- JoNova - -

UK High Court decided that the people can’t vote for a clear outcome, they have to vote for other people to vote for them.

The UK High court decides Parliament knows the will of the people more than the people do.

A British court just prevented the prime minister from Brexiting. — Vox

“The most fundamental rule of the UK constitution is that Parliament is sovereign,” the court writes in a summary document explaining the ruling.

Naive me. I thought the people were sovereign?

Isn’t the Parliament meant to serve the people…

Those who serve themselves can serve up mindless platitudes:

Investment manager Gina Miller, who brought the case, said outside the High Court:… “The result today is about all of us. It’s not about me or my team. It’s about our United Kingdom and all our futures.”

I suspect the British people thought they were voting on “their future”.


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