US Election: Avalance of corruption found against Clinton

 As I said, “It’s the Corruption, Stupid“.  The US election is far beyond policy disputes. Do the people care if their leaders make personal profits by selling out the nation? As Linda Tripp says: “That this is not chilling to much of the nation is the most chilling of all.”

We are in danger of being swamped in the details and emails: too much to process, when so many sub-parts would be election-changing on their own.

“FBI Clinton Foundation probe finds ‘avalanche’ of corruption evidence against her – but agents fear Justice Department will stop her going on trial”

  • Clintons are accused of running a pay-for-play operation out of State that favored donors to their charity – a charge they have denied
  • Feds are ‘actively and aggressively pursuing’ a case, Fox’s Brit Hume said Wednesday, and they have an ‘avalanche’ of evidence
  • FBI’s pursuit of the case is rooted in recordings of a suspect in a different corruption case who spoke about foundation’s alleged dirty dealings
  • The FBI, under the leadership of director James Comey, believed those conversations were enough to move forward with the probe
  • Justice Department prosecutors disagreed because the source was not an employee of the Clinton Foundation
  • The law enforcement agency has at least four other investigations open that involve the Clintons and their close friends, as well

Read it all at the Daily Mail

The US Election — latest Fox news piece:


She of two faces

The latest Wikileaks shows again the gap between the Clinton public persona and the real one. Clinton has been caught telling one Democrat Representative that she was “‘only pretending to oppose the TPP  in order to get union support but would sign it when she was president,’ write Trump advisers Peter Navarro and Curtis Ellis.”    — Breitbart


Latest RealClear Politics poll

US Election Polls, Nov 4, 2016. Real Clear Politics.



Trumps Latest Ad.

Linda Tripp discusses Hillary Clinton — Breitbart

With a federal criminal investigation of the possible president-elect underway, President Obama might well issue a preemptive presidential pardon on his way out the door. Imagine that. Pardoned before inaugurated. Or she will find a way to pardon herself for “the good of the country.” It will simply never end.

Hillary’s incessant scandals over decades have morphed into an odd sort of national vaccination, immunizing her from accountability while hypnotizing much of the nation. In the face of pervasive corruption, it has been reduced to so much white noise. With much of the country asleep at the wheel, she is days away from likely becoming our 45th President. The colossal Clinton con will have achieved riches, greatness and immortality and that is unthinkable to those of us who knew them both.

Not so much Pay-to-Play as Pay-to-Pardon?

By now we’ve forgotten the most infamous pardon of them all. That was bestowed on Marc Rich, the notorious perpetrator of the greatest tax fraud against the United States in history. Among other things. As a permanent resident on the FBI’s Most Wanted List, fugitive from justice Rich was probably the least likely person on the planet one might expect to receive a presidential pardon. Unless you knew the Clintons. So, let’s review. Denise Rich paid close to half a million dollars to the Clinton Library. She paid at least $70,000 to Hillary’s senate campaign and even donated $10,000 to Bill Clinton’s Legal Defense Fund as he futilely fought the Paula Jones lawsuit. And that is all we know about. All in a day’s work for the Clintons. Few paid attention. Sure, short lived outrage ensued, but our Pravda-esque media ensured the pardon coverage was brief. Most importantly, the Clintons’ paydays were never in any jeopardy.

Worth reading…

Finally when there is so much about greedy selfishness, here’s a nice bit of old news:

Trump paid off a widows mortgage 1986 so she could keep living there:

Feb 2016: The daughter of a woman whose family farm was saved nearly 30 years ago by a last-minute intervention from Donald Trump praised him during a campaign stop on Tuesday. Betsy Sharp told a Trump-friendly crowd in North Augusta, South Carolina, about her father’s suicide in the face of a bank foreclosure and the billionaire who paid off the mortgage so her mother, Annabelle Hill, could continue to live there.

Lenard Dozier Hill took his own life in 1986 on the morning his farm was to go to a courthouse auction, believing that his life insurance would pay enough to save the cotton and soybean plantation that had been in his family for more than 100 years. He never knew his insurance policy had an exemption for suicides.

At least one former endorser of Hillary Clinton has had enough on Huffington Post: Fed up with the indifference of the people around the corruption.

Why I Can No Longer Support Hillary Clinton

I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors, your surrogates, and those you surround yourself with are a reflection of who you truly are, no? If not, why not curb any unacceptable behavior? Silence, indifference, or inaction is as incriminatory-at least to me. There has been no repudiation, let alone denunciation, of what was said in those emails-just denial, finger pointing, and doublespeak. To appoint the very same folks who carried out many malicious behaviors to tip the scales for Hillary is just as unpardonable. Why reward unethical behavior? It’s mind-boggling.

h/t David, AndyG, Pat, many others. Thank you.


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209 comments to US Election: Avalance of corruption found against Clinton

  • #

    Aware of how vindictive the Clinton’s can be?

    What happened to law enforcement?


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      • #
        Eugene WR Gallun

        [SNIP — off topic silly comments get trashed in the #1 thread. Semi-decent but OT responses to these may or may not now appear orphaned right at the bottom of the thread. Please don’t! – Jo]


        • #

          ====== NEW COMMENTS APPEAR ABOVE THESE =====

          [These comments below are now orphaned from the nesting because the OT comments they replied too have been deleted. – Jo]

          OK let’s start at ground level.

          The picture I have is that inbound UV from the sun is absorbed into the Earth’s surface,

          This high energy radiation is degraded and exits the ground as infrared radiation where it is picked up exclusively by CO2.

          That’s the ipcccc model.

          I suspect that you are saying that all gas molecules pick up the energy from the surface during impact with that surface by conduction.

          Further the extra energy in that gas then induces convection where the energy is carried aloft.

          Is any of the IR absorbed by any gas molecules at ground level ?



        • #

          I think you implied previously that the infrared at ground level is of such low “virtue” that the gases at ground level do not need it.


        • #

          KK What you said is “Not even wrong” sounds a lot like the Finkel garbage carted out in response to Senator Roberts.

          Firstly it is visible light that predominantly irradiates the surface UV has little to do with it as that’s filtered in the stratosphere largely by oxygen (in the form of ozone)

          Secondly you impart some magic property to convection, when molecules heat up they get faster – more energetic. It Stands to reason that the most energetic can rise to the greatest heights before their kinetic energy is completely converted to potential energy. If a molecule is low energy then it can’t rise, it has to fall under the influence of gravity. Hence the atmosphere over time must stratify and turns over (called convection).

          This is just the action of the inexorable force of gravity on the atmosphere, gravity and solar energy drives everything – funny thing is they keep leaving gravity out.


          • #

            Hi bobl

            I did write a rather lengthy answer to your comment but it has been binned in the move.

            O/T It is apparent to me that Will writes with a lot of authority on the matter of energy/power movement through the atmosphere and my main interest is in the behaviour of CO2 relative to other gases;
            ie does it do more than other gases on moving energy from lower atmosphere to space or just the same.


        • #

          KinkyKeith November 5, 2016 at 4:25 am

          “OK let’s start at ground level.
          The picture I have is that inbound UV from the sun is absorbed into the Earth’s surface,”

          Not a good place to start, but wherever you are must be your start! Part of insolation is reflected, the scammers claim 30%. 30% is astronomical ‘albedo’, that backscattered into hemisphere convex to the sun.Another 9% is forward scattered (mostly mie), and is what makes the Moon visible during Lunar eclipse by the Earth. Of the remaining 61% approx 42% is absorbed by the atmosphere. 62% visible cloud cover, 78% in the UV and IR. Very little reaches the surface and most of that is reflected at angles of incidence g.t. 55°! Lotsa ocean and why you can see the lights of NYC in NJ reflecting off the river. Have we started yet, with what is observable\measureable\scientific?

          “This high energy radiation is degraded and exits the ground as infrared radiation where it is picked up exclusively by CO2.
          That’s the ipcccc model.”

          Scammers abound! No more than 20 W/m² on average exit the surface as radiative flux, again measured! More on why this is so later. The exit flux from the atmosphere to space is the only thing that keeps Earth from overheating!

          “I suspect that you are saying that all gas molecules pick up the energy from the surface during impact with that surface by conduction.”

          Only if the surface ‘air’ (atmosphere) is at a lower temperature than the surface, not true over most the ocean. If you don’t mind I try to avoid the word “ENERGY”! Power is fine, the accumulation of power as sensible/latent heat is also fine. The accumulation of power as work is way way different than sensible/latent heat.
          Both have the same units (Joule), meant to confuse those that have personally converted horsepower into plowed acreage, that has no horsepower-hours (Joules).

          “Further the extra energy in that gas then induces convection where the energy is carried aloft.”

          There are no thermals to carry gliders aloft over the ocean! Most of Earth’s atmospheric convection is mechanically induced! The ‘air’ moving eastward at surface velocity has a significant outward radial momentum. Only compressible fluid dynamics, plus gas continuum mechanics, can come close to even a hint of understanding!

          “Is any of the IR absorbed by any gas molecules at ground level ? KK”

          Yes theoretically! No one has been able to measure such! All tropospheric temperatures are determined by the gravitationally induced pressure, density, temperature, lapse; as modified by convection, conversion of latent heat, and radiative exitance to space.
          All the best! -will-


          • #

            Afternoon Will,
            Thanks for that.
            Do you have a number, or range, of how much incoming sunlight is taken up, and stored by photosynthesis? It’s a factor which is usually left out of any discussion, and I suspect not insignificant.
            Dave B


            • #

              David-of-Cooyal-in-Oz November 5, 2016 at 3:00 pm ·
              “Afternoon Will, Thanks for that.
              Do you have a number, or range, of how much incoming sunlight is taken up, and stored by photosynthesis? It’s a factor which is usually left out of any discussion, and I suspect not insignificant.
              Cheers, Dave B”

              Really I do not! Talk to your local botanist, or forester who have a clue. My guess is that very little of the 30W/m² red and blue incident is actually converted to carbohydrate. The process is wickedly inefficient in conifers with most power just evaporating water for little increase in daytime temperature. For a honest answer try “Nobody knows”! If someone claims to know, watch your wallet!


        • #

          Thanks Will

          A lot to digest there.

          I did write a response to bobl but it seems to have disparu.


          • #

            Just why was my comment on local law enforcement practice in this USA At #1.1 with 17 up thumbs been snipped, as off topic? This is exactly the corruption as promoted by the WITCH!


            • #

              Will the comment had the potential to be taken as inflammatory, perhaps?
              Luckily here in Australia our police forces are not as “local” as they are apparently in the US and ours are very much subject to State governing bodies rather than local city councils or whatever.

              Ours is probably a better system from that perspective but I am sure that there are many very decent and effective police in the USA.

              In fact when we were in Virginia and heading into Washington a few years back we had car trouble and are very thankful for the efforts of one officer who came to our assistance.

              Always remembered; that kindness.



              • #
                Gail Combs


                Our police are controlled locally for a reason. Just think of Germany before WWII.

                Unfortunately Homeland Security via Fusion Centers is trying to remove our local control of our police.

                What’s the Matter with Fusion Centers?

                Homeland Security National Network of Fusion Centers Fact Sheet

                There is a heck of a lot more on the morphing of our police from ‘Officer Friendly’ to the swat team that kicks in your door, shoots your dog, terrorizes your elderly mom just to serve a misdemeanor warrant.

                That is what happened to the Mayor of Berwyn Heights, Maryland here in the USA and this is what he did about it.



              • #

                Hi Gail,

                I look at our local city council and am very glad that they don’t run our police force.

                I have also experienced your Homeland security at various airports some years ago.

                Aggressive, rude and I suspect, ineffective.

                By contrast the airport police in Frankfurt were courteous, efficient and probably very effective.

                OT we spent 9 days in NY and were amazed at how polite and courteous everyone was. A great city, at least in the centre.



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        Oliver K. Manuel

        Thank you, JoNova, for doing the job the US press ignored


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      Gail Combs

      The polls are actually all over the place. Remember most polls are done by pollsters PAID BY DEMOCRATS-MSM and are therefore psy-ops/agenda polls used to influence voters and not to give scientifically based information.

      (The LA Times/USC Tracking has generally been decent and now shows Clinton 43, Trump 47 = Trump +4 )

      A Democrat, Pat Caddell on ‘Cooked’ Reuters Poll: ‘Never in My Life Have I Seen a News Organization Do Something So Dishonest’

      The mask is really getting ripped off in this election showing all the rot underneath. I just hope it is not too late.


      • #
        Gail Combs

        Stefan Molyneux, a Canadian has a thought provoking video that will make Politically Correct Heads explode.

        It explains WHY the Democrats who were against the civil rights act have changed their stance since I was a little girl. It explains why they are flooding the EU and the USA and Canada and even Australia with third worlders when it makes ZERO economic and security sense. Unfortunately this explanation does makes a nasty sort of sense after you see the whole vid (1 hour) and think about it.

        H/T to Larry Ledwick who came up with this vid and got me hooked on Stefan Molyneux six months ago via other videos.


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          Rod Stuart

          There is no other rational explanation for the creation of strife in the Middle East and the resulting invasion of Western Civilisation. It’s unfortunate that Stefan is so long winded about it.


          • #
            Gail Combs

            Yes, I really wish he could keep it to 15 to 20 minutes. Still he is well worth exploring if you have a bit of time. Certainly beats the Boob Tube


        • #
          David Maddison

          Excellent video. Recommended.


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        Rod Stuart

        I like the way Bill Still analyses the Daybreak poll.


  • #

    Can one surf an avalanche? Has anyone ever tried? If it was a tsunami, it might be worth a go … for the sheer fun of it. This is way beyond a pop corn moment.

    I listened to someone in New Zealand today reliably inform me that had Michelle Obama been running for President instead of Hilliar she would, in her opinion, be romping home to an electoral victory.
    The MSM fed disconnect from reality is about to uncouple with the detonation of millions of snapping cortical elastics. They will need far more than ‘safe spaces’ to relieve their post traumatic stress disorder.


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      Oliver K. Manuel

      I personally know of no federal agency in the United States that is above corruption now, including especially the once-distinguished, private group of scholars that Abraham Lincoln appointed to advise the nation on matters of science and technology, the so-called National Academy of Sciences.

      By controlling budget review of federal research agencies like NASA, DOE, EPA, NOAA for Congress, this once distinguished group of scholars holds the distinction of hiding the source energy that powers the Sun and the cosmos from the public with the false, sloping baseline that Weizsacker (1935) and Bethe (1936) used to calculate nuclear energy, rather than just measure atomic mass as Einstein had suggested in 1905 and Aston did in 1922.

      Science thus became a tool to CONTROL. rather than SERVE, the public.


  • #

    O/T but of interest.

    The Federal Court has chucked the HRC out of court over the 3 QUT students and the computer lab.

    Apart from the middle finger in the air for Triggsie, one wonders if these vindicated students are able to recover their costs plus damages for hurt and anguish ?

    And now, perhaps, the QUT will overcome it’s coyness and actually signpost the lab in question to avoid all this cr@p. But I doubt it.


    • #

      Ian you would be aware that the HREOC Tribunal has no legal teeth, defendants can be penalised but the penalty cannot be enforced by the Tribunal, the matter would need to be reviewed in a court of law.

      During the period in government in Queensland of Premier Beattie (Labor) that government ignored a Tribunal order and around the same time so di Qantas on another matter. Both were not pursued.

      Legal advice I received over a false accusation from a former employee to the HREOC was to offer to pay compensation to avoid a drawn out dispute and appearance at the Tribunal, regardless of the evidence we could produce showing without doubt that the complainant was wrong. I decided to proceed and the matter was withdrawn after the last meeting I had with a HREOC “Investigator-Conciliator” when I told her that the threat of appearing at the Tribunal did not concern me.

      People involved in Professor Trigg’s games should ignore her.


      • #

        Yes, I am aware of that. The point, I suppose, is that most people will be successfully bullied if the HRC attacks them publicly.

        As we say, the process is the punishment.


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        • #

          You Aussie folk still seem to have ‘competent’ judges! How extraordinarily fortunate you seem to be!


          • #
            Gail Combs

            We in the USA on the other hand have district attorneys that look at political connections and not at the crime.

            I found that out via personal experience more than once.


            • #
              Gail Combs

              Forgot to add. A US citizen can bring a civil suit but it is the district attorney’s office that brings criminal charges against someone.

              This is why Lynch and not Comey is the critical person when it comes to bringing criminal cases against Clinton.


          • #

            The Aussie court system is modelled on the British systems, where a lawyer is a servant of the court, not of their client as in the US. This leads to subtle difference in how things work here. For example Judges are not political appointees, though they do have political biases and sometimes agendas. However these biases are related to their practices rather than an allegiance to a political party. Lawyers are however generally expected to keep their biases at bay unlike say SCOTUS which has clear political divisions.

            We too however, have seen the mark of activist Lawyers and the waste they lay to entire state/countries (Gillard was a Lawyer).


    • #

      So for years Australia and the world shunned South Africa over its apartheid policies but now its acceptable here in reverse because of alleged crimes we didn’t commit, what an exciting time to be alive……


      • #

        Speaking of apartheid and segregation, doubtless many here would have noticed the debacle at the University of California, Berkeley recently, (where else?) where black students requested ‘safe spaces’ to be black. They request segregation.

        Those that don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. Their grandparents must be speechless.


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          “Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. In the first stage of life the mind is frivolous and easily distracted, it misses progress by failing in consecutiveness and persistence. This is the condition of children and barbarians, in which instinct has learned nothing from experience.”
          ―George Santayana


        • #

          Talk about going”Full Circle”A certain “Black Gentleman “would be turning in his grave and saying WTF.


    • #

      Now they just need to THROW OUT THE HRC !!

      Aussie can look after human rights, without a pack of self-righteous, overbearing far-left totalitarians.

      They are NOTHING but a hindrance to real human rights.


  • #

    ianl8888 –
    thanks for posting that good piece of news.

    3 Nov: Breitbart: Matthew Boyle: Polls: Trump Takes Commanding Leads in New Hampshire, North Carolina
    NEW YORK CITY, New York — Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump has now taken a commanding lead in the latest surveys out of New Hampshire and North Carolina as his pathway to the White House grows by the hour in the final week…
    An ARG poll out of New Hampshire, conducted from Oct. 31 through Nov. 2, shows Trump with a comfortable five point lead in the Granite State—outside the survey’s four percent margin of error. Trump, at 48 percent, leads Clinton who lags at 43 percent…
    Down in North Carolina, the third survey in as many days shows Trump with a similarly strong lead. Trump’s 5.9 percent lead—he’s at 49.6 percent while Clinton trails down at 43.7 percent—is outside the latest Red Wolf Public Sector survey’s 4.9 percent margin of error…
    Trump has seemingly locked in the red states, which amount to 191 electoral votes, and similarly has taken leads in Ohio, Iowa, Nevada, Florida, North Carolina, New Hampshire, and Maine’s second congressional district. If he holds all these places in which he currently leads, he will hit exactly 270 electoral votes—and that’s without even counting other states with close races like Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Colorado, New Mexico, Wisconsin, or Minnesota.

    3 Nov: WSJ Editorial: The Costs of Clinton
    Her policies are further left than Obama’s, and you know her ethics
    She wants higher taxes, more spending on entitlements that are already unaffordable, more subsidies…more regulations on businesses of all kinds, more limits on political speech, more enforcement of liberal cultural values on schools and churches.
    The greatest cost of this would be more lost years of slow economic growth. The U.S. economy hasn’t grown by 3%…since 2005, and the explanation from Mrs. Clinton’s economic advisers is that America can’t grow faster and inequality is a bigger problem in any case…
    But as we’ve seen…the costs of slow growth are corrosive. Flat incomes lead to more social tension and political enmity. The fight to divide a smaller pie would get uglier in a country that was once accustomed to rising possibilities. Imagine the 2020 election after four more years of 1%…
    Lurking behind all this, as we’ve seen these past two weeks, is the familiar pattern of scandal fed by her penchant for secrecy and political paranoia. As journalist Carl Bernstein has noted, she shares Richard Nixon’s “obsession with enemies…”
    The most astonishing revelation of the 2016 campaign has been that neither she nor her husband learned anything from the ethical traumas of the 1990s. …instead they built the same pay-to-play structure via the Clinton Foundation…


    • #

      Why 270 electoral college votes? is not 268 not the number for majority? Are there electors from else than States?


      • #
        Vlad the Impaler

        I’ll try to get this quickly, Will:

        Each state has the same number of “electors” as it has Representatives (based on population) and Senators (two for each State). Currently, there are 435 Representatives, plus 100 Senators for the fifty states (or, fifty-seven, if you listen to certain Presidents … … ) —–

        AND! — — — —

        The District of Columbia (D.C. usually, here; same as your A.C.T. and Canberra)is given three electoral college votes (one non-voting Representative in the House, and two non-voting Senators in the Senate). All together that makes 538 electors; take 538 and divide it by two, and you get 269. To win the election, and not have a tie, one candidate must get half of the Electoral College votes, plus one (268 + 1 = 270).

        Incidentally, D. C. has always gone to the Democrat running for President; it is automatically figured in as ‘blue’ (see thread #5 below) in the race to get 270 votes.

        Hope that helps,

        Vlad the Impaler


        • #
          Vlad the Impaler

          Check that math: 269 + 1 = 270

          Man, I’m getting old (and it’s past my “checking my eyelids for light leaks” time … … …


    • #

      Just why was my comment on local law enforcement practice in this USA At #1.1 with 17 up thumbs been snipped, as off topic? This is exactly the corruption as promoted by the WITCH!


  • #

    I took a look at the biggest state (Electorally) California. It boggles the mind that a state with as many millionaires as California with a huge economy has people that ignore the wrongdoings of the Clintons to the point where she is polling 21 points up.

    I can say that if this was happening in Australia that she would lose every state. Aussies do not like corruption. Even the political lie “There will be no carbon tax” was remembered three long years later

    How is it that it isn’t red wall-to-wall, can one of our US friends explain it to me?


    • #

      California welcomed the first implementation of Agenda 21 via ICLEI 2 years before the 1992 Rio summit, the voters of the County passed Measure C, “The Decade of the Environment ” containing many of the key tenets of the U.N. Program, and which has been reaffirmed every ten years by the Board of Supervisors, and is reported on regularly by the Planning Department.

      International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives — or ICLEI (pronounced Ick-ly) is a U.N. NGO that had its founding meeting in 1990 in the General Assembly chamber at the U.N. building in Manhattan. ICLEI staff wrote one of the chapters of the Agenda 21 document, under the direction of Maurice Strong. Santa Cruz City and County have both been members of ICLEI since its inception, though this has been made as obscure as possible by local officials over time. ICLEI works to bring top-down policies from the U.N. globalist agenda to local communities under the guise of being guided by its membership.


      • #

        Western California (the cities) need a big surround zipper, so as to dispatch the globalists to elsewhere/when by mere unzipping! Such provide no benefit to the US, and the US would much benefit by the gross departure of those that ‘think they know’! Bye bye!! Who else would put up with them?


      • #
        Dean from Ohio

        Progressives infest California, and Progressives are corrupt. Progressivism poisons everything.


      • #

        Excellent observation thank you Yonniestone, and one that illustrates the way in which the UN achieve their objectives. It highlights the means by which they may achieve global governance, essentially by proxy through obscured regional administration.
        It is key for people to understand that the UN seek implementation of their various socio-political Agendas (Sustainable Development Agenda ‘Agenda 21’; Habitat III New Urban Agenda) in a multi-pronged manner. The grand media spectacle of COP 21, Rio and the like are the scintillating smoke, lights and mirrors eagerly sucked up by an eco-Progressive MSM. Some of the intent eventually filters down through national governments. By far away the nuts and bolts of detailed implementation takes place at a local council level, bypassing national filters and policies, and usually implemented by UNcentric mission driven individuals (paradoxically often quite hard to find at a local level). With low voter involvement and interest in local politics it becomes much harder to push back against even a modicum of UNcentricity.


    • #

      Take a look at the California debt clock standing at a debt of a shade more than $US12,000 per person.

      California will be as broke as Greece if the stock market ever tanks again.”

      “Like gamblers on a hot streak that seem to lose all sense of reality, and who double-up their bets against high odds, California’s Governor Brown and the Democrat-controlled legislature have doubled down spending on the welfare.”


    • #
      Lord Jim

      PANIC: Hillary drops from 25% lead in California to 9%


      • #

        Among independents in CA. She still holds a very large lead. But then the last time a Republican won that state, most around here were not born.


    • #
      Eugene WR Gallun

      bobl —
      Having lived in California for a number of years I can tell you that the state motto should be —
      Eugene WR Gallun


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      Gary Meyers

      bobl, I live in California. I have my entire life. The only time I remember California voting a Republican in a presidential race was when Ronald Reagan was elected. I don’t understand it myself. It is very frustrating. I live in one of the few conservative(republican) districts in CA here in the Mojave desert.


      • #
        Gary Meyers

        One of the biggest reasons that Hillary is in this race at all is because of the media. They keep covering her rear while unjustly demonizing Donald Trump.


      • #
        Dean from Ohio

        Demonic influence and control, boosted by abortion, drugs and gross immorality.


    • #
      Vlad the Impaler

      Hi bobl,

      I do not live in California; my older brother and sister-in-law live there. Both of them are dyed-in-the-wool conservatives (libertarian-types; small, non-intrusive government), as am I. They are not far from San Francisco; she is a bio-med researcher at Stanford, and may be the token conservative on campus.

      I’ve heard that there is a general “split” between N. California and S. California, in that the farther south one goes in the state, the more “progressive” the population becomes. Parts of northern California are as red/conservative as any pure red state (such as mine: Wyoming), but most of the population is centered in the south, and along the San-San corridor (San Fransisco-to-San Diego). Much of what we call the ‘environmental movement’ found its roots in California, the main impetus coming from the Unocal drilling rig that had a blow-out in the San Bernardino channel in ’69.

      Much of what was the ‘liberal’ progressive movement also began in the “hippie” culture, including Haight-Ashbury (in ‘Frisco), Students for a Democratic Society, Friends of the Earth, Sierra Club (actually started in late 1800’s or early 1900’s); the whole morphed eventually into what you and I call the Progressive political movement, but those are the roots of it, and much of it started in California.

      Ironic that the same people, in 1960’s America, who warned us about the overreaching authority of “The Man” (big government) have become the very thing they claimed to be protesting back then: authoritarians, cultural Marxists, intolerant of any view different from their own, etc.

      Is is any wonder they approve, unconditionally, of Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and the culture of corruption surrounding that whole cesspool? Of course they approve of what she is doing, and what she has done: she’s doing all the wrong thing(s) for all the right reasons: totalitarianism! Hypocrisy is unfathomable to a Marxist, especially these types. Anything done by anyone to further the cause is not only acceptable, but approved and championed!

      “California is like a bowl of cereal; once you get past the fruits and the nuts, all you have left are the flakes.”



      • #

        My in-laws also live in a valley – Imperial valley. It is not as liberal there either (although probably more so than the Mojave).


      • #

        Interesting comment Vlad.


        • #
          Vlad the Impaler

          Check that: “San Bernardino Channel” —– should be Santa Barbra Channel … … …

          I’m getting too old for this stuff; thanks for the compliment, KK.



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        • #
          Oliver K. Manuel

          Thanks for this link. Frightened world leaders developed research agencies with public funds for “consensus scientists” to hide NEUTRON REPULSION – the source of energy in atomic bombs from the public after WWII.

          Corrupt atomic physics has evolved into the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN).


      • #

        I carefully digested that Vlad. Thanks.


      • #

        Thanks Vlad,
        That was a great help, however I still don’t get why the majority of people would vote for someone who’s actions seem to me to be far, far worse than Nixon.

        I just don’t think Australian voters as I know the electorate to be would even take the chance on someone as closely linked to this sort of corruption. It has to be hidden deep here (and it is).

        Last election shows what happens when our choice is limited as it was last election (Shorten or Turnbull – what a choice). We saw the rise in the independent vote, this will overtake the parliament next election if Turnbull doesn’t go first. We will get a conservative hung parliament if Turbull and Shorten stay, if Shorten goes we might get a labor government, If Turbull goes we will get a coalition government.

        In the USA you get a third choice that makes it even easier – Don’t vote. Even if I was a died-in-the-wool progressive I wouldn’t vote for a crook, I’d protest by not voting at all if I was in the USA. (Here of course, I either vote independent or spoil my vote because everyone here has to turn up to a polling booth)

        But thanks again, still doesn’t really explain why Californians would knowingly vote for a crook, but it does shed a light on the demographics of California.


        • #
          Vlad the Impaler

          Greetings, bobl:

          I do apologize for not being able to explain it any better than that. You are correct: why would they vote that way?

          I can only offer this — — — you and I (and many of Jo’s faithful) know that [Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Progressivism …] is a mental illness. Mental illness cannot usually be explained by any mechanism (biological pathogens notwithstanding), it can only be dealt with. Sometimes it can be treated, and sometimes the stupor disappears, almost on its own. There does not seem to be a consistency in the pattern of who recovers, and who does not. Jo herself was once a believer in CAGW, until she investigated on her own (with some push from a very dear friend, who shall remain forever nameless, but his initials are Dr. David Evans), so it does happen.

          The mass hysteria gripping places like California cannot be understood, it can only be confronted, and with any luck and patience, one-by-one some individuals may come around.

          Pray sooner, rather than later … … …



          • #

            Thanks Vlad,

            It seems incomprehensible to me. I can understand it in a society where all the people that vote against the dictator disappear in mysterious circumstances, but that wouldn’t seem to apply to the USA. For my own interest I am going to watch California in some detail – curiosity you know…


          • #

            Vlad has an uncanny insight into the process. But He left out one important aspect.

            To understand why half a country would vote for a criminal, you only have to understand that the progressives here crave only one thing. Power. They would vote for Lucifer if that brought them power. Their justification is that the ends justify the means. That is also why the Mainstream Media in this country have almost completely ignored the scandals of the Clintons. The Clintons hold the power for the progressives, so they know they must abide their excesses in order to get their agenda.

            On a side note, saying they would vote for Lucifer is not far from the truth. Wikileaks has revealed the Clinton staff tied up with what is called “Spirit Cooking” (WARNING! Not for the weak stomachs)

            And of course we now have a new letter to add to the LGBTQIPO alphabet soup – E –


            • #
              Vlad the Impaler

              Best regards to you Phil:

              Agreed. Missed that one, and thanks for adding to the dialog.

              V. t I.


            • #
              Mari C

              No, that “Spirit Cooking” is not something that has passed the test. Guilty of much, perhaps, but that one is a silly prank meant to make the Trump folks look stupid – and a few are biting. It is a poisoned hook, and one to avoid.

              If you let the reverse psych spin get you, put any relevance into such a bad and fated to fail smear, you lose. Short of having the entire thing on film, and even then, it is not going to be believed as it is way over the top and beyond the normal person’s believe-it meter.

              There is enough real-life and provable corruption to deal with, please don’t bite the tasty-looking hooks.


              • #

                Doubtful – that was from the Podesta Emails. It was never meant to see the light of day. It is not illegal. Which is the only good thing you can say about it. It is representative.


      • #
        Egor TheOne

        “California is like a bowl of cereal; once you get past the fruits and the nuts, all you have left are the flakes.”

        Well said and applicable to all leftoids, especially the CAGW gang!


    • #

      Even the political lie “There will be no carbon tax” was remembered three long years later

      Remembered? . . Crikey I was hoping we’d put it on the flag . . 😉


      • #

        It almost could have been.

        To our USA friends That one lie, a broken pledge not to introduce a carbon tax (later spun to be a “Price on Carbon”) unseated almost every progressive parliament in the nation except IIRC ACT and SA and SA Labor only just limped along in a minority government. (interestingly SA is where green policies caused an entire state to have a power outage due to some sub cyclonic wind appearing in the wrong places).

        But it is a great example of how blatant opportunism in politics is abhored by the electorate here. Not so in California it seems.


    • #
      Dave in the States

      How is it that it isn’t red wall-to-wall, can one of our US friends explain it to me?

      If the map is colored red (Republican) or blue (Democrat) by counties it is almost wall to wall red, every time. The only blue counties will be those with big cities and metropolitan urban centers. Basically the big cities, where the most voting irregularities occur, control if the whole state, and all the electoral votes for that state, becomes a red or blue state.


      • #

        What I can’t understand is how the Republicans lost the blue color.

        Obviously Dems should be RED. (“Reds under the bed” etc).

        In Australia Labor is red, Conservatives – blue.


        • #
          Vlad the Impaler


          Couldn’t agree more; it was the “progressive” media that chose the colors, not ‘we the people’. I would have reversed it as well (cf. “red” Chinese, former Soviet Union w/ the hammer and sickle, 1930’s National Socialists in a certain European country … ).

          You get the idea; red = totalitarian (in my mind).


          P.S. And thanks for letting me adopt ‘Harry Twinotter’s’ moniker for me; little did I know that this was an historical figure; his profile on American Heros Channel was enlightening, to say the least!


          • #

            I presume the regressives swapped the colors after The Red Scare created too much baggage, but perhaps people in the US can let me know when it happened? Was there a year when election results were reported blue/red and switched the next? How did they get away with it!

            PS: Ahh. Vlad, we don’t want people adopting other people’s monikers. If you have, can you adapt it/change it/ do something?


        • #

          Luck of the draw. It was the 2000 election that cemented the colors for the parties. Before that, it was random which one would take which color. Because 2000 was so close, the media started the short hand of the colors when trying to explain how Gore lost. And the colors were merely based upon the campaign colors for that election. They had changed each election previously, but that one made them stick due to the media and the dumbing down of the populace.


      • #
        Gail Combs

        Someone (Alex Jones? Paul Watson?) had a really good map showing about 90% of the land mass was republican. Only the big cities (welfare and academia) are progressives.

        Why? Because they are completely removed from reality and stuck in their nice cocoons where food comes from a store ready to heat and eat and has no relation to that nasty stupid farmer or the nasty manure laden dirt he grows it in.

        BTW the portrayal of farmers as dumb red necks was deliberate. It started after WWII thanks to the sister organization of the Council of Foreign Relations, the Committee on Economic Development. The goal is to bankrupt farmers and thus small towns and drive farmers into the city as excess labor. This then drive wages down and makes for a dependent and not an independent citizenry that is easy to manipulate. Express the wrong opinions?? Guess what you are fired and can not find another job. Just ask all the scientists who have spoken out.


  • #

    How is it that it isn’t red wall-to-wall, can one of our US friends explain it to me?

    As Richard Nixon said “When you’ve got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow”.


  • #

    I wouldn’t call this election over at all; in fact I will go onto a limb and say that Trump still has a very good chance of winning.

    As to Clinton Inc: I am just stunned that educated and normally rational people I know who just continue to make excuses for Clinton, and the justification is always the same: Trump is crude and apparently a bad person and volatile. When I ask whether they really are prefer someone who is predictably dishonest and therefore they condone someone who will use the Presidency for personal profit the only response is evasion. Integrity in public office is the issue; and Clinton has none. End of discussion so far as I am concerned; Trump should be President. And hopefully he will break the culture of political insiders in the process.


    • #
      Dean from Ohio

      It’s not a cognitive issue; it’s a moral one. People whose consciences are violated by wrong choices, especially the Wrong Choice of abortion, are compelled to vote for her to ease their consciences.


      • #

        But Dean, how moral is electing someone who is seemingly so willing to break the law? From down-under my bull*hit alarm is ringing at 120 decibels when she said she didn’t understand security policy, wasn’t briefed on protocols, thought it was OK to have her own server – not even protected by ssl. Then again, we Aussies do have good BS alarms.

        I get the means is justified by the end – but I peg HRC as being so dishonest that even if I was a rusted on democrat I wouldn’t be able to trust her to deliver what she says. IE I judge she is more likely to do what advantages Hillary than the USA. That’s bad, even for a democrat. Better to have a clean-out over the next 4 years.

        It was the same here with John Howard, after the “Never Ever be a GST” lie I vowed never to vote for the lying …. again, and never did.


        • #

          “Never ever be a GST” True Howard did utter that statement, in 1996. But he changed his mind, took the GST to an election in 1998 and got full endorsement. The distinction is, he took the issue to an election, and won. He did not implement it surreptitiously or without consultation.


      • #

        PS Dean, I also see here the “Progressive trend” of legislating morality so that suddenly Abortion becomes moral because it it legal. This anti-morality creep is at the root of social decay in the west. Leaving morality to the church is a better approach IMHO. I really object to parliament legislating morality.

        It’s like when Clinton/Gillard protest they’ve been “Cleared” when all that has really happened was that the prosecutor has declined to prosecute – that’s not cleared. The Royal Commission here found findings against Gillard but prosecution was not recommended for various reasons including lack of evidence of “Intent”. That is not being “Cleared” in my book, especially since the RC found facts sufficient to make findings against her.

        Governments should leave questions of Morality alone


      • #
        Mari C

        You cannot legislate morality. And things like abortion happen, legal or not, where ever and when ever women are unable to afford to care for another child – or a child at all. Having “religion” does not equal being moral, and being an atheist, agnostic, pagan, non-Judeo-Christian-[[snip] etc.] does not make you immoral.

        When pronouncing things you don’t like wrong and wanting to see the tides turned so they are no longer legal, you are taking the very same stance the CAGW and greenista fascists are taking – just a different cause.

        [I think your point is sufficiently important to approve this. But the only way to approve it is to remove the word that trapped it in moderation. Sorry. But we don’t take chances with 18C.] AZ


        • #
          Rod Stuart

          The notion that murder is immoral is not something that is exclusive to any particular identity. It is a rather universal aspect of human decency. Unfortunately, it is a trait that is not shared by everyone.


    • #
      Jim from Maine

      I sympathize with your situation, as it is where I find myself as well.
      The media (and whoever controls them) has done a truly masterful job of creating and distributing propaganda in this election.
      I am surrounded by friends and family who are all voting for Hillary. Having a rational discussion with any of them is truly beyond impossible.
      In spite of HRC presiding over one of the biggest arm deals in history to Saudi Arabia, when asked who is more likely to get us into a war?…the response is 100% Trump.
      When asked who will create/protect more jobs in America?…overwhelmingly Clinton, even though she proudly announced herself as the “Senator from Punjab” and actively promotes H1B visas, as well as open borders.
      It’s like living in some bizarre alternative reality where everything you say comes out backwards so no one can understand you.
      At gatherings they regularly lament how uneducated, bigoted, racist, and VIOLENT the Trump supporters are, even though all of the violence reported at rallies has been AGAINST Trump supporters, and there are emails showing how the DNC “orchestrated” that violence intentionally.
      Somehow, none of that matters.
      I have honestly never seen anything like this, where so many people remain completely unwilling to accept an overwhelming amount of evidence.

      I do believe that there are a significant number of people who will vote for Trump that do not show up in the polls, and do not admit it to ANYONE around them, because they don’t want to put up with the non-nonsensical belittlement that inevitably follows.

      Stay tuned…


      • #

        There is a book written about the French Revolution which discusses political polarization of people from the same family.
        older family members seem to be more conservative and are opposed by those who are younger.

        Order of birth has an effect.


      • #

        Why do you think they put a big fence around the DNC?To stop the people from escaping,before they get “Fleeced”?


      • #

        Sounds like sort of a Stockholm syndrome (Where the Hostages begin to identify with their Captors)?

        It’s weird being an outsider looking in, it seems the bleedin’ obvious is being willingly overlooked especially in California – no wonder business is moving out.

        Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Trump is dressed in white flowing flowing robes either, he has his skeletons, but they are just not obstructive of him being a good leader.


      • #
        Gail Combs


        It is quite possible that some of them will vote Trump but do not want to go through the shaming and bashing they would get if they admitted it.


    • #
      Gail Combs


      Hand your buddies on the left these two articles:

      ‘A Vote for Hillary Clinton Is A Vote For War’: Green Party’s Jill Stein Warns Of Nuclear War In Clinton Presidency – Breitbart (If they will not vote Trump then they should vote Jill Stein since she is a lot less dangerous.)

      The Kremlin Really Believes That Hillary Wants to Start a War With Russia | Foreign Policy: A Trusted Advisor for Global Leaders When the Stakes are Highest
      This one out of Graham Holdings Company, founded by a Democrat. Katharine Graham, mother of the present CEO, published the Pentagon Papers. As head of the company, she oversaw the Washington Post’s coverage of the infamous Watergate scandal and gained a very good reputation for excellent journalism. So it is not exactly a right wing publication.


    • #

      CNN just flipped the election to a toss up in the EC.


  • #

    None of this will make one bit of difference, since there isn’t one single thing that can be directly pinned on her. Like Obama and Hillary have said: It’s all innuendo and hearsay for now. Maybe something will stick by next Tuesday, but I doubt it. Furthermore, not one HRC supporter is surprised by any of these disclosures. If anything, those supporters are thinking “you go, girl!” The media loved Bill in the 90s, and they love the idea of Bill and Hillary now. We must want it this way, or it would be different™.


    • #
      Lord Jim

      there isn’t one single thing that can be directly pinned on her.

      More the problem seems to be that certain politically motivated officials will not charge her with anything.

      You cannot be president and above the law.

      If she wins the USA is in for four years of grid lock and possibly civil unrest.


      • #
        Reed Coray

        Using the Italian definition, for Bill and Hillary the only thing that’s keeping the phrase “it’s all innuendo” from literally becoming true is a pardon by President Obama. Federal prisons are tough.


      • #
        Rod Stuart

        You may be close to the mark, Lord Jim.
        However, I think you will find that HRC really is as sick as the alternate media maintain, and that shortly after inauguration she will reveal her health issues or even croak, leading to the assumption of Tim Kaine.
        Kaine is an Obama stooge, as dumb as a nit, so the plan going forward is eight more years of Obama, dangling the puppet Kaine on a string.
        “It’s not the people who vote that counts. It’s the people who count the votes.” And as Gail has magnificently pointed out, a lady named Bev Harris has discovered the key to the election rigging secret which has been in place since 2006. This will be a matter of SELECTION rather than election, just as all of these contests have been for ten years or more.


        • #
          Mari C

          Honestly, I think Kaine would be a much better choice. I don’t like him, mind, but he doesn’t seem to have the baggage. He is almost as vanilla as Pence.


          • #

            He has as much baggage as Hillary. Do you know why McAwful decided not to retry Bob McDonnell? Because both he and Kaine are guilty of much worse. i.e. A direct pay to play scandal. Virginians are well aware of the sleeze of Kaine.


    • #
      Gail Combs

      Bruckner8, then tell me WHY the heck a lot of others are sitting in US jails convicted of similar or lesser classified information infractions?

      JUST having classified and secret and above top secret information in her home should get her a nice jail cell. Her aide having it in HER home and Wiener who was NOT authorized at all having it makes it worse. (Intent is NOT required by US law, only the possession outside of approved areas as I already posted here a few days ago. see bottom)

      Colonel Petraeus may not get jail time for talking to a journalist, but Sterling and others did

      More on the actual background on the Petraeus/CIA mess. He got thrown under the bus because of the Benghazi attack and Broadwell leaking the fact that the Benghazi CIA “Annex” was also a CIA detention facility of sorts, it becomes obvious she might be in posession of leaked CIA classified information. Did she actually have information about CIA rendition sites?

      Her claim of Benghazi Militia members being held at the CIA compound is NOW the issue of investigation.

      And just to make it very clear this is the law Clinton broke.

      18 U.S. Code § 793 – Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

      Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

      Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

      Do not forget that Clinton ALSO left Classified Documents in hotel rooms and cars in China, India and Russia TOO!!!!!

      She is a complete walking disaster as far as anyone with a clearance is concerned which is why agents from the 16 Agencies in the USA are banding together to see she ends up in that jail cell. No fools they, they do not want to end up like the dead guys in Benghazi.

      Death toll in Afghanistan skyrocketed after Clinton became Sec of State too.

      US military deaths
      2007 – 111
      2008 – 153
      2009 – 310
      2010 – 496


    • #

      I disagree. I think she’s going to find herself worked over like a dog’s dinner. It’s affirming to see that money cannot after all buy you everything, particularly an election.


  • #

    The Clintons are both very senior lawyers. They are always being sued. Bill and Hilary had Whitewater hanging over then when he became President in 1993, 23 years ago. Then endless lawsuits and even an impeachment. No problem.

    Hilary? Possibly worse, which is the revelation but should be no surprise. Possibly to be the most sued president in history, the most involved in scandal, the most compromised and with an obvious love of making money which can only make you wonder about her concern for America and Americans.

    In all these 23 years, it has all been about them. This election is not about making America great. It is about making the Clintons richer and more powerful. Like our own Julia Gillard, being PM was the best way to avoid prosecution against overwhelming evidence of criminality. What do any of them care about the planet and the voters? Nothing. This is so far from the ideals of democracy, e pluribus unum, but not that unum. Please, no.


    • #

      The Clintons are both very senior lawyers.

      Bill, was disbarred for a number of years following his departure from office.


  • #

    Hillary 3rd in line for Presidency if the President and Vice President are killed pretends she doesn’t know ‘C’ is for Classified. She should do 10 years in prison for her disgusting lies, she treats Americans like imbeciles


    • #
      Gary Meyers

      That’s because that most of us are imbeciles. Obama was elected twice!


      • #
        Gail Combs

        It was diebold and soros voting machines that elected Obama not the American people.

        That is why Trump keeps repeating the system is rigged.

        My state went back to paper ballots in most areas just because of the problems and scandals.

        You can go to ChiefIO’s and look at the Voting Irregularities page. The list is way too long and with too many triggers.


  • #

    Hillary is only being treated this way because she is a woman…and a mendacious, erratic, diseased, corrupt, warmongering shonk.

    Vote Trump. Save the world from Big Green, Big War and Big Pantsuit.


  • #
    Lord Jim

    “The Podestas’ “Spirit Cooking” dinner? It’s not what you think. It’s blood, sperm and breastmilk. But mostly blood.”


  • #

    So here we have a situation where Clinton can still win but she might be indicted perhaps before the inauguration. How can this happen? Surely she can’t win as all the sensible and honest working Americans won’t vote for her now, unless of course they are not many left these days, which I suspect is the case.


  • #
    • #

      That news is either all BS or if true will explode the elections and perhaps lead to massive civil unrest if Clinton still wins.


    • #
      Jim from Maine

      Odd that Drudge hasn’t picked it up yet…
      That kinda makes it smelly


      • #
        Gail Combs

        True Pundit is an iffy site. I could not find much about them. Hillary’s Media Matters site calls them Russian owned.

        Of course now a days Russian Times has better news reporting than any of the big name MSM in the USA and I find that really sad.


  • #
    Lord Jim

    I read that in the Rasmussen poll Trump has a 10 point lead amongst those who intend to vote…


    • #
      Gail Combs

      Friday, November 04, 2016

      The presidential contest is tied again in the White House Watch survey, but Republican Donald Trump is holding on to his 10-point lead among those who’ve already made up their minds about how they will vote….

      Yesterday, Trump had a three-point lead,

      ….Eighty-six percent (86%) of voters say they are now certain how they will vote, and among these voters, Trump – for the second day in a row – leads 53% to 43%….

      The survey of 1,500 Likely Voters was conducted on November 1-3, 2016…

      Many of those ‘undecided’ are actually Trump voters too scared to give an answer given the paid harassment by the DNC revealed by Veritas. Around here Trump signs get torn-up and mangled and stomped on within a day or two and I am in the middle of no where.

      This is backed up by this article.

      Briggs Hardware in downtown Raleigh wanted to have some fun with the election, so it put life-size cardboard Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton figures outside its Hargett Street entrance last spring.

      Someone tore off Trump’s head.

      The store owners tried again. This time, someone snapped the figure in two and put X’s and a Hitler mustache across the Republican candidate’s face….

      ….there’s little doubt that many Trump backers are skittish about going public.

      Dennis Berwyn, a Raleigh research analyst, estimated he’s knocked on 2,000 doors in northeastern Wake County [North of Raleigh NC, the capital] in recent weeks as he campaigns for a local candidate. People invite him into their living rooms, and occasionally they quietly assure him they’re with Trump.

      “They tell me they won’t say that publicly,” he said. “It’s because of this environment that’s come from the mainstream media.”

      That makes it harder to assess Trump’s strength than that of other North Carolina Republicans, one party operative said.

      “If I put up a Trump yard sign, what will my neighbor think?” said Matt Overby, the president of the Raleigh Republican Club. ““When I put out signs for (Sen. Richard) Burr or (Gov. Pat) McCrory I didn’t think that.”

      To top it off there was the recent uncalled for violence in Charlotte NC where one person was killed and afterwards we find out the agitators are not even from North Carolina!

      Do I tell anyone I am from Trump, even on the phone? — NO! and I have been polled several times recently.


    • #
      shortie of greenbank

      Many independent polls, I note Anonymous quoting one where 1000 in each state that were 33% Dem 33% Rep and 34% Ind/undec were polled over time for 50 states giving trump a resounding lead (far greater than the one quoted above). This was even before the FBI announcement.

      So why is Hillary leading? It is called ‘over polling’. In the primaries Hillary led in one state by 27% but lost by 1.5%. In other situations Hillary led by a large margin but exit polls had Sanders well ahead with Hillary winning only in areas with hackable polling computers where a review had people come forward who were involved in monitoring the site as volunteers confirming that the entire vote was flipped (i.e. 230 Sanders 170 Clinton become 230 Clinton and 170 Sanders).

      But the reason for over polling is because the voter registration and voting system itself is so flawed that massive %s of votes are purely fake. In the current election absentee (postal) votes received in one district exceeds the numbers posted out by a couple times! So how does over polling help? Well if the mainstream media only quote those numbers then even if the exit polls (for which democrats are trying to force any persons doing exit polls to leave or be charged) indicate otherwise it would end up consistent with those false numbers.


  • #

    If you want to know why so many “nominally rational” people can be so insane, there are any number of avenues to study. For example, do you really think a nation (even “the richest” of nations) can rack up a $20 trillion debt (and many times that in “unfunded liabilities”) without a substantial portion of the people losing touch (or more correctly, having already lost touch) with reality, in their efforts to grab “their share” of the passing (and elusive) flood of riches being thrown around by the richest (the government, large corporations, and “big player” individuals). Everybody today believes in the animalistic and false (but “settled science”) dogma of “survival of the fittest”, and that means you have to dedicate your life to having sticky fingers–by hook or by crook–and that “grabbing gene” is just at odds with any true ethical standards. Hillary’s followers forgive her, instantaneously, because they forgive themselves the same selfishness, the same scheming, only on a much, much smaller scale than hers.

    There are other avenues one can follow, but they all lead to the same truth, the same source. They all go back to the belief in “survival of the fittest”–which is for animals not humans (if they want to be more than animals)–and a false understanding of what constitutes the “fittest”. Power corrupts, and the power of money today corrupts absolutely.


  • #

    and these are just the headlines!

    4 Nov: UKDailyMail: EXCLUSIVE: Slush funds to pay ‘personal consultant’ Huma Abedin, a $34,000 a night Caribbean holiday for daughter Chelsea and payoffs to silence Bill’s sex accusers – How Hillary has used donations to the Clinton Foundation as her ‘personal piggy bank’
    Jerome Corsi claims in his book, Partners in Crime, that the Clinton Foundation is ‘a vast, criminal conspiracy’ and ‘a slush fund for grifters’
    The money that was donated to help earthquake victims in India and Haiti and HIV/AIDs sufferers has mostly enriched the Clintons, Corsi claims
    The Clinton family also schemed to monetize the White House
    Hillary used her position as Secretary of State to leverage lucrative deals for the Foundation as well as six-figure speaking fees for Bill Clinton
    The scheme engineered through the Foundation has enriched the Clintons by hundreds of millions of dollars
    It also added $2billion to the Clinton Foundation and raised $1billion for Hillary’s second run for the presidency
    Corsi claims that the Clinton Foundation is ‘a philanthropic foundation the Clintons appear to use as a personal piggy bank’
    Corsi is a political commentator and author of two New York Times bestsellers that criticized the Democratic party
    by Caroline Howe


  • #

    odds & sods. would Stephanopoulos get hired by the ABC? lol.

    1 Nov: Hollywood Reporter: Election Night 2016: Party or Panic?
    Ali Wentworth would rather go down under with husband George Stephanopoulos: “If Trump wins, we’ll start looking at real estate in Sydney, Australia. No crime, no guns.”…

    3 Nov: Washington Examiner: Eddie Scarry: LA Times fires reporter who wanted Trump dead
    “Earlier today, Steven Borowiec, a freelance journalist in South Korea, posted a tweet about Donald Trump on his personal Twitter profile that violated our professional standards,” the paper said in a statement to the Washington Examiner.
    “The Los Angeles Times is committed to fair, evenhanded coverage of the presidential campaign, and expects all journalists representing the paper, including non-staff contributors such as Mr. Borowiec, to adhere to this standard in their articles and social media posts,” it said. “We regard Mr. Borowiec’s comment as inexcusable, and we have ended our relationship with him.”

    3 Nov: InvestmentWatchblog: Baxter Dmitry: Europe’s Largest Bookmaker Says Trump Will Win Presidency
    Trump is crushing Clinton in terms of both the number and volume of bets, according to figures revealed yesterday by Europe’s largest bookmaker, Paddy Power Betfair Plc.
    “This election’s been a serious betting anomaly,” said Féilim Mac An Iomaire, a spokesman for the company.
    Even before Oct. 28, when James Comey announced the FBI was re-opening its probe of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, money placed on a Trump victory amounted to almost the same as that bet on his rival, despite her lead in opinion polls.
    Punters have simply disbelieved the mainstream polls and are overwhelmingly confident in a Trump victory…
    And bookmaker data appears to be echoing moves in financial markets, with the Mexican peso, Credit Suisse AG’s “ultimate market indicator,” weakening more than 3 percent since Comey’s letter…

    4 Nov: Daily Beast: Lloyd Grove: LA Times Fires Stringer for Tweeting Trump Death Wish
    Steven Borowiec, a Los Angeles Times stringer in Asia, was fired after posting a tweet wishing “Donald Trump’s life [to] end.”
    The Times fired Steven Borowiec, who has written about North and South Korea for the newspaper, after his tweet was linked on the Drudge Report and prompted a social media firestorm.
    Borowiec,bwho has written extensively for the paper from his base in Seoul, South Korea, had been responding to a tweet from Time magazine touting a feature on Trump’s “life in pictures.”…

    4 Nov: Breitbart: Katie McHugh: LA Times’ Steven Borowiec Apologizes for Wishing Donald Trump Would Die — ‘In Jest’
    Borowiec is far from the first member of the press to wish harm on Trump. In June, an NBC producer praised an illegal alien and attempted assassin as “a good guy with a gun” after he tried to murder Trump at a Las Vegas rally…


  • #

    Again, it’s another Golden Rule (those with gold, rule) but on a previously unknown scale. However, it’s not restricted to the Clintons. The Clintons merely make the rest of the folks in high positions, including those running the EU, look like amateurs. Perhaps that is why so many American voters will vote for Hillary The Professional.


  • #
  • #
    Egor TheOne

    Something of interest I just discovered: a short 4 minute Utube that says it all!

    And not from Trump, but from newly found Clinton allies themselves.



  • #

    Theres a coup within the FBI. They dont want Clinton to get away with everything. Theres also the police. Specifically the NYPD. With Black Lives Matter being funded in part by Sorrows/Clinton/Democrats and the attacks on the police, the NYPD are wanting revenge on Clinton.

    But, everyone is missing the best stuff (well, actually, the worst stuff).
    Clintons association and involvement with child kidnapping, child sex slavery, paedophilia, Lolita Express.
    No, Im not making this up.

    4Chan, as much of a gutter trash community it is, occasionally have their moments of heroics.
    Like a pack of wild dogs with a bone they are digging through emails and information and have pieced together some disgusting things.


  • #

    Is anyone really surprised?! Seriously!?
    Old Richard Nixon has nothing on either of the Clinton’s. He even said he wasn’t a crook!!!


  • #

    Aussies do not like corruption.

    I think what stumps me is how so much of this Clinton Syndicate stuff has been known for years.

    Last year we had a State Premier fib about having received a bottle of pricey wine and not declaring the gift. A couple of days later, he stood down and apologised.


    • #
      el gordo

      A bottle of Grange Hermitage cost Barry the Premier’s job, but he landed on his feet and was appointed to the board of the Australia-India Council.


  • #

    The corruption of the Clintons is so bad because the Media will not report it. And with a sympathetic president who is too busy trying to ferret out “terrorists” where none exist, they only expend a minimal effort to hide their crimes.

    The US is descending into a banana republic. If we are to remain a democratic republic, the rot has to be cleaned and the criminals prosecuted.


  • #
    Graeme No.3

    If Trump wins, and I think that he will do so unmistakeably, then support for the Clintons will evaporate. There will be no presidential pardon and Obama will have trouble remembering her first name, and the Democrat Party will have enough trouble themselves to bother giving more than token support.

    The best time for Trump will be from when the result is announced until a short time after the inauguration when people start wondering why things haven’t all been fixed. He will have trouble with Congress as both parties didn’t want him and certainly don’t want him to change their ‘cosy’ arrangements, and it may take until the mid-term elections before they realise that they are no longer wanted.

    As for nuclear war, forget it. Neither Trump nor Putin want it, indeed Putin was worried that Hilary would be the one to start one. Putin has run rings around the USA on the diplomatic front, especially in the Middle East. His biggest problem has been the EU, with USA egging them on, trying to control all the former countries of the Soviet Bloc in eastern Europe. The EU is heading for collapse with economic problems and can’t afford to take anymore bankrupt beggars onto the payroll (Scotland take heed!) so that stupidity will be cancelled. That leaves Putin free to deal with the islamic threats along his southern and eastern borders, which will keep him occupied and help the West.

    Now if we could only deal with the corruption and stupidity in our country and clean out Canberra (and Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide etc.).


    • #

      No, Obama will pardon her before it goes to trial. If it does go to trial, while I doubt he will be indicted, he will become an unindicted co-conspirator. Which is as good as being convicted for his reputation. And that is all he cares about.


      • #

        … Obama will pardon her before it goes to trial

        Yes, whether she wins or loses.


        • #
          Lord Jim

          I believe he cannot pardon RICO because it is state, not federal.


          • #
            Gail Combs

            “The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization.” — WIKI

            However there are also state laws the Clintons broke.


      • #

        Surely you have to be brought to trial and convicted before you’re pardoned?
        Or is the US legal system that screwed-up you can gain a presidential get out of jail free card before going to court?


        • #
          gail combs

          No Tom,
          In the USA you can be pardoned BEFORE the Trial. Checkout President Clinton’s Pardon of FBI’s most wanted Marc Rich and how that has paid big dividends for the Clintons.

          …Congressman Barney Frank added, “It was a real betrayal by Bill Clinton of all who had been strongly supportive of him to do something this unjustified. It was contemptuous.”

          Marc Rich was wanted for a list of charges going back decades. He had traded illegally with America’s enemies including Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iran, where he bought about $200 million worth of oil while revolutionaries allied with Khomeini held 53 American hostages in 1979.

          Rich made a large part of his wealth, approximately $2 billion between 1979 and 1994, selling oil to the apartheid regime in South Africa when it faced a UN embargo. He did deals with Khadafy’s Libya, Milosevic’s Yugoslavia, Kim Il Sung’s North Korea, Communist dictatorships in Cuba and the Soviet Union itself. Little surprise that he was on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List.

          Facing prosecution by Rudy Giuliani in 1983, Rich fled to Switzerland and lived in exile….

          And more info dumps by the FBI on the Clintons, this time about the Marc Rich pardon. (Ignore the MSM bias. They really lay it on with a trowel.)


          • #

            In the USA you can be pardoned BEFORE the Trial.

            Well stone the crows . . that makes absolutely no sense.
            If we’re all entitled to the presumption of innocence prior to the trial, then there is no crime to pardon.

            Hillary must be hoping her indictment happens while Barry is still in the White House.
            I’m not too sure of the US process but presumably Attorney General Loretta Lynch orders the indictment.
            Loretta Lynch is going to have to think long and hard about that as she may need to defend her own indictment.

            That being the case, we’re left watching a farce where an indicted AG brings charges against her co-defendant. It really is comical.

            Maybe FBI Director, James Comey saw this coming and decided to side step that bullet and let it run through to the keeper. After the dust settles, he’ll be the hero.


        • #

          It is not the legal system. It is the Constitution. It is one of the few powers enumerated in it for the president.


      • #

        How many crimes can a president simultaneously pardon an individual of? Is that why the FBI seems to be keeping aces up its sleeve, so it can hit her with fresh charges after any pardon?


        • #

          How many crimes can a president simultaneously pardon an individual of?

          Yes, I’ve asked that question before. Also how many individuals can be pardoned by one Pres ?

          No reliable answers as yet. So I suspect it’s a form letter 🙂


          • #

            I can answer the second question Ian. It appears to be unlimited. FDR pardoned 3,687 people over his 12 year term. Obama might set a new record.


            • #

              🙂 🙂 🙂


              Now the biggie: can a Pres pardon themselves ?

              Will Hilary reach a new high here ?


              • #

                Short answer – Yes.

                For anything he has not been impeached for. Since it is extremely unlikely he will be impeached in the last 3 months of his term, the short answer covers it all.


        • #

          The President can issue a blanket pardon for any crimes up to the date of the Pardon. So it would do the FBI no good to hide a few charges. The Presidential pardon was created to mimic a royal pardon – absolute and irrevocable.


    • #

      If Obama pardons her then it would only add fuel to the already simmering fire and lead to civil unrest. He would be smarter to let her go and be sacrificed for the common good.


  • #
    Tom Anderson

    Very rarely, outside the pages of Edward Gibbon, can one witness the excesses of thoroughgoing moral depravity the Clintons personify, but one would have hoped it was not an event of one’s own lifetime and national patrimony.


  • #

    Sorry this is so long,but I think everyone should see it.


    And with such a great man – like Trump – running, why even bother with a candidate under criminal investigation, like Hillary?
    (1) In 1986, Trump prevented the foreclosure of Annabell Hill’s family farm after her husband committed suicide on the day of the auction. He personally called to stop the sale and gave Hill $77,000.00 to pay off the mortgage. Trump decided to do this after seeing her pleas for help in the news.
    (2) In 1988, a commercial airline refused to fly Andrew Ten, a sick Orthodox Jewish child with a rare illness, cross-country for medical care because he had to travel with an elaborate life-support system. His grief stricken parents contacted Trump for help and he didn’t hesitate to send his own plane to take the child from L.A. to New York so he could get treatment.
    (3) In 1990, Ryan White (18), died of AIDS. Trump called his family at home after his death.
    (4) In 1991, 200 Marines who served in Operation Desert Storm spent time at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina before they were scheduled to return home to their families. However, the Marines were told that a mistake had been made and an aircraft would not be able to take them home on their scheduled departure date. When Trump got wind of this, he sent his plane to make two trips from North Carolina to Miami to safely return the Marines to their families.
    (5) In 1991 Trump saved a man from a mugging. He told his limo driver to pull over and he confronted the mugger, who was beating the other man with a baseball bat. After that, the mugger recognized Trump and ran away.
    (6) In 1995, a motorist stopped to help Trump after the limo he was traveling in got a flat tire. Trump asked the Good Samaritan how he could repay him for his help. All the man asked for was a bouquet of flowers for his wife. A few weeks later Trump sent the flowers with a note that read: “We’ve paid off your mortgage.”http://www.thepoliticalinsider…
    (7) In 1996, Trump filed a lawsuit against the city of Palm Beach, Florida accusing the town of discriminating against his Mar-a-Lago resort club because it allowed Jews and blacks. Abraham Foxman, who was the Anti-Defamation League Director at the time, said Trump “put the light on Palm Beach – not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination.” Foxman also noted that Trump’s charge had a trickle-down effect because other clubs followed his lead and began admitting Jews and blacks.
    (8) In 1997, Trump & Mel Farr teamed up to help young Detroit artists appear at Carnegie Hall.
    (9) In 2000, Maury Povich featured a little girl named Megan who struggled with Brittle Bone Disease on his show and Trump happened to be watching. Trump said the little girl’s story and positive attitude touched his heart. So he contacted Maury and gifted the little girl and her family with a very generous check.…
    (10) After 9/11, Trump sent over 200 of his own people to look for survivors in the wreckage.…
    (11) After 9/11, Trump “learned about Clyde Frazier Jr., who ran the Harlem Hoops tournament in the inner city and was killed in the 9/11 attacks” and “searched down the family and donated the money to keep that tournament going.”…
    (12) In 2007, Trump sued the city of Palm Beach for fining him for having a tall flagpole w/ the American Flag. The case settled. Trump donated the $100,000 settlement proceeds he received to Iraqi War Veterans and his local VA hospital. [While we were in Iraq, he also let military members use his Mar-a-Lago resort for free every Monday].…
    (13) In 2008, after Jennifer Hudson’s family members were tragically murdered in Chicago, Trump put the Oscar-winning actress and her family up at his Chicago hotel for free. Trump even hired extra security for her – he said: “She’s a great girl. And we’re protecting them well. They are very safe.”
    (14) In 2008, Ed McMahon’s house went into foreclosure. Trump purchased it and allowed Ed to continue living there.
    (15) In 2011, Trump & his siblings gifted $1 million to a hospital that treated their parents.
    (16) In 2013, New York bus driver Darnell Barton spotted a woman close to the edge of a bridge staring at traffic below as he drove by. He stopped the bus, got out and put his arm around the woman and saved her life by convincing her to not jump. When Trump heard about this story, he sent the bus driver a $10,000 check simply because he believed his good deed deserved to be rewarded.
    (17) In 2014, Trump gave $25,000 to Sgt. Andrew Tamoressi after he spent 7 months in a Mexican jail for accidentally crossing the US-Mexico border. President Obama couldn’t even be bothered to make one phone call to assist with the Marine’s release; however, Trump opened his pocketbook to help this serviceman get back on his feet. http://www.thepoliticalinsider
    (18) In 2016, Melissa Consin Young attended a Trump rally and tearfully thanked Trump for changing her life. She said she proudly stood on stage with Trump as Miss Wisconsin USA in 2005. However, years later she found herself struggling with an incurable illness and during her darkest days she explained that she received a handwritten letter from Trump telling her she’s the “bravest woman, I know.” She said the opportunities that she got from Trump and his organizations ultimately provided her Mexican-American son with a full-ride to college.
    (19) Lynne Patton, a black female executive for the Trump Organization, released a statement in 2016 defending Trump against accusations that he’s a racist/bigot. She tearfully revealed how she struggled with substance abuse/addiction for years. She said Trump and his entire family loyally stood by her through “immensely difficult times” and helped her keep her job.
    – Trump helped Maytag keep some of its stores in the U.S. by buying items from them that could be used in his hotels.
    – Trump saved an ice skating rink in Central Park by taking over the project, and finishing the rink by Christmas time for free. He was two months ahead of schedule, and $750,000 under budget. He also operated the rink for a year, and donated all profits to charity.
    – Barbara Res, at 33 years old, became the first women to ever be put in charge of supervising the construction of a skyscraper, when Trump hired her in 1980.
    – Trump donated $100,000 to a large Christian ministry after Jerry Falwell Jr. told Trump the ministry needed help.
    – Trump has donated his money to several health organizations including the American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, Alliance for Lupus Research, Autism Speaks, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, and many more.http://www.insidephilanthropy….


    • #

      Some of these are true, but some are urban legend. See It does stretch the bounds to believe the flat tyre helper got a mortgage paid off. The reward for the effort doesn’t match. It would be good to whittle out the myths. Some sources are better than others.

      Not to lose sight of the fact that the true ones show a decent humanitarian character and a real philanthropist.


      • #
        Gail Combs


        Beware of Snopes. They have an agenda and it is progressive. (Don’t have the link at hand)

        I did not check the whole list yet but I do know the flying soldiers is questionable however a lot of the rest is true.

        Several incidences were mentioned at the Republican National Convention.

        Trump is a brash and in your face New Yorker but he does have a good heart and a keen intelligence.

        Most important, he can pick out talent AND he is not ashamed to listen to anyone no matter what their education or situation.

        This from Chrystalia @ ConservativeTreeHouse who was at a Trump rally. It shows what I mean.

        My father was brought into NYC when they were hanging the marble in the TT atrium, by a buddy of his. I was only 10, but he brought me along. And I met Trump. A truly amazing person, actually. We have millionaires/Boston Brahmins on one side of the family, I can’t remember ever meeting any other millionaire who would, or COULD, work a “real” job, so to speak. He was a little surprised to see a kid on the job site, but he was one of the very few adults that didn’t speak down to me, or at me.

        I was a gifted kid–and that s*cks, because other kids don’t relate to you at all, and adults don’t know what to make of kids who are as well read and articulate as I was. He treated me like PEOPLE, and I have never forgotten that.

        And it was funny–went to see him in Phx. My other half and I were just about the last out, as I had to find and use a restroom–and there he was, just talking about floor treatments with the janitorial staff LOL. They were in a total jaw drop state, talking to a billionaire, and he was taking notes.

        Anyone who has seen Trump on a job site could tell stories like mine. The “working” Trump and the “campaign” Trump are nearly polar opposites. He’s running a classic Sun Tzu campaign, and I am enjoying every minute of it LOL.


  • #

    I have just noticed that Hillary Clintons initials, (HRC) are the same as the Australian Human Rights Comission.(HRC) The simararity does not end there, they are both corrupt, bleating, hand wringing bed wetters.


  • #

    The public would find some relief,
    From the man-made-climate-change grief,
    Of the false warmist creed,
    Which the world doesn’t need,
    If Trump were Commander-In-Chief.


  • #

    Pointman has a great article on what is at stake in this election – it is well worth the read.


    • #

      Pointman also has a link to the Photoshopped pic of the ‘crowd’ at a Clinton rally. It’s very funny; not only the person circled appears lots of times (I think he missed one there!) but choose other people and see how many clones there are. It’s a good game.


  • #

    Slightly O/T. I read the Paris Climate Agreement is now international law ( in before Trump could do anything).
    What does this actually mean in concrete terms? Is there any real “big stick” behind it ?


    • #
      Lord Jim

      Obama used an executive order.
      It should have gone before the senate.


    • #

      G’day Ross,
      Here’s a report from the (Oz) ABC which, while biased, adresses your question. The straight answer appears to be “No”, except for the threat of countries being called “pariah nations”.

      Dave B


      • #

        Thank you David. After reading it, I agree with your straight answer. Lots of nice ” warm and fuzzies” but that is about all.


    • #
      Gail Combs

      The big stick is the Trans-Pacific Partnership. That miserable %$#^% treaty gives teeth to ALL other treaties that a country has signed.

      In the USA a treaty is signed by the President and ratified by 3/4 of the Senate per the Constitution. Since this is tough to do the politicians fudged so now we have two other types of international agreements.

      This is part of the gradual trashing of the Constitution. BTW

      Treaty Politics and the Rise of Executive Agreements: International Commitments in a System of Shared Powers

      “…Executive agreements do not require super-majority support in the Senate as do formal Article II treaties. Since the 1940s, the vast majority of international agreements have been completed by presidents as executive agreements rather than as treaties. This major policy evolution occurred without changes to the Constitution, though Supreme Court decisions and practice by the political branches have validated the change. This has led some scholars to conclude that the treaty power “has become effectively a Presidential monopoly” (Franck and Weisband 1979: 135; see also Corwin 1984)….

      The following has since been completely wiped from the internet including the Wayback Machine.

      “…U.S. law distinguishes what it calls treaties, which are derived from the Treaty Clause of the United States Constitution, from congressional-executive agreements and executive agreements. All three classes are considered treaties under international law; they are distinct only from the perspective of internal United States law

      …So for instance, if the US Supreme Court found that a treaty violated the US constitution, it would no longer be binding on the US under US law; but it would still be binding on the US under international law, unless its unconstitutionality was manifestly obvious to the other states [nations] at the time the treaty was contracted… “


      The Supreme Court has changed the Constitution on many occasions by ‘reinterpret’ the Constitution so the meaning becomes the opposite of the original meaning.

      This is the real horror of a Hillary win. If she puts in 2, 3 or more Supreme Court Judges they will change it to something completely unrecognizable.

      Our 1st and 2nd Amendments are already under attack and Hillary has already said she will remove our rights to free speech and guns although not in so many words.

      Hillary Clinton Says ALL Our Rights Are Subject to Regulation


  • #

    Another speculative article amounting to an ‘avalanche’ of nothing.
    Shall we stick to evidence please ?


  • #
    gail combs

    This is a short 5 minute speech by Trump. I think it is well worth watching.


  • #
    Robert Rosicka

    I know it’s OT but no one has mentioned the closure of Hazelwood now it’s been made official .
    I’m betting first heatwave after the closure will be the first statewide power out which will probably shut down SA also if they have the bird killers going at the time .


  • #

    to keep Clinton ahead, Fox (which doesn’t provide sampling here) takes away a whole heap of Trump’s Independents:

    4 Nov: Fox News: Dana Blanton: Fox News Poll: Clinton ahead of Trump by two points
    She was up five points in the two-way last week (49-44 percent, October 22-25)…
    Trump has an 8-point edge over Clinton among independents (41-33 percent). ***That’s down from his 13-point advantage last week (41-28 percent)…

    Poll analyst Bill Mitchell: recent tweets
    Rasmussen has Trump up 10 with the 86% who have definitely made up their minds but tied overall. How does that math work?…
    To bring the race back to TIED, Rasmussen slashed his lead with Independents from 14 to 7 in ONE DAY. Impossible…
    Pollsters hiding the Trump surge by dramatically slashing Trump’s lead among Indies in a matter of days. Electorates don’t move like that…

    IBD managed to go from a D+8 sample to a D+3 sample without Trump gaining a point. How? They dropped his lead with Ind’s from 15 to 5…
    In NC, in person EV for Democrats is flat from 2012, UP 21% for Republicans and a whopping 47% with Indies. Good news for Trump…
    Remember. With the extreme reweightings done in modern polls, you are getting mostly the pollsters opinion of what they want to happen…

    4 Nov: Heat St: Leon Sculti: Presidential Pollsters’ Political Contributions: Heavily For Hillary Clinton
    Journalists’ disproportionately Democratic donations, revealed in The Center for Public Integrity’s study, reinforced the negative perceptions that a vast majority of American voters have of the news media – that they cannot be trusted, that they will work to elect the presidential candidate of their choice, and that Hillary Clinton is that candidate…
    Federal Election Commission campaign-finance records show that top-level executives at some polling firms conducting presidential polls for major news agencies have contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Democratic Party and to Hillary Clinton’s campaign in this election cycle. The volume and dollar amount of these contributions appear to vastly outweigh contributions made to Republicans and the Trump campaign…
    Numbers given here are approximinate
    NBC/Survey Monkey
    No contributions are reported to the Trump campaign…
    ABC News Tracking
    No contributions are reported to Republican candidates, committees or causes…
    No contributions are reported to Republican candidates, committees or causes…


  • #

    When this is over Donald Trump’s rise in popularity will look like a Micky Mann Hockey Stick graph .

    The Clinton Foundation took money $$millions from foreigners . The FBI will determine who got access to the then
    Secretary of State Clinton in pay to play but what is a Charity Foundation doing acting like a front for a lobby group ?

    Obama claims he only found out about Hillary’s private sever through the Media yet was texting to it using an alias ?

    Over 30,000 emails wiped after they were to be turned over ? That alone is a criminal offence .

    Top secret confidential documents released to aids and hacked (or turned over ) to at least 5 other foreign governments . What is that a monthly news letter ?

    How do 160,000 Emails end up in a file named “Insurance Policy ” and Hillary’s Assistant doesn’t know how they got there on one of her lap tops ?

    Smashing phones and electronic devices with a hammer to eliminate an audit trail ? Is that what an innocent person does ?

    Who worked for both the Clinton Foundation and the Secretary of State ? Were they on both payrolls ?

    Where did the hundreds of millions paid into the Clinton Foundation go ? How much has been transferred out and off shore in the last year ?

    How many meetings were arranged between donors to the Clinton Foundation and USA government officials .

    Where are the phone records of the Clinton Foundation employees ?

    Why has the DOJ been frustrating the work of the FBI ? Ok that obvious . But essentially the FBI mandate to serve the
    public interest is being frustrated for political objectives which is one of the reasons the FBI is supposed to exist .
    Democracy hijacked by Washington corruption .

    How many other debate questions did CNN feed Hillary Clinton before debates ?

    Who were the debate questions fed to at CNN and the Democrat party ?

    Why should Hillary Clinton be permitted to break confidential guidelines that would otherwise
    put any other government employee in jail ?

    How many lives were put at risk or lost by Clinton’s intentional disregard of confidentiality ?

    What other USA security violations occurred because of the blatant disregard to uphold basic security measures ?

    How many Clinton government and non government employees had access to the 160.000 E mails ? Well other than the whole world that is ?

    How does a tax free Charity Company make millions in political donations to a related party ?

    Oh yeah Donald didn’t produce his tax return . But he won’t sell America out .

    Drain the SWAMP AMERICA … You deserve far far better .


    • #
      Gail Combs

      Great list Amber but you forgot one.

      Clinton had her daily schedule selectively wiped so no one would know what her appointments were in some cases.

      Clinton’s State Dept. calendar missing scores of entries

      An Associated Press review of the official calendar Hillary Clinton kept as secretary of state identified at least 75 meetings with longtime political donors, Clinton Foundation contributors and corporate and other outside interests that were not recorded or omitted the names of those she met.

      The fuller details of those meetings were included in files the State Department turned over to the AP after it sued the government in federal court.

      The missing entries raise new questions about how Clinton and her inner circle handled government records documenting her State Department tenure — in this case, why the official chronology of her four-year term does not closely mirror the other, more detailed records of her daily meetings….

      In one key omission, Clinton’s State Department calendar dropped the identities of a dozen major Wall Street and business leaders who met with her during a private breakfast discussion at the New York Stock Exchange in September 2009…

      Among those whose names were omitted from her calendar were longtime adviser Sidney Blumenthal, consultant and former Clinton White House chief of staff Thomas “Mack” McLarty, former energy lobbyist Joseph Wilson and entertainment magnate and Clinton campaign bundler Haim Saban….


  • #
    gail combs

    A reporter – Hannity, a judge – Jeanine Pirro and a lawyer from the group suing US Attorney General Lynch, plus a Clinton suckup all arguing about Comey

    The second clip is of Rudy Giuliani, former NYC mayor and U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York and then 3rd highest federal attorney ubder Reagan. He cites all the laws Hillary Clinton broke. No wonder the FBI agents are staging a revolt!

    Ten minutes of fun the way we should see journalism.


  • #
    gail combs

    A reporter – Hannity, a judge – Jeanine Pirro and a lawyer from the group suing US Attorney General Lynch, plus a Clinton suckup all arguing about Comey

    The second clip is of Rudy Giuliani, former NYC mayor and U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York and then 3rd highest federal attorney ubder Reagan. He cites all the laws Hillary Clinton broke. No wonder the FBI agents are staging a revolt!

    Ten minutes of fun the way we should see journalism.


  • #

    aka Sunray
    Thank you Jo, it is depressing that people constantly vote for a foul corrupt party that bribes them with free stuff, and believes that the opposition causes them to be victims.


  • #

    For those interested in the chronological detail of Hilary’s email saga, Steve McIntyre has done his usual professional auditing work:


    • #

      Thanks Ian,
      I particularly liked his last three paragraphs (the “I” in what follows is, of course, Steve McIntyre):
      “remarkable connection to the present controversy: the DOJ attorney who had found corrupt intent in Quattrone’s actions was James Comey, the present director of the FBI.
      I originally became interested in the controversy over deletion of emails because the issue had arisen in Climategate controversy and I recalled Comey’s connection with the Quattrone case. When I examined the documents, I noticed the apparent sleight of hand on the fate of Huma Abedin’s emails on the Clinton server almost immediately. Dealing with climate scientists over the years teaches one to always watch the pea. I had been mulling whether or how to write it up, but the discovery of emails on Weiner’s laptop, together with resulting speculation, resulted in the topic becoming of more general interest and prompted me to write the present post.
      I am fascinated by the present U.S. election. I once voted for the Rhinocerus Party in a Canadian election in which all parties seemed particularly unpalatable and, if I were an American, I would probably stay home or write in some obscure candidate. As a form of both reassurance and realism to U.S readers, regardless of which candidate wins, I suspect that it will matter much less to future governance than partisans hope on the one hand or fear on the other.”

      Dave B


  • #

    The big issue for this election is that no matter who wins they will only be a one term President, for a number of reasons which a different for each candidate, but the big one problem they will face is an almost inevitable stock market crash sometime in the next couple of years and the flow on effects from it. Whoever wins will “own” that next time voters go to the polls and voters don’t like things that affect their own pocket.
    Having said that I hope Trump wins because he has the change agenda that is badly needed and when the crash occurs he will be the better person for the American people, to help “control” the downside effects.


    • #

      Yes, but a term of Trump and we would have a different America. Cheap energy. Energy independence. Rational borders. Everybody’s life matters. A focus on American industry and American debts and a critical look at the parasitic United Nations and especially their mad communist groups like the IPCC, killing the world from within with anti cheap energy prices, no manufacturing and the fantasy that Carbon Dioxide is poisonous pollution and caused by Western democracies. It would be a great day and a good time for the Russians to come in from the cold, as Nixon did with China.


      • #

        Totally agree TdeF. If he only achieves half of what you mention it will be a truly worth it , but I think he will achieve more. I think your point about Russia comparing it with Nixon/China is very well made.
        The other thing is –I am absolutely amazed at the stamina of Trump ( and Clinton) to have been able to keep up the pace they have through out this year. If I have half that at their age I will be happy.

        PS. Looking at my post above, I must learn to proof read much better.


    • #
      Gail Combs

      The critical point is the Supreme Court Justices.

      At least two if not three or more will be appointed in the next four years. At this point it is 50% conservative 50% progressive. If Hillary gets in and she appoints 2 to 4 Supreme Court Justices it changes how the Constitution is ‘interpreted’ for an entire generation and Americans effectively lose the Constitution as originally written.

      So far thanks to FDRs threat to pack the Supreme Court a change was made in the definition of the commerce clause. Originally it was interpreted as referring to interference by the states with the flow of commerce between the states. When Wickard v. Filburn got to the Supreme Court in 1942, the justices unanimously ruled that if Mr. Filburn grew wheat for his own use, he would not be buying it — and that affected interstate commerce.

      As Epstein commented, “Could anyone say with a straight face that the consumption of home-grown wheat is ‘commerce among the several states?’” [….]

      After Wickard , everything is mere detail. The entire edifice of civil rights legislation stands on the commerce power. Under this maximum commerce power, the government has been free to regulate nearly everything, including a restaurant owner’s bigotry. The Court has held that if Congress sees a connection to interstate commerce, it is not its role to second guess.

      The other right Americans have is Jury nullification. Jury nullification is decentralization of political power. It is the people’s most important veto in our constitutional system. The jury vote is the only time the people ever vote on the application of a real law. Yet this very important right is never taught in school and judges never inform jurors of this right.

      This is the ultimate power of the people over the government and the powerful want to keep it well buried. This is why we now have to deal with ‘Regulations’ instead of ‘laws’. It is a way of getting around the power given to the people by the Constitution and Amendments. The Constitution gives us the right to a trial by jury but the Supreme Court has slowly limited it over time.

      Not only are jurors not told what their rights and duties are, our right to a jury trial in civil and criminal cases has been removed and replaced by determination by a bureaucrat or police officer. Regulations are written by bureaucrats and are NOT voted on by our representatives and those regulations are then enforced without trial.

      These are just two examples of where the Supreme Court intentionally changed the meaning of the Constitution to suit the needs of the powerful instead of the needs of the people. The use of bank script instead of gold and silver as specified is a third.

      U.S. Constitution – Article 3 Section 2

      The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority

      Think about that. Bureaucracy is under the PRESIDENT, the Executive and not the Judicial branch so right there the whole trial by bureaucrat is unconstitutional.

      Annotation 23 – Article III

      Clause 3. Trial by Jury

      Clause 3. The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed.
      Footnote 1282] See the Sixth Amendment.

      U.S. Constitution – Amendment 6
      Amendment 6 – Right to Speedy Trial, Confrontation of Witnesses

      In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

      Again that is pretty darn clear.

      BUT the tramplers of the US Constitution went to work again

      The Seventh Amendment, passed by the First Congress without debate, cured the omission by declaring that the right to a jury trial shall be preserved in common-law cases, thus leaving the traditional distinction between cases at law and those in equity or admiralty, where there normally was no jury. The implied distinction parallels the explicit division of federal judicial authority in Article III to cases (1) in law, (2) in equity, and (3) in admiralty and maritime jurisdiction. The contemporaneously passed Judiciary Act of 1789 similarly provided that “the trial of issues of fact, in the district courts, in all causes except civil causes of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction, shall be by jury.”

      As Justice Joseph Story later explained in Parsons v. Bedford (1830): “In a just sense, the amendment then may well be construed to embrace all suits which are not of equity and admiralty jurisdiction, whatever may be the peculiar form which they may assume to settle legal rights.”

      The Supreme Court has, however, arrived at a more limited interpretation. It applies the amendment’s guarantee to the kinds of cases that “existed under the English common law when the amendment was adopted,”….
      The right to trial by jury is not constitutionally guaranteed in certain classes of civil cases that are concededly “suits at common law,” particularly when “public” or governmental rights are at issue and if one cannot find eighteenth-century precedent for jury participation in those cases. Atlas Roofing Co. v. Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission (1977). Thus, Congress can lodge personal and property claims against the United States in non-Article III courts with no jury component. In addition, where practice as it existed in 1791 “provides no clear answer,” the rule is that “[o]nly those incidents which are regarded as fundamental, as inherent in and of the essence of the system of trial by jury, are placed beyond the reach of the legislature.” Markman v. Westview Instruments (1996). In those situations, too, the Seventh Amendment does not restrain congressional choice.

      In contrast to the near-universal support for the civil jury trial in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, modern jurists consider civil jury trial neither “implicit in the concept of ordered liberty,” Palko v. State of Connecticut (1937), nor “fundamental to the American scheme of justice,” Duncan v. Louisiana (1968). Accordingly, in company with only the Second Amendment and the Grand Jury Clause of the Fifth Amendment, the Seventh Amendment is not “incorporated” against the states; it applies only in the federal courts. In the federal courts, the parties can waive the right, but there is no longer a requirement, as there was in 1791, that civil juries be composed of twelve persons and must reach a unanimous verdict. Colgrove v. Battin (1973).!/amendments/7/essays/159/right-to-jury-in-civil-cases

      The more I read the more contempt I have for the Justices in the Supreme Court who were SUPPOSED to uphold the Constitution and not the right of ‘more power to the politician’.


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    watch this and ask: how did Clinton not drop out of the race back in June?
    and why have the MSM continued to support her given what’s in this video?

    11 June: Youtube: 2mins40secs: ABC: Investigation: How Did Clinton Donor Get on National Security Board?
    Brian Ross., ABC:… It was her promise, under oath at her confirmation hearing for secretary of state, that there would be no special treatment for donors to the Clinton foundation… Yet, ABC news discovered one of the foundation’s big donors was appointed by secretary Clinton in 2011 to a state department advisory board that deals with top secret American nuclear strategy, even though the donor, Rajiv Fernando, a Chicago commodities trader, had no known expertise in that area…
    When we approached Fernando at the 2012 democratic convention…He became upset and we were threatened with arrest…
    As for Fernando, he has continued to raise big money for the Clinton campaign and give millions to the Clinton foundation. In fact, he will be one of her superdelegates at next month’s convention…


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    4 Nov: Mike Cernovich: Florida Election Officials Caught Filling Out Absentee Ballots, Affidavit Alleges #FloridaFraud
    •You can read the affadavit here

    PICS/VIDEO: Tweets: Jack Posobiec, Citizens4Trump
    VIDEO: Trumpsylvania…
    10,000 Rally for Trump in Hershey PA + 7,000 outside…
    Trump: “I didn’t need Jay-Z or J-Lo to fill this arena”…
    POLL: PA Tied: Trump 46 Clinton 46
    freerepublic comment: Hershey (Pennsylvania) rally going now;.. 7,000 that can’t get in. 12,000 did make it in. 20,000. MAGA

    4 Nov: GatewayPundit: Jim Hoft: BREAKING POLL: TRUMP Ties It Up in Latest Pennsylvania Poll

    4 Nov: GatewayPundit: Election Prediction 2016: Current Trend Lines Show Trump Will Win in Landslide
    Guest post by Joe Hoft
    On April 2nd of this year we predicted that Ted Cruz would be mathematically eliminated from the Republican race for President on April 27th because on that day he would need more delegates than would be available. We also predicted that on April 27th Donald Trump would accumulate 943 delegates which would put him well on track to win the Republican nomination.
    April 27th came and Ted Cruz was eliminated and Trump had amassed 944 delegates (which later was updated to 950 delegates). We were spot on!…
    Our projection for the 2016 Presidential election is this—
    Trump will win by a similar fashion as Reagan did in 1980 and here’s why – ETC ETC
    Trend lines show Trump will win by 4-9 points.
    He will likely win by 7 points. READ ALL


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    Surely… with all the corruption found in the 650,000 emails, to the tune of billions/trillions of dollars… surely there must be something in there about the climate change scam.


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    Brian the Engineer


    Should the polarisation of the solar flux taken into account?
    Reflected light is horizontally polarised when reflected off water.
    The vertical polarised light goes through.
    Is polarisation significant or immaterial?


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      For most reflections polarization is quite important as to how much gets reflected in what direction, mostly for angles off normal, the most complex is circular polarization, with parity. But these are fine optical details not to be discussed in the religious/political nonsense that is not at all about any of the physical sciences.
      All the best! -will-


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    Keith , you and I have been commenting for many years now about the science of global warming on sceptical sites like Jo’s , but whats the point , really , its never been about the science , you are trying to describe what makes a sausage rather than the taste of the sausage , but its always been about social control and the climate change religion is just one small part of an attempt to create a new world order of control , its all changed now , remember the days when sites like this and WUWT used to emplore us to stick to the science , its not about science and it never was


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    Gail , I hope you can find the time to comment on perhaps weekend unthreaded , I have followed Stefan Molyneux for a few years now , I have read your comments for several years on various blogs , Stephan is an atheist and yet has defended religious morals and the roll of the church in modern history , is that why you find him fascinating , , I would love to know your opinions on that if you have the time or inclination , although I have entirely different views


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    Gail Combs

    Comet Ping Pong owned by James Alefantis, once listed 49th “most influential” person in DC by GQ:


    James Alefantis cought in love triangle with chief of Media Matters, David Brock.
