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81 companies give “me too” cheer on climate. Absolutely not thinking of profits, investments, trades or subsidy gravy, right?

There’s a lot of cheering going on in the lead-up to Paris, but not a lot of action, and definitely, no actual journalism.

Newsweek reports on the 81-company-cheer-squad with not a single mention that any of these companies could be investing, getting government kickbacks, or profiting from “climate change”.

Newsweek: Obama Finds Corporate Allies for His Climate Change Agenda

Much to the White House’s delight, 81 companies have signed the president’s American Business Act on Climate “pledge,” a non-binding resolution that is effectively a vote of confidence in the executive branch heading into international climate talks in Paris later this year.

When Exxon supported a few skeptics was that described as a “vote of confidence in skeptical science”?

The big agreement is for “collective attention”:

The pledge doesn’t create new taxes or rules, but it amounts to an agreement among industry leaders that climate change is real, human-influenced and worthy of collective attention.

It amounts to nothing. Welcome to the Cabaret.

Who’s in the cheer squad?

“The White House on Monday announced that a total of 81 companies, including Alcoa, General Electric and Procter & Gamble, have backed a U.S.-sponsored pledge supporting action to combat climate change.

All these companies are not in any way doing this for the profit 😉

“Companies as varied as Apple and Google, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, Pepsi and Coca-Cola and even General Motors signed off on the White House–backed pledge, which means that they have verbally committed to efforts like purchasing 100 percent renewable energy and reducing deforestation in supply chains.

Some may believe;  others know a good PR opportunity. And for some it’s just good business.

Goldman Sachs puts in $40 billion to renewables:

“The bank’s new $40 billion target applies to investments and financings for solar, wind, hydro, biofuels, biomass conversion, energy efficiency, energy storage, green transportation, efficient materials, LED lighting and transmission.”

Goldman Sachs has been in this from the beginning.  Carbon credits is just another fiat currency to profit from.

General Electric (another signatory) makes over $20 billion a year from green energy. As I wrote in 2012:

“GE is so large that its annual revenue ($150 billion) is greater than New Zealand’s gross domestic product ($140.43 billion). But GE stands to profit in solving man-man global warming, whereas New Zealand will just pay.

In 2011 GE generated $21 billion in “clean energy revenue”. (GE Annual Report 2011, p 3).

GE boast that their “technology helps deliver a quarter of the world’s electricity”. “We are one of the largest clean energy companies in the world” (page 18) “GE wind turbines, among the most widely used in the world, will soon power the largest wind farm in the U.S”

GE Logo

In other words, they are one of the largest companies in the world which makes profits that depend on a climate of fear. How much would their wind turbines be worth if western governments pulled the pins on all the subsidies?”

Apple put in $850 million to solar power in February 2015:

It’s the biggest-ever solar procurement deal for a company that isn’t a utility, and it nearly triples Apple’s stake in solar, according to an analysis by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). “The investment amount is enormous,” said Michel Di Capua, head of North American research at BNEF.

The company has been ramping up its investment in solar, with two 20 Mw plants completed and a third under development in North Carolina, and a 20 Mw plant in development in Reno, Nev.

April 2015:

Apple has continued its high profile renewable energy push, announcing it is to invest in two Chinese solar farms boasting 40MW of new capacity.

I guess Apple wouldn’t be too excited if “climate change” turned out to be caused by solar flux or magnetic variation, and all that solar was a waste of money. They’d look like turkeys.

Now here’s a curious connection:

The White House said it also expects a consortium of major investors to announce on Monday $1.2 billion in investment capital for companies and projects that can “produce impactful and profitable solutions to climate change.” The initial group of investors includes the University of California, TIAA-Cref and the Alaska Permanent Fund, according to the White House. — CNBC

 Nice reward for the obedient?


In Paris the warmist convention,
Will call for ‘collective attention’,
On a new global deal,
That the warming is real,
But the cooling they won’t even mention.


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