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Even believer media are bored of climate change — TV coverage down

It’s panic stations over at Believer Central. They are losing their grip on the media. And 2015 was a bumper year for Climate Scares – the hottest ever year, the giant Paris Junket, The El Nino, The Pope!  (The Pope?)  Despite all that, the media spent less time on the climate. It doesn’t get any better  than 2015 for the Global Worriers — there is no higher level of panic. But the free propaganda machine is slowing…

Lookout, climate denial is on the rise (don’t ask about the error bars):

Climate denial in the media, media matters, 2015


During the most important year for climate news, TV coverage fell

A report by Media Matters for America reveals that the media are failing to inform the American public on the most important issue of our time.

Media Matters for America has published a report detailing US broadcast news coverage of climate change in 2015, and their findings are stunning.

Stunning eh? Or not.

Dana might be knocked over, but I see ABC down 20, Fox up 20, and some “other stuff”. It’s not really much of a trend. The thing that really bugs Dana seems to be that the minutes shifted from a friendly channel to the evil Fox.

Media Coverage. Climate, USA


But that is the point. The total number of minutes is not as important as the  “purity” of the coverage. Skeptical stories are on the rise, believer ones are falling.

Maybe ABC (USA) has realized that indoctrination is not much fun for viewers? Maybe they care about ratings?

Peak news is behind us — nothing matches the frenzy of 2009:

Media matters, nightly news coverage, climate change

2009 was the peak year for climate media interest.


But, in the end, don’t forget this is annual airtime recorded in minutes.


Media Coverage, climate change

PBS equals public broadcasting service. Which  station loves big-government the most?

Cause and Effect?

As with other things, Nuccitelli struggles with the chain of reasoning.

These findings may help explain why Americans aren’t concerned about climate change.

Maybe Americans are obedient little robots who believe what the media tells them. But it just might be that Americans can think, and Dana is the obedient robot?

We rely on the media to inform the public…

Who is “we”?


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