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Free Forum with David Archibald and Cliff Ollier in Perth Monday next week

The Climate Debate Continues!  

Professor Cliff Ollier, UWA and David Archibald, Author of “Twilight of Abundance”

Jo says: two Perth councils are drafting policies to cope with sea level rise right this minute. Cliff Ollier can set them straight with Rising sea Level Forecast: Fact or Fiction? Archibald’s book is subtitled: “Why Life in the 21st Century Will Be Nasty, Brutish, and Short”. It’s excellent and fascinating. This man does not mince words. What else do you need to know?

Monday 26th May 7pm, Royal Perth Yacht Club, Australia II Drive, Crawley, Perth, more details below.


Press Release: The 5th Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts that coastal properties around Australia are at serious risk of severe damage or destruction from rising global average sea levels. The 5th report has been released in stages during 2013 and 2014.

The report claims that global average sea rise has been 1.7mm per year during the 100 years of the twentieth century. This is regarded as unusually high when compared with the past 2,000 years. Projections for future sea level rise are even higher. If greenhouse gas emissions continue to track at the top ofIPCC scenarios, global average sea levels could rise by nearly 1 metre by year 2100; the suggested range is 0.52m – 0.98m.

The report claims that with a sea level rise of 50 centimetres there will be a 300 fold increase in flooding events meaning that homes, buildings and other infrastructure, that experience flooding’ once in 100 years will be flooded several times a year’. Not only coastal properties will be affected but also those on estuaries and rivers.

“If the IPCC projections are soundly based then coastal property owners are entitled to ask what is being done to identify and mitigate the effect?” said Graeme Wishart, Chairman of the Western Australian Committee of the Council for the National Interest,
today. “The City of Joondalup has released a draft Coastal Planning Policy and the City of Rocking ham is about to do likewise” said Mr Wishart. “The big question is ‘What effect will these and the policies of other Local Government Councils, have on coastal
property values? What restrictions will be placed on further construction or improvements?”

In New South Wales, Coastal Councils have adopted the IPCC projections and caused significant loss of value of homes and properties. The Great Lakes Council has even given approval for a new home to be erected on a beach block with the condition that it be demolished after 20 years because of projected sea level rise.

“Over the years, the IPCC has based its modeling on global warming said Mr Wishart.

There has been no warming for fifteen years or so and some scientists are predicting a serious cooling phase over the next couple of decades.

As Australia is an island continent, surrounded by the oceans, it is in the national interest for there to be an informed debate about the IPCC projected sea level rises, global average temperatures and the consequences for all Australians particularly coastal
property owners and residents. Highly respected WA Scientists Professor Cliff Oilier and Mr David Archibald will address these issues at a Free Public Forum to be held at the Royal Perth Yacht Club, River Room on Monday 26th May at 7.00pm. The public is most welcome.” Said Mr Wishart.
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Contact- Graeme Wishart 9444 9505 Denis Whitely mob 0430 147049.

Email wacni AT outlook.com

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