I thought the laws of physics worked for both sexes?

Would you like racism with your results?

Therefore Science with Intersectional Feminism is Black Supremacy?

Lets jog down the road to Apartheid science?

What Does “Intersectionality” Mean? (I knew you’d ask)

Originally, intersectionality referred to the discrimination faced by black women that is not only sexism and racism, but an experience that is more than the sum of its parts (now referred to as “misogynoir” in black feminist and womanist circles). Intersectionality has since been expanded to include the analysis of discrimination faced by anyone who identifies with the multiple social, biological, and cultural groups that are not favored in a patriarchal, capitalist, white supremacist society.

i.e. translated: Intersectionality is the study of discrimination which discriminates against older white men.

Science used to be about measurements and observations. Seemed to work.

h/t Scott of the Pacific.

9.6 out of 10 based on 74 ratings

143 comments to I thought the laws of physics worked for both sexes?

  • #

    Hang on a second I thought intersectionality was when you changed the red and green men a traffic lights to women……I have a lot to learn


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    • #

      Businesses that don’t respect and accommodate an individual’s chosen gender identity risk incurring six-figure fines under rules implemented by the (New York) city’s Commission on Human Rights.

      Let’s hope that our Triggs and Soupspoon don’t get in on this racket.


      • #

        Is there anything Socialism hasnt wrecked yet?

        One day the Socialists will wake up with the world having finally had a gutful of their nonsense, and the Nicolai Caecescu effect may then take hold…..


      • #
        Tom O

        Rollo, that only applies to everyone BUT people that believe the body they are in defines their sex. Those people have no rights to sue, but can be sued.


    • #
      Mike Restin

      If you’re not sure if you’re a he or a she, it works for me.


      • #
        Rereke Whakkaro

        I might be an “it”.

        In the US Marines, irrespective of gender, people refer to themselves as objects, as in, “This Marine”.

        That actually avoids not only gender issues, but also issues regarding animate vs inanimate objects, as in, “This weapon …”.


    • #

      denis, you are on to something. No doubt LGBT people are more victimized than black women. Where is the push for LGBT science?


    • #

      Jordan Peterson vs Biology Denier


    • #

      Jordan Peterson RAILS against Post-Modernist Gender Dogma & shares funny story about Lauren Southern


    • #
      Rereke Whakaaro

      I notice that the official list of genders has been taken down. Or perhaps the web page took itself down, because the gender “web page” was not on the list!


  • #

    “Intersectionality (or intersectional theory) is a term coined in 1989 by American civil rights advocate and scholar of critical race theory Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw.”

    When I read the above from the web about Kimberle and her MADE UP “intersectional theory” I think quietly to myself:





    • #

      Remember the Sokal Hoax, ‘Transgressing the Boundaries:
      Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity?’


      … And then that paper on feminist glaciology, not even
      a hoax!


    • #

      Reading that made me think of Bertrand Russel’s comment in My Philosophical Development: “This is one of those views which are so absurd that only very learned men could possibly adopt them.” Or maybe I was remembering George Orwell in Notes on Nationalism: “One has to belong to the intelligentsia to believe things like that: no ordinary man could be such a fool.”

      Of course, that idea is as old as Cicero: “There is nothing so absurd but some philosopher has said it.”


    • #

      Oh no! Not April the 1st yet again? It’s taking over the whole year.


  • #

    When I first went to the UK and saw my first roundabouts, I was amazed. They worked well. In America, they had 4 ways, which took a different society for everyone to politely take their turn and it worked well. They had their traffic lights on the far side of the interesion, but half as many. It worked too. The question was how to have two roads intersect without problems and it has always been a challenge. The first two cars in Victoria, Australia collided before the invention of car insurance.

    So I suspect intersectionality is the study of intersections. Long overdue. Especially where white freeways meet black macadam roads. It is all about road surfaces, concrete supremacy and older middle aged white freeways and personal rights and freedoms. It could not just be nonsense, could it?


    • #

      Of course it could just be about sects. The moonies, the shakers, the scientologists, the climate scientologists. Endless sects. Especially where you put your car keys in a bowl.

      Or it could be like the two large tall men who boarded my tram in Amsterdam. Great hair. Good makeup. Lipstick. Nice blouses and jackets. Each wearing pantyhose. Only pantyhose, no dresses. I realised they were tramsexuals but maybe they were really intersectuals? Either way, it was a little confronting but that’s the changing new world where new words are born every day.


    • #
      The Deplorable Vlad the Impaler

      Chevy Chase, European Vacation:

      “Look kids: Big Ben; Parliament!”

      “Look kids: Big Ben; Parliament!”

      “Look kids: Big Ben; Parliment!”


    • #

      ‘Two roads diverged in a yellow wood’…..oh the intersectional racism!


    • #
      Rereke Whakkaro

      Flyovers should be banned entirely. We cannot have one road being higher than any other.


  • #
    el gordo

    Best not engage with pseudo Marxist activists, they are only a splinter group.



    • #

      “Splitters” surely el gordo !


      • #

        Now write “Romans go home a hundred times before sun up, or….”


        • #
          Rereke Whakkaro

          Credit where it is due. The Romans did go home, eventually, leaving the Brits to sort things out with Brexit.


    • #
      Greg Cavanagh

      I read your link el gordo. To my surprise it was more sensible than I was expecting, however:
      1, they blamed NGO’s for every ill that happens in the world.
      2, they confused weather events with climate.

      Otherwise, it wasn’t too bad.


  • #

    The laws of physics are now governed by the protocols developed during the arousal of thE LGBTISVIKSP offshoot.

    The new science operates only via consensi mutually agreed upon by the standing committee of the U.N. branch of the IGHT I movement.

    I’m not sure what all of that means, but it made sense when I wrote it.



    • #

      The E-LGBTISVIKSP is the дезинформация, [ dezinformatsiya.] Department of Henry Blofeld’s SPECTRE organisation which was allied with the UN’s IGHT-I movement which James Bond dismantled to his considerable personal sexual gratification and benefit back in 1969.

      For confirmation refer to transliteration of Intersectionality as above.


      If you believe any of that and think you understand it then your name might be Craig or Frank or Willard or the pony or whatever!


      • #


        That’s a classic.

        Sad to admit the reality is much more mundane.

        First, the E was a mistake, came in with the capitals too early.

        Next, the LGBTI, then the group identity, SVIKSP.

        I believe that Blofeldt did appear to dismantle the group, as you said, but it never went completely inoperative.

        The new group of the same name is the Special Verbal Interpretive Knowledge of Science Program.

        It’s job is to find and promote a verbalised format of all scientific concepts so that the difficult aspects of science like measurement, data recording and analysis and especially mathematics can be eliminated from the scientific process. The aim is to make science more accessible to all in a true egalitarian manner so that everybody can talk about science and not appear to be uneducated.

        Ernst Stavros Blowfeldt would be proud that his recreated organisation has successfully finished it’s first project and made the science of Climate Change accessible to all.



        • #

          KK may I congratulate you on such a distinguished and demonstrably virtuoso performance of your linguistic interpretive skills in deciphering a collection of miasmatic acronyms into a format that is comprehensible to the proletariat! – I think! 🙂


          • #

            ROM, Thank you.

            Sometimes satire is the best way to point to the ridiculous and puncture it’s pomposity.

            Just in case my previous comments have been misinterpreted I want to be very clear in stating that I have sympathy and understanding for those whose biological and neurological profiles may be at odds with what is regarded as straight.

            The people who might be forced under the banner of LGBTI by activists looking for troops to lead into battle are, I believe, not being well served by such highly polarizing activity.

            There is a scientific truth to the situation and the sooner it is understood the better off we will all be as a society.

            The non straight group are simply a normal aberration of our complex genetic processes.

            The current politicised aggro and indignation serves nobody but the group leaders, and doesn’t the world already have enough self serving leaders?



        • #

          Our next door neighbour who I didnt like very much, moved on to take a job in some Qld Uni for “Director of XYZ” or some such nonsense, that was similar to preaching “equality” in all its leftist-inspired forms to un-educated patriachal goat herding tribesmen in some backward far away land….seriously , you cant make this stuff up.

          No idea which QLD Uni , but I can guess.

          I wonder if she is involved in antarctic ( mis ) adventures with pack ice too?


        • #

          Why are you playing Jedi mind games with unarmed opponents?


  • #

    I had to google some of the terms in the link Jo provided and have come to the conclusion there are some seriously f$#%&ed up people in this world


    • #
      The Badger

      There are, and there always will be. The trick, in a modern civilised society, is to attempt to minimise the number of FUPs who have power/control over the rest of us.

      Not going too well right now.


  • #

    I wonder what sort of twisted mentality and hated filled vacuum they would exist in without us old white men?


    • #

      The irony is the old men created the vacuum (internet blogs) they invented the hate


    • #


      if you listen to triiipplle JJJJJJ as I do, very briefly, whilst station surfing on my car radio, you too can hear the constant whiine of the dispossessed explaining to each other how the old white men had it sooooo easy with free education and getting a house, too easy, and how we left them with the dregs and leftovers.

      Funny, I don’t remember it being that easy.

      When I was a kid there was no dole, just work.
      No gap year, just work.
      No free education, just education at 5 o’clock til 9pm, after WORK.

      No allowance for baby sitting (we were saving our tax dollars so that the politicians could buy the votes of the next-generation with a babysitting allowance: isn’t Australia a rich country?



      • #

        At first I thought you wrote “station suffering”.


      • #

        keith you are either very old (unemployment benefits began in 1945) or you are just making stuff up to please the audience. BTW kids don’t get the dole anyway.

        Just as an aside the OAP began with federation.


        • #

          As usual Gee Aye makes free with reality.

          The original unemployment payment was NOT a living allowance as it is currently.

          The original dole was to cover bus and tram fares to and from job applications.

          Nothing like today’s largesse.

          But this is the sort of distortion to expect from someone who believes that CO2 is a “heat trapping gas”.

          IF only it was.



          • #

            so you admit that

            When I was a kid there was no dole, just work.

            was wrong?


            • #

              so you admit that
              “When I was a kid there was no dole, just work”.
              was wrong?

              Not wrong ever! Women are useful as they make babies! Cheap farm labor. That is the education needed. Large women can also pull a plough\plow!


              • #

                Will. The so called dole he is referring to was a travel expense allowance to cover cost of public transport in searching for work.

                Current equivalent would be about $20 per week.

                It’s amazing, this new science, it even covers political economics. The blowout in Australia’s “social security” blanket costs since 1975 is outrageous and the social cost to all the now multigenerational “beneficiaries” has been disastrous.

                But no doubt people who believe in man made global warming can’t see human damage.



              • #

                KinkyKeith April 7, 2017 at 8:57 pm


                I was commenting on your #8.2, but mainly thatwestern education that insists on the brainwashing of all are equal and be nice to others. NO! Each is different, with different abilities and needs. Schools ‘could help’, but way to much into Producing out identical politically correct surfs.
                FIRST learn to provide for yourself, even if that is only weeding the strawberries. NEXT is discovering what you love to do. Only AFTER that can the development of those traits begin, by those skilled in that development. Being kind and nice to others is a specialty for those wishing\claiming to be kind and nice to others!
                For me, ‘others’ are for kicking in the buttocks, as most all now need such, repeatedly! 🙂


        • #
          Rereke Whakaaro

          The “dole” you speak of, was introduced throughout the commonwealth in 1945. It was intended to be a financial bridge between leaving the armed services, where you got paid (although not very much), and starting work at the job allocated to you by the Government. That was a time-frame of about two weeks.

          The Labour Department, who administered it, did what they could to put people into jobs that they were best suited for, in the physical area where they currently lived.

          If you didn’t like the job, or if your boss didn’t like you, then you got a second chance. If you couldn’t fit in to that second-chance job, then you had to find one you liked using your own resources. The Labour Department would only pay for some travel if you were actively looking for work for yourself, as KK points out.

          My father, who drove trucks before and during the war, ended up working as a postman walking the streets to deliver mail to the front door, because at least it was a job, and he had prospects of moving up, and gaining promotion, through the Civil Service.

          Sorry, Gee Aye. But you appear to be looking at history through a lens of what words mean today. The Dole then, was nothing like the dole, as it is now.


          • #

            Thanks RW.

            A dose of reality never goes astray.

            The GA comment demonstrates the modern form of attack, which is best achieved by becoming a victim.



  • #

    Slightly off topic, but has anyone seen the discussion about the latest publication from the Heartland Institute, which is a Climate Science book part authored by the late Bob Carter. Apparently House of Congress members are stating that the book, sent out to thousands of schools across America, should be thrown in the trash.

    Remind you of anything or any bunch with a swastika as their emblem? As a reminder, try Googling ‘Nazi Book Burning’ or similar words!


    • #

      House Congressional DEMOCRATS, Mike!


    • #

      Two red thumbs for you, Mike. You really have to wonder if the red-thumbers just sit there mindlessly hitting the red thumb button without even reading the comments. I mean, how could anyone with an ounce of common sense not acknowledge the similarity between this invocation to trash these books and the book burning of the Nazis?

      I’d recommend the red-thumbers google and watch a movie called “Fahrenheit 451” – it might just open a tiny portal of cognition in their minds……..


      • #
        David Maddison

        The video is available for free on YouTube.



      • #

        Need I remind the Lefties that Marx was funded by wealthy globalists in London to write his anti-human “up the workers” drivel and nonsense to create a permenant tension within society that the globalists could exploit, and not actually advance humanity in any way.

        Marxs’ pathetic contribution to the world has been misery and death and lots of it.

        You dont see anyone escaping to the workers paradise of North Korea, do you?

        Face it – Leftist thought is literally pure fiction….your whole belief system is literally a lie.



  • #
    Oliver K. Manuel

    Thanks for this reminder of the emotional destruction of rational logic and analysis, i.e, the altered states of awareness that convinced Weizsacker and Compton in 1935 the neutron and the hydrogen atom are two unique fundamental particles rather than compacted and expanded forms of one fundamental particle – an electron/proton pair !

    The measured decay energy of every beta decay, where neutron => hydrogen atom or hydrogen atom => neutron, has proclaimed their error since 1935.


    • #
      Oliver K. Manuel

      My correction, accidentally posted below, is in the galley proofs: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10640850/HIGHER-POWERZ.pdf


    • #

      What were they on, to have got it so wrong?


    • #
      Oliver K. Manuel

      This copy of Chadwick’s 1935 Nobel Lecture reveals the start of the problem, when Quantum Mechanics was used as an excuse to discard experimental evidence the neutron is a compacted electron-proton pair:


      The new paper will hopefully end eighty-two years of putting models ahead of measurements:


      • #
        Wayne Job

        Oliver, Taking on the establishment in anything to do with radioactivity is a path fraught with danger,one day in the future the nonsense that is todays norm will fade away and nuclear will be the new future.
        Probably after both our times but it will happen.


        • #
          Oliver K. Manuel

          Thank you, Wayne.

          Yes, the error that isolated humanity from reality (God) will be corrected, because . . .

          the measured decay energy of every beta decay, where

          _ a.) Neutron => Hydrogen atom or
          _ b.) Hydrogen atom => Neutron

          is systematically different from the calculated “nuclear binding energy” by exactly 0.782 MeV,

          demonstrating the error in Weizsacker’s and Chadwick’s 1935 claim the neutron cannot be a proton-electron pair in close combination.


  • #

    Climate and Punishment
    Dr Christopher Essex

    It is popular in some circles to despair over how corporate money can corrupt. But corruption can arise from any large pile of money. Government-directed money can and does induce distortion and corruption, too—far more than many realize.
    They incentivize academic nonsense, for example. No modern university would be complete without its well-funded Department of Angry Studies, or its Center for Unsustainable Reasoning. Let’s not even get into the budding field of feminist fluid mechanics. You may wonder what that is. Think of identity politics and differential equations. What? Didn’t you know that physics and mathematics are just social constructs?


  • #

    Math is hard

    Feminism Piled Higher And Deeper

    The graph is from Jonathan Kulick’s excellent article on the subject, Math is Hard, in The Reality Based Community. The article also contains this little gem. Something that encapsulates – or encrapsulates – all that I despise in Post-Modernist Feminism.

    The privileging of solid over fluid mechanics, and indeed the inability of science to deal with turbulent flow at all, she attributes to the association of fluidity with femininity. Whereas men have sex organs that protrude and become rigid, women have openings that leak menstrual blood and vaginal fluids. Although men, too, flow on occasion—when semen is emitted, for example—this aspect of their sexuality is not emphasized. It is the rigidity of the male organ that counts, not its complicity in fluid flow. These idealizations are reinscribed in mathematics, which conceives of fluids as laminated planes and other modified solid forms. In the same way that women are erased within masculinist theories and language, existing only as not-men, so fluids have been erased from science, existing only as not-solids. From this perspective it is no wonder that science has not been able to arrive at a successful model for turbulence. The problem of turbulent flow cannot be solved because the conceptions of fluids (and of women) have been formulated so as necessarily to leave unarticulated remainders.
    (Hayles, N. K. (1992) “Gender encoding in fluid mechanics: masculine channels and feminine flows,” Differences: A Journal Of Feminist Cultural Studies, 4(2):16–44.)

    As he says – “Although this would have made Alan Sokal proud, it was not a hoax. Every woman fluid dynamicist I’ve shown this to has responded with an unladylike snort.”.
    Not just fluid dynamicists.


    • #

      This alleged “feminist” rubbish just gets more stupid by the day – and I say that as a woman (biologically, chromosonally, aesthetically, hormonally etc.)


    • #
      Geoffrey Williams

      How did we get to this?!
      Human physiology, simple high school biology stuff – lets leave it at that.


  • #

    Global Warming Is Now A ‘Women ’s Issue’ Due To ‘Ecofeminism
    Environmentalists are increasingly claiming that global warming is a “women’s issue” and that the world needs “eco-feminism” as a path forward.
    Ecofeminists believe that women and nature are bonded by traditionally “feminine” values and their shared history of oppression by a patriarchal Western society. This patriarchal society is built on four intersectional pillars of sexism, racism, class exploitation, and environmental destruction.


  • #

    Good ! I guess that means us Old White Men can just get on with burning as much coal as we like while the Feminists at long last get to carrying the can for the destruction of the world in the hellfires of global warming / climate change

    [ the ink in my “sarc” button is running dry tonight! ]


    • #

      Mind you, the Battle of the Sexes will never end!

      There is just too much fraternising with the enemy!


      • #

        Or not enough 🙁


        • #
          el gordo

          God in his infinite wisdom made men oversexed and women undersexed with the intention of creating a battle of the sexes, along with all the frustration and guilt associated with the mingling.

          I’ve mentioned it before, the bonobo template would have been better than the chimp, make love not war. On the other hand, humanity may not have survived if not for the aggressive and promiscuous nature of the chimp.


  • #
    Mike Restin

    Originally, intersectionality referred to the discrimination faced by black women that is not only sexism and racism, but an experience that is more than the sum of its parts…

    When I started reading I was thinking that Orwell had just provided us a new concept for the 1984 sequel where if you’re a single race or gender you must be sterilized.
    I had no idea that race and gender were
    social rather than physical characteristics?
    Go figure.
    Orwell missed it because the word wasn’t made up until 1989.
    Looks like it’s time to drain the vocabulary swamp, too.


  • #

    ***a different kind of INTERSECTION. pity they don’t see CAGW scientists as “willing tools”!

    4 Apr: Science Mag: Jeffrey Mervis: As scientists prepare to march, Science for the People reboots
    The upcoming March for Science is frequently described as the first time U.S. scientists will take to the streets.
    Epidemiologist Frank Bove and biochemist Ben Allen know better. They are part of a small cadre of “science workers” trying to revive a short-lived organization—named Science for the People (SftP)—that evolved from the 1960s antiwar and civil rights movements and engaged in demonstrations, sit-ins, civil disobedience, and other forms of direct action. But whereas the current marchers want to defend open inquiry and evidence-based policy in response to outside assaults on the profession, SftP was trying to rescue science from itself.

    The original group maintained that too many U.S. scientists had become willing tools of an oppressive government that was fighting an unjust war and serving corporate interests. In its early years, SftP disrupted the annual meetings of AAAS (which publishes ScienceInsider), with activists shouting down speakers, accusing prominent scientists of serving the ruling class, and staging counter sessions on hot-button political issues.
    Many scientists were turned off by those confrontational tactics, however, and the membership of SftP’s largest chapter in Boston never rose above a few thousand. By the early 1980s the organization, which drew its strength from half a dozen local chapters, had all but disappeared from view…

    (UHOH) “It’s not just about funding cuts or restrictions on immigration,” Bove says about two issues that loom large in this year’s march. “Yes, those are important issues for scientists. But our job is to get them to see that those problems are connected to bigger societal issues, like climate change and public health and environmental justice.”

    “We believe science is political, and that the way to get scientists into politics starts with a thoughtful discussion of politics,” Allen says. “One big goal is to provide people with a way to see the ***INTERSECTION of politics and science as a basis for taking action.”…


  • #

    not politically partisan and not as “subtle” as Heidi claims…

    PICS: 31 Mar: Discover Mag Blog: Microbiologist Knits ‘Resistor Hats’ for Science Advocacy
    By Amy Klinkhammer
    Heidi Arjes, a microbiology postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University and knitting enthusiast, is combining two of her passions to help science advocates make a bold statement during the upcoming March for Science on April 22.

    Often clad in her own teal creations, Arjes has a repertoire of over 20 different designs, including themes highlighting archaeology, coding and computing, agricultural science and even renewable energy. One of her most popular designs is of a simple circuit depicting a battery and three resistors.
    It’s been dubbed “the resistor hat.”

    “I wanted something that on its own, could be a really good science hat that represented physics and engineering. I also like the double entendre with the resistor, it’s a nice subtle message,” Arjes explained in an interview with Stanford…


  • #

    Any statement on supremacy,
    Or intersectionality,
    By older men who are white,
    On what’s wrong or what’s right,
    Would need to be very P.C..


  • #

    Its so frustrating had an argument then on facebook about C02 and Temp rises how there is now match in the 800,000 year Vostok ice cores and I just gave up as I got bombarded by people calling me a denier etc. We are truly finished as a 1st world county in Australia its just good im 46 and wont see the end result but its coming. The fall of Rome is an indicator of the time line but I give the West half the time.


    • #
      Curious George

      A total waste of time. You can’t use rational arguments in a religious discussion. Especially when the religion is wearing a mask of science at this carnival.


    • #

      The left is trying to destroy the west so the east can rise!? Sure seems like it to me.


    • #

      had an argument on facebook about C02

      Don’t even go there. Save yourself the anguish. The two worst topics to bring up on facebook would have to be the climate change [snip].

      [I cannot approve this the way you submitted it. But since it has something to say I’ve snipped out the part I can’t let through and approved the rest.] AZ


    • #

      Never argue with an Intersectionalist, they will only drag you down to their level and beat you with 18c.


    • #
      The Badger

      If called a “denier” then object strongly, say you find it offensive and ask them to undertake to continue the discussion without using that term again or calling you any other “names”. If they don’t feel free to drop a judicious number of “ignorant c**t” s into the discourse. If we all do this it will have an effect.


  • #

    A new rant for Julia:
    “Misogynoir, intersectionality, every day in every way…”

    And more definition work for the tossers at Macquarie Dictionary.


  • #

    Is the study of intersectionality a science or a cause?
    Imagine lots of researchers stood at road crossings observing traffic flows & accidents.


    • #
      Rereke Whakkaro

      Yes. People drive along a road, until they get to an intersection, at which they have to choose which way they will go. Once that decision is made, they are possibly on a new path, until they get to the next intersection.

      So at the intersection of politics, for example, this hypothesis suggests that people should choose between Conservatism, Socialism, or Opportunism,

      Similarly, at the intersection of sexuality, this hypothesis suggests that people should choose their gender preference, irrespective of their physiological appearance.

      The argument is based on the fact that each individual has, or should have, the ability to choose the course of their own lives.

      It falls down, however when you consider the intersections of life span and health; and also extrinsic factors, like war, natural disasters, etc.


  • #

    You wonder about people who come to a democratic country built from nothing at all by white Anglo Saxon British Christians and then complain about being dominated by old white Anglo Saxon Christians. Complaining about men does not count as it is a given. When the British arrived to ‘invade’ this continent, there was not a single building, not a farm, no agriculture, no industry, no transportation of any kind, no crops, no roads and not a single toilet? Invasion day? Invaded what exactly? It was no holiday.

    Even sillier, you get academic elites who complain about the domination of White Christian Society by White Christians, the very same people who built their universities and pay their salaries. Clearly it takes years of intense study to realise that they are being oppressed. Of course you could always leave but for some reason it is really good in Australia, so no one wants to leave, especially if receiving unemployment or student benefits from the old white men and women who are working.

    Somehow, the logic of the elites never intersects with reality. As for the elites understanding science, with only 6% of VCE students now studying science, soon there will be no scientists or engineers or even doctors. We will need to import people just to fix things we imported and fly our planes and operate our new windmills, the sole function of which will be to power iPhones and Tablets so elites can twitter. We will get to see how well equipment operates on consensus alone without any scientists, engineers or doctors.


    • #

      Its amazing isn’t it, men have produced at least 95% of advanced technology on this planet but because some fugly bint that got knocked back by her fist teen fixation claims men can’t multitask, every sheeple out there accepts it as conventional wisdom.


  • #

    Beyond absurd. But I bet Stalin and his socialist comrades are having a blast.


  • #

    Phew, I thought this would me us westerners. The definition includes this: “not favored in a patriarchal, capitalist, white supremacist society.”

    While the west is capitalist, it is obviously not patriarchal (Proof: Higher Education favours women substantially and has for decades) As well the west is not White supremacist either (Proof: Asians out earn Whites).

    I wonder who they are talking about?


  • #

    Gee whiz! I just remembered something from the past!
    Many years ago in Canada, the federal government did a study on pencil erasers. Yes really. This happened under Trudeau the first,( not the girl that holds office now) I think it was about $20,000.00 at the time. Something to do with how well they performed or lasted.


    • #
      Rod Stuart

      Back in those days of Trudeau the first (may his evil soul rot in Hell), the Canadian Taxpayers Association published a monthly newsletter called “Tales from the tax trough”. I remember one in particular:
      Some enterprising spirit had applied for a grant to study man-in-the-moon marigolds on the French Riviera. And they gave him $100 grand!

      I worked for GE at the time and CEDA (Canadian Economic Development Agency) issued a grant to Peru to install two 25 MW gas turbine generators on the Alto Plano.
      The first two rolled down a mountainside on the way up there and as there was no insurance CEDA built them two more! When those machines finally were installed, there was no fuel for them so they just sat there idle.
      At the same time CEDA provided a grant to Peru for a tim plating mill to tin plate steel sheet. There was only enough steel sheet for a grand opening day and to this day the mil just sits there.

      The waste and corruption started then and it only slowed for a few of the Harper years.


  • #

    They used to be called rubbers, till that plastic one came along that was a whole lot more effective.


  • #

    How about this

    Is this one more proof of the solar influence in climate change? I doubt it probably more localized but interesting.


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      Rereke Whakkaro

      I want to understand a) where the ice came from, and b) the physics that formed the ice into a mountain so that it could “vanish”.


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    James Murphy

    My employer is a multinational company in the oil and gas industry, The place is awash with so-called positive discrimination.
    – I’m yet to meet any women in middle management or higher who are not classified as ‘high potential’ – a category which is never applied to their male counterparts.
    – Given the downturn in the oil industry, lots (tens of thousands) of people are being fired all over the world, yet an email was distributed to a large number of female employees saying that their jobs were virtually guaranteed to be safe just because they were women.
    – Hundreds of male employees were unknowingly signed up to an internal email distribution list aimed at women, and when a few said men complained, and said they did not want to receive such mails (some not very tactfully perhaps, but not in a way which normal people would call offensive, or inappropriate), they were publicly insulted, and accused of various crimes against ‘equality’, and a handful ended up facing disciplinary action from their respective HR managers.

    I very much fail to see how these actions further the cause of women in an admittedly male dominated industry, but then, I am white, and male, and believe that everyone in a workplace should be judged by the quality and consistency of their work, not by their gender, or anything else, so I obviously have no idea about these things.


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      Rod Stuart

      How long will it be until your employer, ignoring the need for corporate tax cuts to remain competitive, decides to create a commercial like Unilever’s Magnum commercial, or hadn out the black plastic rings?


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      I’m yet to meet any women in middle management or higher who are not classified as ‘high potential’

      Would that be like, umm, Ten!



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        The main concept there is potential.

        It implies that they are not quite there as yet but may get to ten at some point in the future.

        Perhaps the twelfth of ,,,,,,,



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          I had a comment about to be posted with some very complimentary as well as not so complimentary expressions about females in management I have come across at various times.
          And some of those women were very good indeed at their jobs.

          I deleted it because the sheer hatred of the sisterhood when a politically incorrect comment is made somewhere, sometime made it simply not worth even posting a complimentary or otherwise comment on women in management.

          It really has become a very sad world we live in here in Australia and much of the west today when the giver of a compliment to lady is immediately abused as being sexist for some obscure and politically incorrect reason he had never envisaged when he provided the compliment.


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            A couple of years ago I complimented a female coworker on the blouse she was wearing. I said I really liked the color.
            Bad mistake.
            In the subsequent disciplinary interview by HR, I was accused of sexism (daring to express an opinion on a woman’s fashon choice) and racism (my reference to color).
            Not surprisingly, I left that company shortly after. Also, I was not surprised to read recently that they will be handing out rings to be worn by those not wishing to be fired for being non PC re the “marriage” fiasco.


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      The Badger

      HR action reminds me of the incident many years ago (late 1970’s UK) when a female manager called me “anally retentive”. My quick witted reply was that “At least it was better than being vaginally cavernous”. The end result of the ensuing “shit storm” of disciplinary proceedings was an apology from her to me and an undertaking not to do it again. I suspect the same actions today might have a slightly different outcome. Still makes for an interesting dinner party story though, not least because of the varied reactions one sees in these more “enlightened” times!


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    Graham Richards

    All this BS at 7.30am cannot be good for ones mental health & stability!


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    Roy Hogue

    Science used to be about measurements and observations. Seemed to work.

    I think maybe we’re overlooking something — nothing works if you believe you’re a victim of something or someone, not even science because your whole life becomes about your victimhood and nothing else can intrude. It simply isn’t allowed by the rules of victimhood.

    “Seemed to work,” is the key phrase here. Before everyone was taught to be a victim they may not have liked the state their life was in but the world around them still worked according to the same rules that apply to everyone and everything else. Red light, stop. Green light go. Yellow light, step on the gas to go faster so you can beat the red light. F=MA, etc. Or so it appeared.

    But now with being a victim so important it becomes necessary to see your oppressor in everything, even the laws of physics, even in science itself. Otherwise your status as a victim is open to challenge because there’s a field in which you might escape your victim status and succeed. And the victimhood salesmen can’t have that now, can they? Thus they tighten the noose around everyone’s neck, ultimately even their own.


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      Roy Hogue

      I sure do wish I could sell crap like this without my conscience bothering me. It’s an easy sale and those who sell it are getting richer by the day. But I wouldn’t be able to sleep with myself if I tried it.

      And no matter how they dress it up in fancy terminology and theories, it’s still just crap. You may not get to the place you want to be in but I can’t believe you can’t do better than your are as a victim if you apply yourself to achieving some worthwhile goal. Too many potential victims have done it just to prove my point.


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      Rereke Whakkaro

      It wasn’t always, as you describe.

      I had three strong personalities in my life growing up as a kid.

      One was the Head Master at my school. He did something clandestine during the Second World War. He was captured three times, and escaped three times. He was a great believer in resourcefulness – figuring out how to do something with limited knowledge, and practically no resources. He could have been a real-life model for McIver (if I have spelt the name correctly).

      The second was my mother’s brother, who worked for the Ministry of Aviation in the UK, and was responsible for Aviation Security for the entire UK airspace. From him, I learnt that the Black Hats would always look for a weakness in security, that had previously been overlooked. To him, life was a competitive race to exploit or mitigate weaknesses, if you wanted to remain in control of your own life.

      And the third was my Father, who joined the Army, in 1939, as a driver, when it became obvious that war was highly likely. He went through the hell of the evacuation of troops from Dunkirk, and then later served in the Long Range Desert Group, in North Africa, and finally fought in the Northern advance through Italy. From my Dad, I learnt that the most important thing is to, “Focus on what can be done today”.

      There is nothing in this history that indicates victim-hood – not even being dive-bombed on a beach in France.

      Victims choose to be victims. It is a choice. The alternative is to rely on your own resources, and find your own way through the problems you face.


      • #
        Roy Hogue

        You are absolutely right, Rereke. Victims choose to be victims. But when they’re told over and over that they’re someone’s victim instead of being encouraged to overcome whatever challenges they have, the choice gets easier and easier. I can name the chief sellers of this from memory — try Jesse Jackson and his son, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, and a long list of others, including Barack Obama.

        Let’s face it, it’s a lot harder to face a real challenge and deal with it than it is to go along with someone who says you’re a victim of [name your bogyman here]. Now go along with me and I’ll get you recompense. And oh, by the way, send me some of your money so I can finance my efforts on your behalf.

        From your description I doubt that those strong example figures in your life were ever once told they were anyone’s victim. If anything they were encouraged to face and overcome their problems. And that makes the difference.


        • #

          Hi Roy and Rereke,

          The issue you both describe had very definite beginnings in Australia back in the mid 1970’s.

          Politicians then found a new way to appeal to voters; open the treasure chest. Social security benefits became the new norm and for the little ones under twenty who may have fallen out with their parents there was the “living away from home” allowance.

          They got the votes of course but we now have massive national debt on top of the damage done to our potential work force when they are led to believe that they are victims and so are entitled to free money.

          The victim mentality is pervasive in our land and will be hard to turn around.

          Basically good people damaged by politicians buying votes.



          • #
            Roy Hogue

            Basically good people damaged by politicians buying votes.


            You said it better than I did. And when that happens we all become real victims of the leadership we appoint for ourselves.


  • #

    a must-read:

    3 Apr: Quadrant: Alan Moran: A Dead Man Warns of a Dying Grid
    Not long before his sudden and premature death, Australian Energy Market Operator chief Matt Zema spoke candidly at a private conference of power-industry executives. The enormous subsidies heaped on renewables, he said, mean one thing and only one thing: “The system must collapse”
    Proceedings at the meeting were private, but the need for confidentiality was removed with Matt’s sad death three months later. The following were among his remarks…READ ALL

    interview with Audrey Zibelman, AEMO’s new Chief Executive Officer (CEO):

    Sept 2014: EnvironmentalDefenseFund: Her plan could make the low-carbon energy economy a reality
    by Lauren Faber, EDF’s West Coast political director
    ZIBELMAN: The more that we can manage demand so that the use of energy becomes more efficient, the more it will help on price, resiliency, climate change. It will create kind of the democratization of energy that everyone’s talking about.
    So rather than thinking of demand as the last resource that we manage on the grid, the idea of load response – where you wait until the peak days and then you cut off load – the idea is really around how you use demand more efficiently. And to do that you really need to change the regulatory construct…

    FABER: How can we scale up clean energy resources, such as solar, wind, microgrids, storage, demand response?

    ZIBELMAN: With demand response, you’re managing demand locally and maximizing the value of distributed clean energy resources. So if the wind blows best at night or in the evening, let’s consume energy by using distributed resources, storage – things like that – during the day so that we’re matching wind generation when it’s available. That’s how it creates environmental value.
    We believe very strongly that with the right price signals and the right regulatory framework, we can maximize the value of renewables in a much more efficient way…

    FABER: In the end, what excites you most about your work?

    ZIBELMAN: I started out as a lawyer, working for the Attorney General’s office in Minnesota where I was assigned to represent the state in utility matters. I learned in that job that the INTERSECTION of public utility regulation – whether the telecoms scene, water, gas or electric – it all has a profound impact on the quality of life of individuals, families, and on the economic strength of the state…

    FABER: Zibelman’s final words about how women may be changing the utility business struck a chord with me…READ ON

    Related article: These women won’t let the clean energy revolution pass their city by (LINK).


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    Interectionality was new to me. The wiki page pretty clearly demonstrates how the social “sciences” can go off into their own world to create a whole vast new chamber to echo into.

    From my reading however the whole concept is not this:

    i.e. translated: Intersectionality is the study of discrimination which discriminates against older white men.

    that might be how some people use the idea but that is not a valid translation (ie it is a misrepresentation)


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      By definition, a representation of a misrepresentation is itself a misrepresentation.

      Or am I misrepresenting that representation.



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      Greg Cavanagh

      parody: an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.

      It wasn’t meant to be a factual statement, but an absurd statement to parody the absurdity of the original article.


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    I am a bit of African, a bit of Irish, a bit of German and a bit of English. To confuse everyone, I look like a white male.

    What does that make me? 🙂


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    Peter C

    Coral Bleaching -The El Nino did it!

    Coral Bleaching due to warmer water never made any sense to me.

    In the reference above Jim Steels says coral bleaching on the barrier reef was likely due to the 2016 El Nino causing a drop in sea level.

    In normal years warm water is driven across the pacific and piles up around the barrier reef. In El Nino years the easterly winds weaken. The warm water returns to the Americas and high atmospheric pressures over the barrier reef cause a further drop in sea level.

    consequently more of the reef is exposed during the spring tides and clear skies exacerbate the dessication of the corals. No wonder the poor corals were bleached.

    How come the Australian reef scientists did not figure that out?


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    Mark M

    Cosmic irony.

    March for Science Organizers Don’t Want Bill Nye as Leader Because He’s a ‘White Male’

    So maybe cosmic buffoon NeilTyson is available instead?


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    “I thought the laws of physics worked for both sexes?”

    I used to think that as well, but then I got married.


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    David Maddison


    This paper may be of interest.

    “Orbital resonance and solar cycles”



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    No.Sadly, gravity affects women more than men.


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    No.Sadly, gravity affects women more than men.


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    The Badger

    My random thoughts, which may be relevant so the strange earthling phenomena of “RACISM” !

    My skin colour is pink, sometimes it goes a bit darker in the summer.
    A friend of mine was born in Africa, his skin colour is dark brown.
    Why are we different to look at ?
    It is genetics. It has a reason. (God or Nature or Magretheans work like that, sensibly).
    I have not mentioned the colour of his eyes.
    In “The Day of the Triffids” the whole(nearly) world wakes up blind. What kind of racism will they have then ?
    I refuse to be put in a box like classification of “WHITE”. White is the colour of the paper I put in my printer. I don’t have a colour. Different parts of a human are different colours.
    When I am asked to put my “Ethnicicity” on some government or employers form I always put “BLACK AFRICAN” because that is where my ancestors came from, a VERY long time ago, so I was told, in primary school. When I asked said primary school teacher if that meant that Adam was a n*****r I was told not to be so stupid. In the 1950’s we could use the N word, we even had childrens books with it in. Of course you cannot use it now, unless you happen to be my African friend who likes repeating the lyrics of his favourite rap artistes.
    In Religious Education at secondary school we were asked to illustrate a bible story in a picture and draw Jesus. Ah, I thought, He lives were it is very hot, I got out my brown crayon. RE teacher not amused.
    In all the religions of the world I wonder what the skin colour of the various deities are ?
    Or their eye colour ?
    My eyes are hazel.
    I was asked for my eye colour by the passport office. They didn’t have hazel as an option. I was told to choose brown or green. I am offended.
    You do realize that when extra terrestrials make contact they are going to think we are REALLY stupid if we still have all this colour skin, nose length, ginger hair crap going on.
    My cat is black and white.
    As are Badgers.
