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To vote UK Expats must register for the Brexit Referendum by June 7

Time is running out. Brits who have lived overseas for less than 15 years can vote in the EU referendum on June 23. Use online registration: www.gov.uk/register-to-vote. Voters must register by Tuesday.

About 4 million expat voters can register according to the  Telegraph and “…there are 1.2 million British nationals living in Australia,”  ABC.

There has been a big recent swing to Brexit

“…voters have swung considerably towards backing Brexit. 52 per cent of people surveyed said they were planning on voting for Britain to leave the European Union, compared to 48 per cent who are voting in. The ICM poll, carried out for the Guardian…”

Alternatively, the Opinium Survey “puts support for staying in the European Union down at 43 per cent, whilst backing for Leave has grown to 41 per cent, with experts saying the results “mask” a large swing to Brexit. They also unearthed evidence that undecided voters are abandoning the Europhile side in their droves amid a relentlessly negative, fearmongering campaign on behalf of Brussels.” It “will spark panic in the corridors of Westminster because it shows that Remain are haemorrhaging voters at a crucial time in the referendum campaign.”

 The Brilliant Brexit Movie by Eurosceptic Martin Durkin again:

The Australian Federal Election is only 4 weeks off, but is largely irrelevant, no matter who we vote for. But things are hot, hot, hot in both the UK and the US this year. Both polls are already having a seismic international effect. Can the UK free itself from the faceless UK EU bureaucrats, and the five presidents they can’t name and don’t vote for?

Who can vote in the EU referendum?

British, Irish and Commonwealth citizens who live in the UK, along with Britons who have lived abroad for less than 15 years, are eligible to vote. As with other elections, only people aged 18 and over will be allowed to cast their vote in the nationwide referendum on June 23.

Tell your British Expat friends.

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