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Phillippe Verdier, journalist, weatherman, sacked for daring to be skeptical

How they do overplay their hand.

Is there any better proof of how fragile the facade is? The evidence for the Big Scare Campaign is so pathetically weak that it cannot cope with one weatherman who writes a critical book.  They are so afraid they did not even muddy the waters — it’s obvious why he was sacked. Verdier was suspended immediately after he launched his skeptical book. Now a month later, sacked.

From France24:

“I put myself in the path of COP21, which is a bulldozer, and this is the result,” Verdier told RTL radio station in October.

Right now thousands of people in France are wondering why being a skeptical journalist (as he calls himself) is such a crime. They are also wondering how many other meteorologists are skeptical but too afraid to speak out.

One thing everyone knows for sure now is that France24 is definitely not telling them the whole story about global warming. (See Sputnik News, no paywall)

French weatherman Philippe Verdier sacked for being a climate sceptic

A French weatherman has broadcast the news of his own sacking, saying he had been fired for writing a book challenging climate change.

Philippe Verdier, arguably France’s most famous weatherman, took to the internet to read a letter from the state broadcaster informing him of his dismissal.

His theatrical departure was designed to show that debate is being stifled by the French authorities ahead of COP 21, the United Nations conference on climate change, which starts this month in Paris.

Verdier was allegedly sacked by France Televisions for writing Climat Investigation, which claims that scientists have exaggerated the dangers of global warming.

Word is spreading. The main tool of climate extremists is bullying. But once the masses realize that, the game is over.

Phillippe Verdier is an outstanding man. I only hope in the long run he will be rewarded for his bravery.

Do you know someone in France? Share his story. That’s how we beat them.


h/t Joe B, James Murphy, Marvin, Pat, Bulldust, Stephen H.

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