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Curtin University sacred Mural vanishes — The Nobel that wasn’t, is gone

Remember how Curtin University, in Perth Australia, put up a sacred Nobel Wall? We had so much fun with it. The mural deified a climate saint — Prof Richard Warrick — one of the numberless thousands who helped the IPCC win a peace prize for generating no peace. It appears the University was embarrassed about people pointing out that the mural implied Prof Warrick had earned a Nobel Peace Prize while the Nobel committee said he hadn’t.

Curtin University not only changed the web pages, but the mural has been removed. I would have thought they might just change the wording, but the whole climate theme is gone. Possibly the University felt some pain being mocked for the religious overtones.

Call this a small win. Thanks to AndrewWA who alerted me in comments. It shows sometimes it is worth sending polite letters, getting those embarassing photographs and writing those blogs. This mural below has been replaced with another mural entirely (see below).

The former mural on Curtin Universities wall.

As for the web pages, the official Curtin page was corrected.  The bio page has evaporated? (I can’t see it at all, can you?)

From Feb 2014: “Warrick’s bio pages say that he is a “co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize” and that “he shared a Nobel Peace Prize with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and other selected IPCC authors in 2007.”

I was all so meaningless in the first place: a fuss about a scientist not-winning a non-science prize? As I wrote then:

Everyone knows these Nobel  claims are just an empty fawning political embellishment. Firstly, good scientific work gets a science prize, not a peace prize. Secondly, a peace prize is worthless even as a peace prize since Obama got one for 11 days of just being in office.

Not only is the peace prize meaningless, but Prof Warrick didn’t get one, even the low-standard Nobel committee themselves say so. With every tom-dick-and-michael-mann connected to the IPCC suddenly claiming to be a Nobel Laureate, the Nobel committee declared that it was not so.

Here is the reply Curtin University sent to AndrewWA which he posted in comments. I confirmed it with someone on the ground:

You indicate that in your view, the material asserts that Professor Warwick is a recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize. Professor Warrick was a lead author of the IPCC reports, and received a personalised certificate from the IPCC for “contributing to the Award of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 to the IPCC”.

The University is proud of the achievements of Professor Warrick but has considered your views and has amended the wording in the website articles and the mural has been removed.

Thank you for taking the time to write about your concerns.

Now there is a new mural on the wall-next-door featuring Astronomer Professor Steven Tingay.

Inside our walls Professor Steven Tingay is looking into the origins of our Universe.

For scale – a wider view — so you can appreciate just how large and imposing these murals are:

Thanks to the dissident for the photos.

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