Remember the government funded play “Kill The Deniers”? They’re back!
This time they’ve got a talkie-dance video (is it funded by the ACT government again? I don’t know). They’re launching it today in Canberra (Weds 21st). See it below — at first glance I thought David Finnigan was up to his deep game — living satire — where he pretends to mock skeptics while he’s really satirizing the Global Worriers, post modern art, and pointless government funding. It could be, but this one looks more like a therapy session. Let’s work through the pain, and pretend the artistes paid for childish drama are the victims of meanie words…
But cynically, seriously, maybe climate skeptics were the only ones who paid any attention last time, and this is just a gambit for a link from Andrew Bolt?
Note the credits:
Words by Andrew Bolt, Joanne Nova, and Bishop Hill and all the commenters
The narrative is about someone with a bag on their head who gets uncovered, does a big stretch, dances around some cardboard heads, then she stops and they put the bag back on. Plotless. (You expected a plot, you philistine?)
Andrew Bolt is the obvious target. Anyone know why Mel Gibson’s head is in this? What did he do?
I was excited to be credited with words (my first single!), but I fear they missed my best lines. Actually, I think they missed all my lines. I don’t think they could use any of what I wrote. I think they wished I had said “… if a war starts, a lot of eco-activists will be killed first” — that sounds so much more exciting than being described as a group accidentally parodying themselves. Those female voices might sound like they speak the words of the only female named at the end, but it is not so.
Remember the play? “Briefly, the scenario is this: a classic rock band take the stage in Parliament House’s main hall, 96 armed eco-terrorists storm the building and take the entire government hostage, threatening to execute everyone unless Australia ends global warming.” — Citynews, Canberra
Only government art would call this a “classic rock band”:

“Kill the Deniers” — All the wit and wisdom of government funded “arts”. Can’t persuade the voters? Shoot their representatives.
Look out HG Wells:
“THIS COULD BE Canberra’s answer to HG Wells’ “The War Of The Worlds,” but you’ll have to be at Smiths Alternative this Wednesday night to find out exactly what the “Kill Climate Deniers” project is all about when its new album is launched.”
— Citynews, Canberra, Sept 20, 2016
I think my post in 2014 is one of my favourites, but deep: satire within satire.
“ Kill the Climate Deniers: Taxes Fund New Living Satire”:
David Finnigan, seems to be doing a brave new kind of living satire –– one where he lives the genre full time as he prepares, never breaking out of character in tweets, blogs, or plays. Sheer brilliance! He is self-satirizing the paranoid useful idiot who swallows improbable scientific visions about controlling the weather, and uses hyperbolic crass motherf…… language in a form of scientific self-mockery. Taking things to absurd extremes, he calls himself peaceful while he admires terrorists, invents conspiracy theories, and dreams of bloody revolution.
Truly, this could be a remarkable production that we will laugh at for years to come. In a stroke of innovation, the production is not the play that is in draft — instead it’s the media, the blogs, and his own parody responses. The show is on!
Good satirists understand their targets. Here is Finnigan-the-writer, pretending to be an artist but secretly playing the role of a paranoid fearmonger, thinking skeptics may be trying to kill him.
We are not advocating for the murder of carbon lobbyists! Frankly at this late stage in the game it looks like you guys are trying to kill us, where us = anyone not wealthy enough to survive …
Presumably David-Finnigan-the-self-satirist will toy with Fairfax journalists and green politicians soon and say he was only talking of water-pistols, or metaphors of cleansing, I mean cleaning. Then we can all laugh at them. Of course, he doesn’t mean real hostages either. Which he explains by admiring other satirical actors called “Chechens” who did this amazing play in a theater in Russia:
In 2002, about 50 armed Chechens broke into the Dubrovka Theatre in Russia and took the 850 occupants hostage, demanding an end to the Russian occupation of Chechnya. Their efforts were unsuccessful, ending when the Russian government gassed the building with a toxic substance, killing 200 of their own citizens as well as the terrorists. Nevertheless, their attempt provides a model for what a real challenge to the status quo might look like.
I’ve already given him a dangerous big-picture theme to explore in his next deep art:
…perhaps emotional artistes are being played by big-money? Let’s explore that idea. What if Big Money was using the fools-for-tools tactic — the smart players are making cashola from carbon trading and renewables, respectively $176b and $300b industries. The Green vested interests are now a $1.5 trillion industrial complex. The clever self-serving players can push predictable fear-buttons in people who are not-good-with-numbers, who respond by feeling real angst, frustration and dismay.
Then the poor panicking pawns convert their angst into shallow fantasies of control through brute force.
When will the government fund this expose?
You can buy the album, and buy the script
The official blurb:
Kill Climate Deniers is an album of original music by Reuben Ingall in the style of classic House and Techno from 1988-92 – mixed with samples from David Finnigan’s stage-play of the same name.
The lyrics for ‘Bolted’ are by Andrew Bolt writing about Kill Climate Deniers, and from his commenters and fellow bloggers: ‘The Left is the natural home of the modern totalitarian – and of all those who feel entitled by their superior morality to act as savages.’
More info at
The Kill Climate Deniers album is available through Clan Analogue via…
Have some fun, go to the launch. I wish I could…
h/t Derek (thanks for your patience)