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Has the Australian government decided to sign the Paris agreement (whatever it is)?

Does Ove Hoegh-Guldberg know something about Paris that hasn’t been announced?

UN, big government, motifLast week his office sent out an email to all pollies, inviting them to a propaganda event for the climate machine (all paid for by the taxpayer, as usual). Not only were we told that Greg Hunt apparently supports this event (whatever that means), we are also told that

leading Australian climate scientists will discuss the impact of Australia’s decision to sign the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the upcoming COP21.”

That sentence is ambiguous, but potentially loaded. We definitely have decided to endorse the UN goals for 2030 (whatever that means, and who knows?). Julie Bishop did it last week. But have we also decided to sign the Paris agreement? That would be news. Either Ove is forward projecting his fantasies, or he’s just let slip something that Hunt told him privately.

Who knows what is on offer at Paris anyway? I think the real scandal is that Australians have no idea what either the UN goals or the Paris document means. The nation ought to get to look at the fine print before anything is signed. How much sovereign power will Bishop and Turnbull give away to unelected UN bureaucrats?

As far as the UN Goals go, do the Australian voters get to see what we signed? The  17 UN goals are glorious motherhood statements like Goal 1: No poverty, and Goal 2: Zero hunger, and all supposedly achieved by 2030. Perhaps endorsing them is equivalent to giving the UN a “like” on facebook, or maybe it will cost us billions.

As far as Paris goes, we are taking an obscenely high commitment already. For a mining-industrial country with the highest population growth in the West, no capacity for more hydro, no willingness to do nuclear, and huge transport costs domestically and internationally, we shouldn’t be in “the middle of the pack”. John Howard was a tough negotiator for Australia getting our (pointless) Kyoto commitment to be an 8% increase when most of the other nations were cajoled into tougher targets (generally a 5% decrease).  As negotiators in the international arena, it appears Bishop and Turnbull are pushovers.

As usual, buckets of money go to those who push the narrative. The “Leading Climate Scientists” attending include Chris-stuck-in-the-ice-Turney, David Karoly,  John Church, Nathan Bindoff (oceanography), Dave Griggs (sustainability) and a bunch of hanger-oner-ers who’ve never looked under the hood of a climate model once. People like Jean Palutikof (impacts and adaption), Frank Jotzo (economics), Mark Howden (impacts), and Justine Bell (lawyer). Most of their jobs, like Ove Hoegh-Guldberg’s, depend on assuming the broken climate models do something useful.

The leaked email below, for the event next Tuesday:

Sent: Tuesday, 29 September 2015 10:38 AM

To: House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra.

Subject: Invitation to Climate Change Information Session and Private Briefing

Dear Member,

I write to invite you and your advisors to a Parliamentary Information Session on the Science of Climate Change. At the session leading Australian climate scientists will discuss the impact of Australia’s decision to sign the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the upcoming COP21. There is also an opportunity for you to meet with climate researchers in private briefings, should your diary permit. 

Information Session

Date:                           Tuesday 20 October 2015
12:30pm – 1:30pm
Reps Committee Room 1R1, Parliament House, Canberra

Private Briefings
Date:                           Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 October 2015

Time and Venue:     To be confirmed – please email Ms Anna Moloney to arrange

Supported by The Honourable Greg Hunt MP, Mr Mark Butler MP and Senator Larissa Waters, the lunchtime information session will include presentations from some of Australia’s most eminent climate change researchers based at leading research institutions across the country. You can find short biographies on these scientists in the attached.
There will be a focus on the local, regional and global impacts of climate change (in particular the effects of sea level rise), the economics of reducing Australia’s emissions, and possible mitigation and adaptation measures. In addition, a broader discussion will consider how Australia can address the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and, I hope, provide fruitful information in the lead up to COP21 in Paris in November.
We hope you and your advisors will be able to find time in your busy schedule to attend this information session and/or meet privately with the visiting researchers on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 October to discuss any area of climate science of interest.
To arrange an individual meeting, or for more details about the information session, please contact Ms Anna Moloney, Global Change Institute Communications and Engagement Manager, advising if there are specific climate scientists you would like to attend your private briefing.
We look forward to meeting with you.
Kind regards,
Yours sincerely
Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
Global Change Institute
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