Trump is the Molotov Cocktail the middle classes can throw at the establishment: Sayth Michael Moore?!

The US election continues to surprise. It breaks all the rules. Who stands up for the workers now, for the disaffected middle class — Donald Trump, and that’s according to Michael Moore, dedicated progressive. He gave a speech that is going viral with conservatives and has even been used to make an advert for Trump.  Moore is telling the world that  Trump will win (which he fears). Perhaps Moore was trying to get complacent Clinton fans worried and and get them out to vote. It may have the opposite effect. Even Moore sounds like he admires Trump. Perhaps he is hoping the left will pick up the same memes — even as he calls Trump voters “legal terrorists”.

Bits of the Transcript:

Donald Trump came to the Detroit Economic Club and stood there in front of the Ford Motor executives and said: if you close these factories, as you are planning to do in Detroit, and rebuild them in Mexico, I am going to put a 35% tariff on those cars when you send them back and nobody’s going to buy them.

It was an amazing thing to see.

No politician — Republican or Democrat — had ever said anything like that to these executives. It was music to the ears of people in Michigan and Ohio and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The Brexit states. You live here in Ohio. You know what I am talking about.

He is the human molotov cocktail that they have been waiting for. The human hand grenade that they can legally throw into the system that stole their lives from them. And on November 8th — election day — although they have lost their jobs. Although they’ve been foreclosed on by the bank. Next came the divorce and now the wife and kids are gone. The car’s been repossessed. They haven’t had a real vacation in years. They’re stuck with the shitty Obamacare bronze plan. They can’t even get a fucking percocet.

(Yells) They have essentially lost everything they had…except one thing. The one thing that doesn’t cost them a cent and is guaranteed to them by the American Constitution: the right to vote.

Trump’s election is going to be the biggest FUCK YOU ever recorded in human history.

And it will feel good.

Salon: Forget the polls, boho-proletarian filmmaker tells movie audience: Trump’s “legal terrorism” will win

At a recent promotional event for his new film “Michael Moore in TrumpLand,” Moore told audience members that he thinks the loudmouthed GOP nominee is going to win, largely because American elites are so cut off from regular people that they don’t realize just how much the middle class has been harmed in recent years.

“I know a lot of people in Michigan that are planning to vote for Trump, and they don’t necessarily agree with him,” the left-leaning documentarian said.

Did Moore imagine he would be featured in an advert for Trump?

9.8 out of 10 based on 86 ratings

216 comments to Trump is the Molotov Cocktail the middle classes can throw at the establishment: Sayth Michael Moore?!

  • #
    Another Ian


    Reasons for tossing see the latest two posts at


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      The simple reason people want Trump to win is they recognise recylced Communist horse manure when they see it ( i.e. the main 2 parties re: my comments that globalists rule both sides of politics ) and know in their guts that as un-scripted as Trump is, he speaks to the frustration of the middle class watching their lives and freedoms beig stolen by the globalists.

      It is what it is. Trump isnt a flash-bang, no, hes a full fragmentaiton grenade thats rolled into the cozy communist world and now its only a matter of time until it goes off in the midst of their group hugs…and they cant bring themselves to look away…..


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        Can it last, without the right to bear arms? The polar bears say, “Jew wan ma arms? Just come forward ‘n try, tasty bit!”.
        As George Soros reported, Trump will win the popular vote! The results are of course determined by those that ‘count’ the vote!
        Us armed Yanks can use all of your down under support and goodwill! We wish no war or even to hurt anyone ‘unnecessarily’! Scaring the crap/life out of the powers that ‘THINK THEY BE’, will be fun! Da WITCH really needs rearward rifle butt to da face, repeatedly, from ‘her protectors’. Who is keeping score? Who has the beer and pretzel concession?
        All the best! -will-


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        Trump is the vessel. It should come as no surprise that the top 2 vote getters in one party (getting over 67% of the vote in the primaries) were both outside the establishment. And the other party had almost 50% go to a candidate outside the establishment. This election, many people are not voting on policy issues. They are voting in or out. Establishment wise.


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          “And the other party had almost 50% go to a candidate outside the establishment.”

          Despite the collusion at the DNC that favored Clinton.

          I’ll go out on a ledge and predict that if Clinton wins the election and unless Obama pardons her on his way out, we will be in for another Watergate and she will be impeached for either her pay to play activities, lying to the FBI or violating national security interests with her private email server, and like her husband, will not step down unless compelled to resign. On the bright side, it will poison her ability to get any of her agenda past Congress.


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    When celebrities are against Trump, it says Trump is the way to go. When the GOP is against Trump, it says Trump is the way to go. When Eurocrats are against Trump, is says Trump is the way to go. When The Age and Their ABC is against Trump, it says Trump is the way to go.

    I do hope that the silent majority understand what all of this means.

    I wish we had a Trump.


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      I think the silent majority do get it but don’t forget there is a lot of voter fraud going on. Some of it has already been caught out but I suspect there is a lot of it occurring we don’t know about. Some already have noticed that the voting machines are rigged. For example:
      Some say the screens need calibration, which I find a tad suspicious in itself. I never had to calibrate my touch screen to correct such a large discrepancy. Also, some of the voting machines are owned by George Soros, a big supporter of Clinton. There’s currently a Whitehouse petition to remove them and the count thus far has already exceeded the goal of 100,000:

      The obvious question is how much of the voter fraud is truly going on and will it be enough to sway the results? I suppose we will never know.


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      Man – Forget the Age and the ABC. Have you read the Australian recently?
      My test is now – Whatever the Australian says ; Go for the opposite.
      They are all rooting for Trump and gay marriage and recognition and open ended immigration and more windmills and ….
      I have a T-Shirt that says “Its alright to say NO”


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      I’ll be the first to claim ‘The Moore Effect’ where any talking head lefty attempts reverse psychology against a conservative/centre personality only to be hoisted by their own petard.


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      That is reminiscent of the Brexit logic in the UK.

      When every billionaire with a finger in the EU pie says the EU is a good idea it does make you think.

      The Bank of England said the pound would be damaged and would necessarily fall in value. Its chairman, ex-Goldman man, Mark Carney, is printing money to make sure at least one of his predictions comes true. I wonder if he consulted with the President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi – also ex-Goldman?

      I think Carney may be outliving his usefulness.


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      Trump’s main proponent is the MSM which vilifies him, truth be damned. We saw this with the last two elections where Obama won only because the MSM constantly attacked his opponents as it lavished inappropriate praise on him. With each election we have seen this trend get more and more extreme. It’s beyond comprehension why the MSM is so enamored with the regressive agenda of the ‘progressive’ left which is based on a flawed ideology that consistently fails to deliver what they promise and whose abject failures have been widely predicted by the rational right.

      Hopefully, the American electorate will not be so gullible this time. If we are saddled with another progressive Democrat in power, you might as well write America off as a failed state.


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        It has gotten progressively (no pun intended) worse. To the point now, that if they succeed this time, there will never be another non-democrat elected to the presidency. It is ridiculous when they spend 23 minutes on the bimbos (whose stories fall apart as soon as examined with anything approaching unbiased scrutiny – which rules the media out), and less than a minute on the wikileaks emails that expose their bias and animosity.

        While the media has a very low integrity rating in the USA, there is still a significant minority that accept them as gospel.


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          Yes. I really wish Trump would focus on the failures of progressivism, without focusing on individuals or party, as there are progressives on both sides of the isle and if this isn’t stopped, you are right, it will be almost impossible to get back on track towards real economic and social progress.

          What defines progressivism to me is taking the easy way out and promoting emotionally satisfying solutions, truth and logic be damned. They are incapable of choosing properly when it’s the hard choice that’s in the best interest of the citizens. This is the underlying problem with political correctness which seems to be the motivating agent for mushy brains ruled by emotion. Politicians feed on this since the easy feel good choices get them re-elected.


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        meant opponent, not proponent.


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      Margaret Smith

      The BBC is putting out anti-Trump propaganda daily. Like all lefty elites they are terrified of a Trump victory. Coming after the ‘disaster’ of Brexit here in UK they are both furious and scared. Let’s hope the party is over for these so-called intellectuals that have been robbing us blind for decades and getting very rich.


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        Love it or hate it, the reality is that most Americans cannot even spell BBC. I am sure the BBC feels they are doing something, but what Europe thinks is not a factor in this election.


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      We do and”She”is called Pauline Hanson.


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      @bemused: ‘I wish we had a Trump…”
      Well, remember we had that MP that stood up to the Ford and GM executives, and told them about the tariffs we’d slap on their imports, right? Wrong, no such person. Our guys gave them money and begged them to stay. They took the money. We had that conservative matriarch that decried the TPP we’re going to sign, right? Wrong, she doesn’t exist, either. And then there was the MP who stood up and said we shouldn’t take those 12,000 Syrian refugees due to security concerns, correct? Never happened. No, we’ve got nothing, and are always ten years behind the world.

      And what do we have? Bill Shorten, renowned EBA master-craftsman, bleating like a duck. Nobody’s listening, Bill. The former chair of Goldman Sachs Australia as our PM, when he’s not mouthing politically-correct meticulously-crafted Clintonian platitudes. All he needs now is his own charitable Foundation. Maybe Bill and Mal could go halves, follow Sam Dastyari’s initiative and give money to charity? Call it the ‘Bull-Short’ Foundation. What scandal…already…Free Enterprise Founda…Sinodinos…what? And the unions give Labor how much…?

      We’ve got nothing except the religious Right, One Nation and other independents (all of whom I voted for). And neither economic literacy, nor getting the big picture, are their strongest suites. So where is Australia’s straight-talking Trump who, like Trump and Mike Pence, is not afraid to say ‘coal’, and in a good way? We’ve been waiting so long. Where the h*ll are you, mate?


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    Peter Miller

    I learned a new word yesterday, it is a group of people which the Hilary Clinton political machine is targeting and Trump can do little about.

    These are the closet MISANDRISTS. This group of people has never before been a factor in US presidential elections.

    The pious biased liberal media is fuelling these people into being highly effective vocal activists,

    How many MISANDRISTS are there in the US electorate? Answer: At least 3-5 times the lead Hilary currently has over Trump. Without their support, Hilary would have no hope in this election.

    Of course, it is politically incorrect to make this observation, but it is made all the time the other way around and that is perfectly acceptable, especially to the likes of Michael Moore.

    Time for you to use your dictionary searching skills.


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      Rereke Whakaaro

      The word in English is Misandry – A hatred of men.

      Misanthropy is a hatred of humankind.

      Misanthrope is a hater of humankind.

      “Misandrist” is not a word in the English language (it might be an Americanism), but if it is a word, it would be a practitioner of Misanthropy.

      None of these words, apart from misandry, applies solely to the male gender.


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        Rereke Whakaaro

        All taken from the Oxford Shorter Dictionary (Volume 1) 1993 Edition.


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        Peter Miller


        Misogonist is to misogony as misandrist is to misandry.

        Much of Hillary’s campaign has been about whipping up the female vote, using the concept of Trump misogony.

        After what she has been through with Bill, it can hardly be surprising Hillary is a closet misandrist. A glance at social media will show that tens of millions of women have been whipped up into a frenzy of hate against Trump, many of whom are misandrists.

        The latest Fox News poll shows Trump leads by 5% with male voters, while Clinton leads by 10% by women, but when it comes to unmarried women, her lead is 27%. I would suggest this is strong evidence of misandry among Clinton’s female voters.

        We label those who try to peddle alarming, unfounded, theories on supposed man made climate change as ‘alarmists’, it is the same thing.


        • #
          Peter Miller


          From the Oxford English dictionary:

          A misogynist is a person who hates women. A person who hates men can be described as a misandrist, and the corresponding noun is misandry. But however prevalent the attitudes described by these words may be, the words themselves aren’t common. There are currently only 29 examples of misandrist in the Oxford English Corpus, while misogynist appears more than 1,500 times; 68 uses of misandry are overshadowed by over 2,000 examples of misogyny.


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            Ted O'Brien.

            Peter, how many of these “misandrists” make new numbers? Aren’t they the same people who used to be called “feminists”?

            Same people. More hysteria. They fear they may lose their power.


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              Most people dont want Hullary, not becasue of her chromosomes, but becasue of what she is and who she is and that she has proven time and time agaian unfit to lead anything useful, let alone a country.

              The whole gender this is just a distraction and typical leftist attempt at polarizing and wasting peoples time. As Alysnki used to say, “the issue isnt the issue” – its all about create unheaval and stirring people up so they react emotively, not logically.

              People need to concentrate on the candidates what they will do.


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            Rereke Whakaaro

            I don’t disagree with your definition of misogynist. But that wasn’t part of the challenge. And as I pointed out, “misandrist”, and other derivations, based on the noun “misandry”, was not defined (in UK English) prior to 1993.

            Perhaps for sexual equality, the word “misandrist”, had to be created, in order to balance the word, “misogynist”. We can’t have words of hate for one gender, without equal opportunity for the other. /sarc

            By such means, the language evolves.


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              I recall someone naming Julia Gillard a misandrist in response to her continuous misogynist name calling against any man that dared to disagree with her…..or not for that matter, she really was and still is a very ugly person.


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                I have heard comments aorund the traps referring to peoples teams and the self-selecting batting selection process and all….

                Nuff said.


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              We can’t have words of hate for one gender, without equal opportunity for the other.

              If only that were true. English has had a bias against men for many years. There are all kinds of male-specific terms in derogatory or deprecatory use.

              For instance: D*ck head, b*lls up, cock and bull story, bull sh*t, a load of old cobblers. Someone with a slight cold who is playing it up for all he’s worth is said to have “man flu”. Even psychopaths can be called man-iacs. I am sure this list is not complete.

              It is hard to live with all this persecution embedded into the language.

              (Apologies for being somewhat OT.)


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                Rereke Whakaaro

                Just for interest sake:

                The phrase, “Cock and Bull story”, supposedly came from the name of a pub in Ireland.

                This pub ran a competition where people could stand up and tell a story or joke. Then the audience were asked to vote on whether or not the story was real or not. If he story teller could fool the majority of the audience (assessed by vote), they got a free pint.

                Of course, that could just be a Cock and Bull story, that I made up.


            • #

              How did the left manage to take over the English language? Whereby traditional words now have a very different meaning.
              When I was a kid the word “gay” meant to be happy. However,now it details sexual orientation.
              Today the words “free” and “fair” have been “owned” by the left to mean that they only apply if the subject corresponds with the left version of events.
              Even science, once the bastion of independent thought is now hostage to “acceptable” group think.
              To be honest if I was trying to learn English I would struggle to reconcile the word with the definition in a dictionary.


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    Geoffrey Williams

    I think that what Michael Moore is saying is that so many Americans are completely pissed off & fed-up with the left wing self interested and slezy politics of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party that they would willingly vote for a chimpanzee with a machine gun if he promised them truth and honesty !!!


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      Rereke Whakaaro

      … and worked for peanuts!


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      Hardly complimentary for Donald. I seriously doubt a chimpanzee with a machine gun would be elected. It is a real contest between entrenched socialists and conservatives. Despite the outcry, Trump won the right to challenge as the Republican candidate. You would think he had stolen it.

      He is as qualified and successful in public life as you can get. Unlike Mitt Romney or the current crop of establishment candidates, Trump is famous world wide and has been all his life. Besides, if he was a crook or seriously bad, we would have heard it by now from the rooftops. He is the one making jokes about pardons, not Hilary. As for sex, that is part of the power business. You would expect a rich, tall handsome man who owned the Miss America pageant for two decades and with three beautiful models for wives to have an interest in the subject. Nothing like the Clintons though. They have more skeletons than an ossuary.

      It is doubtful that the Trump ego is the slightest bit fragile. Everyone loves someone strong in charge. Besides, after sixteen years of Obama & Clinton since 1993, the world could do with another point of view. America could be led by someone who was not broke, as Hilary claimed she was when leaving the White House, her explanation for the massive Clinton foundation. In the context of this blog, it would be the end of the Climate Change scam too. None too soon. There might be time to save our wonderful power stations from the RET.

      The dream is no RET, no Clean Energy Council, no Human Rights Commission and Gillian Triggs, no unaccountable publicly funded broadcasters, no unfair taxes, an accountable CSIRO, an accountable BOM or just make them all private. Balance the budget. No hidden charges like the RET, buried in our power bills. Fair taxation.

      A Trum election would mean an immediate end to the fantasy which is UN sponsored Climate Change/Global Warming. No more wind farms. CLEXIT. A rapport between the US and Russia, ending the fear of Nuclear War raised by the former Secretary of State, who is proving to be the most seriously dangerous diplomat in a century.


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      Did someone say a chimpanzee with a machine gun?

      What about one with access to nuclear codes?…..oh wait.


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        Oliver K. Manuel

        The analogy is correct: Any chimpanzee with a machine gun would be preferable to Hillary.


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    Thanks Jo for all your efforts – you manage to glean some info that the regular alt sites do not. I wonder why those who see the global warming hoax also see the Clinton / DNC hoax?


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    was this the finale of the Salon article when u read it, jo?

    26 Oct: Matthew Sheffield: Michael Moore: People will vote for Donald Trump as a giant “F**k you” — and he’ll win
    Moore has repeatedly made clear that he does not support Trump, just that he can see why some people choose to. (He supported Sen. Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primaries and now supports Clinton.)
    In an interview with Rolling Stone about “TrumpLand,” the filmmaker said he thought many Trump supporters viewed voting for him as a way of being “legal terrorists.” For that reason, people who oppose Trump need to be more careful in how they do so, Moore argued.
    “You have to protect the population from him like you do with a pedophile,” he said. “A pedophile doesn’t need to be in prison; they’re sick. They have to be separated from us so they don’t hurt children. But you have to treat it that way.”

    not nice, Michael…especially from a man who knows better:

    7 March: Breitbart: Michael Moore Rips ‘Wall Street’s Paid Candidate’ Hillary Clinton during Dem Debate
    Tweet: Michael Moore: More of Goldman Sachs? More of trade deals that destroyed MI families? More of sending young ppl raised in poverty off to war? More Clintons?

    Trump trumped Moore by doing the ad. good for him.


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    This very powerful ad, using Michael Moore, could have a massive impact and really turn the tide for Trump. I know I’m being cynical but it makes you wonder if Moore saw the possibility and his ego couldn’t miss the opportunity of being able to say “that speech won it for Trump”.
    As far as I’m concerned he can say what he likes after the right result is achieved in their election.
    (NB. I read yesterday that Trump is on track to gain the highest African American vote for GOP candidate since the 1960s –currently polling at 18-20%)


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      el gordo

      I followed up that story on the African American vote and it seems that ‘if Trump skims 25% of black voters from the Democratic Party he would win the 2016 election in a landslide.’

      They point to Richard Nixon as a precedent.


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    Or maybe after reading Pat’s #5 ( put up while I was typing) Moore is just having “a bob each way”


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    26 Oct: GatewayPundit: Jim Hoft: Revealed: Company that Supplied Voting Machines to 22 States Donated to Clinton Foundation
    No wonder they’re so confident!
    Dominion Voting brags on its home page that “Together with our customers, we strive to change elections for the better!”…
    Wikipedia currently reports that Dominion provides voting machines to 22 states…
    If you hit the link to this statement, however, the supporting post has now been taken down…

    and just when u think it can’t get crazier!

    26 Oct: CNN: Dems sue GOP over Trump’s ‘rigged’ complaints
    By Theodore Schleifer
    Democratic National Committee is suing the Republican National Committee for aiding GOP nominee Donald Trump as he argues that the presidential election is “rigged,” claiming that Trump’s argument is designed to suppress the vote in minority communities.
    The suit, filed Wednesday in US District Court in New Jersey, argues that the RNC has not sufficiently rebuked Trump for the line of attack, which he has used as a rallying cry and is assumed to be a way to explain away a potential loss on Election Day…


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    David Maddison

    Over the years Michael Moore has done tremendous damage to the conservative cause.

    This is the least he could do to correct some of the damage.


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      Hmmm . . .
      Michael Moore tweets:

      Righties’ve doctored clip from my film 2 make it look pro-Trump. 7.9M views! Sending millions 2 iTunes! TrumpLand #1


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    Moore is a completely dishonest sm@rt@rse but he is good at manipulating psychological cues for the unaware mass of the population.

    Here he is trying to scare people away from Trump by yelling at the top of his voice that the bogeyman is going to win. That is, reverse underdog push advertising.

    I also suspect there is a modicum of real disorientation involved. This election campaign has stirred up incoherent frenzy, much more so than others I’ve observed from a distance.


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      If that is what he is trying to do , then I think he trying to be too clever. I don’t think the average USA voter would get the subtlety. Recently there was comment going around that showed the leading question on Google Trends on twitter was ” Is Hillary Clinton a Republican ?”


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        … he is trying to be too clever

        Perhaps. That’s why I suggested a modicum of real disorientation in his behaviour. But remember that most people are unaware of the psychological cues they respond to (that’s why advertising works) and casting Hilary as the underdog may be an effective ploy for sympathy.

        Certainly, Aus election campaigns deliberately angle for this status constantly. Maybe not so effective in the US, where losers don’t seem to travel well 🙂


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        Hullary is a globalist who would hand over America to NAFTA in a heartbeat…..


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      The audience in the video looked a bit stunned at Moore’s rhetoric, I believe he can see the writing on the wall for the left and is trying to get some credibility back through adopting an Assange persona where his support is for the average person and their basic rights, not the elites he mentions.

      He’ll fail as everyone will remember his rabid following of any narrative these elites threw at the public, you don’t call me a denier in that vicious context and get away easily dickhead.


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    Trump is the digital disrupter of American politics.


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    Don J A

    Sorry – off topic. Any one seen this

    Requires a sane viewing I think. Where to start.


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    As much as I’m looking forward to the end of this election cycle and returning to the regular science programming, Thanks for the opportunity to comment on this Jo.

    Given the list of charges made against Clinton and her campaign I really can’t see how any honest woman can vote for her.


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      Rereke Whakaaro

      I really can’t see how any honest woman can vote for her.

      True. But then I wonder how many dishonest women, there might be out there? I guess we will see.


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        I’m just making the point that the reported pre-poll female turnout may have a significant backlash vote. Surely there are lots of honest thinking women in the USA that will take a look at things like the Clinton foundation, and that Bill is about to get his Whitehouse pass renewed.

        Interestingly Android. Proposed the word whorehouse when I swiped Whitehouse! How apt!


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          Roy Hogue

          Interestingly Android. Proposed the word whorehouse when I swiped Whitehouse! How apt!

          Maybe that’s only because White House is two words, not one? But maybe… 😉


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            Ok Roy, I know I’m just a dumb antipodean Engineer… but I did think “THE WHITEHOUSE” was actually a single word…. Mea culpa


            • #

              What might be an antipodean Engineer?
              In optics we apodogize the aperture, make the edges indistinct/incommensurate. This “cuts off the toes”, (false response of sin(x)/x)! What might you mean? 🙂


              • #

                Antipodean just means on the opposite side of the planet, usually referring to Australians or New Zealanders. So antipodean Engineer just means an Engineer from the opposite side of the planet (to Roy).


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                October 28, 2016 at 8:32 pm

                “Antipodean just means on the opposite side of the planet, usually referring to Australians or New Zealanders.”

                I welcome such Antipodean (opposite side of the planet) critters! Want to lend/hire out some of your good looking Shelias for the evening?


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                Ah, Will – you would have to talk to Bill Clinton. He may have a few leftovers. 😉


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              Roy Hogue


              It’s quite a common mistake. I know because once upon a time I also thought it was one word. So welcome to the club.

              That’s the beauty of English. You can violate the rules and get away with it when naming things any time, any way you want. Really, there are no rules. It could have been Whitehouse for the same reason we have lighthouse instead of light house.

              And there ain’t nuthin wrong with engineers neither. We keep this world supplied with all the technological goodies it wants. Take us away and the world goes away with us — well, close to it anyway. 😉


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        But then I wonder how many dishonest women, there might be out there?

        As a good indicator consider how she reacts to an honest reply to the question “Does my ass look big in this?”


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    26 Oct: ConservativeTreehouse: sundance: Are There Signs of A Voter Fraud Scheme in Broward County Florida? A Handful of Mistakes and 173,000 Solutions…
    Anyone with any political knowledge is aware the best chances for Hillary Clinton in Florida come from two specific counties, Broward and Dade. It is not coincidental that both counties continue to be the historic nucleus of multiple voting irregularities.
    This year is no different. In a recent series of events Broward County is at the epicenter of another voting malfunction. However, this one might not be a mistake, it might be by design. The essential outline of the current year concern surrounds a scheme to present double voting to benefit Hillary Clinton:
    Broward County officials intentionally screw up sending out mail-in ballots to a key demographic constituency. The correction therein then allows the same official to send a second set of ballots to the same constituency thus providing two possibly counted ballots for each voter.
    Sounds incredible. Maybe. But as incredulous as it sounds that’s exactly what’s taking place…
    ***TWEET: Official Deplorable: breaking news Hillary Clinton was meeting with the Broward County Supervisor of Elections yesterday and they’ve got photos…READ ALL

    25 Oct: Daily Caller: Chuck Ross: Clinton Campaign Chairman Had Multiple Dinners With Top DOJ Official During Clinton Email Investigation
    The day after Hillary Clinton testified in front of the House Select Committee on Benghazi last October, John Podesta, the Democrat’s campaign chairman, met for dinner with a small group of well-connected friends, including Peter Kadzik, a top official at the Justice Department.
    The dinner arrangement, revealed in hacked Podesta emails released by WikiLeaks, is just the latest example of an apparent conflict of interest between the Clinton campaign and the federal agency charged with investigating the former secretary of state’s email practices.
    Podesta and Kadzik, the assistant attorney general for legislative affairs, were in frequent contact, other emails show. In one email from January, Kadzik and Podesta, who were classmates at Georgetown Law School in the 1970s, discussed plans to celebrate Podesta’s birthday. And in another sent last May, Kadzik’s son emailed Podesta asking for a job on the Clinton campaign…

    none of this is of interest to the MSM.
    as one, this is all that interested them today!

    26 Oct: GatewayPundit: Jim Hoft: BEAUTIFUL! Trump Shuts Down CNN Crank for Questioning Him on “Taking Time Off” to Attend Hotel Opening
    Dana Bash/CNN: “For people who say you’re taking time out of swing states to go do this, you say?”
    Donald Trump: “I say the following. You have been covering me for the last, long time. I did yesterday 8 stops and 3 major speeches. And I’ve been doing this for weeks straight. I left for here for an hour-and-a-half. I’m leaving here and going to North Carolina, then I’m going to Florida, then I’m going up to New Hampshire. For you to ask me that question is actually very insulting because Hillary Clinton does one stop and then goes home and sleeps. And yet you ask me that question. I think it’s a very rude question.”
    And, for the record, THAT’S WHY WE LOVE DONALD TRUMP!
    Spoken like a Boss.


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    I cant help thinking that the average Trump voter has been subjected to so much bullying they wont be telling polsters that they are potential Trump voters. It may turn up like the Brexit Vote and slip in under the radar. One can always hope. Even so, it appears that the likes of Michael Moore “get it” now, and that is a start.


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      Almost all of the major political polls intended for public consumption are biased from the start. The majority of those cited the most are sponsored by the media which is biased. It has been that way for a long time and is even worse now. In 1980 when R. Reagan was up against Carter every single poll (there were a lot less of them back then), except Gallup, was dead wrong and had projected Carter to win or after months of having Carter with a comfortable lead, suddenly changed in the last two weeks before election night to say it was too close to call. This despite the fact that it was obvious that the people were not happy the economy, Stagflation, gas lines, turning their thermostats down, and the Iran hostage situation:

      It was an epic landslide for Reagan. He carried 44 states.


      • #
        Roy Hogue

        And Reagan did that epic landslide not once but twice. It shows us the power of actual leadership ability, faith in the people, faith in one’s country and sticking to your guns with respect to enemies, both real and potential. Let’s not even mention not making statements that can be shown to be false or nonsensical.

        Actual speaking ability helps too and Trump could have prepared so that he could do a lot better job than he does.


        • #

          Reagan was an actor, a skilled politician, and for many years a student of history and political science. He did the work long before he ran for president to layout his political philosophy based on his studies which are reflected in his writings intended only for himself that began in the 1950’s. He wrote many of his own speeches and his notes written over all those years served him well in effectively expressing his views and reasons for them. Not many presidential candidates can stand up to a comparison with “the great Communicator”. On the other hand I honestly don’t believe that Trump ever thought he would run until Obama was elected, and never thought he would win the nomination. Though I certainly agree that Trump should be more polished and have a stronger and better developed philosophical base than he had. However he is learning fast. This a great speech:


          • #
            Roy Hogue

            You are correct about Reagan. But if I had decided to run for president because I didn’t like the way things are going and I had Trump’s money, I would set up a world class research effort and put it to work looking into the real problems we have, why we have them and what we can do about them. I’d get ahold of every good historian I could find and anyone else who could find information and teach me what I didn’t know. After all, there were 4 years between his first run and his second. There was time to get his act together. Trump is a disciplined man or damned well should be. He runs a huge operation and he can’t afford to waste time being wrong, failing to ask key people for advice and then doing what he decides to do in a deliberate, organized way.

            And all along I would have the best people on those research projects grill me over and over and over until I could recite it all accurately on demand. And I can’t believe Trump has never addressed a group of people before. How would he come off in front of, say a city council arguing for his project if he did no better than he’s done during this campaign? Hopalong Cassidy, Tom Mix and the rest went out with the silent movies. You shoot from the hip you lose.

            Trump sees the problems. He’s been in the business trenches for years. But there’s where his ability stops apparently. I don’t think he needs all Reagan’s years of preparation and development of his views because he’s already done those years.


            • #
              Roy Hogue

              And above all else, learn your way around politics because you’ll need every last iota of knowledge about how to get things done in DC. You can’t walk into the lion’s den looking like a plump little pig ready to slaughter or you will be slaughtered.


            • #
              Roy Hogue

              And I almost forgot, yes, that is a great speech.


  • #

    banana republic?

    26 Oct: CBS Local: Improperly Coded Machines To Blame For Denton Co. Early Voting Issues
    Eleven of 22 electronic voting machines in Denton County were improperly coded for election day, not early voting. The glitch raised questions and led to concerns about the equipment.
    However, “Overall the problem has been fixed,” according to Denton County Republican Party Chairman, Lisa Hendrickson…
    The county uses a direct recording electronic voting system called a Hart Intercivic eSlate machine (or Hart) where the voter turns a Select Wheel and pushes a button to indicate his or her preferences…
    “We have a lot of people voting in this election who haven’t voted in a long time and we’re hearing questions we’ve never heard before,” said Hendrickson…
    Hendrickson said some voters don’t realize early votes can only be cast electronically at any polling location in Denton County.
    Voters who want a paper trial must request a paper ballot and can do so only on Election Day, November 8, 2016 at their polling location, in their precinct in which they are registered to vote…

    some voters reported to officials in the polling stations, so how come they didn’t log the complaints?
    another official says it’s just people who haven’t voted for ages!

    26 Oct: Dallas News: Caleb Downs: Voters in Texas say machines changed Trump votes to Clinton, but officials call it user error
    (Staff writer Marc Ramirez contributed to this report)
    Early voters in Texas have claimed that voting machines in Dallas, Collin, Tarrant and other counties changed their presidential votes from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton…
    Dallas County elections administrator Toni Pippins-Poole said she’s received second-hand reports of malfunctioning machines, but no one has logged an official complaint and she doesn’t have any names to go with the claims.
    “It could be voter error or it could be that the machine needs to be recalibrated,” Pippins-Poole said.
    She said in each case the voter was eventually able to vote how they wanted to…
    Similar situations were reported in Collin County, elections official Bruce Sherbet said, but all the complaints were called in after the voters had left the polling place. By then, polling place workers were unable to determine whether any of their machines were indeed operating in error.
    “If we had someone in the polling place tell us, ‘Hey, it marked something other than what I marked on the screen,’ we would stop the process and ask the voter to show us,” Sherbet said. “We can absolutely verify and check that in front of the voter. If there were a problem with a machine, it would immediately be taken out of service.”…
    Shannon Lackey, elections administrator for Randall County, also in the Panhandle, said a report of a faulty machine in her county was most likely an instance of user error.
    “A lot of voters only vote every four years,” she said. “They’re not comfortable with the machines.” …

    26 Oct: WBAP: If You Want to Vote Early, You’ll Have to Vote by Machine
    DENTON (WBAP/KLIF News) – Only days into early voting, problems have already popped up with electronic voting machines across the Metroplex.
    As we told you about Monday, in Denton County, problems with central tabulating machines at early voting sites were fixed fairly quickly.
    But those problems, and problems in Dallas and Tarrant Counties with their electronic machines, might make some people who plan to vote early feel a little uncomfortable.
    “You also have people that have always voted on Election Day itself,” said Denton County Republican Party Chairman Lisa Hendrickson. “They’re used to, for example, having a paper ballot. But we don’t have paper ballots in early voting, we only have paper ballots on Election Day.”
    Not only will you have to wait for November 8th, but you’ll have to go to your precinct’s polling place to get one…
    Hendrickson says they kind of machines they use aren’t the same as those used by Dallas and Tarrant Counties, which have touch screens…


    • #

      Josef Stalin used to say:

      “He who votes, counts for nothing. He who counts the votes counts for everything”

      Now lets apply this to “faulty” voting machines.

      The USA needs indepenedent audit of all its voting software.


  • #

    Hillary represents the “deep state” which runs the US govt, regardless of what puppet occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Trump is unknown and no previos political record and is very good at blustering, IMO still unknown entity. Trouble is he isnt very literate and doesnt read apparently. A vote for HC will probably end the world as we know it..
    Hobson’s choice..klimate will probably be the least of the worlds worries. But mabey just maybey DT could pull the nuclear clock back to 5 mins to midnight, instead of 5 seconds as it is now.


  • #

    Whether or not Trump wins this rigged election, he has still won, and won big.

    Despite paid protesters, paid to incite violence at Trump rallies, Trump supporters have not turned on democrat voters. They have turned their anger instead against the leftist lame scream meeja.

    Trump, win or lose, has turned the American public against the leftist lame scream meeja. If Clinton wins, Trump will be vindicated in weeks if not days, and the meeja who campaigned for her foulness discredited forever. This is not Republican vs. Democrat. This is Citizens vs. Meeja.

    Regardless of what the Electoral College says, the Citizens are going to win. That’s what the second amendment was designed to ensure.


    • #

      Well its citizen vs globalists really.

      The media are just the arms length expression of the powers that be that really run the show.

      Organizations like the CFR need to be outed.


    • #

      I here that “Pitchforks”are being sharpened,”Torch’s”are at the ready and tar and feathers are on stand-bye.Now is “not the time to be a DemocRAT.


  • #
    Rereke Whakaaro

    Trouble is he isnt very literate and doesnt read apparently.

    So he has to surround himself with literate people who do read, and can possibly do math as well.

    That is his previous modus operandi. He finds people to do the heavy lifting for him, and fires anybody who can’t get it right.


    • #

      The first guy I ever met who achieved >$100M status for himself could not write a sentence and could not count past 20.
      That was 1985 and he was 42 years of age.
      He had started with nothing and left school when he was 9 years of age to support his mother. The father had suffered from the effects of WW2 and could not handle life.


      • #

        Wow talk about a survival mechanism in hyperdrive, some people seem to thrive on the pressures of adversity.


      • #

        I worked for a guy with the same literacy standards ( he didn’t make >$100m but he made tens of millions). He made up up for this lack of literacy with an amazing memory which he used to great effect.
        I’ve read somewhere that Trump is able to absorb information very rapidly when given it, so as RW says if he has the right team there is no issue. ( I’m sure he can read and write)


  • #

    I found the advert quite moving. On that basis, it would have been great if MM had joined in the “Remain” campaign in our recent Brexit referendum – it would have helped make the mandate even stronger!


  • #

    Really Trumps rise is every bit as much about disgust with the Republican establishment as it is with the socialist democrats. He rages against the whole DC establishment. Remember how the Tea Party was derided by both sides during the last two election cycles? Well the Trump candidacy is a direct manifestation of a grass roots movement and their treatment. The establishment didn’t listen and thought that the Tea Party was a passing thing that could be suppressed. Now we’re back with a vengeance and leading is a man with a flame thrower.

    In my front yard is a commercial grade 30 foot flag pole. I put it and the lighting in myself. Having been a hard core NCO in the US Army I placed a book of matches and a 45 cal. round in at it’s base. The round represents defense of the flag. The book of matches represents the intent to destroy the flag if it can’t be defended.

    After Obama was elected for his first term I flew nothing on that pole for nearly a year. Then my wife said to me one day “Honey, that’s just not you!” That day I ordered another flag to fly below the stars and stripes. And so the Gadsden flag has flown below the colors since then.
    That “Don’t Tread On Me” flag has been a symbol of revolt since the American revolution and one that the Tea Party adopted.

    There are many millions of us. We may not win. The powers that be will do nearly anything they can to hold onto power and to continue to garner more of this nations wealth for themselves while subjugating us. But we aren’t going away.


    • #

      Best of luck to you and your kind. One of my favorite authors has your initials and I think he would share your sentiments.


  • #
    Robert R

    Dear Mr Trump,
    Please save us from Hillary Clinton. Among other things I don’t like the supercilious smirky grin and I don’t want to hear the whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop of wind turbines………..


  • #

    It’s FU time, regardless of the merits of Trump, Le Pen etc. The media and establishment are that bad.

    The only alternative would be to forget democracy and politely ask union bosses to give us their best-of-the-left in the hope that we won’t be given a Rudd or Gillard. Or we go to Goldman Sachs/Deutsche Bank and request a cuckservative leader who’s less of a greenoid tosser than Turnbull or Baird. (“Please, sir, do you have any John Keys in stock? The Malcolm you gave us isn’t really working out.”)

    One way or other, it’s over. Bomber Barry’s six or seven wars to stop petrodollars reverting to the flimsy paper they actually are won’t do the trick. Hillary doesn’t even need a reason to kill. Big Green deepens all geopolitical problems because it mixes massive waste with phony religious fervour. It manufactures energy poverty while dragging everyone deeper than necessary into territorial, pipeline and sea lane tensions. Everything what you don’t want now.

    The West needs to burn more coal and make more useful stuff. It’s called getting a life.


    • #
      Egor TheOne

      Well said, all of which I would second!


      • #
        Roy Hogue

        Indeed! So well said that I’m going to save it in case I want to quote it.

        Sorry Jo. I know you have copyright in everything posted. But this needs to be read here in America, even in spite of the unfamiliar names. So I hope you won’t object. I’ll remove mosomoso’s name first and not mention Jo Nova as the source.


  • #
    Steve Richards

    Although many dislike Trump for his arrogance and language, they dislike Clintons actual actions even more.

    The reaction of the US media mirrors the UK media over BREXIT.

    No one in a position of power or responsibility understood that the people were just fed up with what is being done to them. (In the name of a non perceived greater good).

    Even now in the UK, ‘the powers that be’ are still arguing that the people ‘did not mean a real exit’!!!!!

    The disconnect between those in power and the ordinary voter has never been so great.

    This appears to be the same in most developed countries.


    • #

      Indeed. The biggest disconnect was between the Labour Party and it’s constituencies in the North. Just about every Labour MP (with a few honourable exceptions) harangued their voters to remain. In just about every local council region across the North the people voted out, in some cases up to 64% out. The truth of the matter is the the Establishment parties (Lib, Lab and Con) all wanted the UK to remain in the EU, and so did all those people in the banks and the media who would benefit from such a result. The ordinary person has seen no increase in their pay, and in real terms it has stood still or decreases. They have been marginalised, forgotten, patronised, insulted, had their jobs taken by foreigners due to uncontrolled immigration (courtesy of the EU), and then called xenophobes, fruitcakes, gadflies, homophobes and racists when we complain about it. I don’t suppose for a minute that its any different in the United States, and if that is the case, then the Establishment are in for a very nasty surprise. The really funny thing being is that they never saw it coming.


  • #
    Egor TheOne

    Go the Donald!

    Hope he wins in a landslide!

    He is just what is needed… a warrior… to clean out the criminal Clintons and all the other vermin and feral leftoids.

    Imagine how dirty they will be with a ‘President Trump’! All running for cover or even worse, sucking up to him!

    He must be a big threat to them or they would not be already so feral.

    The Donald for Pres, the Clinton criminals for jail, along with the their criminal bank buddies, Goldman and Sachs of carbon credits.

    Time to ‘Drain the DC and Wall st Swamp’!


    • #
      Graeme No.3

      He won’t get any support from either the Democrats or the Republicans in Congress, bar a few. That will last until the mid-term elections when the people will be even more angry.


      • #

        Now there is a ‘thing’ I hadn’t thought of till you mentioned, the mid terms.

        If there is a President Trump imagine the support he will bring to various candidates in the mid-terms.

        He could have more support in Congress than anticipated.


    • #
      Roy Hogue

      Go the Donald!

      A scotsman, which I am, would say,

      Up the Trump!

      expressing a hope that the person named would rise in wealth, prestige and enjoy increasing success. So, from me,

      Up the Trump!


  • #
    Gail Combs

    As a female, I can’t stand Hillary and neither can my female friends. She reminds us of the two-faced witch who smiles falsely and stabs you in the back. (People forget that females are just as aggressive as males when it comes to pecking order.)

    The ‘terrorists’ claims fell flat on its face when the ‘protests’ in NC turned out to be riots instigated by Soros funded thugs from outside the state and as E.M. says the DNC was caught with it’s pants down paying for the violence at Trump rallies: Fraudulent “fights” at Trump Events – Formal Instigation

    Finally in North Carolina I have seen a lot of Trump signs put out by individuals (NONE by the RNC) and until a couple of days ago NO Hillary signs. I finally saw my very first Hillary sign Monday. I travel over the middle 1/2 of the state routinely.

    What scares the political hacks witless is Trump and his Deplorables, INCLUDE the computer savvy young Bernie supporters, are ALL watching for voting problems. WORSE this time it is not the other half of the Uni-Party – who will look the other way – they are dealing with.


    • #

      I’ve always thought that Hillary’s low polling amongst older females was quite significant. If she had any credibility, Hillary’s bid for the Presidency should be seen as an example of hope and progress in that demographic and transcend party lines. Instead the disdain for her seems to be what transcends party lines.

      A significant “smell” test result?


    • #

      I live north of you and have seen the same pattern with the signs. Hillary may win, but there is not a rabid following that wants to elect her as there was with Obama.


  • #

    Trump will win…. Why are the polls so skewed?…. Because they are counting democrats and Republicans instead of Hillary voters and Trump voters.

    Remember, in America you register as Republican, Democrat or Independent…. but a Democrat or Republican doesn’t have to vote for the Democrat or Republican candidate. Democrat voters can vote for Trump if they want…. And many are going to do so. This is skewing the polls.

    Trump has more republicans voting early than Hillary’s democrats…. But there is a devastating clue in that statistic.

    It is a fair assumption to say that pretty much every registered Republican early vote will be for Trump, for the simple fact that Republican voters who won’t vote for Trump will not vote for Hillary either. They just won’t turn up to vote, let alone early…. Thus Trump knows his polling sample in that metric.

    Hillary cannot say the same thing about registered Democrat voters who are voting early. A large portion of Democrat voters are voting Trump and they will not reveal that they are doing so…. A significant number of these early votes will be Democrats voting Trump…. and it will only get worse for Hillary as the election draws nearer.

    Trump by a landslide.

    Hillary for prison.


    • #
      Sceptical Sam

      That’s an excellent analysis J.H.

      I’ve not seen it before either. And that makes it original too.

      How refreshing is that?

      Thank you.

      Sotto voce: I’ll probably use it at some point 🙂


    • #

      The people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do.

      Joseph Stalin


    • #

      Remember, in America you register as Republican, Democrat or Independent….

      I was unaware of this.
      Why on earth would one need to register up front for any particular affiliation?


      • #

        Many states, including my own, Indiana, have closed primaries. When one votes in a closed primary they have to state their affiliation and can only vote for candidates of that party. The closed primary system prevents members of the other party from maliciously voting for a person that they perceive would be a weaker candidate to oppose them in the general election. In the general election one can vote for any of the candidates in any party or even write in a candidate not listed on the ballot regardless of affiliation.


        • #

          Thanks RAH.
          That sounds like a reasonable system. In Oz, we have endless grumbles of political party branch stacking and faction driven nominations.


      • #

        It depends upon the state. There are 50 states and 50 ways of doing things. In my state (a Commonwealth actually), no registration is necessary or meaningful (the state has no record of which party or no party you belong to). Other states, like California, require it.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Let’s hope so.


      • #
        Vlad the Impaler

        This is for Raven, RAH, PhilJourdan, and Dave M:

        Clarifying a bit for you on US and State elections, registrations, and etc:

        Almost all states have a ‘closed’ primary system, which means that you must have declared some Party affiliation in order to get that Party’s primary ballot (primary as opposed to the second round, the “general” election).

        HOWEVER!!!!! There are some states, such as the one I live in, which allow a registered voter to ***CHANGE*** their Party affiliation AT THE POLLING PLACE, in which case you would be given the ballot of the Party you chose to affiliate with. Some states allow a change in affiliation up to a specific number of days PRIOR to the primary election (e.g., no change in affiliation is allowed once we are in the twenty days before an election).

        It is possible for someone to be a member of the Mickey Mouse Party, then walk in to the Elections Office, change to the Donald Duck Party, then the next day (or, if highly motivated, the same day) go and become a member of Mickey Mouse again (but they will not be permitted to vote a second time — — at least we have that straightened out, to some degree).

        Back in ’08, the radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh had a thing called “Operation Chaos”. It was becoming apparent that Hitllery was going to go down to defeat to Obama, so to keep her Primary Election campaign going and her candidacy afloat, he urged his listeners to go and register as Democrats, and vote for Hitllery. Once they had voted, they could do whatever they felt like doing for the General Election (some just stayed, others reverted to Republican Party). But the point was to give Obummer a run for his money. Overall, it was a success, in that it required resources from the Obummer camp to stay ahead of the “doctored” votes of Hitllery. The point was not to keep Obummer out of office, the point was to cause problems for Obummer.

        Hope that helps.

        Democracy is the WORST possible form of government.

        Except for all the others.

        —- W. Churchill


        • #

          Vlad – I cannot speak to all states as I am not a democrat so only vote in one 😉

          However in the one I am in, there is no closed primary. They are open. You do not have to declare a party. All you have to do is specify which one you want to vote in. I was under the impression that there were many states like that (due to operation Chaos in 08), but what you say could just as easily have accounted for the “Chaos” in most of the other states.


          • #
            Vlad the Impaler

            Hi Phil,

            Yes, some states (I’m not sure how many) have open primaries, and some have ‘closed’ primaries, but the “Operation Chaos” was aimed at those that had the ‘closed’ kind, so the Hitllery/Obummer rivalry could play out, and not be just a slam-dunk for Obummer.

            If one did not register with a party, prior to the primary, one could not change their affiliation in time to keep “Chaos” alive.

            That was the purpose of Mr. Limbaugh’s shenanigans.

            Do have a lovely weekend, OK?



  • #

    watch the whole video if u can take it – insane:

    VIDEO: 6mins51secsL 24 Oct: Breitbart: Pam Key: Michael Moore: Hillary Went Easy on Trump During Debates Because She Is a Christian
    Monday on ABC’s “The View,” progressive liberal flimmaker Michael Moore made the case that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton at the presidential debates did not “get out the club” on Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump because of her Christian faith.
    Partial transcript as follows:
    MOORE: I can give you all the political reasons that I disagree with her on. But to think of her in the Oval Office, representing this country, come on. First of all, I say this to Bernie people: We’re not being asked to vote for Margaret Thatcher or Clarence Thomas or, you know. She adopted two thirds of Bernie’s positions I mean, she really went the extra mile to try and bring everyone into the tent, and I think her behavior during the debates, I was in a place where actually you were there watching it and we were hoping she would get out the club and just — you know.
    BEHAR: But she didn’t.
    MOORE: No, she didn’t. And I think that’s because honestly, when she says that she’s a Christian, I think she means it and I think she lives it.
    BEHAR: She never works the Christian angle, I noticed. She doesn’t do the religion thing.
    MOORE: Because the people who talk about it, ‘I’m a Christian,’ oftentimes aren’t. Because the idea of being a Christian is to just behave that way…


  • #

    plenty of spin from NYT/WaPo, but at least, somewhat belatedly, they do manage some coverage:

    27 Oct: NYT: Donations to Foundation Vexed Hillary Clinton’s Aides, Emails Show
    Hillary Clinton, another email showed, had promised to attend a Clinton Foundation gathering in Morocco at the behest of its king, who had pledged $12 million to the charity. Her advisers worried that would look unseemly just as she was beginning her presidential campaign in earnest.
    “She created this mess and she knows it,” a close aide, Huma Abedin, wrote of Mrs. Clinton in a January 2015 email…
    The emails, which came from the account of John D. Podesta, who had a leadership role at the foundation and is now Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, have not contained evidence to support Republican contentions that Mrs. Clinton performed any favors for foundation donors…
    Mrs. Clinton ultimately did not attend the foundation event in Morocco that Ms. Abedin had complained about; her husband and daughter did go. It is unclear if the king had given the $12 million he was said to have pledged; he is not listed among the foundation’s donors…

    26 Oct: WaPo: Inside ‘Bill Clinton Inc.’: Hacked memo reveals intersection of charity and personal income
    By Rosalind S. Helderman and Tom Hamburger
    The memo, made public Wednesday by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, lays out the aggressive strategy behind lining up the consulting contracts and paid speaking engagements for Bill Clinton that added tens of millions of dollars to the family’s fortune, including during the years that Hillary Clinton led the State Department. It describes how Band helped run what he called “Bill Clinton Inc.,” obtaining “in-kind services for the President and his family — for personal travel, hospitality, vacation and the like.”
    Band and his Teneo co-founder, former Hillary Clinton fundraiser Declan Kelly, declined to comment…
    Spokesmen for Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton and the foundation declined to comment…
    Hillary Clinton campaign spokesman Glen Caplin declined to comment on the memo, calling the material “hacked by the Russian government and weaponized by WikiLeaks.”…


    Wikileaks: Round 20 of Podesta Emails have just gone online.


  • #

    26 Oct: Breitbart: John Hayward: Schweizer: Obama’s DOJ ‘Transferring Money to Left-wing Groups’ ‘to Influence This Election’
    On Wednesday’s edition of Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM, Clinton Cash author and Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President Peter Schweizer discussed the latest GAI report about the Obama Justice Department’s funneling of money to left-wing groups using fines levied against financial institutions.
    Breitbart Editor-in-Chief and SiriusXM host Alex Marlow described the report as exposing the Justice Department of “quite literally extorting companies to fund left-wing activists.”


  • #

    A great commentary about the choice we face this election from Pat Condell.


  • #

    Trump fans talk of getting out the Monster Vote, which will overwhelm the election fraud.
    this includes all those not picked up or under-represented – intentionally? – by the pollsters: the Dem crossovers, including Bernie voters & so-called minorities, Independents, those who haven’t voted for years/decades etc:

    27 Oct: ConservativeTreehouse: sundance: Signs of Monster Voters Appear in Minnesota CD8 – Trump Beating Clinton by 12 Points…
    Yesterday’s significant example was in Butler County Ohio where requests for republican ballots have increased by a whopping 40% over 2012. Today, another VERY significant indication surfaces -albeit quietly- Minnesota’s deep blue CD-8:
    MINNESOTA – The eighth Congressional District of Minnesota is a working class area in Eastern Minnesota. It has voted for a Democrat in the last four Presidential elections. It has a Democrat Congressman and will likely be the most expensive Congressional race this year.
    Usually, a Democrat Presidential candidate would win. But a recent poll held a shock:
    ◾Trump is beating Hillary by 12 points: “Our poll shows Republican Donald Trump with a 12-point lead over Clinton, 47 percent to 35 percent“
    ◾Trump is winning with women: “leading Clinton 41 percent to 39 percent.”
    ◾Dems are crossing over: “the number of Democrats dropped from 34 percent in 2014 to 27 percent in 2016. The number of independents jumped from 31 percent two years ago to 41 percent this year.“ (keep reading)
    And signs of the Monster Votes doesn’t stop there.
    Check out the lines in Texas:…


  • #
    Reed Coray

    I have a metaphor for the depths of Hillary Clinton’s inability to tell the truth. If Hillary Clinton was a ventriloquist’s dummy sitting on God’s knee and being operated by the voice and hand of God, nothing but lies would come out of her mouth.


    • #
      Roy Hogue


      Except that God does not lie. So how can His Hillary dummy using His voice, lie to anyone?


      • #
        Reed Coray

        That’s the whole point. Even God can’t make Hillary tell the truth.


        • #
          Roy Hogue


          OK, maybe a fair point.

          I think that were God not such a gentleman about how He deals with His creation, He could easily squeeze the truth out of Hillary or anyone else. But we were given free will with the right to make our own choices. There is a judgement but it comes too late to save anyone from Hillary. And thankfully it wont’t save her either.


  • #
    Dave in the States

    Jo wrote:

    Perhaps Moore was trying to get complacent Clinton fans worried and and get them out to vote.

    This is a possibility. At this point there are very few voters to win. It’s all about giving your supporters a reason to actually show up and vote, and also about giving the opponent’s potential supporters a reason to stay home or vote for a third party (either of which is essentially a vote for HRC). There is tepid enthusiasm for the Democratic nominee among the Democrat demographic. There was much more enthusiasm for Bernie among American lefties. However, there are a few other angles from which to look at this.

    One is that Moore is correct (did I really write that) that Trump is an atypical Republican candidate. With the exception of Goldwater and Reagan, every Republican nominee since the Eisenhower era has been a Country Club Republican. These are people that either have or have connections to “old money”. Obama successfully cast Romney into that role and made points therefrom. Trump might be rich but he is not old money or one of that exclusive club. Trump is actually more main street than Wall Street.

    For somebody like Moore a true enviro/socialist believer, Country Club Democrats, which HRC certainly is, represent hypocrisy. Country Club Democrats know that Orwell was correct that some animals are more equal than others on the socialist Animal Farm. They know that they will still be those animals that are more equal. They know that that socialist/democrat tax, environmental, and energy, policies shift the burden of funding the government class to the middle class and yield little to no upward social mobility.

    It might just be sour grapes over the way the Democrat Party and HRC colluded to cheat socialist more pure Bernie out of the nomination.


  • #
    Roy Hogue

    Trump is the Molotov Cocktail the middle classes can throw at the establishment: Sayth Michael Moore?!

    And for once in his life, Michael Moore is correct about something. That’s exactly what Trump is, the man who would tear down a lot of the establishment or simply break it and not know what to do to make it work right.

    And I say that who has no use whatsoever for Michael Moore, a man who has become rich tearing and ripping away at the very country that has allowed him to become rich.

    But Moore is not a very deep thinker. If he was he wouldn’t be on the course he’s set for himself. So I discount his opinion that Trump will win.

    It’s only a few days now until we find out what the only poll that counts for anything will tell us.


    • #
      Roy Hogue

      Where Moore has been a destroyer, at least if he could do what he wants to do, Trump has been a builder. One seeks to destroy wealth, the other to create it. It should be obvious which one I would choose to keep around if I could get one or the other out of public life and relegated to obscurity and insignificance.

      Moore is a militant version of Ralph Nader. And Nader was rejected rather decisively as a presidential candidate and is now very seldom heard from. Would that I could say Moore is equally buried in obscurity and insignificance.


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    Oliver K. Manuel

    The super-solar eruption that resets civilization every ~1,000 years is the real Molotov cocktail that saves humanity from self-destruction:


  • #
    Roy Hogue

    Did Moore imagine he would be featured in an advert for Trump?

    There is a considerable danger of unintended consequences when you open your mouth publicly, isn’t there?

    Poor Michael Moore — the victim of his own foolishness.


    • #

      Moore is an atypical Western Communist, talking big on equality and class struggles while living big on the upper class lifestyle that the system he abhors provides.

      He reminds me of the angry young men that never evolve into anything and have no choice but to follow leftist politics.


      • #

        That’s a bit harsh, Yonni,

        Why don’t you see him as an entrepreneur ahead of the curve.
        Crikey, he’s providing a valuable service and filling a niche together with a focal point for left leaning anguish and pessimism. And by doing so, these poor folk feel much more ‘included’ and supported.

        In a modern economy looking to transition away from the struggle to compete in manufacturing and into services, this should be commended. Donald Trump would endorse his initiative, I’m sure.
        He’s a visionary . . . 😉


      • #
        Martin Hall

        Trunp…Communist? Streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch


  • #

    They don’t need to love him a lot,
    But Trump is the best that they’ve got,
    So, they’ll each have their say,
    With one vote, polling day,
    By the million, as X marks the spot.


    • #
      Reed Coray

      I sure hope Michael Moore doesn’t have as many votes as he has chins.


      • #

        Moore is an avowed Communist. He has been wrong about the vast majority of issues he sticks his pudgy face into but this time I hope the slime ball is correct. BTW I quit watching the Academy Awards or paying any attention to them when Moore got the Oscar for ‘Bowling for Columbine’.


  • #
    Uncle Gus

    I don’t like Trump. He’s a classic demagogue, totally without principles and playing on popular xenophobia. If he wins, it’s going to be a bad time for anyone a little bit different, gays, Muslims, probably blacks as well. Nevertheless…

    It’s a long time since I’ve agreed with anything Michael Moore said, but his take on Trump’s appeal to the middle classes is exactly what I’ve been thinking all along. Trump is as fake as his hairpiece, but he’s all they’ve got. That’s why so many of his supporters are conspiracy theorists – you have to work *hard* to make yourself believe in, say 911 as a CIA plot. You have to work even harder to believe in Trump. I can see why they think it’s worth the effort.


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      el gordo

      I like Donald Trump, he’s a classic populist and wants to keep terrorists out of the USA. At the moment the whole Western World is doing the same.

      The funny thing is, if the Detroit operation went to the Mexicans there would be less need to build a wall between the two countries.

      Gays etc are perfectly safe, Donald merely wants to weaken the American Alliance and tell people global warming is not happening, no matter what the scientists and media tell us.


      • #

        Trump is quite identifiable! You get this: 1) buying set of knives ‘that never get dull’, at the state fair!, 2) buying vehicle that your significant other wishes to have, from any new car dealer!, 3) accepting anything that the so called MSM is selling! If you wish to purchase, have the seller carefully point out every defect, then shake hands on it, or run away quickly! Then consider Trump’s opponent, PLEASE!
        All the best! -will-


      • #
        Uncle Gus

        Listen very carefully. I will say this only once.

        If Trump gets in, the climate bollocks will not go away. If Hillary wins, it probably will.

        How do I arrive at this remarkable conclusion? Like this:

        Trump really has no idea of actually running the country. (It’s arguable that he has no idea about running companies, except into the ground.) He will be the most hands-off President ever, spending most of his time enriching himself and giving jobs to his cronies, emerging onto the Presidential scene only to plug things that boost his ego. The famous Wall might actually get built, or at least contracted for. He’ll probably pass a lot of generally ineffective anti-terrorist legislation – think Homeland Security as run by Homer Simpson.

        Apart from that, he’ll do sweet FA.

        Hillary, on the other hand, has lots of things she cares about. And Climate Change is *not* one of them. Lots of the previous administration’s tree-huggery will fall by the wayside as she pursues her own agenda.

        What a politician says and what they really stand for are two very different things.


        • #

          Ooh – I am so scared. I am going to run and vote for the elevator (Lift for you English folks) without the car or grease!

          The problem with your hysteria is that Clinton is a known quantity. And rotten to the core. Trump is an unknown. The same things being said about Trump were said about Reagan 36 years ago. And we saw how wrong those were then.


    • #

      The only reason that he would be bad for minority groups if took a stance against some brainfart that would supposedly make the world wonderful eg SSM.

      Americans, please vote for Trump so that Uncle Gus needs to get a real job.


      • #

        I feel sorry for Uncle Gus. A wasted life pining after a woman that would sooner spit on him as to give him a dime.


        • #
          Uncle Gus

          Phil, what are you and RB smoking?

          If I was a paid Hillaryite I think I’d be posting a lot more for my money – and as for having the hots for her…

          I need to go and watch some loud, violent movies to get that image out of my head!


          • #

            I never said you were a paid anything. If you read what I did say, it is you are seeking solace in the bosom of a B-witch. Hence why I pity you.


  • #

    For years I’ve been puzzled by the ever increasing negativity of the leftists.
    They seemingly have no moral compass other than win at all costs. They use all and any “useful idiots” to further their aims.
    They promote any activism that opposes the status quo.

    But it has become crystal clear, with just one video. Now I understand.


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    just for fun:

    226 pages!!! who would have the time to spare to participate in this rubbish?

    almost impossible to extract info, but it seems to involve: Party ID: 1,209 total; 501 Democrat; 305 Republican?

    PDF: 226 pages: 27 Oct: YouGov/Economist Poll: October 22-26, 2016
    Clinton 46% Trump 41%
    Survey mode Web-based interviews
    Where not specified otherwise, findings shown are for registered voters.
    Q28: 28. Candidate Qualities | Voting Issues – Climate change

    they have 62% with Climate Change as “very” or “somewhat” important.

    comments at freerepublic:
    “Black: 1% to Trump”, LOL…
    They have Hillary with 86% of black vote and Trump with 1%…
    YouGov was one of those liberal pollsters that got Brexit badly wrong by bunches…
    Exactly! I was going through the sample to take screen shots of obvious bad sampling, but there are so many, it’s not even worth posting lol…
    They oversample dems by 16 points….D+16.
    Are they kidding?…
    I posted the internals of latest YouGov poll showing Hillary up by 5.
    41%D 25%R Am I doing the math correctly? Is that Right?? …
    Another problem with the poll:
    The sample is 1376 Registered Voters with a Margin of Error of ±3.1%.
    Republicans are usually more likely voters and polls show voter enthusiasm favoring Republicans.

    38 pages: Topline summary: PDF


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    26 Oct: VIDEO: 1min11secs: GatewayPundit: Texas Official: We Are Seeing RECORD BREAKING Voter Turnout in Texas… And It’s ALL For TRUMP
    Sid Miller, Texas Agriculture Commissioner, went on FOX News on Wednesday to discuss the record breaking voter turnout for Donald Trump in the Lone Star State.
    Sid Miller: We have a record number of people registered to vote in Texas. We’re having record turnouts, the first day, the second day of voting. And it’s not Bernie Sanders supporters coming out to support Hillary. It’s not Barack Obama supporters coming out to support Hillary. It’s a new surge of Trump voters, many who have never registered to vote. Many who have not voted in eight or ten elections so they’re not reported in the polls…
    …I know for a fact that the polls are off because they oversample Democrats by eight sometimes up to sixteen percent oversampling Democrats. They’re oversampling women by five to eight percent. So the Republican vote is underreported. Plus there is no way to sample this extra twenty to twenty-five percent of new voters that are Trump voters. They’re not Republican, they’re not Democrats, they’re pragmatists. They’re tired of the status quo and they want change…

    27 Oct: Daily Mail: David Martosko: ‘Love can kill too!’ Trump says Florida officials limited his crowd size to avoid ‘a stampede’ as he begins final push for black voters with urban policy agenda
    Trump said authorities in Tallahassee, Florida limited the crowd on Tuesday because they feared ‘a stampede’ might result
    ‘You know, they kept 15,000 outside,’ he told a group of African-American faith and community leaders backstage at a Charlotte, N.C. theater
    ‘Last night was something, wasn’t it?’ he asked. ‘You know, they kept 15,000 outside.’
    ‘They actually did this: They said we couldn’t allow – they allowed 15,000 in. They said, “We’re afraid of a stampede”.’…
    ‘Can you imagine? Because there were so many people! If there were a stampede we’d be in trouble. Even out of love!’…
    ‘We must reject the failed elites from Washington who have been wrong about virtually everything for decades.’
    ‘I’m tired of excuses from our lame politicians. I’m tired of being told that it can’t be done,’ Trump declared…


  • #

    this “avid peace activist” dressed up as a construction worker to carry out his dirty deed (his profile reminds me of some elitist CAGW activists!):

    27 Oct: Daily Mail: James Wilkinson: Millionaire activist arrested for smashing Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star because he was ‘outraged by abuse allegation
    James Otis admitted to vandalizing the $30,000 star on Wednesday
    He planned to turn himself in after a press conference, but was caught first
    He’d hoped to take the entire star then auction it off to the highest bidder
    The money would then go to Trump’s alleged sex abuse victims, he said
    Otis is the millionaire heir to the Otis Elevator Company
    The Beverly Hills resident had planned to hold a press conference before turning himself in, TMZ reported, but was pulled in by cops before he had the chance…
    Officer Andrew Chambers says Jamie Otis was arrested early Thursday on suspicion of felony vandalism – a charge that could earn him three years in prison and a $10,000 fine if convicted…
    According to his LinkedIn profile, he is also the CEO of the Otis Lambert Financial Group LLC, which raises capital for real estate and financial services projects.
    An avid peace activist, he hit the headlines in 2009 when he sold a collection of Mahatma Gandhi’s possessions – including his glasses – to Kingfisher lager owner and airline magnate Vijay Mallya for $1.8million…

    no, NBC, he didn’t surrender:

    ‘I’m Proud That I Did It’: Man Who Smashed Trump’s Hollywood Star Doesn’t Regret It
    NBC Bay Area – ‎7 hours ago‎
    James Otis, an heir to the Otis Elevator Company fortune, surrendered to police Thursday …

    we get it, he’s “proud” – that’s the MSM line:

    Man who destroyed Trump’s star is ‘proud’ of his work – POLITICO
    Purporting to be a construction worker Wednesday morning, Jamie Otis hacked away at Trump’s star with a sledgehammer and a pickax

    however, MSM HAVE NOT COVERED THIS! wonder why. check the pics. doesn’t fit the narrative? apparently some people were seen abusing her on a Periscope livestream overnite:

    PICS: 27 Oct: MRC TV: Zach Montanaro: Homeless Woman Guards Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame Star
    After being destroyed earlier in the week, Trump’s star has been repaired and is now seemingly being watched by a homeless woman holding signs encouraging people to vote for Trump.
    “Twenty million illegals and Americans sleep on the streets in tents,” one sign reads. She’s got a few other signs as well, but some are too graphic to show. You can see another article that has the pictures here (warning: graphic language).
    The woman, who hasn’t yet been identified as of noon on Thursday, seems to have attracted a spectacle of people so far, with some onlookers posing for pictures with her…
    This follows the news earlier in the week of a man pretending to be a construction worker and destroying Trump’s star with a sledgehammer and pickaxe. The man reportedly wanted to remove the star and sell it to raise money for the women who are accusing Trump of sexual assault. But he found it was too durable, so he opted to destroy it instead…
    Trump’s star has been vandalized numerous times during the campaign. One protestor placed a miniature barbed-wire wall around the star, and others have spray-painted it with everything from swastikas to mute symbols.
    There has even been a petition in the past to have the star removed entirely, which the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, which oversees the entire Walk of Fame, has repeatedly denied…


    • #

      Jeebus . . talk about self indulgent symbolism by taking a pick to the pavement.
      Here’s my headline:

      Heir to the Otis Elevator Company goes down.


  • #
    el gordo

    The Clinton juggernaut released the ‘locker room’ strategy too early, people have short attention spans and are already over it.


    • #

      They were forced to by the WikiLeaks. The plan was to release it this weekend, so that the back checking that discredited the accounts would not have the time to be done.


  • #

    Michael Moore, in this article, has confirmed what I have long thought – very many of those who might vote for Clinton will be “reluctant voters” who may not bother turning out on the day and queuing to vote (the blacks is the ghettos, for example) and will not encourage others to vote. But, according to Moore, Trump’s voters will be up at dawn, making sure that the whole family, their friends and neighbours get to the polling booths. This is why Trump will win. I am dying to hear what their ABC, Turnbull, Shorten et al will say when that happens.


    • #

      I am dying to hear what their ABC, Turnbull, Shorten et al will say when that happens.

      On (our) ABC News last night they reported that in Ohio, Trump is leading by 1.1 points which is a statistical tie.

      If that 1.1 points were the same as global temp. points, this would translate to Trump leading by the biggest margin EVAH . .


    • #

      It looks like Moore is trying back track. He sees what the Trump camp has done with the advert and realised they have “smashed him’ with his own words. He was on the Kelly File ( Meygan Kelly ,Fox News) trying to talk his way out of it. Well done Team Trump !!


  • #

    Kaine had leftist darling, comedian/politician, Al Franken, with him in Ohio as a celebrity attraction, and yet!

    28 Oct: Redstatewatcher: Breaking: Look who just cancelled their Florida rally
    Hillary’s VP Tim Kaine just pulled out of Florida. This news comes just hours after Kaine’s embarrassing Ohio rally this morning…
    Earlier today in Ohio at Kaine’s pathetic rally was held a high school auxiliary gym…
    VIDEO: 26secs: David Martosko, Daily Mail: Here’s Donald Trump’s Ohio rally today…

    still, Clinton gets her biggest crowd of the campaign, except it’s for Michelle Obama:

    Hillary Clinton Basks in First Lady’s Soaring Popularity on the Campaign Trail
    New York Times‎ – 1 hour ago

    Hillary Clinton to Michelle Obama: You complete me
    USA TODAY-3 hours ago

    Michelle Obama campaigns with her ‘girl’ Hillary Clinton
    BBC News – ‎3 hours ago

    ‘Hillary doesn’t play’: Michelle Obama campaigns with her ‘girl’ Hillary Clinton
    The Sydney Morning Herald – ‎4 hours ago‎

    27 Oct: Charlotte Observer: Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama try to boost turnout in hard-fought North Carolina
    By Jim Morrill and Ely Portillo
    Clinton and Obama both spoke to the 10,500 people who nearly filled Lawrence Joel Coliseum…
    But it was Obama who seemed to have the star power and evoked the loudest ovation…
    “Barack won North Carolina by about 14,000 votes,” she (Obama) said. “The difference between winning and losing this state was a little over two votes per precinct…We have to turn people out.”
    In 2012, Obama lost the state to Romney by about 17 votes per precinct, Obama said…

    “nearly full” but WaPo states:

    Michelle Obama rallies with Hillary Clinton, and the office of the first lady reaches a high-water mark
    Washington Post – ‎3 hours ago‎
    The joining of these two women on one stage drew more than 11,000 people inside the Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum and a massive line of supporters outside…

    no-one expects Clinton to have the same support as Barack Obama in either of his campaigns, so can she really win NC?


  • #

    Trump’s schedule 27 October: Springfield OH, 1pm; Toledo OH, 4pm; Geneva OH, 7pm.
    yet NYT & WaPo can’t put up a story on his rallies as yet, but instead have:

    Some Donald Trump Voters Warn of Revolution if Hillary Clinton Wins
    New York Times – ‎16 hours ago‎

    Fearful and angry, Trump supporters brace for the worst: A crushing Defeat
    Blog-Washington Post (blog)-12 hours ago
    Donald Trump is doing all he can to take our democracy down with him as he spirals towards a loss…

    WaPo even quotes the NYT piece to reinforce their narrative.

    “exciting” MSM headlines for Trump’s rallies!

    Donald Trump Tries Out New Lines in Ohio
    Wall Street Journal (blog) – ‎3 hours ago‎

    Donald Trump’s new strategy: keep Hillary Clinton voters away
    The Sydney Morning Herald – ‎2 hours ago‎

    Donald Trump Campaigns in Ohio
    NBC New York-2 hours ago

    local MSM:

    27 Oct: 10TV: Kevin Landers: Trump rally draws thousands in Springfield, Ohio

    and, believe it or not, at “theirABC”:

    27 Oct: ABC: Zoe Daniel: Donald Trump attracts ex-Democrat supporters in Ohio
    The 74-year-old organic beef farmer was a Democrat, but he has lost faith in the party after eight years of Barack Obama. He wants a president who is going to shake up the Washington culture.
    He says American politicians are not working for the people.
    “They go down there to work for us, they end up voting for the measures lobbyists work for, so not in our best interests,” he said.
    “These people are political whores.”…
    Mr Marchese is just one member of the group Farmers for Trump in north-eastern Ohio…
    “I believe if Trump doesn’t win this election the United States as we know it will never, ever, ever be a world power again so this election, this year, is for the soul of our nation not just for a four-year vote,” farmer Nick Furrie said…
    “We really need a firm hand in this country to straighten out Washington and I tell you there’s a lot of people that have the same sentiment that I think he has a very good chance no matter what our media’s saying, because they are biased,” Tom Yuhasz said…
    Many of the job losses here have been in the steel industry…
    Steelworker Dan Moore voted for Mr Obama in the last two elections, but he has lost patience.
    “There’s a really rising sense of anger, frustration and disenfranchisement that nobody in Washington DC is listening,” he said.
    He is now voting for Mr Trump…
    “I think we are at that point where a lot of people including myself are calling for a second American revolution and a lot of people look at Donald Trump as the candidate who is most likely to bring that about in a peaceful and legal manner.”…


  • #


    27 Oct: Youtube: 5mins24secs: Katie Hopkins Trump Supporter Just Tells CNN To Go F*ck themselves
    COMMENT: That is the longest I have ever been able to watch CNN… 5 minutes of pure Awesomeness!!! Thank you Katie Hopkins.. I gotta tweet this,yep and Amen.


  • #
    Martin Hall

    It seems most places have cut out the rest of Mickey’s speech. The next sentence after you vote for trump and it feels good….”for a day”. He then goes on to say why Clinton is his choice.
    I would love to say the speech ends before this, but it doesn’t. Since we are on the website that airs out the parts of the story that alarmists don’t talk about, I thought it would be better air out the rest of the story even if its not what I wanted to hear. I love you Jonova …enough to help keep exposing the truth even if it doesn’t fit some peoples views.
    Moore was on Megyn Kelly show tonight. (Friday U.S. time)


  • #

    Read all as, with all (the few) pro-Trump websites, it is becoming more difficult every day to keep pages open, or copy excerpts:

    27 Oct: WND: Garth Kant: Voting shenanigans in almost all swing states
    ‘Fraud in few key counties could affect presidential race’

    was he joking?

    27 Oct: GatewayPundit: Jim Hoft: North Carolina Hillary Supporter Brags on Facebook About Voting Multiple Times
    Hillary supporter Robert Dougherty from Jacksonville, North Carolina bragged on Facebook today about how he committed voter fraud.
    Robert boasted on how he voted for some of his Facebook friends using their identities, and tells them not to worry about voting, because he’s already done it for them…
    Robert boasts about how they give you a sticker every time you vote. (PIC)
    He says he will continue to vote all next week!…
    “There isn’t a need for you to wait in line anymore. Took care of it for you. Gave you a straight Democratic ticket.”…
    Now he claims he didn’t do it. AG should still investigate…
    He has since edited it to say it was a joke….sure! …


  • #
    Martin Hall

    There is such a large amount of information out there about Clinton’s guilt in many serious issues, the paperwork would sink a building.
    The left does not know.
    Clintons Pay for play, is so obviously crooked, and ultra establishment cronyism…….
    The left refuses to see it.
    Now,…. there are parallel universes. One universe is the truth, and the other is the coupling of the left and the media’s universe.
    The left cant see it. A fish don’t know its wet.
    I am just dumbfounded by the string of news available that’s not being told.
    The press used to cover politicians, now they cover FOR politicians.
    North Korea is a prison society. A brutal dictator bans outside news, and its subjects have no idea what’s in the outside world.
    In the United States, we are voluntarily blind, and imprisoned. Eventually light will shine though, or their will be a prison break. tick, tick, tick, tick……


    • #

      “The left refuses to see it.”

      This is the common thread that connects the failed policies arising from the ‘progressive’ ideology. They consistently deny the truth, accuse their detractors of what they’re guilty of, double down on the failed policies and use taxpayer money to bolster the lies.

      The parallels between progressive politics and how climate science is coerced to stay broken is astounding.


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    no matter how many times the pollsters are called out for over-sampling Dems, or ignoring other factors, groups, etc, they continue to publish a really wild outlier poll each week, always in favour of Clinton, to keep the average high at Real Clear Politics, which is what MSM then flashes on the screen 24/7.
    in fact, MSM seems to take turns at manufacturing the outlier.
    by now, you would think they’d feel embarrassed about this & Real Clear Politics would establish some credible samplings for each State, which pollsters should use if their poll is to be included….nah:

    28 Oct: American Thinker: The Visual Guide to Disputing Media Polling
    By Seth Keshel
    (Seth Keshel, former Army captain and Afghanistan veteran, is a district captain for the Convention of States Project – Texas.)
    To believe recent mainstream media polling releases, one would have to suspend reality enough to believe that John Podesta’s email leaks, the ongoing Project Veritas video series, a world on fire, and new revelations about Obamacare are driving the public to embrace Hillary Clinton as never before. Things are apparently so good for the former first lady that ABC has her with a 12-point lead, a margin not seen in a presidential election since 1984. CNN is less confident but still has her sporting a comfortable 5-point lead. Fox News has wavered between “too close to call” and the current 3-point edge that is contingent on her achieving President Obama’s D+7 support level from 2008, which borders on complete insanity.
    The purpose of this article is to prove that the media is either lying to massively impact motivation or turnout for Trump or has absolutely no idea what the actual score is. The media don’t care if I know what they are doing with their nonstop analysis of new “chaos” within the Trump campaign. They are playing this sad song for the record number of independent voters who appear to be requesting ballots or voting early in battlegrounds across America…
    For those keeping score at home, here is how these polls play out on a map…READ ON

    how novel – giving Trump an opportunity to respond to a Clinton scandal! this is the only MSM to do so, as far as I have seen:

    28 Oct: Boston Herald: Chris Cassidy: Donald Trump could cash in on leaks of Bill Clinton’s benjamins
    Revelations unearthed in WikiLeaks emails from an aide that detail the inner workings of “Bill Clinton Inc.” could be an 11th-hour “game-changer” that breathes new life into Donald Trump’s campaign, a leading pollster says.
    “If it continues to have legs and it doesn’t get buried by something else, it could be a game-changer,” said John Zogby, the founder of the Zogby…
    “This race is not over. We do not know who’s going to vote,” Zogby said. “Donald Trump’s core base becomes larger the smaller the Clinton turnout is. In that way, it could have an impact.”…
    “It’s almost like the Clintons and the seven cardinal sins,” Zogby said. “The key question is if thisis what was done in the name of philanthropy at a time before, during and after she was secretary of state, what does this mean for a Clinton White House? More access? More wealth? More self-aggrandizement?”…
    ***”The more emails WikiLeaks releases, the more the lines between the Clinton Foundation, the Secretary of State’s office, and the Clinton’s personal finances are blurred,” Trump said in a statement.
    “Mr. Band called the arrangement ‘unorthodox.’ The rest of us call it outright corruption,” Trump said. “If the Clintons were willing to play this fast and loose with their enterprise when they weren’t in the White House, just imagine what they will do if they are given the chance to control the Oval Office.”…


  • #

    Ed Henry at Fox News breaks a new Clinton scandal from Wikileaks #20 Podesta emails:

    28 Oct: Youtube: 7mins06secs: Changing The ‘Times’ Wikileaks Aides Huddle To Deal With The NYT Clinton Scandals: Fox & Friends


  • #

    28 Oct: CNBC: Arjun Kharpal: Trump will win the election and is more popular than Obama in 2008, AI system finds
    An artificial intelligence (AI) system that correctly predicted the last three U.S. presidential elections puts Republican nominee Donald Trump ahead of Democrat rival Hillary Clinton in the race to the White House.
    MogIA was developed by Sanjiv Rai, the founder of Indian start-up It takes in 20 million data points from public platforms including Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in the U.S. and then analyzes the information to create predictions.
    The AI system was created in 2004, so it has been getting smarter all the time. It had already correctly predicted the results of the Democrat and Republican Primaries.
    Data such as engagement with tweets or Facebook Live videos have been taken into account.

    ***The result is that Trump has overtaken the engagement numbers of Barack Obama’s peak in 2008 – the year he came into power – ***by 25 percent…

    “If Trump loses, it will defy the data trend for the first time in the last 12 years since Internet engagement began in full earnest,” Rai wrote in a report sent to CNBC…

    The USC Dornsife / LA Times Presidential Election “Daybreak” Poll
    Trump +2


  • #

    crawling back from Clinton +12. this one’s all about people who “expect” Clinton to win!

    28 Oct: ABC/WaPo Poll: Clinton’s Lead Narrows to 4 Points, Wider Majority ***Expects Her to Win (POLL)
    This ABC News/Washington poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone Oct. 23-26, 2016, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 1,109 likely voters. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3 points, including the design effect. Partisan divisions are ***37-28-29 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.
    D+9 3 Point MOE

    comments at freerepubic:
    Forecasting a 33% higher D turnout (D+9) than R when Obama got +19% (D+6) in 2012 with a massive black vote seems ridiculously optimistic for Dem turnout unless they are having good polling #s among the dead…
    This is nothing more than the polls trying to move back to the real numbers. They knew the 12 point Clinton lead was crap. And they probably know the 4 is crap. But its ok to be off a little bit. And nobody will know if the polls were wrong on any day other than election day. So they can lie right up to the end.

    Most Damaging Wikileaks (to date)
    This list will be updated every day with new leaks until the election on November 8th.
    Click the button below to view the MOST DAMAGING WIKILEAKS

    ***better if u wrote “would be built”, Kimberley:

    27 Oct: WSJ: Grifters-in-Chief
    The Clintons don’t draw lines between their ‘charity’ and personal enrichment
    By Kimberley A. Strassel
    In an election season that has been full of surprises, let’s hope the electorate understands that there is at least one thing of which it can be certain: A Hillary Clinton presidency ***will be built, from the ground up, on self-dealing, crony favors, and an utter disregard for the law…

    ***PLUS: #21 Wikileaks Podesta emails has just gone up.


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      The latest batch contains the phishing email that allowed Podesta’s account to be hacked. The story is that Podesta THOUGHT it was a phishing attempt so asked his techs to verify. They told him it was legit.

      Bad advice is worse than NO advice.


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    Oliver K. Manuel

    Thank you, Pat, for information that may help block the effectiveness of Hillary’s politically correct BS for feeble-minded voters who cannot think for themselves!


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    reading Jo’s BLOG written on other side of the world to get the truth

    Donald Trump came to the Detroit Economic Club and stood there in front of the Ford Motor executives and said: if you close these factories, as you are planning to do in Detroit, and rebuild them in Mexico, I am going to put a 35% tariff on those cars when you send them back

    The truth: NOT available in the MSM (see other outlets)


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    or was it? read:

    28 Oct: American Mirror: Kyle Olson: Reporters aboard Clinton campaign plane in dark about FBI development as wi-fi ‘out’

    29 Oct: UK Spectator: Emily Hill: ‘The woman is a disaster!’: Camille Paglia on Hillary Clinton
    A wide-ranging interview with the iconoclastic professor
    Paglia says she has absolutely no idea how the election will go: ‘But people want change and they’re sick of the establishment — so you get this great popular surge, like you had one as well… This idea that Trump represents such a threat to western civilisation — it’s often predicted about presidents and nothing ever happens — yet if Trump wins it will be an amazing moment of change because it would destroy the power structure of the Republican party, the power structure of the Democratic party and destroy the power of the media. It would be an incredible release of energy… at a moment of international tension and crisis.
    All of a sudden, the professor seems excited. Perhaps, like all radicals in pursuit of the truth, Paglia is still hoping the revolution will come…


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    Youtube: 5mins56secs: 28 Oct: FBI HILLARY CLINTON- Donald Trump Speaks about FBI reopens Hillary Clinton Probe #BREAKING
    posted by Good Karma

    28 Oct: CNBC: Christine Wang: Anthony Weiner investigation prompts latest Clinton email bombshell
    New emails tied to the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton were discovered in a separate probe, in which the devices of former Congressman Anthony Weiner and Clinton aide Huma Abedin were seized, NBC News confirmed.
    The New York Times first reported the news…
    Donald Trump previously lashed out at Weiner online, suggesting in one tweet that the former congressman was a security risk…
    TWEET: Donald J. Trump: 31 Aug 2016: Huma Abedin, the top aide to Hillary Clinton and the wife of perv sleazebag Anthony Wiener, was a major security risk as a collector of info.

    comment at freerepublic:

    “I only worry for the country in that Hillary Clinton was careless and negligent in allowing Weiner to have such close proximity to highly classified information,” Mr. Trump said, using language that echoed criticism of Mrs. Clinton this summer by the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey Jr. “Who knows what he learned and who he told? It’s just another example of Hillary Clinton’s bad judgment. It is possible that our country and its security have been greatly compromised by this.” – Donald J Trump to the NYT in August. Wow…


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    ***did Clinton team get advance warning and switch it off?

    5 Sept: ABC America: Liz Kreutz: Hillary Clinton Begins Traveling With Press Corps on ‘Hill Force One’ Plane
    It’s equipped with ***Wi-Fi…

    VIDEO: 1min59secs: 28 Oct: RealClearPolitics: Tim Hains: CNN Reporter On Clinton’s Plane: She Learned About FBI Reopening Case At The Same Time Media Did
    CNN’s Phil Mattingly speaks to anchor Wolf Blitzer from Hillary Clinton’s campaign plane just moments after news broke that the FBI was reopnening its investigation into her private email server.
    “The plane did not have wi-fi during the entire fight,” he reported. “So you have senior advisors, as well as Hillary Clinton on the plane, and as the plane landed they were finding out about this as we were landing. I had one advisor tell me, ‘we’re learning about that at the same time you guys are.’ They didn’t have advanced notice of this, they seem similarly stunned and we saw them huddling, we’ve been waiting for Hillary Clinton to deplane to go to that first event in Cedar Rapids, as of now she has not. It appears all of the advisors were on conference calls as we were getting off the plane. It is just important to note, they were clearly not aware of this in advance, as this news was breaking and Hillary Clinton and the top advisors were on their way to Iowa, they didn’t appear to know until we touched down in Cedar Rapids.”
    “She’s expected to speak in about 20 minutes,” he continued. “She hasn’t gotten off the plane yet. The reporters are waiting outside her plane right now to yell and see if she’ll come over and say anything. Usually the deplaning process happens rather quickly, but it’s worth noting her top advisors are on the plane, campaign manager Robby Mook, communications director Jen Palmieri, Huma Abedin, her close advisor is also on the plane right now. They have not deplaned yet. Still waiting far to happen, waiting to see if they will have reaction. I think the takeaway is they had no idea this was coming so they’re trying to formulate a response right now.”


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    Youtube: 2mins47secs: 27 Oct: Crazy 4 Trump 3–3
    posted by
    Koali Fikator
    After Bullying Everyone, Trump Supporter gets what she’s been asking for… A Beatdown from a Latina


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    28 Oct: NY Post: Daniel Halper: New Clinton emails found during Anthony Weiner sexting probe
    Interim Democratic Party leader Donna Brazile tweeted, “Good grief,” after the news of the Weiner connection broke.
    The Clinton campaign called the decision to revisit the case so close to the election “extraordinary,” and urged Comey to provide more details.


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    first two parts of the “TOLERANT LEFT”” BEAT UP HOMELESS WOMAN PROTECTING TRUMP’S STAR. posting before youtube pulls them down:

    Crazy 4 Trump 1-3

    Crazy 4 Trump 2-3


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    28 Oct: WND: Jerome Corsi: Hillary sent ‘marked classified’ info to nonsecure Abedin account
    As WND reported Sept. 8, Clinton forwarded an Aug. 8, 2009, email – clearly marked “Classified” – to a personal, nonsecure email address registered to aide Abedin, Abedin then forwarded the message to another personal, nonsecure account,
    In sworn testimony before Congress, however, Clinton declared, “There was nothing marked classified on my emails, either sent or received.”
    The 2009 email, sent to Clinton from longtime adviser Sidney Blumenthal, was discovered in a cache of emails obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. The exchange concerned the “disastrous nature” of an Obama trip to Germany, charging the U.S. was “totally out of the loop in Berlin – no ambassador,” resulting in the expectation that “Germans and Russians will now cut their own separate deals on ***energy, regional security, etc.”
    WND also reported two-thirds of Abedin’s released emails were forwarded to personal addresses she controlled and Clinton’s State Department chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, may have received classified information through personal email accounts…READ ALL


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    omg Clinton just lied in her press conference on the FBI investigation!

    28 Oct: Twitter: ABC America Politics: Fact check: Contrary to what Clinton said, Comey sent letter to both Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill

    VIDEO: 28 Oct: Did Hillary Clinton Just Lie During Her Press Conference on the FBI Investigation?
    Hillary Clinton just wrapped up a brief press conference to discuss the continuing FBI investigation of her emails when she complained that FBI Director Comey only sent his letter to Republicans and not to Democrats:…


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    Notice how Hillary (and her apologists) avoids telling lies because she doesn’t know which lies to tell?

    “You know, we’ve heard these rumors, we don’t know what to believe, and I’m sure there will even be more rumors,” she said. “That’s why it is incumbent upon the FBI to tell us what they are talking about… because right now your guess is as good as mine, and I don’t think that’s good enough.”


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    29 Oct: GatewayPundit: Kristinn Taylor: BREAKING: Donald Trump Attorney Looking for Homeless Woman Beaten By Hillary Clinton Supporters in Hollywood
    Michael Cohen, Trump Organization EVP and Special Counsel to Donald J. Trump, spoke out on Twitter Friday evening about Mr. Trump’s desire–before it was known to him that she was attacked by the Clinton mob–to present an unspecified gift to the woman. Cohen said he had a friend in Hollywood looking for her.
    After learning she had been attacked, Cohen promised she would have “the last laugh on these thugs.”
    Cohen told a supporter to not contact the Trump campaign about the woman but to DM him on Twitter with any information as to her whereabouts., indicating this is a personal matter for Trump…TWEETS


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    while the millionaire heir to the Otis elevator fortune, who destroyed Trump’s Star, was glowingly reported as:

    NewsEveryDay: “I did it, and I’m very happy I did it, and I’m proud that I did it,” (James/Jamie) Otis was quoted by a KNBC Los Angeles report published on Oct. 27, 2016. Otis added that he was disappointed with Trump for derailing the entire election. He spoke with a “Los Angeles Times” reporter to express his disdain for the reality television star…For Otis, his actions are more of “act of civil disobedience” and “freedom of expression.”

    the black homeless lady is reported rather differently – not even being described as black or homeless, & no mention of having all her belongings with her. it is LA Times who puts in upper case “SHE REFUSED TO BE HELPED”. she is somehow the offender, as she was surrounded by a hostile crowd! LAPD can’t be searching too hard, if they haven’t yet checked the address she gave them:

    29 Oct: LA Times: Teresa Watanabe: LAPD searches for Trump supporter harassed after allegedly making racial slurs in Hollywood
    Los Angeles police are searching for a Trump supporter who was harassed by a crowd and apparently bumped to the ground in Hollywood this week after making what were described as racial slurs…
    A videotape taken Thursday and uploaded to YouTube showed the unidentified female supporter, wearing dark glasses and a gray hoodie, sitting silently on Hollywood Boulevard near Highland Avenue, apparently to protect Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame…
    A heavyset man with glasses and tattoos then moved in to tear up her signs, leading her to push back at him and fall to the ground.
    As she lay prone, some onlookers jeered at her with profanities…
    The videotape prompted headlines on conservative news sites, such as Breitbart News, and several calls to police asking why they did not intervene. LAPD Officer Tony Im said Friday that police would write up a misdemeanor battery report on behalf of the woman, using the video and information they obtained from her at another confrontation in Hollywood on Wednesday.
    On that day, Im said, the woman also incited the crowd with what he called racial slurs. Police from the Hollywood station went to the scene and “kept the peace,” he said.
    Police took down her name and Los Angeles address at the time, but Im did not have the information available for release. He said police would visit the address she gave to interview her.
    “We had a lot of people upset that we didn’t do anything,” Im said. “If she’s a victim, she has a right to come forward.”
    Koali Fikator, who took took the video and posted it, write on YouTube that onlookers gave the woman food, drink and called for emergency services after the altercation. He said the woman was fine.
    “SHE REFUSED TO BE HELPED, got up, and kept on with her hateful rhetoric, writing a new sign saying: “[expletive] Mexicans, vote for Trump,” Fikator wrote…

    29 Oct: Paige Austin: Police Seek Trump Supporter Harassed for Allegedly Inciting Mob with Racial Slurs
    Members of an angry mob that harassed a Donald Trump supporter in Hollywood could face battery charges…
    According to police and onlookers, she incited the crowd by allegedly spewing racial epithets. In the video posted to Youtube, it’s unclear if the woman was pushed. As she lays on the ground, some in the mob reach down and tear up her signs in support of Trump…
    (Lt. Brent McGuire of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Hollywood Station) said investigators want to find the individual who bumped into her and caused her to fall as well as those who damaged her signs.
    “We’ve started a battery investigation but we’re trying to locate the victim to further that investigation,” McGuire told City News Service…
    LAPD Officer Tony Im told the Los Angeles Times the woman had provoked another mob in Hollywood on Wednesday by using racial slurs in her defense of Trump…
    The Republican nominee apparently appreciated her efforts. Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen took to twitter Friday asking for help finding the woman so that Trump could give her a gift.


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    this expains why LA Times wrote “SHE REFUSED TO BE HELPED”, etc.
    the person who posted the youtubes (real name & some background in comments at link below) removed the sole description on Video 3-3, “After Bullying Everyone, Trump Supporter gets what she’s been asking for… A Beatdown from a Latina” (see comment #64 above) btw Drudge posted it prominently some hours after I posted it here – & still has the video up:

    29 Oct: GatewayPundit: Kristinn Taylor: Poster of Video of Beating of Homeless Trump Supporter Changed Description From Hateful to Pious Screed
    “Koali Fikator”, the person who filmed and posted the videos of the homeless Black woman being harassed and attacked for protecting Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame changed their comments describing the videos from brief statements that the woman deserved the abuse to a pious, self-serving screed. The Gateway Pundit preserved the original statements. Both are presented below.
    This is important as the Drudge Report links directly to Fikator’s third video which means that most people who follow the link will read the pious, self-serving screed without knowing that Fikator was indeed part of the mob and wrote that the woman deserved the attack. They would also not know the contempt that Fikator has for the mentally ill homeless unless they read the original comments preserved by The Gateway Pundit.

    since the above was written, the videos have either been removed from youtube, or gone “private”, if that is possible, as someone suggests in comments at GP above.


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    just a “dust-up”!

    And, as with all those “Trump protestors incite violence” articles which should have been “Anti-Trump protestors incite violence” (or, as has now been confirmed by Project Veritas – “Hillary’s thugs incite violence”), AP now sets the meme – bump, gropes & whitewashed video description – making it seem as if the woman is responsible for the “dust-up” & the police are afer her!

    tons of MSM have picked up the Associated Press “story” with this headline. shame on them all. they will never recover any credibility:

    29 Oct: Associated Press: Woman sought in dust-up at Donald Trump’s Hollywood star
    A man bumps against her, she pushes back and falls to the ground, staying there as the crowd jeers…
    Koali Fikator, who shot and posted the video, wrote on YouTube that the woman told the crowd to “let her be” when some offered help and that she eventually got up and made a new sign disparaging Mexicans and urging people to vote for Trump…
    The man accused of destroying the star, Jamie Otis, was arrested Thursday on suspicion of felony vandalism and released on bail.
    After Wednesday’s pre-dawn attack, he told Deadline Hollywood that he originally intended to remove the star. He said he wanted to auction it off to raise funds for women accusing the presidential candidate of groping them. Trump has denied the groping allegations.

    Woman sought in dust-up at Donald Trump’s Hollywood star
    Washington Post – 2 hours ago

    plus multiple local major TV stations – CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox – many small regional TV stations, Yahoo, Charlotte Observer, Boston Herald, Houston Chronicle, US News & World Report, UK Daily Mail, Townhall, etc etc…


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    comment at RedditThe_Donald: …don’t forget that Telemundo was there on the scene: (Pic: Telemundo vehicle)
    they need to be held accountable too

    Telemundo carries the AP meme, plus an earlier CNN piece on the vandalism of the Star, but can’t find a thing on the attack of the woman:

    30 Oct: Telemundo: AP: Woman sought in dust-up at Donald Trump’s Hollywood star

    ThePoliticsForum: posted today with revised description on video: Homeless woman attacked by mob for defending Trump’s Hollywood star…
    Question: why is there a Telemundo news van there?
    You can see it at about 0:22 in the video, channel 52 is a local LA station.
    And, at about 0:17 in the video, you can see that the fat man has some kind of bag, looks like a plastic bag of some kind, and it sure looks like it has the exact same colors as that Telemundo logo. Maybe it’s a Telemundo 52 bag

    don’t know about it being a Telemundo bag, but watch the first 42 secs as the “fat man” intimidates her, steals her signs, pushes her cart over, causing her to fall to the ground. oh yes, “A man bumps against her, she pushes back and falls to the ground”!!!

    Youtube: 2mins47secs: Hillary Supporters ATTACK Homeless Woman Guarding Trump’s Star
    posted by Rekt Feminist Videos
    I can’t tell you much more than what you can take from this video. I also am in no way promoting trump with this video, I just found it shocking and whether you’re for Trump or Hillary.. this sort of behavior is childish and moronic. Thank god I’m Australian and don’t have to see this nonsense going on outside. Some people really need to chill out and stop being so dramatic.

    RT posts all 3 koali fikator vids & they all work.
    MSM, why do people watch Russia Today! here’s why:

    29 Oct: RussiaToday: Violent crowd attacks, insults homeless woman guarding Trump’s Hollywood star (VIDEOS)
    A black homeless woman guarding Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star was the victim of violent harassment by an anti-Trump crowd. Videos of the abuse show people yelling at the woman and knocking her to the ground as the insults continue…
    She was knocked off her feet, her cart overturned and her banners torn to pieces…
    The woman had been guarding Trump’s star since millionaire activist James Otis hammered it beyond recognition on Wednesday night. Otis was arrested for felony vandalism, but then released on $20,000 bail until a court hearing on November 18.


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    best to identify the woman here.

    Redditors on a Donald page seem to have identified her. apparently it is known she is now 64, which fits, & there seems to be no doubt it is her:

    2013: InTheMorgueBlog: On L.A.’s Skid Row, few know about Obamacare by Susan Abram
    So many people still don’t know that the Affordable Care Act is law. Among those are the homeless or very poor who instead are focused on survival, such as food or shelter. I had the opportunity one recent morning to walk Los Angeles’ Skid Row neighborhood with Chris Mack, an outreach worker with JWCH Institute, which operates several clinics…
    PIC: Above, Mack speaks with Denise Scott…
    Denise Scott shouts angrily over the way America has forgotten her.
    “We don’t need no more illegals comin’ over here!” she screams from a Skid Row sidewalk littered with chicken bones, paper plates and discarded clothes.
    “Fix the problems in this country! I need a place to live!”
    Christopher Mack, a lead community outreach worker for a health clinic in the heart of Los Angeles’ Skid Row, squats next to her. He softly tells her to calm down, to breathe, to remember to see her case worker in the morning about housing.
    He also wants to know if she has health insurance.
    But Scott, who will turn 61 soon and has lived on Skid Row for 18 months, is in no mood to hear sweet talk. She’s bone thin. Her sweater is ripped and riddled with holes. Her clothes and important papers are squashed into various size bags all around her. Tears of frustration drip down her face.
    “I’m not a racist,” she tells Mack apologetically, “But I can’t go to Mexico to get a house and you can’t find me a place to live here.”…
    The encounter demonstrates how difficult it can be to provide health coverage to some of the most destitute, even those who qualify for free or subsidized plans. Some of them say that simply trying to survive or find a roof over their heads takes precedence even over caring for their own health…


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    btw Redditor has tweeted the article to Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen.


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    this is prior to finding out who she is & he doesn’t realise how LA Times/Patch framed the narrative, but he nails it, as usual:

    YouTube: 3mins47secs: Paul Joseph Watson: Hillary Voters Attack Homeless Black Woman For Supporting Trump


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    it’s 3am East Coast US but someone’s put up a GoFundMe for Denise Scott, and it’s trending. not sure who has organised it:

    30 Oct: GatewayPundit: Jim Hoft: GoFundMe Page Set Up to Help Homeless Woman Guarding Trump Star
    The woman’s name is Denise Scott.
    You donate to her here. (LINK)
    All funds will go to provide Denise care:
    – Immediate & Affordable Housing
    – Health Assessment and Medical Treatment
    – Food Supplies
    – Winter and Summer Clothing / Shoes / Hygiene Products
    – Personal Identification Registration as Needed (Licenses, SS Card, Birth Certificate, etc.)
    – Employment Assistance
