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Putin: Climate change doubters may not be so silly

What can I say?  Putin has the same scientific quals as Al Gore, but more polar bears. The Greenies should love him:

Sam Meredith | Geoff Cutmore

In an interview by CNBC at the International Arctic Forum in Arkhangelsk, Russia, Putin was asked about the rollback of environmental regulations from U.S. President Donald Trump‘s administration.

“Those people who are not in agreement with opponents (of climate change) may not be at all silly,” Putin replied via an interpreter.

With 10% of the Russian GDP dependent on the Arctic, he also said:

“Climate change brings in more favorable conditions and improves the economic potential of this region,”…

We can’t have that then.


Mr. Putin thinks skeptics are right,
To reject the fake warmist fight,
As a great waste of time,
When a mild Arctic clime,
Makes the future in every way bright.

— Ruairi

h/t WS.

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