- JoNova - -

Climate change will hit “Everywhere” harder than “rest of world”

The Prophets of Doom are still at  The Guardian (and the CSIRO)

Climate change will hit Australia harder than rest of world, study shows

The first paragraph contains the word “could”. It’s all a guess based on models they already know are broken:

Australia could be on track for a temperature rise of more than 5C by the end of the century, outstripping the rate of warming experienced by the rest of the world, unless drastic action is taken to slash greenhouse gas emissions, according to the most comprehensive analysis ever produced of the country’s future climate.

But wait, will Australia — a rich, low population country with a temperate climate and surrounded by ocean — really be hit harder than the polar regions, the poor, those closest to rising seas and those living in cyclone zones?

A new website called ClimateChangePredictions is keeping track of the “hardest hit” predictions and can’t find a consensus on this one:

“Rural Australians will be the hardest hitby climate change according to Professor Steve Vanderheiden from the Charles Sturt University (CSU)”

“Sydney’s urban areas to be hit hardest by global warming” — ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Sytem Science

“Climate change is faster and more severe in the Arctic than in most of the rest of the world”

There seems to be consensus in the developed world that Africa will be the hardest hit or most affected region, due to anthropogenic climate change.

Bangladesh is one of the hardest hit nations by the impacts of climate change.

Maldives is the most at-risk country in South Asia from climate change impacts”

“…climate change is likely to have the strongest impact on Scandinavian countries such as Denmark, Norway and Sweden”

Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece are the countries that would be worst affected by global warming, according to a European Union report.”

China’s Poor Farmers Hit Hardest by Climate Change.

Middle East, African Countries to Be Hardest Hit by Climate Change

The environment organization Germanwatch compiled a climate risk index. At the top of the 2011 ranking is Thailand.

Vietnam is likely to be among the countries hardest hit by climate change…

So the real question is, where won’t be “hit hardest” by climate change (apart from Tasmania). Can anyone find a headline saying “Climate Change will benefit ______ region?”


Brad R adds in comments that Tom Nelson did an earlier list of a similar kind.

Ian H points out a headline of climate change benefits  Siberian agriculture could benefit from climate change

Jo says: Great! That’s one positive headline on a small site called Environmental Research Web versus 5000 catastrophic headlines in the MSM. Good-o.

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