name. I’m all for keeping with repeating reality in response, but I don’t see that it will take with M. He’s heard it all and refused to acknowledge any flaws in his superior perception and absolute truth. You can’t fix a religious zealot.
The climate is a chaotic system — the largest one in the world, in fact.
A computer has not yet been built that can do the fractal calculations required to model such a system in real time.
Everything that Michael spouts, is either outputs from models that look at simple subsets of the climate system, or unproven hypotheses that attempt to conceptualise one aspect of the climate system, or another.
No doubt entertaining, in an after dinner discussion, but not something that is anywhere near robust enough, to bet a country’s economy on.
The issue is that many politicians and academics and fellow travellers do not realise how little they know.
It is the real physicists, and chemists, and hydrologists, and others in related fields, who just happen to have sufficient in-depth knowledge, in their own specialities, to realise how little is really understood about the climate, and the way it changes.
But these physicists and chemists and hydrologists, et al, are the very people, who get shouted down by the Michael’s of this world, because, to the Michael’s, they are not ordained, and blessed, “climate scientists”.
When the physicists and chemists and hydrologists, et al, try to point out flaws in the “climate science” approach, the Michael’s of this world demand evidence of the flaws. In effect, they ask for the proof of a negative, in order to protect their own misguided position. This is not only illogical, it is also devious and unprofessional, and actually demonstrates that the Michael’s of this world are scientifically illiterate.
There is no point in debating with the Michael’s of this world, because there is no common ground, from which a debate can start.
Rereke Whakaaro,
It is actually not chaotic.
The theory of it being chaotic is the lack of understanding of the whole process as many.
There are trillions of measurements and calculations that could be done just from the planets surface to the outer atmosphere and every point is unique.
Add in planetary tilting, rotation, gases and their different structure and differences, solar ray penetration, gravity, centrifugal force, water and water vapour, distance movement from the sun, rotational slowdown, orbital slowdown, etc, etc…The many combined into one biosphere.
It is facts that seem to be tossed aside to keep their theatrical models alive by using bad mathematics.
got me.. I initially read that word as “theoretical”..
Well done 🙂
Joe Lalonde
Wrong it is manifestly chaotic. From your criticism you appear to believe that all the processes that make-up climate are known, or can be, and all it take is to mathematically concoct a method whereby the answer can be gained. This sounds very foolish and presumes that we know not only all the process involved but also how these interact. We don’t even know accurately the TSI impacting on to the planet (see above
Think about it for a moment. If there are say four processes, 1,2,3, and 4. 1 and 2 interact with 4 but never 3 directly. 3 and 4 react together and reduces 2’s effect on any other. 1 and 4 when interacting together cause 1’s effect to lessen on 2 but only if 2,3,4 have particular ratios. etc., etc, etc,…
Now scale that up to the climate with millions (trillions?) of interacting and independent processes going on (some of which we may not even have found yet), and with all those feedbacks(both immediate negative and positive, and delayed). You think we will ever truly find a formula for that?
Then what – BANG! goes another Krakatoa and you start all over again. Or are you presuming we will be able to predict that too?
Thank you for that explanation.
Joe Lalonde,
I take an engineers perspective on these things (when I am not worrying about propaganda), and a lot of the atmospheric variation is what an electronic engineer would term white noise.
Now, white noise, in an electronic system, can be analysed into a number of frequencies, plus all of their harmonics, and more white noise. And you can then analyse that secondary white noise and the same thing happens, and theoretically does so forever.
And that only applies to a discrete system at one point in time. At another point in time, the white noise will be dependent on a different range of frequencies.
Add to that the occasional pops, and screeches, which are purely random, and non-repetitive, and you have a system that cannot be analysed at all, in real time, using even the most sophisticated measuring equipment and computing power.
Apart from a general hat-tip towards the seasons, and time of day, climate is never repeatable, over any time scale. That is why I say it is chaotic, and therefore non-deterministic, no matter how powerful the analytical engines might be.
tom0mason & Rereke Whakaaro,
It would be a fool to rely totally on mathematics such as we current have with the current scientists.
You have ignorance in the system that do NOT want to further their knowledge that there are vastly more to our complex planet than just a simple mathematical model.
Yes, everything is constantly changing but we can record ALL events and not just whatever the whim of scientists. This would give a better understanding to project the future.
You need a vastly greater knowledge of many areas from past to future and our scientists REALLY ignore the past to push CO2…
If our planet is 4.5 billion years old(and I concur with this) then why is C02 proxies not even close to that old?
But you know, they find they must instead use a bioflatland without night or day.
MIchael’s back, MIchael’s back, MIchael’s back. If you set that to a little tune in your head, it can cheer up and make your day happy and bouncy. MIchael’s back, MIchael’s back, MIchael’s back. Far more useful than actually reading what he writes. All old material, as it is.
Love your attitude, ED!!
Glad you are please. I had to focus on my course and the end of the school year, as both got extremely busy. Both are over now 🙂
I hope you were not an English teacher either.
I have recently read a biography of Lord Cardogan (of the Crimean war). Now there was an arrogant fool whose failure to grasp even the basics of his adopted calling led to a series of blunders. Yet he always believed he was right and everybody else was wrong, whatever the evidence.
The parallel being that there are a lot of “Lord Cardogan’s” employed in climate science?
Jo, that must be embarrassing for you. Neither you nor any of your readers can answer my question and come up with an alternative reason for the warming that is backed up by science and data.
Tell me, what would you consider proof? Do you understand that science of the natural world isn’t that simplistic? Do you understand that I showed above that even your scientists expected it to cool by now due to natural variations. Do you understand that all the above is consistent with what would happen with a world influenced by enhanced greenhouse forcing and that there is no other explanation. You have no answer for all the data presented above, data that is by observation alone. The only evidence available is that CO2 did it, there is no other explanation, and you know it.
The above was in reply to a comment that is stuck in moderation and has not been published.
Michael do you like cheese and biscuits?
Don’t worry Michael there’s hope for you yet, even this bloke has started to wake up. But ya gotta laugh. They’re definitely idiots for sure.
Natural variation. As proved by observation
Science 101 – Everyone has told you and yet you lie and say no one has.
The Null Hypothesis. Until disproven, it IS the science. period. End of discussion.
Your ignorance of science does not embarrass Jo. And apparently you are too ignorant to be embarrassed yourself.
Joe: Boss, we have a major problem. The storm has caused a landslide. A train full of 500 people is heading straight for it! We were going to warn the driver, but Bob stopped us.
Bob: I had good reason. I have a null hypothesis. Our trains have being running safely for years, and there must have been landslides in that period. On that basis, my hypothesis proposes that landslides don’t cause train crashes and the train will arrive at its destination safely.
Boss: Joe, are you certain the train will crash if it keeps going?
Joe: We have been liaising with the police force, the army, the rescue services and the national transport authority to assess the danger. Due to the storm conditions, we can’t be absolutely certain that the landslide has damaged the line enough to cause a crash, but, given its size and location, there is a 95% probability that it has.
Boss: 95%, not 100%. That means we have a one- in-twenty chance it won’t happen.
Joe: That’s an optimistic estimate. The more we look at it the worse the odds get. There is at most a one-in-twenty chance that it won’t happen.
Boss: Can you disprove his null hypothesis?
Joe: Well, I don’t think null hypotheses get disproved. They are either accepted or rejected. I think we have enough proof to reject it.
Boss: But you can’t categorically reject it?
Joe: That’s difficult to do. At 95% certainty there’s debatably enough evidence to consider it rejected. Higher degrees of certainty are normally only achieved in situations that can be tested in laboratory conditions where you have controls. Anyway, time is running out.
Boss: If you can’t categorically reject the null hypothesis then maybe we shouldn’t do anything about it.
Joe: But there is an overwhelming probability that people are going to die! If we at least get the train driver to slow down it might give us enough time to get the obstacle cleared before the train hits it!
Bob: That would mean we would have to change our schedules. That’s a lot of work. Anyway, even if the train crashes you can’t be absolutely certain people are going to die. There might even be benefits. We’ll get the insurance for one thing and it is an old train. We’ve run it into the ground and it was due to be scrapped soon anyway.
Boss: It does sounds like a lot of work, and I’m due on the golf course this afternoon. Anyway! Now I’ve got a null hypothesis that covers my ass. I can refer to that when big government and the mainstream media start kicking up a fuss. You see, Joe, by agreeing with the experts you made the mistake of engaging in groupthink. Bob, you weren’t afraid to ignore the evidence and make the right decision. Well done, you’ve pulled it out of the bag and save my round of golf!
Will J: Have you been taking lessons from M?
First, the correct analogy would be “Our trains have been running safely and there were landslides on the same track as the train continued to travel over and a crash never occurred.” Which is blatantly false, given the physics of the situation.
Second, trains are actual physical entities that can be clearly seen and understood. We know what happens when a train hits a landslide–all of the factors. We know what effect the speed has, the size of the landslides, etc has on the collision.
Third, every single time we crash a train into a landslide, we get a very similar result. One we can film, study and anyone in the vicinity can see.
Properly stated to match AGW science, you would have a model of train on a track that we cannot actually see, we don’t know for sure if there is a landslide, but the model says there is a 95% probability there is, and there is probably a real train out there on a real track, even though the last 17 runs of the model have predicted a crash and none occurred. Based on this model and “evidence”, the vote is to shut down all trains and ignore all the physical evidence.
Thanks Bob
[It would be useful if you could use the ‘Reply’ button (alongside the date and time, just underneath the Commentators name) to actually make a reply. It would then put the conversation in the correct sequence] -Fly
Sorry, Sheri, that was unfair of me. the point I was making was about the null hypothesis. What I was saying was that to wait until the null hypothesis was rejected to take action would be irrational.
[Please see my interjection at #107, about linking comments into conversations] -Fly
See reply #54.
Do you understand that science of the natural world isn’t that simplistic?
Yes but you appear not to.
For example your continuous touting of weather effects on one continent as proof of global warming. Or the belief that what is known today is complete and without unaccounted for errors.
Do you understand that I showed above that even your scientists expected it to cool by now due to natural variations.
So you acknowledge two things –
1. that scientist are not all of one mind in a consensus, no 97%. Excellent you have learned something.
2. That natural variation affects weather and thus climate. Excellent you have learned something else.
Your problem is that you can only see heating as man-made and not a natural variation. Why is warming not a natural variation? Please provide links to the data proving that global warming is not a natural effect.
Do you understand that all the above is consistent with what would happen with a world influenced by enhanced greenhouse forcing and that there is no other explanation.
No they are not! You are reading more in to the theory than there is. Your “enhanced greenhouse forcing” is a myth to get modeled figures to fit expected outcomes. Go study!
You have no answer for all the data presented above, data that is by observation alone.
1. You have presented no verifiable data. You have parrotted the same old lines from your script.
2. Because you believe you have an answer, and we have not, you assume your answer is correct. You misunderstand – your answer is not proven truth!
In reality your touted ‘fact’ are far from any proof of anything but local natural variation.
The only evidence available is that CO2 did it, there is no other explanation, and you know it.
Correlation is not Causation!
I refer you to the above answer but also bare in mind that historical rises in global atmospheric temperatures (1980-1990s) and rises in CO2 levels are not confirmation of fact. Correlation is not Causation!
CO2 has continued to rise global temperatures have not
Increasing extreme weather is global, especially floods, droughts, heatwaves, extreme precipitation (hail, rain snow) etc. Pick up a paper sometime, I do not rely on one continent.
Your scientists are part of the 3% that don’t agree. 97% is not total but then you switch to a few not agreeing as debunking that.
Yes, natural variation will influence climate but warming is an effect, not a cause. Something makes the energy in the system increase. Most natural causes of warming have been investigated and dismissed.
As outlined all the observations are consistent with AGW and a lack of alternative explanation enhances that conclusion. You cannot ignore it because you don’t like it.
Then you finish with trying to say that temps should measure exactly with CO2 thereby trashing everything else you have said above. There is natural variation and it is a complicated system with energy being transferred and moving among the different parts.
“The only evidence available is that CO2 did it”
They call that an ARGUEMENT FROM IGNORANCE… suits you well. !
And nobody here is going to waste their time debunking your pathetic little list of propaganda BS, YET AGAIN !!
Except that warming might also be due to one or more of these forwarded theories …
Reduced cloudiness,
The sun
The ocean, PDO, AMO, IOO.
UHI errors
Solar UV effects.
Natural variation
Measurement error
Black carbon – from the high priest of AGW himself
Reduced Ozone
Cleaner air (less particulates and SOx )
Inappropriate adjustments to data.
Change in surface albedo
Something we dont know about yet….
Or any combination of those
Remember we are talking about a christmas light worth of energy imbalance (0.6w) for each Column of air of 1m x 1m at the surface – almost anything could cause that!
So, nothing else explains it eh? How do you know, oh yeah, thats right, the IPCC, the Green, Greenpeace, Getup or someone told you what you should believe.
Problem with you Michael is you are too lazy to pull out a calculator and check things for yourself, instead you blindly believe what ever your nutcase religion or political group tells you, dunno whether it’s Greenpeace, or WWF or any of the other green religious cults out there.
You can be an environmentalist without being a ignorant fool though, it just means you need to check the causes you fight for YOURSELF, because like all political activist groups and
religious cults, greens lie about stuff to get their own way.
“Remember we are talking about a christmas light worth of energy imbalance (0.6w)”
+/- 28 Christmas lights !!
Ok, ok andy, geez, according to my calculator +/- 28 christmas lights and the 200mw led on the power pack.
There are specialist deprogramming psychiatrists out there if cult-members care to look them up.
Yep, a Christmas light worth of energy imbalance (0.6w) for each Column of air of 1m x 1m at the surface, and nature can’t cope with all that extra heat. That’s because it the special mann-made CO2 heat that heats up deep oceans without heating the surface water first. As every ‘climate scientist’ knows it’s pretty darn amazing stuff.
I would hate to see the heating that some of my neighbours are doing with their Christmas lights !!
Its that time of year, I guess 🙂
Me, well, I’m being a responsible climate citizen… no Christmas lights for me !!!
Ba- Humbug ! 😉
I guess that makes you the -28 christmas light, oh and dont forget the – powerpak led.
Christmas lights are such a good analogy for this time of year dont you think? So much better than Hiroshima bombs. Maybe I should do an app in units of Christmas lights, much more uplifting.
Maybe a game, wheres wally’s global warming christmas light
How about plugging in your lights in your neighbors outlets?
You then are not actually draining power…your neighbor is. 🙂
After all, are your taxes not also paying for the street and traffic lights?
I LOVE it!
Christmas lights v Hiroshima bombs.
Who wouldn’t be more uplifted by Christmas tree lights? If I can help, please let me know.
Actually bobl, if you could expand on your excellent summary in #37 for the benefit of the young future scientists reading this site, I would love to be able to add my 2c worth.
Well, if you click on the little thingy at the bottom right on the window and drag down and to the right you could expand it yourself :-)…. Sorry, carried away with all the Christmas mirth around here, especially MV, oceans dissapearing up stove pipes, lewinksi affect… priceless .
Um, YEP, what do you want to blow up, I mean expand…
Hmm, yeah, I don’t really know bobl.
I guess I was thinking out loud. But I just feel that there should be somewhere, like Jo’s site where the basics of concepts like “energy”, what it is and how it works could be explained in simple terms.
I’m thinking of say 10 year olds and teenagers (like Jordan and Tom from a previous post).
I’m not thinking of MTR and his kind, because that would be a waste of time. I cringe whenever he writes on this site because I wonder how many young impressionable minds his cliché thinking will infect.
But as I said, I was probably just thinking out loud.
Jo amd I have had some exchanges about this. There really is a need for some alternative resources for schoolkids in the debate, particularly as the politically correct version is embedded into the National curriculum. I already suggested to Jo that we could build a page, or tree actually, that has the basics. For example, the scientific method, the carbon/oxygen cycle, the hydrological cycle, basics of meteorology, the basic greenhouse hypothesis, pro / con arguments and so on.
One of the things computers mess up is precision, when a computer spits out a result to 47 decimal places people believe it’s that precise, even if the source data only is precise to 2 significant places. Like our imbalance, 0.6W +/- 17 W the error heae is 30 times the value, 0.6W is precise to 0 significant digits, yet we still use it even though the actual value could be anything between -16.4 watts and 17.6 watts.
For example the formation of frost is a fascinating and very relevant topic, frost forms on clear nights where surface heat can directly radiate to space. This shows the huge losses of heat that go straight to space from the surface via the IR passband. This suggests that the litmus test of AGW aught to be reduced frost (which I might add is a huge, huge benefit to mankind – most plants hate frost), instead it’s never mentioned.
The natural world is so interesting… well for a geek like me anyway.
I had the unfortunate experience of having to face one of the worst side effects of rising CO2 today, warm days, lots of rain, rising CO2 and the lawn has grown 3 cm in a week,, so was out mowing today, counting my carbon offset.
The magpies loved it though, followed me around waiting for me to stir up the insects for them.
bobl, #97 on the frost thing. (I clicked reply but today who knows where this comment will end up.)
As an example I downloaded and graphed Monthly mean minimum temperature at Durdidwarrah because it is same latitude as Melbourne but a fair way inland and would have lower min temps and more frosts.
T_min has a linear trend of +0.018 degrees per decade over the whole set since 1903.
Since 1976 to 1999 there is no trend, totally flat. If AGW was true T_min should be increasing, how quirky!
Since there is global humidity data available after 1976 it may be useful to look at this shorter time period. Globally averaged absolute and relative humidity has been increasing over the last 30 years.
There’s a handy chart relating temperature and saturation point which I need for my reasoning:
Daily minimum temperatures at that site have had no change,
AND absolute humidity for the southern hemisphere had almost no change,
AND Dew point is proportional to Temperature,
AND Frost point is proportional to Dew Point,
THEREFORE saturation is no more likely,
and there should be no change in frequency of frosts.
I can’t check if that prediction is false because BoM doesn’t have frost records for these inland areas.
You could get frosts less often with no change in temperature if absolute humidity has decreased, but it seems from the measurements that didn’t happen. Conversely you may get frosts less often while temperatures are decreasing as long as humidity decreases to compensate, but that combination didn’t happen either.
If you have both temperature and humidity increase (ie Northern hemisphere actuals) then you may get frosts more or less often depending on exactly how much faster the humidity increases relative to the temperature increase. You can see from the psychrometric chart (how am I going to use that word in a conversation) that increasing both temperature and absolute humidity can create a path of constant relative humidity, with no change in incidence of condensation or frosts. The exact figures will matter in that case.
That’s based on my reading the chart, I’m not a meteorologist, so your guess is at least as good as mine.
Also the higher humidity would increase the heat capacity of air and so it would heat up less for the same input of solar energy. However the humidity is not an independent variable, obviously, it’s driven higher by evaporation from higher land and sea surface temperatures caused by Other Factors (exact mix yet to be determined). That higher heat capacity would also decrease Diurnal Temperature Range (DTR).
It’s actually DTR reduction that was hailed as a fingerprint of an enhanced greenhouse effect and from what I can recall this DTR reduction was in fact found in the world temperature data. Of course the issue there is… UHI… which also increases night time temperatures and so could lead to DTR reduction if it does not increase daytime temperatures by the same amount. How much of the alleged DTR reduction was due to greenhouse, versus humidity increase, versus UHI, I do not know.
I think you’ve a good idea. It’s not that hard to explain the concepts, work, power and energy without more than a little straight forward math. Maybe without any math.
It’s something the schools could easily do. But the problem is that the average K – 12 teacher may not have the background to understand it thoroughly themselves and so it could easily get messed up quite unintentionally.
Now who can start up the site and keep it going?
Thank you bobl and Roy for your feedback.
I can understand why Jo’s site might not be able to include such a section.
I gather from your list bobl, that you’ve thought about the issue as well. All those topics sound like the ideas rattling around in my head as well.
I agree Roy, that some concepts could and should be described using minimal maths.
I’m trying to think laterally at the moment, so please forgive the disjointed suggestions.
1. As a trial, Blogger provides free blog sites to which several authors may contribute.
2. Anyone may submit a post by emails to other contributors for their “proof reading”, “suggestions” or for assistance with pictures, graphs, animations or even videos. Ie. Youtube links.
3. Start with the simple explanations but staged to more complex articles, but overall, keep it accurate and apolitical (thus no need to refer to IPCC dogma etc).
I’ve seen other sites that have attempted something similar e.g. PhET however I’m not impressed by their “environmental” articles or their “electrical” explanations. Both are misleading and inaccurate, in my opinion.
If you would like to discuss the idea further, Jo has my email address and I would ask her to supply it to you.
It’s actually good to have those like M posting here. The “young impressionable minds” get to see the dogma of climate science. Better yet, there are enough people here that explanations vary and some may resonate more clearly to the readers than others. The way I look at it is if we can’t get through to others with our writings, we need to improve our writings. We also need to accept that there are those who are easily pulled into dogma of many kinds because one does not have to think when repeating something over and over. There’s little we can do to reach these people. Those who are interested and questioning will see through the dogma. In addition, while it’s probably not always polite and well-mannered on here, it should be apparent that some people simply cannot be dealt with in such a fashion. I’m guessing teenagers and young adults are well aware that sometimes just letting someone “have it” is the only way to deal with that person. Sadly, not everyone is here to discuss science. There are those that are here to push an agenda. If anyone is unclear on why the sarcasm and angry retorts occur, they can ask for clarification. The truth is, if you are genuinely interested in learning about climate change, this is a good place to be.
I agree we need a simplified, yet accurate version of climate change to present to school aged kids. Something not involving burning Barbie dolls. Perhaps I can some up with something. I like writing and especially for kids (I proof-read better than my typing here would indicate, in case my typos and left-out words here make people wonder :)). If anyone else can do the same, go for it. Different ways of presenting things makes it likely the material will be understood by a larger audience, as noted above.
Hi Sheri,
I don’t know whether what I’m suggesting is even technically feasible, that’s why I would welcome your input and advice.
I guess someone will have to get the ball rolling, so to speak, so if you wish, please ask Jo for my email address, I’d be more than happy to go beyond the conjecture stage. Maybe it could work, maybe it’d fail. As Einstein said, “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
MaxL–just click on my name, which links to my blog and you can contact me that way. I, too, am not sure how to proceed but am willing to give this a try.
Hi Sheri. I like your ideas, Do you think there is a simplified, evidence free, way of teaching kids about climate change? It’s important we keep the evidence out because otherwise they might accept the dogma being spread by the scientists who look at the data and report it back.
Why, yes, Will. There is. And the warmists use it all the time. No need to come up with anything in that category.
This is in response to Will at #105. I’m not sure why the reply landed at the bottom, but I thought I should clarify to which comment I was responding.
[In the course of moderating the spamming by dear Michael, a post was pulled out of the thread. This has a permanent effect on the nesting function. Some replies work and many don’t. It’s a quirk with WordPress or something. Best to use a reference post number in your replies.] ED
Shades of the Obamacare web site come to haunt us I’m sure.
Clearly its better to snip a post rather than to pull it entirely.
Not spamming, I answer questions when I can. If they did not ask me questions my posts would be significantly less. If I don’t answer the questions it is taken as I don’t know the answers. I am caught between a rock and a hard place with no solution.
[Michael, all comments with lots of links will automatically get moderated. I only know of a few of your posts that were not set free and that was because the material appeared to be mass duplication of previous material. If you want to have better results, try including say three links or less per post.] ED
Michael #125: You’re claiming to answer questions?????
More appropriately it has not been debunked at all, and the sole reason is because you can’t.
and Bobl with his list of maybes and excuses, culminating in
just shows how ridiculous your excuses are. Basically your whole argument is, we will accept basically anything else, even nothing at all, except what the science, data and observations are telling us.
Again totally devoid of any science, logic or reasoning.
Yes it has. Several times in fact. With science, not religion. But you rejected it because you did not like the science debunking your religion.
The only thing worse than ignorance is the rejection of knowledge. And you just claimed that prize.
I’ve been reading all your posts and I feel it’s about time you heard a few home truths from me about the state of the Global Warming debate (I refuse to call it ‘climate change’ as that was just a massive PR exercise in moving the goalposts). Right, here we go:
1) Censorship and Closing Down DebateDavid is not my real name. I have to use a pseudonym as I fear I would lose my job if my real name was seen here. I’m a maths and science teacher who was told by the Head of Science that I “wasn’t allowed” to tell the students about the logarithmically weakening ability of CO2 to cause the atmosphere to warm. The same Head of Science told me to take a graph off my classroom wall that showed the existence of the MWP and to remove a pie chart from my board that showed the really miniscule percentage of the atmosphere that is occupied by CO2. The HoS also made the children in her class design posters that inaccurately described naturally occurring CO2 as ‘pollution’. If she knew I was posting here she would go straight to the Headmaster, and I can’t afford to put my job in jeopardy. In other words, the censorious nature of global warming alarmists makes others have to hide their identities.
2)Busted PredictionsIn 1988 Hansen’s grandstanding in front of congress (when he turned off the air conditioning to make it appear sweltering) culminated in him presenting his ABC scenariosthat predicted a rise of 0.8 deg C by today with our current level of CO2 emissions. That hasn’t happened.
We were told that snow would be a thing of the past. That hasn’t happened.
We were told by Al Gore and others that the North Pole would be ice free by 2013. That hasn’t happened.
We were also told by Tim Flannery that Australia would be in permanent drought. That hasn’t happened.
3)Big GreenUs sceptics are constantly being told that we are all ‘fossil-fuel funded deniers’. In fact the reality is that Big Oil are more than happy to fund green events and global warming research centres. It seems that greenies are quite ready to take Big Oil’s shilling when it pleases them. In reality, Big Oil love the global warming hysteria as it has helped to put their competitor, Big Coal, out of business.
3)Weak Excuses For The Lack of WarmingWhen the warming stopped after 1998, the Greenies started to use the excuse that the heat had gone to hide in the oceans depths. Rubbish – if that really was the case, why wasn’t it hiding in the sea between 1980 and 1998, when the Warmist zealots were screaming about the warming surface temperatures? Did the warmth suddenly change its mind in 1998?
4)Useless Green Tech Raising My BillsIf the whole global warming scam was just about naive people such as yourself getting your knickers in a twist, I wouldn’t care less. But in reality it does matter, as useless ‘renewable’ technology and ‘green tariffs’ has caused my energy bills, air fares, car petrol prices, etc to skyrocket. This directly affects my quality of mine and my children’s lives and so I’m hopping mad.
5)Green HypocrisyZealots such as yourself really make me feel sick with your hypocrisy. I see Al Gore and David Suzuki with their multiple massive houses jetting round the world telling us little people to reduce our ‘carbon footprint’. If you greenies really hated fossil fuel products that much you’d turn off your electrical energy powered computers made of plastic and get off the net. However, you’re more than happy to use the modern marvel of fossil fuels when it suits you.
In summary: ‘Global Warming’ is just power-hungry propaganda for the uber-wealthy such as Al Gore and his Hollywood fools. You’ve been had Michael, fair and square.
Email coming your way David… Jo
You tell a very chilling story in your item 1. In spite of the fact that it may risk your job to speak up I think your direct experience posted here is a valuable contribution to spreading the truth. I’ve not seen anything like this before, though I could have missed something.
I can only speak for myself but from me, thank you for laying out the ugly details that you live with every working day.
At the risk of this thread turning into a mutual support exercise, I would like to say many thanks for your reply – it’s much appreciated!
I’d also love a reply from Mike the Unrealist, but I don’t think it’ll be quite as positive 😉
David Smith @113,
You’re welcome. Our realist friend is unlikely to appreciate being called out but it’s important to do it because other readers can see the rebuttal.
It looks like the site is in trouble. The comment indenting and subcomment numbering aren’t working — or at least haven’t been since somewhere above here.
“This directly affects my quality of mine and my children’s lives and so I’m hopping mad.”
Whoops, typo! The above sentence should have read:
“This directly affects the quality of my life and my children’s lives and so I’m hopping mad.”
Sorry also for the missing spaces in some of the text – HTML tags giving me grief!
David, it is sad that you are a science teacher and that you try to perpetuate your anti science misinformation to young minds. You start right of the bat with an utter silly and irrelevent argument about climate change or global warming. Please feel free to tell me when the name was changed, by whom and why. Actual facts (which a science teacher should be able to find) tell you that the 2 are linked and have been used ever since it became an issue. Long term global warming causes regional climate change. In 1956 Gilbert Plass wrote an important paper called the ‘The carbon Dioxide Theory of climate Change’. In the mid 1980’s the IPCC was formed (the CC stands for climate change). So again when was the name changed from global warming to climate change, by whom and why? So massive fail already, do I need to go further?
I can see why you might be persecuted, you are employed to teach actual science and not try to force your ideology on the students you teach, unless you are a politics or philosophy teacher I suppose. End of story there, fully justified.
The MWP existed but according to virtually all reconstructions is not as hot as today, and apart from that it is the reason that counts. It is hot today due to enhanced greenhouse warming because of mans emissions. It was hot back then to other factors. Your pie chart of mans emissions to total CO2 also irrelevent and misleading to young minds. It is not its total % that counts because it is part of a cycle. The planet absorbs more CO2 that it emits, mans emissions are new CO2 that has been locked away for millions of years and being added to the carbon cycle, hence CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing. Increased by 40% since industrialisation due to mans emissions. Also scientifically it is its effect in the atmosphere and not the amount, this is fake science of small numbers, but science is full of small numbers having significant effects. Look at iron in the body, what is the optimum amount? How much is to much, how much is to little? Tell me that and we will discuss that argument more.
Your comments by individuals are mostly taken out of context and have nothing to do with the science. What did the IPCC say on those issues? I could put forward my own list…
Anthony Watts and Steven Goddard said the Arctic would recover in 2010, but instead we saw 2012 reach a record melt.
John Mclean said that 2011 would be as cold as 1956, but instead it was about 0.6 deg c hotter, even though it was a cooling la nina year and solar has fallen since 1956.
Recent research shows that fossil fuel companies siphon about 1 billion dollars annually to skeptics to present anti science. What they do in public is window dressing.
Warming hasn’t stopped and is not hiding, very non scientific analysis. The Earth is gaining energy, only about 5% of that energy goes into the atmosphere, the rest goes in other areas such as warming the land, the oceans (70% of the surface and km deep) and the melting of the cryosphere. You are ignoring the multitude of evidence and data to focus on one parameter that fits your confirmation bias.
The rest similarly superficial and non scientific, stick to the science and stop brain washing children.
Michael #118: We all celebrate a science teacher that actually teaches science, of which David is one. It is teachers who parrot the party line that we don’t celebrate. And, my dear Michael, are a parrot. You never listen to answers to your questions and you repeat yourself constantly. Teachers who would teach as you would could easily be replaced by a recording on a computer. No original thought and the students just parrot back. I see a great decrease in the need for such “teachers”–if all we do is parrot, replace them with a bunch of videos to memorize and spout back on demand.
The convenience of an on/off switch, or maybe even a power plug, seems soooooo attractive.
Sheri your comment is disingenuous. David is parotting the party line with a bundle of dot points that have no scientific merit. I pointed those out. Please explain which of my explanations were incorrect. Can you tell me when the name change occurred from global warming to climate change, by whom and why? Can you tell me the scientific validity to a pie chart of the different components of the atmosphere as if a small quantity of something says anything about its effect? etc.
You support David and his on scientific attempt at brainwashing children purely because he is a compatriot to his view without any analysis of his arguments. Maybe I do say the same thing, but that is because the basic science does not change and nobody here can validly explain away the basic science or the questions that I pose. They do as you have just done and try and dismiss me with some vapid insult.
Your assertions have all been thoroughly debunked all over this blog. You continue to threadbomb the same bunk everywhere you go just hoping we will give up in frustration, then claim that it hasn’t all been debunked.
So, let’s take another look at your little list of “science”:
—Sea levels have risen twice as fast than the previous average
What “previous average”? This assertion is meaningless to the extreme, but is clearly designed to mislead the unwary. We all know that sea levels have risen as we have been coming out of The Little Ice Age (a period which rank warmists deny!). The question for you however is: What are ALL of the factors which influence sea level? I am certain that you do not know, but let me assure you that it is more than ocean temperatures and ice melt.
The problem for you when you say “previous average” is that you rely on a statistically insignificant time scale for your “current average” while using a far longer time scale for your “previous average”. The fact is that the rate of rise could have been just as high during various periods way back then as it is now. You do not know. What was the rate of sea level rise during the Medieval warm Period and The Roman Warm Period (more periods which rank warmists deny)? Yes, you do not know, because your numbers have been averaged over a far longer time scale. The evidence that sea level rise was significant back then is there, you only need to look.
—Minimum ice extent in the Arctic has fallen about 50%
This is patently false. For this number you again rely on a statistically insignificant time scale (one year). The evidence is there that Arctic sea ice extent has been just as low in recent times as it has been in the past few years. Why do you ignore the recovery?
Why do warmists skip talking about Antarctic sea ice extent? Oh, yes, its because its at record high levels.
—Globally ice volume has fallen
Of course it has. So?
—Almost all glaciers are receding
Of course they are. So?
—Ocean warming has continued to the present
There is actually evidence that recently it has declined, however that is not statistically significant. The fact is that we do not have reliable real temperature data on ocean temperatures for a long enough period. I don’t think that anybody would deny that the oceans have warmed since the LIA. So?
—Ocean PH has fallen 30%, with evidence from around the world of species migration and corals and crustaceans under stress
This statement is patently false. You are saying that the ocean’s PH has fallen from around 8.25 to just below 5.8. This is an outright LIE!!(why are we not surprised?). Ocean PH cannot be measured in any way to be able to give an accurate number, due to natural variability. Were these corals and crustaceans interviewed on the ABC? Did they tell us all how stressed out they are? The fact is that there has been species migration in the World since the year dot. Nothing to see here…. move along…..
—Hot day records are beating cold ones by 3 to 1
This is just another of your lies. Where do you get this crap from? The fact is that COLD records far outnumber warm records being broken.
—Hot night records are beating cold ones by 5 to 1
See above.
—Extreme precipitation events by observation are up by 7% per degree
What does this mean, considering that we do not have even one degree of warming? Clearly the “precipitation events by observation” are up because we have more observation. Are you able to measure this is any meaningful way? I think not.
—2001 to 2010 was the hottest decade globally, on land, ocean, every continent and in both hemispheres in the instrumental record.
Not it was not.
—2010 was the wettest year since records began
No it was not.
—Europes heat wave in 2003 and Russias one in 2010 were determined to be so outside natural variation statistically that they would not have occurred without the influence of AGW.
Determined by whom? You are saying that Russia and Europe have not previously had heat waves to match or exceed these? This is plainly false. What about the record cold winters? Oh yes, hot or cold, it’s all CO2 and AGW, isn’t it?
—2012 was US hottest year
No it wasn’t.
—2013 Australia has broken hottest 12 months twice, hottest day, hottest month, warmest winter etc. Bushfires have started unusually early and ferociously.
No, Australia has broken nothing. The bushfires were not unusually early. Are you suggesting that something to do with AGW and CO2 starts bush fires? What really started the bushfires Michael?
—2010 to 2013 have been among the worst for extreme weather events ever
No, they have not
—China has already this year had 5 billion dollar weather disasters.
Ummm… “already this year”? Its the end of December, so how can you make such a statement?… oh, that’s right, its copy and paste. Could you please provide a list of weather disasters with a cost evaluation at today’s dollar for the past 100 years for China? Then perhaps we could see some significance in your statement?
—2012 was the US second worst for extreme weather
No it wasn’t.
—Typhoon haiyan fastest winds to ever hit landfall
No they were not. Could you please explain to all of us ignoramuses how CO2 drives typhoons? Peer reviewed science please.
—On average there is now 5 times as many record breaking hot months than could be expected without AGW
What average? How do you arrive at a figure of “5 times as many”? How many months exactly is this and over what time period? How do you correlate AGW with it? The historical record shows that we have had just as many record breaking hot months (and hotter!) in the past as we have now.
Nothing at all in your list supports your assumption of AGW due to CO2. Nothing.
Really? You consider that a debunking? Some of your answers…
Of course it has. So? ***Cumulative evidence that fits AGW predictions and with no natural answer.
Of course they are. So? ***Cumulative evidence that fits AGW predictions and with no natural answer.
This is just another of your lies. Where do you get this crap from? The fact is that COLD records far outnumber warm records being broken. ***Peer reviewed science given to you before, so actual fact.
See above. ***See above
What does this mean, considering that we do not have even one degree of warming? Clearly the “precipitation events by observation” are up because we have more observation. Are you able to measure this is any meaningful way? I think not. ***peer reviewed science posted before.
Not it was not. ***Again from the science
No it was not. ***etc
Determined by whom? You are saying that Russia and Europe have not previously had heat waves to match or exceed these? This is plainly false. What about the record cold winters? Oh yes, hot or cold, it’s all CO2 and AGW, isn’t it? ***Peer reviewed statistical study, looking at previous data.
No it wasn’t. ***yawn
No, Australia has broken nothing. The bushfires were not unusually early. Are you suggesting that something to do with AGW and CO2 starts bush fires? What really started the bushfires Michael? ***So BOM are lying, the old massive global conspiracy defense. CO2 enhanced warming increases the likelihood of bushfires, duh.
No, they have not ***Yawn
Ummm… “already this year”? Its the end of December, so how can you make such a statement?… oh, that’s right, its copy and paste. Could you please provide a list of weather disasters with a cost evaluation at today’s dollar for the past 100 years for China? Then perhaps we could see some significance in your statement? ***This was actually calculated earlier in the year and is significant in todays dollars.
No it wasn’t. ***
No they were not. Could you please explain to all of us ignoramuses how CO2 drives typhoons? Peer reviewed science please. ***I did not say it drives tyhoons. More energy and moisture and warmer oceans will effect storms, it is where weather comes from.
What average? How do you arrive at a figure of “5 times as many”? How many months exactly is this and over what time period? How do you correlate AGW with it? The historical record shows that we have had just as many record breaking hot months (and hotter!) in the past as we have now. ***AGAIN ACTUAL PEER REVIEWED STUDIES. As pointed out, it is not whether sometime in the distant past it was hotter (4 billion plus years has seen many extremes in both directions), it is why and its consequences for us. There are no natural variations to account for the observations.
Also I did not say that ph fell from 8.25 to 5.8, you made that up, it is logarithmic. Go learn some facts, and it can indeed be measured.
Similarly, the ocean warming can be and is measured.
The Arctic melt is a long term trend from the whole satelite record and studies show it is significant and faster than in the past. It has been a long time since it has melted that fast or that much. You made up the one year thing, you are the one claiming a one year recovery from the record melt last year.
You remind me why I try to avoid respnding to you, so little science and such a big waste of time debating virtually nothing of substance.
Is that a challenge?
Would you like me to take your propaganda apart, bit by bit, for all to see? I normally just ignore it, because you are a rank amateur, but if you want it done, bring it on.
You want embarrassing !!
How about Hansen’s 3 scenarios.. even after his massive adjustments, real temps are tracking well below his zero emissions scenario………. HOW EMBARRASSING!!
Then , how about Flannery’s “dams will never fill” speech… gees how embarrassing was that… particularly combined with his Gaia rants.
Then there’s that Arctic will be ice free by 2013 prediction.. poor guy must be BLUSHING with embarrassment.
Then there’s the climate models.. The only ones that com within cooee of reality are those with very low CO2 sensitivity or assume massive reductions in CO2 output…. Now they are REALLY EMBARRASSING !!!!
Then there is an embarrassing list of trumped up and concocted mis-statements that someone has on cut and paste.. and has no understanding of..
That is truly the height of embarrassment.. ZERO knowledge except how to cut and paste. DOH !!!
Saint Michael of the Surreal,
Yesterday I saw your list of assertions above, indeed I could not miss them since you copied and pasted it three times in this thread. I was tired and couldn’t be bothered to respond to it. Even now I cannot be bothered to reply in detail because I have seen from the numerous interactions between yourself and the gathered menagerie that you are immovable, rusted-on, and impervious to both logic and particular sorts of evidence. I do not think that is a mischaracterisation. It’s happened enough to be a trend.
Your obstinance probably stems from at least these three errors:
1) assuming the Null hypothesis (of natural change) has been disproved when it hasn’t, and
2) assuming warmist scientists are infallible but skeptical scientists are not, and
3) applying a deontological moral paradigm (“Thou must not warm”) by assuming any warming will be bad and any activity contributing to that warming is bad regardless of actual scale and regardless of the natural warmings that creatures less sophisticated than ourselves have had to face in the past.
Even now, you interpret the lack of any comprehensive detailed response to your laundry list as a sign that no counter-argument is possible and therefore you are right. In doing so you have assumed that absence of evidence is evidence of absence. That is itself yet another logical fallacy. It is becoming so predictable as to be cartoonish.
I do not know if you can reform.
You should try to reform because you presently risk becoming irrelevant.
There’s no Hiroshima bombs in Vietnam. It’s just snowed in Vietnam.
Snowing in Vietnam? What the hell, man, what the hell?
It’s that Global Weirding I tells ya!
NTZ may offer some more sane speculation.
It’s an anti- hiroshima bomb, you heard it here fist, climatologist discover anti-energy…
Well that was entertaining, what is a “Realist”?
Would a realist obsess about a temperature trend, supposedly of 0.6C in data with a traditional error rate(eye ball error) of +/- 1C and an instrument error of about the same(mercury thermometer)
Most people in the real world would recognize such a trend, being less than the error bands, as noise.
Oddly enough in published papers of 1989 several of team IPCC, also acknowledged they could find no significant trend in the historical data.Bradley&??, yet 10 years later they had this modified to the new gospel of computer models.G.I.G.O indeed.
Then would a realist claim this historical data is directly comparable to temperature measurements from modern airports?
Digital devices that must be calibrated to operate within the chosen range, of approximately 40 degrees C of accuracy.
This was highlighted in Alaska last winter, the digital stations recorded a record low, NOAA said cannot verify, outside accurate range of device, cannot measure below -40.
Small wonder the Arctic is perceived to be warming.
Is this O/T?
Cold snap brings an almost white Christmas to Vietnam, Thailand
send Hiroshima bombs urgently.
Well that was entertaining, what is a “Realist”?
Would a realist obsess about a temperature trend, supposedly of 0.6C in data with a traditional error rate(eye ball error) of +/- 1C and an instrument error of about the same(mercury thermometer)
Most people in the real world would recognize such a trend, being less than the error bands, as noise.
Oddly enough in published papers of 1989 several of team IPCC, also acknowledged they could find no significant trend in the historical data.Bradley&??, yet 10 years later they had this modified to the new gospel of computer models.G.I.G.O indeed.
Then would a realist claim this historical data is directly comparable to temperature measurements from modern airports?
Digital devices that must be calibrated to operate within the chosen range, of approximately 40 degrees C of accuracy.
This was highlighted in Alaska last winter, the digital stations recorded a record low, NOAA said cannot verify, outside accurate range of device, cannot measure below -40.
Small wonder the Arctic is perceived to be warming.
Jo if this duplicates please delete, not sure if it posted.
Furthermore, MOST of that trend can be accounted for PURELY as Hansenite adjustments.
If we go back another few years to the late 1930’s and use UNADJUSTED real data, the trend coms down to about .1C in 75 years. !
Even the paltry .6C in 60 years that he yaps on about is easily accounted for by the strong solar cycles of the latter half of the 20th century, data adjustments (about 80% of that .6C) and the fact that many temperature stations have been inundated by urban expansion.
.6 is not paltry in global temperatures, it is 10% of the difference needed to transition to an ice age. Globally it is huge and there is no reason for it. Feel free to point out another global data set that says anything differently. The UHI effect has been proven by several peer reviewed studies to have negligible effect on global temp sets and the .1c you are going on about is a total fabrication. Please point to a data set that says the increase since the 30’s is only .1 c.
Please show the peer reviewed science that says that the strong solar cycles of the latter half can explain the rise. It is my understanding that solar power has fallen since the 50’s.
Again just a bunch of excuses.
Prove it. Show us the historical rise and fall in temperature over similar time periods. You do not need to go back the entire 4.5 billion years. Just a couple million should do.
If you cannot, then indeed it is trivial until proven otherwise. There goes that nasty Null Hypothesis again! The thing you are clueless on.
As usual, your understanding is SADLY LACKING !!
And those papers ignoring the UHI effect were all from the warmist brigade, reviewed by their bretheren. They are meaningless.
“.6 is not paltry in global temperatures, it is 10% of the difference needed to transition to an ice age. ”
wow.. we are somewhere between another ice age and a comfortable abundant temperature like the MWP
The LIA and MWP were both NATURALLY OCCIURING EVENTS, so we are still well within the range of NATURALLY OCCURING EVENTS
Maybe we can get somewhere near the MWP or RWP if we make a decent effort.
Using UNCORRUPTED NOAA ocean data.
And a pre-adjustment GISS (Hansen) US temp graph
As you can see, in both the graphs the 1930-40 were well above the average around 2000,
so, as there has been basically ZERO rise in global temperatures since 2000,
it is highly likely that the 1930-40 period was ACTUALLY WARMER than now.
It is ONLY the “adjustments” that have occurred in the temperature record since Hansen for some reason (I suspect money)
decided he needed to CREATE a warming trend, that give ANY rise in temperature AT ALL since the 1930-40’s
Michael. Can you show us just ONE report from recent times where birds and bats were falling dead out of the sky from the heat and livestock were dropping dead in the paddock? Just one? Then I may consider your “record temperatures”.
Keep up the good work, Jo. Cook and his gang of kooks deserve the push-back and ridicule.
Michael the realist wins the “most ironic name” award for this bit of unreality:
“that there is no other explanation.”
That sums up the miasma of the AGW obsessed rather well.
Feel free to provide the other explanation that is backed up by science and data. AGW fits it perfectly, the science says it will cause warming that will have certain consequences. All are occurring while net natural factors are flat or cooling. Does not matter which way you look at the actual science and observations, only AGW explains fully what is currently happening.
O/T, but interesting to see the Renewable Energy Target (RET) on the Abbott government’s agenda for review. The RET is a hidden tax driving up electricity prices not just for households but making all businesses less competitive, and raising costs for schools and hospitals. So all budgets increase for no gain, the only winners being the investors in wind and solar who get a guaranteed market. Oh wait, it’s saving the planet??
Renewable Power is costing on average, here in Australia 17% of your power bill. The CO2 Tax costs you an extra 13%, and Upgrades to the electrical power infrastructure to cope with renewable power a further 12% adding up to 42% and then add on the GST to that it now comes in at 46%.
Almost half your power bill goes on Green imposts.
27 cents per KWH for electricity at retail, and, unencumbered by green policies, coal fired power can sell (at a profit) its power to the retailers for 3 cents per KWH.
2 things Tony.
Firstly, what is the source of your figures, they do not match what I have read.
Secondly, they are not green imposts, (and how is the GST in the mix at all?), they are required to reduce our relience on fossil fuel (which also has subsidies) and which are causing pollution that is affecting the climate in an increasingly detrimental way. Encouraging renewable industries will create jobs, a much better investment than other industries looking for handouts, because the product is a growth industry. The carbon tax by all reports will hardly see prices fall at all because most business’s just absorbed it.
So scrapping everything, like Tony has, will see a transfer of income to the government with a budget emergency to pollutint industries, see a new expense of the direct action needing funding by the taxpayer, and cost jobs. Sounds like a bad idea to me.
Bob Tisdale looks at the warming and cooling of the oceans at various depths.
So why are the Pacific and Nth Atlantic oceans showing either no warming or indeed some cooling over the last 10 years?
If human co2 emissions were to blame surely the same temp variations should be seen everywhere?
And who believes the measurement accuracy of hundredths and thousandths of a degree? Of course pre Argo temps were measured from buckets etc, but only on well used shipping lanes. That’s a tiny area of all the ocean’s surface. Surely those earlier temps must be very doubtful?
Michael are you for real? Surely you don’t believe your silly nonsense above?
Go and take a bex and have a rest, you need it.
extra heat in the planets atmosphere is not accumulative. if for any reason gets warmer than normal -> oxygen &nitrogen expend extra and release extra heat and equalize in a jiffy:
18 Dec: Fox News: Perry Chiaramonte: End of the line for the lead bullet? Regulations, bans force switch to ‘green’ ammo
When the last bullet-producing lead smelter closes its doors on Dec. 31, it will mark a major victory for those who say lead-based ammunition pollutes the environment, but others warn ‘green’ bullets will cost more, drive up copper prices and do little to help conservation…
“Switching to nontoxic lead ammunition will save the lives of eagles, condors and thousands of other birds every year – and, importantly, will keep hunters and their families from being exposed to toxic lead,” the Center for Biological Diversity said in a statement…
The Army has been researching a more environment-friendly bullet at the Picatinny Arsenal, in New Jersey, since 2010…
But with the biggest buyer of ammo switching to copper-core, “green” bullets, and the number of state bans on lead bullets growing, ammunition makers are adapting. ..
“This will inevitably increase the cost of electronic devices that use copper,” wrote Yardley.”It will add to the cost of a wiring a new home, having an adverse impact on the housing industry.”
“The Treasury Department already wants to discontinue the penny due to the cost of producing it. A rising cost of copper will only add impetus to that, and might encourage them to repeat the response to a copper shortage during WWII, and produce pennies from steel.”
“Remember we are talking about a christmas light worth of energy imbalance (0.6w) ”
plus or minus 28 Christmas lights.. !!!
Judas Priest.
Evidently, Adelaide had their hottest December day for 80 years, and umm, why was it so hot way back then, long long, before Global Warming.
Wind Power, the big contributor to power consumption in South Australia. (sarc)
Now, look at this chart for wind power in SA yesterday on that second graph there. Unclick all the wind plants on the left and then unclick All on the right. This shows all the wind plants in SA. They were generating on average around 200MW an hour, and that’s around a 15% Capacity Factor.
Now scroll down a bit to the third graph and untick all but SA.
Between the hours of 7AM and 10PM SA was consuming on average 2300MW per hour, so wind was supplying only 8.7% of the power actually being consumed, and even that was variable as sometimes it was as low as 3.7%.
Now look at this chart for electricity prices for Australia.
Look especially at SA and the Peak Period, 7AM until 10PM.
$1258.79 per MWH or $1.26 per KWH, power that they can only sell at the regulated price of 28 cents per KWH, a huge loss.
So on average, they sold that average 2300MW for 16 hours (36,800MW) at an incoming (28 cents per KWH) of $9.56 MIllion
For those retailers selling that power, they had to pay $46.324 MIllion, a loss of $37 Million.
Wind power – Expensive when it’s working, and even more expensive when it’s not working.
Someone has to pay for that to be recovered.
“Someone has to pay for that to be recovered.”
Tax payers, and power bills..
or the companies go belly-up.
Now wouldn’t that be fun for the SA’s !!
***the people commenting seem to think Ian Lowe “is out of touch with community feeling”.
20 Dec: BusinessSpectator: Ian Lowe: ANZ Bank is blowing the carbon budget
(Ian Lowe is the President of the Australian Conservation Foundation and Griffith University Emeritus Professor)
At the time, about twenty years or so ago, the community was angry about the way the big banks were crushing family budgets with crippling interest rates, while making huge profits. Today the anger is more likely to be about the way the big banks are blowing the family’s carbon budget, while still making huge profits.
***This week, I attended the ANZ Bank AGM in Brisbane. It showed me that the board of ANZ is totally out of touch with community feeling on climate change.
A series of questions was asked about the bank’s willingness to risk its shareholders’ and depositors’ funds on coal projects. The chairman’s standard response was that they are happy to fund coal mines as long as they have been approved by the relevant State government. Given the smell around approvals in NSW, currently being investigated by ICAC, and the desperation in Queensland for any development that would get the Newman government out of its financial mess, this approach did not impress the questioners…
One person asked for reassurance that the bank wouldn’t really fund the development of the Galilee Basin thermal coal deposits in Queensland, given that the projected development of that province would make the Galilee by itself the planet’s seventh largest emitter of greenhouse gases. The response was essentially that as long as the projects are approved by governments, and they’ll make some money for the bank, ANZ will fund them…
UPDATE 2: EU Commission sets meeting for Jan 8 on CO2 permit withdrawal
LONDON, Dec 19 (Reuters) – The European Commission will hold a meeting on Jan. 8 to discuss how it will withhold 900 million EU carbon permits from the market from 2014 to 2016, the Commission said on Thursday…
wow – up 3 cents:
EU carbon edges up on earlier European Commission meeting
LONDON, Dec 19 (Reuters) – European carbon prices nudged up 3 cents on Thursday, buoyed by news the European Commission will meet earlier than expected to discuss how to withhold supply from the market next year…
not withholding?
19 Dec: ekathimerini, Greece: Greece gets EU clearance to hand out free carbon permits
Greece is among eight EU nations to have been given approval to issue free 2013 carbon permits, a move that could enable almost a quarter of this year’s long-awaited allocations to be handed out by the end of the week, the European Commission said late Wednesday.
The move, which has been delayed since February, will mean more supply coming to a market already drowning in permits and could pressure permit prices valued at around 5 euros…
Allocation plans for the 2013-2020 phase of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) were approved for Greece, Austria, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom, the Commission said in a note on its website.
The executive said this meant that allocations representing 23 percent of around 887 million permits due to be handed out this year could soon start to be issued to big-emitting companies such as oil refiners and paper producers…
The Dutch emissions authority said on Wednesday night it would transfer 46.8 million allowances into the accounts of Dutch companies before the market opens on Thursday.
Earlier on Wednesday, Britain preempted the Commission announcement by confirming it had been given approval but said it would distribute the allowances only by early January.
Industrial manufacturers get free carbon permits to help them compete with rivals in other countries that have looser environmental regulations than the ETS, the EU’s flagship policy to curb heat-trapping emissions…
This year’s allocation has been delayed largely due to late submissions by governments, preventing firms from estimating the cost of complying, selling surplus permits to raise cash using them as ***collateral for finance***
this woman omits every interesting bit of the NYT article – she has no knowledge of Big Oil’s long-time connections to CAGW. there is no mention of “ExxonMobil is now the nation’s biggest natural gas producer, meaning that it will stand to profit in a future in which a price is placed on carbon emissions”:
(about the writer: Carol Pierson Holding writes on environmental issues and social responsibility for policy and news publications, including the Carnegie Council’s Policy Innovations, Harvard Business Review, San Francisco Chronicle, India Times, and many websites. Her articles on corporate social responsibility can be found at, a website that provides sustainability ratings data on 5,000 companies worldwide. Carol holds degrees from Smith College and Harvard University.)
19 Dec: Huffington Post: Carol Pierson Holding: Is Carbon Pricing a Diversion From the Real Story?
So it was a surprise to read the December 5 New York Times headline, “Large Companies Prepared to Pay Price on Carbon.” It seemed a leap from what the real news was: According to the article, Carbon Disclosure Project, now CDP, released research findings that big companies have been figuring a carbon tax into their financial models for some time.
Well, of course they have, and we knew that.
CDP itself said as much. Its 2012 report predicts that companies will act ahead of regulation: “…
The non-news “news” made the top right hand column of The New York Times front page, placement reserved for the day’s most important story. The same story seemed to appear everywhere at once, from The Huffington Post’s Politics section to Reuters and a week later, Forbes.
But still, why is this major news? And why now?
Certainly, the media has recommitted to environmental coverage. In her mea culpa for being one of many publications to scale back green coverage, The New York Times’ Public Editor Margaret Sullivan ended her impassioned recommitment to environmental reporting with a quote from Al Gore, “The survival of human civilization is at risk. The news media should be making this ***existential crisis the No. 1 topic they cover.” The heat is on…
Even when carbon pricing is enacted, profits will be safe. Consumers will end up paying for carbon taxes in any guise through higher energy bills, as they have in the past.
Stock prices won’t be hurt — in fact, investors like the certainty of carbon pricing…
???But I’d bet on the most cynical explanation for the timing of the “news,” that Big Oil and its corporate customers are looking at carbon prices as a distraction from the threat that fossil fuel production will be regulated out of business. They stimulated salacious delight in exposing their actual numbers and changed front page chatter from what had been dominant, that major public funding sources from the Ex-Im Bank to the World Bank would no longer lend to coal projects.
BBC gets NYT Public Editor’s “existential” message:
5.45: AUDIO: BBC Business Daily: Justin Rowlatt: The Brains Behind the Human Brain Project
Dr Henry Markram, director of the Human Brain Project, has bagged the biggest scientific grant ever awarded – 1 billion Euros – to build a virtual human brain.
(5:45: Rowlatt: audacious amount of money. world faces an ***existential crisis of climate change, why should you get the money?
Markram: well, this was a competition, everyone was invited to complete, the climate people didn’t submit a proposal…but i do think climate change is the only project that i would say is a more important initiative, & i would suggest they adopt a similar strategy of re-constructing very detailed, every tree, every river, the stratosphere, & get it it real, & make real predictions. if they would do that, that is great.)
Rowlatt would prefer another billion was wasted on CAGW!
Jo says “I’m not suggesting a real imbalance (if it exists) would not be important. ”
With the extra CO2, there is the obvious and desirable expansion of the biosphere.
As such, I would be quite surprised if there wasn’t a small imbalance.
( that being said.. Trenberth’s 2d non-rotating earth calcs, are a meaningless load of Cowpatt !!! )
The question, JoNova, is just this. How do we get our governments to explain why:
1. The internal composition of the Sun was changed from mostly iron (Fe) in 1945 to mostly hydrogen (H) in 1946, . . . without discussion or debate?
2. Textbooks replaced Nobel Laurate Francis W. Aston’s rigorously valid “nuclear packing fraction” with von Weizsacker’s convincingly deceptive “nuclear binding energy” after the Second World War?
Who will help us obtain answers? You, Bob Wordward, Bill Moyers ???
Oliver K. Manuel
The Space Science & Technology Committee of the United States House of Representatives were asked to help answer two key questions.
The late Dr . Glenn T. Seaborg and I were trying to find answers to those same questions when he died in 1999:
With kind regards,
Oliver K. Manuel
Former NASA Principal
Investigator for Apollo
Merry Christmas and best wishes to you and yours for the New Year.
Your gift, in the last paragraph of Francis William Aston’s Nobel Lecture on 12 Dec1922:
“Powers beyond the dreams of scientific fiction,”
Is yours if you find the answers to two questions from 1945-46:
With kind regards,
Oliver K. Manuel
Former NASA Principal
Investigator for Apollo
Despite all the powers united behind government deception in all of the federal research agencies (US National Academy of Sciences, UK’s Royal Society, UN’s IPCC, NASA, DOE, EPA, etc., etc., ad infinitum)
The universe is unfolding exactly as it should in order to usher in an era of Hope for the New Year !
All is well,
Seriously Oliver do you listen to yourself? “all the powers united behind government deception” and “etc etc ad infinitum…”
When you sit and think rationally and realistically does it sound plausible that all of the worlds scientific organisations from every continent under every form of government over a 30 year period could have kept this global conspiracy going? Remember you are talking about governments not even friendly to each other and governments that don’t support AGW? Seriously? Also that all the data sets are consistent, so they even control all the data and the temperature and the melting ice, sea levels, ocean warming, ocean ph and extreme weather? Wow, they are an all powerful all seeing and very effective weather control global secretive society. Amazing.
Yes things are occurring as predicted and it is not pretty. In your more realistic, logical moments I hope that everyone here starts looking at the science with truly skeptical eyes and use the new year to put their children and future generations first.
p.s. Big tip: Don’t get your science from sites called junk science as that is what you will get.
Thank you, Michael, for taking the time to read and comment.
The precise experimental data (Figures 1-3 of reference #1 below) that provide clear and unequivocal evidence of the Sun’s pulsar core came from:
1. The Brookhaven National Laboratory
2. The University of California-Berkeley
3. The University of Chicago
4. Washington University
5. University of Bern
Please address those data.
I also found it difficult to believe that “all of the worlds scientific organisations from every continent under every form of government . . . could have kept this global conspiracy going . . . governments not even friendly to each other and governments that don’t support AGW . . . would form an all powerful all seeing and very effective weather control global secretive society.”
Only recently did I realize, they all shared a common FEAR of death from nuclear annihilation !
Do you haves better explanation for the fact that textbooks of physics and chemistry in all these countries replaced
a.) Lord Francis William Aston’s rigorously valid “nuclear packing fraction” with
b.) von Weizsacker’s seriously flawed “nuclear binding energy” after 1945?
Oh, you are another conspiracy theorist that knows better than all the known physics, scientists and scientific organisations. Should have realised earlier before I wasted to much time. Maybe the explanation you seek is because you are wrong.
Also the dismissing of AGW does appear to be a fear of dealing with the consequences of your actions and wanting to make your own lives easier and cheaper at the expense of future generations, so that would put the conspiracy on your side going on your explanation.
Strange statement coming from someone who ALWAYS refuses to read the work of actual phycisits. Plus, it seems Michael has discovered 100% agreement (“all” the known physics, etc, organizations–whoa, he’s better than John Cook) in social organizations among scientists. Very impressive–too bad you didn’t ask the actual members. Oh, wait, science and reality would intrude. As guy dedicated to blowing his kid inheritance globe trotting for his own pleasure, it’s laughable that you care so much about other people’s children. Very telling, don’t you think???
You are right, Sheri.
Bias exists on BOTH sides of the argument. And BOTH sides are tempted to vilify their opponents.
Rather than attack world leaders for deceiving the public, events of 1945-1963 may justify deceit:
1. In 1905 Einstein showed that mass is stored energy, E = mc^2
2. By 1922 Aston had measured the exact masses of most atoms and reported on 12 December 1922 that “the human race will have at its command powers beyond the dreams of scientific fiction!”
What did mankind do with that power beyond the dreams of scientific fiction?
_a. In August 1945 Allied forces released “power beyond the dreams of scientific fiction” from the cores of uranium and plutonium atoms to vaporize Hiroshima and Nagasaki and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.
_b. [On 12 Aug 1945 Japan may have exploded an atomic bomb off the coast of Konan, Koprea, and later in August 1945 Japan’s atomic bomb production facility may have been captured by USSR troops that had invaded Korea and Manchuria.]
_c. On 24 Oct 1945 world leaders formed the United Nations, but the Cold War seriously threatened the survival of mankind.
_d. On 25 May 1961 President Kennedy announced the Apollo program to send man to the Moon and back before 1970.
_e. On 30 Oct 1961 the USSR exploded the Tsar bomb, more than 1,000 times more powerful than the combined bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Kennedy was assassinated on 22 Nov 1963.
3. In 1971, Henry Kissinger secretly flew to China to make an agreement to end the Apollo space program and the Cold War.
4. On 5 Jan 1972 Richard Nixon announced the end of the Apollo program to the world.
The historical events of 1945-1963 suggest that humans may have not yet evolved to a stage that can understand WE WILL HANG TOGETHER or WE WILL DIE SEPARATELY.
If mankind cannot wisely use “powers beyond the dreams of scientific fiction,” are world leaders not justified in hiding that source of energy from the public?
[This is a bit of a stretch to claim this is a response to Sheri’s comment but as it is not a current thread I’m letting it through this time – Mod]
I will answer here once, but in deference to the moderator, will not continue hereafter. If you want to continue, I’ll put an open thread on my blog. Just click on my name.
If I understand your question correctly, you are asking if world leaders are justified in hiding that source of energy–nuclear fission–from the public. I suppose that depends on what you mean by public. From my neighbor to the south–absolutely. From me–I don’t want to be a target for crazy people, so yes, probably for my benefit. From everyone: How to do we “unknown” what we now know? We can’t hide the secret forever, especially since the existence of that “secret” is widely known. I don’t see how we can keep it hidden. I just don’t.
Oh Sheri
So do you agree with Oliver’s theories? You only accept individual physisists that confirms your confirmation bias rather than the overwhelming majority. You pick and choose your skeptic rockstars and ignore the overwhelming science.
Oh, and how I spend my money is my business’, that is completely different to the kind of world I want my kids and future generations to deal with, and the accuracy of the science. Always falling on the personal value attacks, don’t you. I suppose you have to when your best alternative science is ‘something we have not discovered yet’
Seriously, how can anyone be so blind as to not understand confirmation bias applies to BOTH BOTH BOTH BOTH sides. It means you are guilty as well. Read up on it from a legitimate psychologist’s study. BOTH sides. BOTH sides
How I spend my money is MY business. I want a fossil fuel powered car, fossil fuel heating my house and lots of fossil fuels raising my standard of living. I want to spend my money promoting real science that shows global warming is of an unknown source and not fossil fuels. I don’t want people’s grandchildren living in a hole and eating dirt. I don’t want their grandmother’s freezing to death like in England. However, as you note for yourself, my desires have NOTHING whatsoever to do with my views on science. Thank you for letting everyone know this. Helps a lot to know my vision of the future is not why I’m skeptical and my wants and desires have nothing to with my beliefs. So very muchly appreciated. Thank you, again.
Actually he is a retired NASA scientist. But then I guess you are accusing him of thinking the moon landings were fake as well.
You are so predictable.
Our 1971 analysis of solar-wind implanted Kr and Xe in lunar soil sample #15601.64 provided early evidence of severe mass fractionation in the Sun:
Our 1964 analysis of solar-wind implanted Ne in the dark regions of the Fayetteville meteorite provided the first hint of mass fractionation in the Sun:
David Smith @104 (Congrats – Star Pick! I concur.)
Your No. 1 has really shocked me. Are you really saying that the sacrifices of millions in a global conflict only 70 years ago, to rid the planet of such Nazi (don’t talk to me of Godwin) behavior was all in vain. That my mother’s brother who died in a bomber over Kiel, that my wife’s father spent eighteen months in hospital after being wounded just south of Tripoli, that Dad’s brother spent 4 years in the New Zealand infantry in Africa and Italy, that Dad survived 82 operations in bomber command when 48 of the 50 in his training squadron at the beginning of the war, failed to survive the war; that they sacrificed all, and that we’ve sunk so low that a science master is forbidden to stick scientific facts on his classroom wall?
Spare me days!
David, I commiserate with your dilemma – speak up and lose your job, or remain silent and retain it. If the science Nazis won’t allow you to do your job, them name and shame and to hell with the consequences.
Boy, the comments system is a bit upset – my comment on #104 has gone in at #71?!!
Mods, it wasn’t me!
Michael #127: Did you read the article on the logarithmic nature of CO2 influence? (My guess is “NO”). Applies to logarithmic ph also.
You claim you answer questions, but really you just say “you know so little science” and dismiss all who disagree. So thee, Michael the Magnificent, Omniscienct being that you are know more than any person out there with a PhD in physics, etc. Your ego is so unearthly huge–what a study in vanity you would make. I have never met anyone who knew more than everyone else on the planet and he didn’t even have to get a degree or anything. He’s not even peer-reviewed. Which brings me to: Why are you not writing papers for journals?? They could certainly benefit from your omniscience. Surely you have time while jetting about the planet.
Michael: See Backslider at #108. Plus, I answered every single one of your points when you posted them on my blog. I have also explained statistics and broken records (not the repeating oneself endlessly, as you do here and everywhere else, but actual high/low records) and you refused to acknowledge that science. In fact, you just ignore anything that does not fit your idea of “truth”. That’s a religion, not science. We’ve explained that ad nauseaum.
I support David because unlike yourself, he actually understands science and can distinquish it from politics and religion. Unlike yourself, who considers all three equivalent, it seems.
So far, you have ignored these questions and points:
#22 Actual physicist explaining CO2 and logarithmic nature of CO2 concentrations
# You did not disagree with my statement that AGW justifies you spending all your money jetting around the planet
# You did not refute that you believe AGW to be a tautology and why
# I refuted this before. Just don’t care. You string together a bunch of partial truths, statistical manipulations and unrelated facts and “voila!”, and irrefutable theory. NOT.
No one can explain away what you produce because it’s NOT science, it’s religion. It’s pure, unadulterated faith in a set of principles (which would be you repeated list of points that you use much like a Bible). Religion is not refutable. If at some point, you can actually answer questions asked of you instead of repeating yourself and use real science, NOT what you call science and stop dismissing people with REAL degrees in science who have actually studied this, maybe then someone could actually have a scientific discussion with you. We are very tired of your constant repetition of things you obviously posses no actual knowledge of.
So, prove me wrong. Answer the questions I put above WITHOUT repeating your mantra again. In your own words, answer my questions. Or from here on out, I’m just coming back with a repeated answer that is as vacuous as your responses and we can drag this thread into oblivion, if you like. (With Jo’s permission, since it’s her blog. You left mine where you had unfettered access and could argue all day long. Except you were losing…)
Sheri i answered most of backsliders points, he did not present any actual scientific argument, most of it was the ‘you made it all up’ defense. Ignoring the fact that I have presented links to virtually all of the data and science to him in the past. If Jo could gaurantee it will be printed I wil spend the time of putting links to every point, but at the moment, the minute I start putting links in it starts going to moderation.
You have not answered my points satisfactorily, in the end it comes down to the same argument as backsliders, you think the data has been altered (the weak catch all conspiracy defense) and if I remember correctly the eventual conclusion was that you believed it was something we have not found yet. So basically you believe in something we can’t see or measure as being the culprit rather than the scientifically accepted theory of GHG with all its attendant evidence. Now THTATS a RELIGION.
David arguments are mostly politics, you still ignore the when did the name change, by whom and why question. You also do not answer why small numbers are science rather than examining effects.
Your ‘actual physisist’ is an argument to authority. You guys regularly ignore and put down actual scientists, professional, qualified, researching and publishing in the field. A blog post is opinion, it needs to be corroborated and peer reviewed to carry any weight.
Whether I travel or not is not science, it is a personal attack. I have never asked or expected anybody to live in trees or caves and not pursue their goals and full and eventful lives. What I do want is people to accept the science and then discuss solutions so that our actions can have the smallest impact possible. ie: our power is produced from renewable and sustainable technologies so as to prevent the worst consequences being hoisted on our children. I am not a tree hugging greenie, I am a realist.
The AGW tautology comment is not an argument worthy of reply. the fact is that the evidence points to AGW as I have outlined and Jo agrees with. The science is there and the data and observations match that science and there is no other natural phenomonom to explain it. This is science of the real world. A hypothesis is put forward, it is developed into a theory. Experiments, measurements and consequences are put forward to try to disprove it (none have), other factors are looked for to try to explain it (they don’t), hence until it can be proved incorrect or another cause found it is accepted as representation of the real world. That is roughly the cientific method, you cannot ignore it because your religion forbids you from accepting it.
The ‘dismissing people with real degrees who have studied this’ comment is hollow and hypocritical, this is what you people are doing every day, most qaulified, researching, practising and publishing climate scientists and organisations accept this but you guys don’t.
So do you have an alternative, scientifically accepted and justifiable science and data to explain observations and the 0.6 deg c of warming over the last 60 years? or not.
Everybody KNOWS that the data has been altered. It is by no means a “conspiracy defense”.
You Michael are a D*E*N*I*E*R if ever there was one if you think the data has not been “adjusted”.
Backslider it is hypocritical of you to call me that, considering view on that name calling.
Secondly, all data has been adjusted, even the satelite data requires adjustments. They are adjusted for new data, different measurement tools, different times of day of the readings, different distances apart, the drift of the satelites etc etc.
You are a simpleton assuming that there is a problem with that and that the reasons are on purpose to hide warming. Select a global data set that DOES NOT SHOW a warming trend.
Considering your world wide travels, how do you justify the latest jaunt by Prof. Turkey and his Antarctic Expedition of The Guardian, Fairfax, ABC and BBC journalists to wallow in the ice?
In January 2013, this was the condition of Commonwealth Bay, and the Kiwis and French decided not to get anywhere near the old buoys of AUS 1,2 and 3 (approx where the idiots are now) because of the conditions. Is this a classic case of scientists running around like Tim Flannery on the ABC?
Common sense would dictate that an icebreaker should have been sent instead of a cruise liner from Putin in Russia. Why do scientists ignore warnings that are obvious to the general public, and end up making a mockery of the CAGW agenda and costing us a fortune?
Michael, I seriously doubt your ability for normal discourse on this, but fingers crossed.
The thing is, the Australians on this trip were warned by CSIRO and BOM about the possibility of being iced in, and now there is no reports from either group of followers.
Can you explain the reason for this expedition please?
I would enjoy a normal discourse, but your post does not give me hope. Firstly why do you assume I would be an expert on this just because I travel? Also you say that CSIRO and BOM scientists warned them but then ask why scientists ignore warnings? This as I understand it is a private expedition with many people on it paying for the privelige. They ignored the scientists warnings, did they not? It would be nice if the whole world accepted the major scientists warnings and promoted action on AGW.
As to the ship I did not know a lot about it until you asked, so I went and read a few news articles. It seems the time and conditions were right to follow in the footsteps of a previous expedition and replicate the measurements to see how they have changed. Apparently the science is continuing and they have found out a few things. The colonies of Adelie penguins in commonwealth bay have the smallest number of breeding pairs ever recorded. Also of more importance is that they have measured the water beneath the sea ice as being less salty. This is very critical as Commonwealth Bay is a heat engine of the global system and this could have wide ranging consequences for global oean current. Ocean current drives weather. So maybe the risk was worth it?
Regardless maybe they should have heeded the warnings but real skeptical scientists (not the skeptic blogging from the armchair kind critisising global science with no real effort on their part to understand), take risks, go out and discover and measure and attempt to understand. This is what real scientists are doing every day as they report on the changes occurring around the world. Umm, it has nothing to do with Tim Flannery, again an attempt at a political agenda rather than honest discourse.
I do get annoyed with adventurers that go out and take risks for their own challenges and then expect to be saved at everybody elses costs. Whether this is like that I am not sure, it has signs of that but also of genuine scientific importance. Sorry to take so long to reply as I am off on another of my indulgent year long travelling jaunts, having taken a 12 hr bus ride yesterday and in a tiny $50 pn hostel at the moment I don’t think I am being that bad. Feel free to comment but I will not be able to reply regularly or timely, wi fi is dodgy.
Michael: Answer is at #74.
[…] Sun dumps 500 times as many Hiroshima bombs of energy as “climate change” ( […]
I have come to this thread very late, but I hope it may still be useful to post the following comment.
SPPI have a paper by Dr H Abdussamatov dated 25 November 2013 “The Grand Minimum of the TSI Leads to the Little Ice Age” which includes at page 4 an analogy that may help in popularising the fact that the Sun is dominating global climate (and not CO2). Dr Abdussamatov suggests we think about the Sun as progressing through 4 seasons over its 206 year cycle between Grand Minima. His work indicates that Earth will enter the season of Solar autumn in 2014 which will stretch through to about 2040 with increasing cold as the years pass. The depths of Solar winter will be reached about 2060 and it will be the end of the century before warm seasons return.
Blogs such as Jo’s could do well to publicize this analogy of Solar seasons because it is something everyone can understand: it is more meaningful than simply talking about natural variability, even if it is a simplification of our complex unbalanced climate system.
Dr Abdussamatov’s work is of course backed up by other scientists going way back. Fairbridge and Shirley’s 1987 paper also suggested the beginning of a prolonged solar minimum with the Sun entering this weak state in August 2013. Popularising this science with reference to Solar seasons should attract attention.
But more importantly, it may help focus attention on the need to develop agriculture in northern Australia so we can replace the agricultural acreage that will be lost in the northern hemisphere as the Solar autumn progresses.
More pathetic excuses to try to allow fossil fuel companies to keep polluting. There are no signs of cooling after 60 years of slowing sun. all indications are its effects are being overwhelmed by enhanced greenhouse effect.
The current period is the hottest on record, the last 30 years are the hottest for the last 1400 years.
You are not doing your children any favors by this behaviour.
and then there’s Michael. In my opinion, the appropriate acronym is “KFE”. As a hint, there’s no need for an encyclopedia or other source of information when he’s present. Having attended a few soirees and other festive gatherings over the holidays, I met a few others, or at least overheard their diarrheatic spewings. Unfortunately for the rest of us, like Michael, they appear to have an unlimited reserve of partially processed material available for opportunistic projectile emission opportunities. Michael – turn on the vent fan.
I have worked out that with the increase of the worlds population at 100,000 per day over the last 30 years , the heat from the urination and defacation from all these people has led to an increase in worlds temps, it has been Hiroshimas of bodily waste.
Now I need funding to write my paper.
So basically it has not been the sun dumping but human beings.