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German environmentalists say renewables are destroying their landscapes, killing nature, wasting money


Book, German, Energiewende, environmental problems.


Pierre Gosselin reports that environmental experts, professors, and some green leaders in Germany are fed up at the deforestation, the fraud and the futility. They are protesting at the waste of money in the name of ecology as trees and birds get destroyed, electricity prices skyrocket, but nothing gets achieved for the climate. One has put together a book titled: “Sacrificed Landscapes – How the Energiewende Is Destroying our Landscapes.”

They might mistakenly think there is a man-made crisis in the climate but they are honest players, and they realize that real environmental causes are being used as a guise for a planned economy and self serving corruption:

Now that Germany’s Energiewende has been in full swing for a number of years, many leading environmentalists are in a state of shock as huge areas of the country are being deforested and landscapes disfigured to make way for hundreds of wind turbines.

Environmentalist Georg Etscheit is a regular contributor at Germany’s leading climate alarmism site, Klimaretter, and he as well, has had enough. Etscheit will be releasing a book in early November.

Wind Farm Germany. Photo.

Wind farms dominate the landscape in Germany. From the promotional video.

The book contains many quotes:

Jörg Rehmann, journalist and author:

If we want to survive on this planet, we need an Energiewende. But what the policymakers have made of it is not an Energiewende, rather it is the greatest fraud project since the end of the second world war.”

Prof. Dr. Niko Paech, later adds:

Science is legitimizing a rampage against nature. We destroy the landscape while we claim it is serving the ecology. It’s a cannibalism by the measures. Climate protection is the aim that justifies the means to destroy all other remaining environmental media.”

There is a lot more: No Tricks Zone

Pierre Gosselin remarks: My feeling is that the zeitgeist is right, and this book will do very well.

Jo would like to see the real environmentalists on both sides of the climate debate start to seriously talk. It would be a productive conversation. An alliance like that would undermine the phoney greens, and maybe one day environmental legislation might actually help the environment…


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