- JoNova - -

Green climate pornography — cheer for the deaths of the heretics!

Whatever you do, don’t let those skeptics speak:

Cartoonist accidentally captures intellectual depth of greens

Adrian Raeside ,Victoria Times Colonist on June 4, 2014

Paul McRae was not impressed. Me, meh. It’s another dying publication which just alienated the half sane readers who haven’t already left. Bravo, eh. They whittle away at their base til they will only have teenage low-self-esteem green fans and a few old hippie die-hards left. Not a good business model.

A Letter in the Times Colonist June 5 re: Adrian Raeside cartoon, June 4.

“Does anybody find it ironic that Adrian Raeside’s cartoon gleefully depicting the death of a “climate-change denier” appears on the same page as Naomi Lakritz’s column on the murder of Dr. Mehdi Ali Qamar, motivated by the fact that he was an Ahmadi Muslim, a sect not recognized by the rest of Islam.

Can there be any doubt that climate activism has become the new religion…

Terry Sturgeon




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