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An emergency meeting for 40 world leaders to do climate deals? The real “Paris” negotiation?

Give us our junkets, and forgive us our flights. We’re here to save the world.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon just announced plans to invite 40 world leaders to a “closed shop” climate meeting in just four weeks time. How often does that happen?

UN summons leaders to closed-door climate change meeting

 Financial Review

Frustrated by slow progress in global climate talks, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon plans to invite around 40 world leaders including President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to a closed- door meeting next month.

The meeting will take place in New York on September 27, a day ahead of the UN general assembly, said three people with knowledge of the matter. Ban also plans to invite French President Francois Hollande, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, as well as Chinese leaders, according to the people, who asked not to be identified because they’re not authorised to speak to the media.

The bonanza of money and power on offer in Paris is so large that nothing will be left to chance. The industry is worth $1.5 trillion a year already. Laws about energy use cut across every part of the free economy. It’s a bureaucrat’s wet-dream — allowing them to feed dependent corporate friends and sympathetic NGOs at the same time as handing out free passes to pollute to supporters and waving the same passes as leverage over enemies.

The UNFCCC in Copenhagen in 2009,was a debacle, and they are not going to make that mistake twice. The fact that countries have already publicly locked in emissions cuts is part of the massive preparation for Paris. This new “closed door” meeting is presumably to strengthen the networks of those who are on the climate-gravy-train, and to tighten the thumbscrews on those who are not. The last minute meeting may be a sign things are not going well for Big-Bureaucracy, but then again, perhaps this meeting was on their agenda all along. Who knows? Is there anyone that could be FOI’d in the UN? No, just send in your money, no accountability required, no public witnesses wanted, no transparency on offer. Does the UN have a well-deserved reputation for corruption? Give us our junkets, and forgive us our flights. We’re here to save the world.

India is not going to cut back on coal:

Power Minister Piyush Goyal on Friday said coal-based thermal power will remain the staple power source for India and denounced Western concerns over climate and environmental hazards.

Nor is China, which will not do any serious reductions until 2030 when its rapidly growing population stabilizes. Five of the G7 nations have increased their coal use.

Skeptics must work together

If independent, free states were even remotely organized they would be holding their own networking sessions right now. There is no sign they are. Make sure your ministers and representatives know what’s coming. Big carrots and sticks will be offered to cajole nations to join in the parasitic, pointless money grab. If there is an international “targeted” punishment system in place (as Warwick University researchers recommended),  I doubt it will be announced publicly but done with plausible deniability behind “closed doors”. The only defense is preparation. Skeptical free nations must stand together. Divided they will fall one by one to the self-feeding system of collectivist big-government pressure.

More than 190 nations are working to reach an agreement in Paris this December to limit greenhouse-gas emissions and avert the worst effects of global warming. While Obama, Modi and other world leaders have declared support for the goal, negotiations are moving slowly and Ban has complained repeatedly about the slow pace of the talks. Deep divides remain about the legal structure of the agreement, how to provide financial help to poorer countries and other issues.

Meanwhile up to 4 million die from indoor air pollution annually. There are no emergency meetings to stop this carnage. This is not the kind of pollution that generates money and power for the activists who want to clean it up.
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