- JoNova - -

199,984 comments… tick tick tick (Plus almost half a million people visited in 2013)

The 200,000 comment mark has crept up on me. Not long to go…

For the record there were 496,107 “unique visitors” to this site during 2013.

All told, the crowd spent 23,703 person-hours on this blog last year.

(Who is reading? See these comments).

I’m grateful to the commenters for generating such an avid conversation.

Thank you especially to the volunteer moderators who look out for me and make this possible.

Thank you to the people who donated in support. It is brilliantly useful, Cheers!

My favorite posts.

Gratefully,  — Jo

UPDATE: JoNova Alexa ranking globally is 78,819 (similar to GWPF 80,292; Bishop Hill 102,464; Climate Audit 84,996). This site’s rank in Australia a very good 2,015. (Lower is better). Congrats WUWT global rank 10,250.

Right now, I’m getting 30% of my traffic from the UK, which is surprising.

9.6 out of 10 based on 83 ratings