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Live streaming Heartland Conference in Paris and new film Climate Hustle

In the years to come historians will note the remarkable role played by the Heartland Institute in the global scientific debate. Heartland didn’t start out to be a scientific group, but the NIPCC report is more comprehensive, balanced and will stand the test of time while the IPCC reports have already failed…  And all done with a tiny budget compared to the billions squandered on mainstream universities.

Likewise Marc Morano, CFACT and Climate Depot. I never fail to be impressed with Marc’s professionalism and relentless good humour as he fends off the propaganda. Watch the schedule below for the World Premier of the Climate Hustle movie. I’m very much looking forward to seeing that!

See also Willie Soon, Bob Carter, James Taylor, Fred Singer, Christopher Essex, Jim Inhofe, Patrick Moore, Christopher Monckton, Tom Harris…

Kinda amazing to be in the room from so far. The playback can be replayed.

The Schedule

Monday, Dec. 7, 09:00 GMT+1 

PARIS (December 6) — The Heartland Institute, the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), and members of the “Cooler Heads Coalition” are hosting a one-day event in Paris that will do something the UN’s COP-21 conference is not doing: examining the science behind the hypothesis of a human-caused global warming crisis.

The program begins at 09:00 GMT+1, Monday, December 7 with a press conference featuring several representatives of “skeptic” organizations in the United States, Canada, and Europe. It will be followed by panel presentations by some of the world’s leading climate scientists and policy experts, and a keynote luncheon address — featuring recorded remarks by Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK). Tune in and ask questions of the presenters in the chat room!

Presenters at the one-day conference will make the compelling case that an objective examination of the latest climate science shows humans are not causing a global warming crisis, and that the United Nations’ “solutions” will cause more misery to the world’s poor while enriching corrupt governments.

For background on these arguments, watch presentations by some 200 scientists and policy experts at Heartland’s 10 International Conferences on Climate Change. Those who prefer to read can review the four volumes in the Climate Change Reconsidered series, produced by the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) and published by The Heartland Institute.

See you on the Heartland live-stream!

P.S.: Feel free to embed the live-stream onto your website.

Monday, December 7, 2015
Hotel California (San Francisco Room)
16 Rue de Berri, 75008 Paris
(All times GMT+1)
09:00: Press Conference
Members of the “Cooler Heads Coalition” from the United States, Canada, and Europe
10:00 – 11:30 PANEL 1: The Latest Science and the Errors of the UN’s IPCC
James Taylor, USA (Moderator)
Robert M. Carter, Ph.D., Australia
Willie Soon, Ph.D., USA
S. Fred Singer, Ph.D., USA
Christopher Essex, Ph.D., Canada
11:45 – 12:45 Keynote luncheon speech
Speakers: U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), via video; TBA
13:00 – 14:30 PANEL 2: Sensible Energy Policy for the Poor vs. UN Energy Policies
Tom Harris, Canada (Moderator)
Patrick Moore, Ph.D., Canada
Nick Loris, USA
Wolfgang Müller, Germany
Christopher Monckton, United Kingdom

The Heartland Institute
3939 North Wilke Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60004

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