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Polling trap: Pro Climate change policy a costly no-hoper bomb fooling both major parties

It’s another meaningless Reachtel climate poll. Fergus Hunter at the Sydney Morning Herald has been fooled like Turnbull and Shorten, and Rudd and Gillard before them.

It’s the same old Polling Trap.  Junk questions produce junk answers.

ReachTel asks motherhood questions about whether people would like to change the weather for free, and get free clean energy too. Who could say no? Without asking “what are you willing to pay?” the question is giving away coffee and cake at the side of road. Better survey’s show 80% of Australians don’t donate to environmental causes or vote for it. How committed are they? Answer, not even ten bucks a year. On flights, not even two bucks a trip. Survey after survey shows that when people rank issues, climate concerns are flat at the bottom of the barrel. Only 3% of US people think climate is most important issue.

Let’s translate that apathy to votes. Tony Abbott ran the 2013 election on the costs of making the weather nice and the people said No. No thanks, and No Way. He won in a landslide. What do people want? Cheaper electricity.

 Strong climate change policy is a vote-changing matter for a majority of Australians, a new poll shows, establishing the issue as an important battleground one week into the election campaign.

According to the ReachTEL survey of 2400 people, conducted for a coalition of environmental groups, 64 per cent of respondents said they would be more likely to vote for a party seeking 100 per cent renewable energy in 20 years and 48 per cent said they would be more likely to support a party reducing Australia’s net carbon emissions to zero by 2050.

Climate change is not a battleground — it’s a fantasy land. The Great Barrier Reef is an icon that half of Australia never visits. When it comes to ranking issues, Climate change is about as scary as “litter”. Can we imagine the two main parties promising billions to clean paper and cans off the street?

It’s a survey conducted for green activists – no wonder they don’t mention the money

According to the ReachTEL survey of 2400 people, conducted for a coalition of environmental groups, 64 per cent of respondents said they would be more likely to vote for a party seeking 100 per cent renewable energy in 20 years and 48 per cent said they would be more likely to support a party reducing Australia’s net carbon emissions to zero by 2050.

So how strong is “seeking”? Everyone wants a party that “seeks” the holy grail.  Would you turn down 100% free energy. No!

If only it were free. If only it was clean.

When the voters go to the polls very few will put the climate ahead of jobs, health, education and the economy.

The Greens want a 63-82 per cent equivalent cut to emissions and 90 per cent renewable energy by 2030.

Fine, and let the Greens pay for it. If it’s so cheap, if the world is moving to it anyway, who needs government policy to force us to buy “cheap wind”?

From comments : – )

Much climate-change polling today,
Will likely let Greens have their say,
To express their pipe dreams,
On ‘cheap’ energy schemes,
For which they’re unwilling to pay.

 —  Ruairi

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