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US Attorney General considers legal action against “climate deniers”

You are not allowed to discuss climate science, nor have another opinion. Our airconditioners are heating the world, our cars make snow, and heaters cause droughts. If you question these Factoids, you may go to jail.
Even if the investigation or “case” never gets any further, the message is lit in fire. It’s practically a crime to doubt man-made global warming.
From MichaelSmithNews and Daily Mail:

Attorney General Loretta Lynch has considered taking legal action against climate change deniers.

The United States’ top lawyer told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that the Justice Department has ‘discussed’ the possibility of a civil lawsuit against the fossil fuel industry.

She said any information her office has received has been sent to the FBI in a bid to build a case.

Daily mail has the footage. Steel yourself for the usual fantasy about the fossil fuel apparatus and reasoning-by-tobacco-slur. The people inventing mythical theories of conspiracies are right at the top…
Charles Krauthammer estimates that if skeptics are prosecuted, ”It would be an impeachable action.”
He also has a great turn of phrase about the use of the namecalling “Denier.”

“The left already has won this argument just on the basis of syntax. Denial is used with the Holocaust. Holocaust is a historical fact; if you deny it, yes, you are doing something extraordinary. Climate change is a projection into the future. The idea that it is the equivalent of, say, consideration of the Holocaust is absurd…”

h/t Hugh, David. GWPF.

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