- JoNova - -

Skeptics romp in 6 Bloggies categories — (Lifetime Achievement Award for Jo- thank you!)

The Bloggies awards were so enthused that skeptics dominated the Science and Tech category that they removed the category.  So I suggested skeptical readers pick different categories, and lo and behold today skeptics win in six different areas.

Thousands of readers will not go away.

I’d like to thank especially, the Mainstream Media, without which I would have hardly any traffic. I dedicate this win today to the science journalists in the ABC, BBC, CBC, CBS or CNN, and to Roger Harrabin, Andy Revkin and George Monbiot — all of whom make it so easy for skeptical blogs to flourish. Their promotion of logical fallacies, one-sided reports, and rank name-calling paves the way, en masse for hundreds of thousands of disappointed, thoughtful, inquisitive readers to hunt online for something better.

If science journalists were good scientists or good journalists skeptical blogs would not be one of the largest single categories on the world wide web. (Judging from the other winners, the mainstream media is also lacking in Moms).

Best European Weblog, Winner: Tallbloke’s Talkshop

Best Weblog About Politics, Winner: The Global Warming Policy Foundation

Best Topical Weblog ,Winner: Climate Audit

Best Group or Community Weblog, Winner:  Watts Up With That?

Lifetime AchievementWinner:  JoNova

Weblog of the Year, Winner: Watts Up With That?

Congratulations to Best Canadian Weblog Winner:  Small Dead Animals

“Congrats” to Michael Mann who wins “Climate Duplicitist of the Year” at WattsUp.

Thank you to skeptical readers who responded to the call for alternate-category nominations and who took the time to vote.  Congratulations to Steve McIntyre, Anthony Watts, Roger Tallbloke Tattersall, and Benny Peiser.

A special note of thanks to the dedicated volunteers who help moderate; this would not be the site it is, without their help.  And of course, thanks to all the commenters here who entertain and inform us, or just ask very good questions which can sometimes be the most useful thing of all.

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