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“Find the climate deniers near you” — Ted Cruz, Mark Steyn, Will Happer, Judith Curry in Congress

The full 2 hour 40 minute testimony of Ted Cruz and his invited guests.

Don’t underestimate the importance of what is going on in this testimony to Congress. It captures why the USA is the best hope for defeating the religious climate meme. Which other western democracy comes close to this? As Mark Steyn says, the most important form of competition is the competition of ideas. Paris will not get a binding agreement mostly because the USA congress stands in the way. (Though that doesn’t mean they won’t get billions; more on that in the next post.)

The landscape of the US presidential campaign has undergone a phase change. Watch this and think back to the bland weakness of Mitt Romney in 2012. In 2015 the top Republican candidates are competing to be the most skeptical, and to demonstrate how they don’t pander to political correctness. And Ted Cruz surely is the best informed on the climate topics.

Judith Curry   ” I can no longer get government grants….”

Please copy your favorite quotes below so those who can’t watch the lot can pick up the gems.

UPDATE: Best short parts are around 2:14 – 2:20 with Steyn and Curry. A lot of the proceedings were dominated by the Democrats who turned up and outnumbered the Republicans. Only two Republicans were present. Cruz could’ve used more support.  h/t Rodzki, TdeF at #13, #14,  #15 for a  good synopsis of the whole event.

h/t ianl8888, Alistair, Geoff D, Joe B, Pat, Yonnie.

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